Highland Vengeance (8 page)

Read Highland Vengeance Online

Authors: Saydee Bennett

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #historical, #ncp, #new concepts publishing, #saydee bennett

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Please, do not stop this
wonderful torture,” she whispered.

Camden understood what she meant and he
knew she was ready. His large body perfectly covered hers and in
one swift movement, he joined them together forever. Olivia cried
out with pleasure not knowing that what he was doing could feel any
better than it already had. Camden waited to move again because he
was afraid of hurting her.

Olivia, are you alright?
Did I hurt you?”

She was confused and frustrated
thinking he would stop now when she wanted so much more.

Is it over? Camden please
do not stop. I need…,” she did not even finish her sentence before
he knew what she needed.

The warrior found her mouth as he began
moving slowly, making a gentle rhythm against her body. Olivia
clung to him with every ounce of strength she had trying to
understand this new passion and desire. When she started matching
his thrusts with her own, he knew she was yearning for more. It was
almost too much for him and Camden felt helpless as this woman
blurred all his senses. Together their bodies each found the
release they were craving and Camden collapsed against Olivia’s
quivering body.

Neither could move as they tried to
regain their composure. Without saying a word, Camden finally
looked into her bright green eyes and then kissed her mouth fully
again. He rolled to her side pulling her close and then fell asleep
within minutes. Olivia on the other hand, was

The new bride laid there wondering what
had just happened to her. The nuns had never said anything about a
woman finding pleasure in the marriage bed and she feared that
maybe it was a sin. Olivia also worried that this man made her lose
her self-control so quickly. In those minutes of bliss, she was
vulnerable and when someone’s emotions were exposed, it made them
weak. The countess had vowed long ago that she would never be

It was early the next morning when
Camden woke Olivia by kissing her mouth softly. She opened her eyes
and saw him standing over her already fully dressed. He moved back
and smiled at his new wife when he saw the startled expression on
her face.

It is time for us to leave.
My men are waiting outside the city walls for us,” he

You do understand that I
wasn’t prepared to go straight to Scotland with you. I will stay
here and ready my things. I can have my brother’s guard escort me
there,” Olivia said while sitting up and pulling the sheets to
cover her bare skin.

Before last night, Camden would have
thought that sounded like the perfect plan except now he did not
want her to leave his sight. He was already trying to decide what
to do with her while he fought the McKay clan but for now, she
would stay with him until that time, for he had a deep need to care
for her safety.

A maid has already packed
your satchels for you and the two men that were with me yesterday
brought the bags with them to meet my guard last night. Hurry and
get dressed. This journey will be long and we need to move

Olivia tried hard to get out of the bed
and put her shift on without him seeing her. He would not take his
eyes off her, of course. Camden had a difficult time not reacting
when he saw her gorgeous body leave the bed. She hurried and
dressed in a plain gown she brought with her.

Laird Sinclair, how long
did it take you to travel on your way here? You keep saying it will
be such a long journey. Is there a reason?” She asked while she
brushed her hair.

We will ride slowly for you
and once we get to the Highlands I am afraid we will have to leave
your horse behind. You will ride with me after that until we reach
our land and get you a new horse,” he explained.

So many thoughts were flying through
her head at the same moment that Olivia was not sure which of his
statements to address first.

How could you have already
deemed me so weak that you must ride slowly for me? You do not even
know me or my abilities to ride a horse. And also, why the hell
would I have to leave my horse behind? I will not go anywhere on
anyone else’s horse,” she said with her outrage clearly

Women in the Highlands do
not speak back to their husbands and especially not to their
laird,” Camden said seriously.

Lucky for me then, I am not
a woman from the Highlands so you will have to get used to me
talking back. That should be a fair price to pay for the land,
don’t you agree?” She taunted.

I thought I paid you well
enough last night,” he said with a wicked grin remembering all that
they did.

I am not weak,” Olivia
blurted out.

She was worried that he found her to be
feeble because she had no self-control when they were together the
night before.

Wife, I do not think you
are weak. We will ride at whatever pace you set. Is that


And your horse will not
survive in the Highlands. You will need a large stallion to make it
through the mountains and harsh weather. Does that explain my
reasons?” He replied.

It only explains to me that
you think I am a typical English woman and I can see now that you
are in for a surprise,” she said as she left the room and headed
outside to retrieve her horse.

Camden took a deep breath as he
followed her out the door. Olivia was already not anything as he
expected her to be and nothing like what he knew of a normal
English woman. The laird had a feeling that his men were going to
be pleased as well. He would much rather have a feisty temptress
riding with him than a whiny bore.

Olivia waited in the enclosed courtyard
for the stableman to bring her horse. She was grateful she had come
to the king’s castle with her favorite steed. Garrison had given
her several horses over the years as gifts and she had trained each
one the same. This one horse in particular, was a large stallion
that was as fearless as she was. Olivia was anxious to see the look
on Camden’s face when he saw her mount.

The laird found his new bride waiting
for him with a curious expression on her face. He was not sure why
but she seemed a bit arrogant as she stood there and watched him
coming towards her. Olivia was still stunned at the sight of how
large he was compared to the other men around. Lord, he was a
handsome man she thought, and from the way he walked, she could
tell he was a powerful laird. Everyone looked at him as if he was a
ferocious savage but she knew a gentle side to the man.

