Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8) (22 page)

BOOK: Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8)
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He quirked a brow at her, but said naught, a slow grin creeping across his features. She replaced her fingers with her lips, starting with his forehead and moving down to trace each cheek and then his lips. When she was finished, she said, “For a verra long time. Even when I saw you in Lothian, I wondered how your lips would taste.”

Her hands traveled down across his chin and his neck before coming to rest on his chest. She teased the coarse hairs, then moved her fingertips to his nipples, flicking her nails over the edge of each peak. “When you came into Cameron’s keep, all I wanted to do was run my hands down your chest and feel every bulge, every ridge of the muscles in your arms.” She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “But I could not.”

She lifted her hands up to the sky and smiled. “But now I am free, am I not? Free to love you and touch you as I wish. Free to be loved as I wish. Finally, we shall be together.” She arched her back and stood on the tips of her toes, enough for her breasts to come out of the water as she tossed her head back and swung her hair loose around her. She’d never felt this wondrous before or this bold. Drew and Erena had helped her to come into her own, and she was grateful.

Drew growled and lifted her into his arms. After ravaging her with kisses, he leaned her back in the water so that she floated, allowing him access to her taut nipples and the full mounds of her breasts. Lina moaned at the sensation of his hands moving over her body as the warm water lapped between her thighs, filling her sex with such heat she thought she would explode in his hands.

His tongue replaced his hands and he used it to trace the outside of the twin globes. “Lina, Lina, you are more beautiful than I could have imagined.” His tongue fell into the valley between her breasts before licking a trail up to her nipple. Taking the luscious tip into his mouth, he suckled her until she cried out.

“Drew, please.” She gripped his shoulders as he played with her, but then trailed her hand down the outside of his arm to his waist, moving inward until she took him in her hand. Groaning, he lifted her out of the water and carried her to a soft mossy mound nearby. Once he settled down beside her, he leaned onto his elbows and gazed into her eyes, trailing his fingers down her belly and into her folds, smiling when she spread her legs for him and he thrust a finger into her easily.

“Do not wait, Drew. I hear ‘tis worse if you go slowly.”


Hellfire, but she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Lying in the middle of the moss, the leaves, and the soft earth, she looked as if she were fae. He would bring her pleasure first if he had to die doing it.

His mouth descended on hers again as he gripped her hips and slid into the edge of her, waiting just a moment before thrusting forward and burying himself deep inside her. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. It felt so good to be inside her that he was desperate to pull back and do the same again and again, but he forced himself to wait until she adjusted to him.

She made barely a sound, so he said, “Lina? Talk to me. Are you all right? I will not move until you tell me.”

She took a few short breaths, her forehead pressed against his, her eyes closed, but then said, “I’m fine. Try again.”

He could tell she was holding her breath, so he slid out and back in again as slowly as he could. His response was a deep moan from her—her head tipped back, her lips parted. She grasped his biceps and arched her breasts toward him, seeking his touch. When he met her eyes, the passion he saw in her gaze almost undid him in an instant. Her desire for him so unbridled, so innocent and open, he couldn’t even think.

Grasping her hips in his hands, he thrust into her again and again until she matched his pace, moving with him in a steady rhythm that threatened to throw him over the edge. She pulsed against him with a small moan, her hands gripping his shoulders, so he reached between them and found her nub, caressing it lightly until he could feel her contract around him. Finally, she shattered, going over the edge as she shouted his name. Without realizing it, she brought him with her. His own orgasm erupted in waves of pleasure as he buried his seed deep inside her.

Attempting to control his breathing, he gazed into her eyes and saw the wonder there, the surprise of what they had shared. If only he could find the words to express how he felt. He’d been with so many, and yet naught could compare with this woman or this eve they had spent together. Loving Lina had surpassed all his expectations.

Aedan had been right all along. Finding the right woman was everything he had said it would be.

“Drew,” she panted. “Oh my, that was, that…”

“Shhh, love. There’s no rush.” He rolled onto his back and took her with him, encasing her in the crook of his arm. Once they could breathe again, he lifted her gaze to his. “You enjoyed it?”

She grinned, “Aye, ‘twas wonderful.” She ran her hand across his abdomen, pulling herself so she was almost on top of him, her breasts resting against him, her head resting against his chest on her splayed hand. “I had no idea lovemaking could be so wonderful.”

He gave her a wicked grin.

“Drew, we should have done this long ago.”


When they finally reached the Ramsay land, Lina wished to run up the hill just to tell everyone how happy she was with her marriage.

“Drew, you will not be expected to learn everyone’s name the first day.” She grinned at him as he helped her dismount near the stable.

He gave her a confused look. “There are that many?”

“Aye, the Grants will likely still be there.”

