Highland Protector (MacCoinnich Time Travels Book Five) (26 page)

BOOK: Highland Protector (MacCoinnich Time Travels Book Five)
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The grin on Todd’s face fell. “Do you
think he’s okay? His kids?”

“When we go back, I’ll try and return
close to the time we left,” he said under his breath to avoid anyone
overhearing him. “If there’s something I can do, I will.”

Todd patted him on the shoulder. “I
appreciate it.”

A hush went over the room, and
Kincaid followed the collective gazes to the stairway.

From the first moment he set eyes on
the portrait in that very hall, he always knew Amber was lovely. But the woman
standing at the top of the stairs staring down meeting his gaze was stunning.
Dressed in layers of white and gold fabric, she stood in contrast to nearly
everything in the room. Her dark hair was partially piled on her head with much
of it draping down her back and over her shoulder.

Without realizing he moved, Kincaid
found himself at the base of the stairs, while someone took the goblet from his

Everyone is staring at me.

You’re amazing. Your beauty makes
everyone else pale.

Her smile grew wider as his words
sunk in.

When Amber reached the bottom step,
she extended her hand and placed it in his and he kissed her fingertips. “I’m a
lucky man,” he told her. Her dark eyes stared into his.

I’m the one who is lucky you found

He kissed the back of her hand again
and rested it on his cheek. He knew the gesture was one that laid claim to her.
But more than that, he felt the need to be close—to keep her at his side. There
were too many warriors in the room watching her who weren’t her kin.

Her gaze moved to the floor and her
color rose.
My father will expect you to take me to his side so he can
introduce us.

Following her instruction, he walked
alongside her in a direct path to her father.
You know, this talking in our
head thing is coming in handy. I really don’t want to tick off your dad.

She released a silent laugh.

Should I say something when we get to

Nay. My father will talk for both of

Kincaid wasn’t sure if that was
better or not.

With such a mix of family and non
Druids who knew little or nothing of the family’s true power, he was anxious to
see how Ian would spin Kincaid’s presence at Amber’s side.

Ian signaled for someone to take his
cup as the two of them approached. The man’s stoic expression matched every
portrait Kincaid had ever seen. He was nearly impossible to read. His family
appeared relaxed at his side, giving Kincaid some assurance the man wasn’t
angry. Truthfully, it was difficult to tell.

The massive hall grew silent, one
voice at a time. Even the youngest children didn’t shuffle their feet. Amber
squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and met his father-in-law’s stare.

“I am but a humble servant of God who
has been blessed with strong, healthy sons and beautiful daughters. In all the
trials of parenthood, none is more difficult than giving the hand of my
youngest daughter.”

Some of the voices in the crowd

“Especially when her hand will follow
her husband far away from the hearth of this home.”

Ian reached a hand to his wife and
beckoned her to his side. She moved beside him and placed her palm in his. “Yet
I remember the day I asked for my lovely woman’s hand and knew I too would take
her from all she knew.”

Ian released Lora and stepped toward
Amber and Kincaid. Ian gathered their joined hands in his, and Kincaid swore he
felt an electrical snap.

“You have brought back the smile to
my daughter’s face. I trust, Gavin Kincaid you will continue to make her happy
and keep her safe. That you will sacrifice your life for hers, if need be.”

Kincaid met Ian’s stare. “My promise
to you.”

Ian nodded and turned to his
daughter. “As his wife, you will honor him all your days.”

Amber turned to Kincaid. “My promise
to you.”

Their words sealed something inside
him and made him stand taller.

Ian reached toward Lora. She handed
him a cord and stood back. With slow care, Ian wrapped the cord around both
Kincaid and Amber’s hands, binding them together. “As laird of this land, I
join you both in handfasting, giving blessing to this union until a man of the
church can be summoned to give your vows before God.”

A cheer went up and Ian stood back.

Kincaid couldn’t say he’d ever
watched a handfasting ceremony, but he’d been to enough weddings to know what
was expected next. And even if it wasn’t, he didn’t want this moment to end.

With their hands joined, he stepped
into Amber’s space, pulled her closer with his free arm, and lowered his lips
to hers. She softened and leaned into his kiss and, for one brief instant, it
was only the two of them in the room.





Chapter Twenty-Seven


Every time Amber looked at her
husband, she found him watching her. His adoring gaze made her feel as if she
were the only one in the room…or at least the only female in the room.

She sat between Gavin and her oldest
brother, Duncan, while they dined. Tables lined the great hall and timber
filled the hearths, which would keep the hall warm for hours. So many familiar
faces offered their congratulations, shook Gavin’s hand, and called him a lucky

Once again, Amber felt his eyes and
turned toward him.

Why are you staring at me?

We’re married.

Was this something he just now
Aye, we are.

You didn’t flinch.

Amber sipped wine from her glass and
tried to understand the meaning behind his words.

When I kissed you…you didn’t flinch.