It was still slightly dark outside and
the morning air was extremely cold. Camden wore his plaid and he
carried another one in his arms. When he came up to Olivia, the
laird began draping the muted colored plaid around her while
carefully making the pleats. She did not move while he finished
what seemed like a small ceremony, of placing the important symbol
on her. Olivia knew how respected the plaid was and she thought the
soft blue and gold colors were beautiful.

She looked into his eyes and then
images of the night they had spent together made her blush. The new
bride felt physically close to him last night but now she felt
bonded as her husband shared his sacred plaid with her. Olivia felt
a warmth move over her body and she was not sure if it was from the
plaid or from the look he gave her but either way she was grateful.
The countess saw her horse being brought out from behind where
Camden stood and then he turned to see what she was looking at. He
wondered whose beautiful black stallion that was as the stableman
brought it closer.

Olivia stepped away from her husband
and then took the reins of her horse. She looked at Camden just
before she gracefully threw herself into the saddle without any
effort. She always used a man’s saddle and found a woman’s
sidesaddle to be a huge hindrance. Olivia looked at Camden’s
stunned face and she broke into a large grin.

He stared with his mouth open at the
woman on the giant horse because he had never seen such a sight.
Camden wasn’t sure what amazed him more, Olivia being that woman on
the horse or the way her face lit up when she smiled. The stable
master brought the laird’s horse out right behind Olivia’s. Camden
was shocked to see that his mount was about the same size as hers
and then he grinned at his new wife.

You have won this round
wife and you were right, I am surprised,” he said mounting his own
horse. “You may keep your horse in the Highlands. In fact, I am
quite jealous of the beast.”

What are you jealous of?
Your stallion is just as wonderful,” she said curiously.

He moved his mount close to her and
said softly. “I am jealous that he gets to have you straddle him
like that all day.”

Olivia was speechless and she blushed
while the Highland laird nudged his horse forward. She followed
quickly behind trying to get the thoughts she was having out of her
mind. Olivia was shocked, of course, by what he said but she was
more interested in the way he said it. She assumed he must have
been pleased with her last night and God knows he certainly pleased

The two rode briskly through the frigid
air across the drawbridge and far from the city walls. They had
been riding at an even pace for almost an hour when she saw a group
of men ahead of her. From the size of all them, Olivia knew these
men had to be Camden’s warriors. She also recognized the two that
had been there when she and their laird were married.

As they came closer to the men, Camden
jumped from his horse and then Olivia followed. Each one of them
had a shocked look on their face and she assumed it was because of
her beautiful stallion. Camden knew the truth though and he glared
at his men for taking too much liberty in looking at his new wife.
He thought she looked even more radiant this morning wearing his
plaid and her beautiful long hair falling across her

This is my wife Olivia, the
Countess of Lansington. Olivia, these are the men in my elite and
trusted guard. They are the finest warriors in the Highlands,”
Camden praised.

Broderick came to her first and he
knelt on one knee, placing his hand over his heart.

I am Broderick, first in
command. I will honor and protect my laird’s wife, in life and in

He stood and moved so Liam could kneel
before Olivia and he too placed his hand over his heart.

I am Liam, second in
command. I will honor and protect my laird’s wife, in life and in

Calum, Keith and Travis all took their
turn swearing their fidelity to their laird’s wife. She was both
honored and bewildered at the respect she was given. Olivia had
just met these men and yet they were pledging their lives for her.
She was not quite sure what to do but she felt they deserved equal

Olivia smiled and then knelt before the
men placing her hand over her heart.

I am grateful for your
loyalty and I shall honor and protect my laird and his elite guard,
in life and in death.”

The men were taken aback by the woman’s
oath and also by her beautiful smile. How could a woman make such a
statement of valor? And how could a woman protect her laird and his
guard? If the look on Camden’s face had not been so serious, his
men would have thought this was a jest but their laird looked just
as puzzled by Olivia and her remarks. Camden took his wife’s hand
and helped her to stand. He was not sure what to say and all he
could do was continue to stare into her eyes.

We have received word from
Stephan, my laird. He has secured your sister’s safety and will
meet us as directed,” Broderick said to distract Camden from his

Camden nodded to Broderick. “We will
ride at the pace my wife wishes.”

He would have to remember to ask her
later why she gave such a bold promise to him and his men. For now,
he was grateful that his sister was out of harm’s way and they
needed to begin their journey. The group mounted their horses and
Olivia rode to the right of her husband, where Broderick had always
been before. The first in command immediately worried about his
laird’s protection with Olivia by his side. They now had the added
responsibility of watching out for a woman.

The group rode hard and fast as Olivia
pushed their horses to their limits. They would stop only when
necessary to water the beasts and rub them down. The men and Olivia
had reached Scotland safely by nightfall and tomorrow they would
meet the lawless men of Camden’s new land. Each one of the warriors
including Camden, were extremely amazed at how Olivia handled her
massive stallion. Not very many men could have controlled a horse
like that. She had ridden with ease and elegance while looking
exceptionally beautiful in doing so.

As the men prepared to sleep for the
night on the cold hard ground, Camden worried about his new wife
would endure through the frigid weather. He had no tent for her and
he immediately felt a tinge of guilt for not preparing for her
comfort. Olivia was after all, a royal countess and surely she was
used to sleeping in luxurious silks.

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