“And how are you kin with them?”

“My brother, Quade, married Alex’s oldest sister, Brenna. Of course, you know Jennie. There are many bairns here, you’ll see. You’ve met some of them at Cameron’s.”

Moments later, a string of bairns rushed toward them through the courtyard. Leading the way were Gavin and Gregor, though she suspected everyone had held back to allow them to greet her first.

“Dabin, look! Aunt Wina is hewe.”

Gregor threw himself into her arms, Gavin right behind him.

She picked each one up separately and gave them each a big kiss. “You two do not look sick at all. You are better?”

“Aye, we are not sick,” Gavin answered. “Why would we be sick?”

“Short memories,” she whispered to Drew.

“Abby,” Gregor yelled, “come say hi to Aunt Wina.”

The puppy came bounding out to greet Avelina. She picked Abby up and kissed her nose. “Have you been a good girl for Gavin and Gregor?”

By the time she set the dog down, Jennie, Aedan, Micheil, Diana, Logan, and Gwyneth had all circled around to greet the new couple. Behind them stood Brenna and Quade.

Lina stood back, tears welling in her eyes. “Brenna, I’m so sorry.” All she could think of was the pain Quade and Brenna had faced. She gave each of them a hug.

Brenna said, “My thanks, but we’ll see our bairn again someday.” She squeezed Quade’s hand and looked into his eyes. “It had naught to do with you.”

“Now I understand the truth of that statement, but I did not before. I was hoping you did not believe that I had aught to do with it.” Lina stared at the ground.

Brenna lifted Lina’s chin. “We are certain of it, and you also saved our son. I told your brother about what you did for Gregor.”

Quade leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad I was not there. I do not believe I would have handled it well. My thanks to you for listening to your dreams.”

Drew’s hands squeezed her shoulders from behind.

Brenna brushed Lina’s loose hairs back from her face. “I’m just pleased to see you married and happy. You are happy, are you not?”

“Aye, I am. I did not think I could ever be this happy.” She gave Drew a hug and introduced him to her family. Then they all made their way up to the hall to greet the rest of the group.

At the base of the steps to the keep, Avelina stopped to glance up. Her mother stood at the top, tears running down her cheeks. “Oh, Lina. You look so beautiful. Married life suits you.” She gave her daughter a warm hug. “You have always been my chosen lass. I am proud of you. You’ll have to tell me all about it when you get settled.” Arlene Ramsay turned to Drew and took his hands in hers. “Finally, my clan is complete. Welcome to the Ramsays, Drew Menzie. Many thanks for taking care of my daughter.”

Erena was right, Lina realized with a full heart. She had nowhere to go but up.


Chapter Twenty-Five


A few days later, Alex clasped Quade’s shoulder as they headed out of Quade’s solar. Both came to a sudden stop in the middle of the Ramsay great hall.

“Where is everyone?” Alex asked, his gaze searching the empty space.

Quade’s mother came down the stairs with several plaids slung over her arm. “They are hoping to tire the weans out by spending the afternoon at the loch. Brenna is excited to show off the improvements Quade has made to try to compete with the famous Grant loch. I’ve heard much about it, though I have yet to see it. Come, walk with me. I am bringing out more plaids for the bairns for when they get out of the water. ‘Tis a lovely day.”

Alex followed Quade and his mother out the door and down the hill toward the loch. “Did it take much work to adjust your loch for the bairns to use?”

Quade took the plaids from his mother before he rolled his eyes. “Nay, not to make it as you have arranged your loch, but it took a bit more to please my wife. Aye, creating a gentle slope for the weans on one end and removing the grass was not difficult, and we were pleased to find a soft sand mixed in with the stones. But Brenna came up with a few more things she wanted. And my brothers had their own ideas.” Quade clasped his shoulder. “You’ll see what I mean. Your sister is like you in many ways. And I’m sure after you leave, she’ll have even more ideas for me.”

Alex smiled. He and the Ramsay laird had always been a wee bit competitive. He couldn’t wait to see how the Ramsay loch compared to the Grant loch. It had not been difficult at all to create a comfortable area at the opposite end of the loch from where Robbie and Caralyn lived, and the swimming spot had in fact become a clan favorite. Many a clan member spent the warmest days of summer out by the loch.

Quade continued as they drew near. “As you can see, my men had to build stone benches for seats, and we also put a dock out in the middle of the loch as you did. I admit the dock island is a favorite with the older bairns. But Brenna did not stop there.”

Alex noticed the edge where all the weans were splashing. “Why do you have rope across the loch?”

“Och, you’re catching on to your sister’s thinking, are you not? The rope is the limit for the wee bairns. They cannot go beyond it until they learn to swim. ‘Tis Brenna’s idea. And Molly is gifted at teaching the youngest ones how to swim.”