The wine caught in her throat with a
cough. Gavin placed a hand on her back and rubbed. He leaned forward and
whispered in her ear. “I didn’t mean for you to hear that thought.”

After catching her breath, she
laughed and leaned into her husband’s arm. The joy of the moment, her family
surrounding her and truly happy for her union, filled the moment, especially
when she turned her head and kissed the man holding her without an invitation
to do so.

She didn’t have to ask if he welcomed
her bold move, his hand moved to embrace her head and his lips parted to accept
the tiny swipe of her tongue.

Someone in the crush of guests called
notice to them and Amber reminded herself that her family watched.

Gavin broke the kiss and tucked her
head in his arm.

She should have been embarrassed, and
perhaps a part of her was, but she couldn’t keep that emotion inside her for
long. The joy of the hearts around them seeped through Gavin’s gift in small
degrees. Amber closed her eyes and tried to sense her parents—her father. He
was there, slightly detached, but accepting and at peace.

Amber sought out her father and found
him smiling. Beside him, her mother watched her with a silent tear streaming
down her cheek.

Amber caught both their eyes and
mouthed the words
thank you.

Lora leaned into her husband with a

Ian offered a nod.

Pushing her plate aside, Amber waited
for the inevitable. Her sisters didn’t make her wait long before they pulled
her from her chair and away from Gavin.

What’s going on?
Gavin asked as the girls swept her
away from the hall and up the stairs.

It felt good to be in her element, her
life, without the crushing intensity of everyone around her. Instead of
answering her husband’s question, she offered.
You’re a smart man, Gavin
Kincaid. You’ll figure it out.

Amber peeked over her shoulder to see
Gavin’s brow narrow before Duncan and Fin moved in and clasped him on the back.

“C’mon, Amber. Move it,” Lizzy
slapped her bottom through her dress to move up the stairs faster.

The tradition of escorting the bride
to her chambers before her husband followed wasn’t something many of the
MacCoinnich marriages had the privilege to experience.

Instead of tucking Amber in the chamber
she called her own for the past half dozen years, they took her to the room she
and Myra often shared as children. The larger room already had a fire burning
and the shades were drawn. Candles lit the walls and the coverings of the bed
had been turned down…inviting.

Tara, Lizzy, and Myra pushed Amber
into the room.

Amber turned full circle and laughed.

Tara and Lizzy stared at her, and started
to bust out laughing while Myra held her belly and laughed along with them.

“This has to be the most absurd
tradition of this time,” Tara said.

Escorting the bride to her room to
dress and get her ready for her husband so they could consummate their vows
would have terrified Amber to death if she hadn’t already shared some
intimacies with Gavin.

“The first time is scary enough
without everyone downstairs thinking you’re upstairs going at it.” Lizzy must
have realized what she said and promptly closed her mouth. “Not that you should
be worried.”

Amber waved a hand in the air. “Don’t
fret. I’m not at all frightened.” She wasn’t, which surprised her.

Myra moved behind Amber to help her
unlace her gown. “I know it sounds strange, but I’m happy you’re here so we can
share this with you.”

“I am, too,” Tara agreed.

A knock sounded on the door before
Lora tucked inside to join them.

Tara helped Myra pull the layers of
fabric over her head leaving her in her underclothes.

“Is he already on his way?” Amber

Her mother smiled. “You have some
time. The men are pouring more spirits for him while they boast about their own
wedding nights.”

“I’m sure that’s not all they’re
boasting,” Lizzy said.

One layer at a time, her sisters
helped her peel away her clothes before dressing her in a long silk nightdress.
The silk was a luxury brought back from one of the many trips in time. It’s
dusty rose color complimented her coloring and hugged her figure.

Lora bid her to sit so she could
remove the flowers from her hair and brush it out. The pampering wasn’t
something Amber had an opportunity to enjoy when she was last in the Keep.

Tara and Lizzy carefully folded the
dress to pack away.

Lora caught Amber’s gaze through the
mirror. “When you were a child, I would sit for hours brushing your hair. Both
of you.” She smiled at Myra and continued with long strokes as she talked.
“Myra was less tolerant of my hands, but you…you’d sit with me chattering about
everything from the barn cats to the meat pies you were so fond of eating.”

“I still love meat pies.”

Lora smiled but there was a hint of
sorrow behind her eyes. Or maybe Amber’s gift was once again leaking in.

“I knew there would be a day I
wouldn’t be able to do such a simple task. I didn’t realize the reason why.
Such is the way of my gift. I don’t always know the why…or the when.” Lora
stopped brushing and caught her eyes again.

Amber reached a hand to hold onto her
mother’s. The touch brought a wave of longing. Her mother had knowledge of
something and was keeping it to herself.

“What is it?”

Lora kissed the top of her head and
stepped back. “You’ll be leaving tonight.”

Tara sighed.

“I thought we’d stay a little
longer,” Amber said.

“I don’t know why you’re leaving,
only that by morning you’ll be gone.”

Amber sighed and resolved herself to
what her mother said. Her premonitions were never wrong.

Lizzy walked over and pulled Amber to
her feet. “I’m getting really tired of all these goodbyes,” she teased. “But
seeing how we just did this a few days ago and you’re already back, I’m not going
to stress out about it.” Lizzy pulled her into a hug. “Tell my son we love him
and to take care of his wife and child.”

Amber refused to feel sad with her
impending departure. This day was for happiness, for her future, her marriage.
For family. “I’ll tell him.”

Tara pushed forward. “My turn.” She
hugged her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Bonded sex doesn’t hurt the
first time. Just thought you’d like to know that.”

Amber laughed and said a phrase she’d
heard Lizzy repeat more than once. “Thanks for sharing.”

Tara pulled back laughing. “I love

Where the other women were smiling,
Myra was tearful. Her hug was longer. “I’m so happy he found you and brought my
sister back—even if only for a short while. We can move on in life knowing
you’re happy.”

Lora hugged her last but didn’t cry.
From the pocket of her skirts, she removed the necklace Gavin had taken off her
neck when she arrived. Amber pulled her hair back and allowed her mother to
join the clasp. “You know where we are should you ever need us.”

Amber couldn’t help feeling she’d see
them all again. Such a contrast from the last time they’d parted ways. “Does
father know I’m leaving?”

“Aye. And he wants you to know he
trusts the man you’ve married. You’ve grown stronger with him by your side, and
I can’t help but feel that will only improve. Trust your instincts and remember
the bonds of this family.”

“I will. I wish Cian would accept my

“We all do. Perhaps one day.”

Amber couldn’t dwell on her brother’s
grief. Not with her husband waiting to join her.

“Gavin’s waiting.”

After one more group hug each of them
left her room so she could await her husband’s arrival.

Only a few minutes passed when the
sound of boots and shouting men, well into their cups, escorted her husband to
her door.

The tradition really was barbaric.

“Don’t keep her waiting!”

“Go on, man.”

“Back off!” she heard Gavin shout
with laughter in his voice. “Not one set of eyes moves through that door.”

Amber hid a smile behind her hand as
the door slowly slid open and Gavin looked around it. Seeing her standing well
away from the door and any wandering eyes, he pushed at someone and then moved
into the room. He locked the door behind him, not that he needed to worry. No
one would have entered.

“That was crazy,” he said before he
turned to give her his full attention.

“Aye. It was.”

The grin he had on his face dipped
when his eyes swept over her.

She refused to fidget under his


Okay…now she found her feet moving.

“You’ve seen me in far less,” she
reminded him.

He approached her slowly. “Yeah,
but…not like this. Not here.”

She took a moment to soak him in. The
plaid of her family draped over his shoulder and around his waist. It suited
him as much as it did her father and brothers. His broad shoulders and firm
build would match any man in this time. He was the most handsome man she’d ever
met, making her a very lucky woman.

“It’s me who’s lucky,” he said when
he stopped in front of her.

She tilted her head back and placed
the palm on his shirt. “Peeking into my thoughts again, husband?”

“I am.”

Her eyes skirted past him toward the
bed. The bed they would share.

“W-we don’t have to.” His words were
weak, but his heart wanted her comfortable. For that, she would gladly give
herself to this man.

“I don’t believe I’ve flinched once
since you entered the room.”

Relief washed through their joined

He reached for a lock of her hair and
brushed it off her shoulder. “No. I don’t believe you’ve flinched for days.” His
palm moved to her neck and cradled the back of her head.

There was no hesitation when he tilted
her head back to accept his kiss. She sighed and pressed into him, his warmth.
His lips were soft on hers, tasting and, if she read him correctly, savoring

He spread one hand around her waist
and pulled the small of her back toward him, bringing her entire body flush
with his. Her soft curves met his hard ones with only her thin gown and his
kilt separating them. The feel of his tongue sweeping in her mouth distracted her
and made her moan.

Gavin angled his head and kissed her

A roar of laughter interrupted their
embrace from outside the door.

Gavin growled and Amber giggled.

He broke their kiss and rested his
forehead to hers. “Wait right here.”

He stormed toward the door, threw it
open, and shook his finger at the men on the other side. “Go! Away! Now!”

Amber didn’t dare look to see who
stood there, but she did hear Fin’s voice. “Time for us to leave, men.”

Gavin closed the door again. This
time when he stood back, she noticed the blue aura of his gift spread to circle
the walls of the room.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m making sure no one out there
hears a thing happening in here.”

“That’s not playing fair,” she said
with a click of her tongue.

He was back at her side in three
steps. “I don’t care. I want to make love to my wife, to hear you moan when I
bring you pleasure.”

His words made her insides quiver, as
did his hands as they circled her hips and pulled her back into his arms.

“And I
bring you
pleasure, Amber.” He kissed her briefly. “So much pleasure.”

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