Alex nodded. “I suspect Maddie will be having me create the same as soon as we are home.”

A giant old oak leaned gracefully over the water in the middle of the loch. Alex stopped in his tracks and turned his head to the side. “What the devil is that?”

Quade chuckled. “I see you’ve discovered Logan’s contribution to the loch. After watching him try to toss my son and daughter from the lower branches of the big oak tree, I agreed to allow him this instead. But ‘tis all Logan’s creation. As you can see, the older ones enjoy it.”

As Alex watched, Loki grabbed the knotted rope that hung from the highest branch of the oak, pulled it back as far as it would go, then ran down the grassy slope leading to the loch, jumping up and lifting his feet to the knot at the last minute. As soon as he sailed over the water, Loki threw himself into the air and did a flip before landing in the water with a huge splash.

Alex applauded Loki’s achievement and watched as all the lassies giggled and collected around the lad as he climbed out of the water, his chest puffed out with pride.

“Do a double flip, Loki,” Torrian yelled.

Lily shouted, “Nay, do a backward flip.”

But before he could do any of those things, Logan came charging toward the tree, grabbed the rope, and ran back as far as he could, stopping at the top of the slope with a huge grin on his face. “Are you all ready? I’ll give you a challenge. This will be the biggest splash ever. Then we shall see if all you wee bairns—“ he pointed at Loki, Torrian, Lily, Ashlyn, Molly, Jake, and Jamie, who were all standing around watching, “—can beat me.”

Logan flew down the slope and launched himself into the air, letting go of the rope at the last minute to fly out over the water. Landing at an odd angle, Logan created a huge splash that spouted like a fountain, saturating those who were standing nearest to the edge of the loch. The spectators shrieked at getting wet, but all laughed and applauded when Logan climbed out.

While Alex stood to the side, Brodie came running past him from the end of the loch with a grin on his face. “I take up the challenge,” he said, grabbing the rope. “We’ll see who can make the biggest arsewhacker of all.”

Brodie did his best to beat Logan, but he did not quite make it. Micheil followed with a hoot.

Maddie ran up to Alex, who was still watching the display, and flung her arms around his waist. “Alex, is it not wonderful out here? Have you seen the swing? And look at how Quade chopped a tree down and cut off pieces to be used as seats around the loch. And we have to add a rope to our shallow section for the bairns, just as Brenna did.”

Quade chuckled just as Alex gave him a pointed look over Maddie’s head. “Ramsay, the next thing she’ll have me doing is planting an oak tree next to our loch.”

“But that would take too long, Alex,” Maddie pleaded. “I’m sure the men would be happy to transplant one from another spot. Just choose your strongest men.” She gave him a sweet smile as Quade guffawed.

Alex kissed the top of Maddie’s head just as their daughter, Eliza, tottered over, all wet, and lifted her arms. “Papa, up?”

Alex picked her up, kissed her cheek with a resounding smack, and then hoisted her up onto his shoulders.

“By the way,” Maddie said, “you know the wee lads have been waiting for you to play the tree game, Alex. I promised them ‘twould happen.” She gave her husband a hug, and Alex rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

“Did you, now? Hmmm…that could cost you later, sweeting.”

Quade said, “Alex, play a tree? I’d like to see that.”

Alex passed Eliza off to her blushing mother, then made his way over to the shallow end of the loch where the bairns all splashed in the water. As soon as they spied him, the wee ones all ran over yelling, “Tree, Uncle Alex. Please, be the tree.” Celestina held her youngest, Catriona, while Caralyn held her wee lad, Padraig.

Maddie smiled up at her husband. “See how they love you, Alex?”

Alex strode into the water up to his knees, holding both arms out to the side, and shouted in his deepest voice, “Watch out, a storm is a brewing.” The bairns giggled and ran toward him, each of them reaching up to grasp his enormous arms.

Gregor was last, chasing the older ones into the water. “Dabin, wait for me!”

Once they were all hanging from his arms, he started to swing them back and forth, “Here comes the wind.”

The bairns started to swing and squeal, some of them landing in the water with a splash, others hanging on for dear life.

Maddie yelled, “Be careful, Alex. Do not hurt them. There are so many hanging on your arms.”

Once all of the bairns had landed in the water, he climbed back out and headed over to greet his sister, Brenna, who was standing off to the side on the hill overlooking the water.

“All is well, Brenna? Is this not too hard for you, watching all the bairns?”

Brenna’s eyes teared up. “Nay, ‘tis wonderful. You know not how happy you have made me by bringing the family to support me. Alex, look at our clan and all it’s become.”

As Alex stopped to stare out over the loch, Jennie and Aedan came to join them. “I know,” he said. “‘Tis hard to believe they are all part of our clan. I wish Mama and Papa could see us now, how we’ve grown.” He wrapped his arm over Jennie’s shoulder and kissed her cheek.

“I know, but I believe they are watching.” Brenna swiped away a tear as Brodie and Celestina joined them, and Maddie came over to hug her husband. “How could I be sad about losing one child, when we have so many strong bairns?”

“You’ll have another someday,” Maddie whispered. “Alex and I lost one before we had Eliza.”

Silence settled over the siblings, but the solemn moment was broken when Logan came running at them from the tree, followed by Robbie. Before he reached them, Logan first chased over to Gwyneth, who was sunning herself on her plaid, and proceeded to drip water all over her.

“Logan, you’ll pay!” She jumped up and chased him back to the tree.

All the older bairns chased after the two to see what they would do next.

Logan flung himself into the water from the swing, yelling, “Come catch me, Gwynie.” He landed with a big splash almost as loud as his first. Gwyneth used the swing next—after flipping in the air, she kicked her legs straight up and landed in the water head first, with her arms leading overhead, not far away from Logan. Dressed in her leggings and a sleeveless tunic, she hardly made a ripple in the water.

“How did she do that?” Robbie whispered, Caralyn right behind him with their babe on her hip.

“Are those two always so playful?” Celestina asked.

Micheil and Diana came over, holding their two lads, David and Daniel, both a bit overwhelmed by everyone. “Aye, Logan loves to tease Gwyneth,” Micheil replied.

“But Gwyneth enjoys every moment of his teasing,” Diana added.

Celestina said, “I love to see the strong friendships among the cousins. Look at Bethia and Kyla, and Gracie and Sorcha. Roddy and Braden are inseparable until they come here, and then they love spending as much time as they are able with Gavin and Gregor. Those four lads are all within a year of each other, are they not? And look at Molly and Ashlyn, they’re so dear together!”

Moments later, Logan and Gwyneth climbed out of the water laughing, arms wrapped around each other.

Brenna glanced around as Quade wrapped his arm over her shoulders. “Who are we missing?”

Lina and Drew emerged from the forest, heading straight for them.

“Well, well, ‘tis nice to see you two for a change,” Aedan drawled. “You cannot seem to get enough time alone, can you?”

Lina’s cheeks blushed a pretty shade of pink, but Quade drew everyone’s attention away from this sight of her embarrassment. “And what did you mean by that, Cameron? ‘Tis my sister you speak of. Logan, does this meet your approval?” Smirking, he turned to Logan, whose smile had shifted into a fierce expression.

Aedan jumped back, both hands held flat in front of him, as the rest of the group laughed.

“My apologies. ‘Twas not meant to be vicious. I meant to tease my friend, not his wife.”

As laird of the Grants, Alex had learned when to keep the peace. He stepped in to change the subject. “Good timing, Lina. I need to ask you a question.”

“Aye, I’ll answer if I’m able.”

“Did you not say that the fae consider you a seer?”

“Aye, I have been given the gift of sight.”

Gwyneth asked, “What does that mean exactly, Lina? Will you have visions every night? I hope not. If so, you’ll never be able to sleep.”

“True, but we could have used that gift many times over these last few years,” Quade added.

Logan agreed, “Aye, when we were searching for Lily, and Brenna, and…”

Brodie cut in, “And Celestina, and Caralyn, and…”

Alex waved his hands. “Aye, it could have been beneficial before. But I’m grateful that there is someone special in the family who has been given this gift. ‘Tis invaluable, do you not all agree?”

Drew hugged her from behind. “And the gift could not have been entrusted to anyone better.”

“Most true,” Quade said. “I have complete faith in my sister.”

Lina added, “And I have not had dreams every night. They are rare.”

Alex crossed his arms in thought. “Can you tell me what you see for all our bairns in the coming years?” Staring out over the loch, he continued, “Not specific to each one, but in general terms. What will they see in the years ahead?”

His clan joined him in glancing over at the gaggle of bairns playing near the water. Lady Arlene was watching the youngest while they talked, and the older ones were still playing near the rope swing.

Lina answered. “The Queen of the Fae said all will be peaceful for almost twenty years, but then there will be unrest again in the Highlands.”

Alex thought for a moment, then said, “Then may we all raise strong descendants. We shall need them.”

Lina said, “Do not worry, I see verra strong
in our future, though they will be tested many times.”

Brenna whispered, “God bless us all, look at all the descendants, our
, in the loch. We have so many. I cannot wait to see them grow up, every one of them. I love them all.”


Loki came out of the water beaming, squeezing water out of his long bronzed locks as the lasses applauded him. “What did you think of that one, Torrian?”

Torrian ignored him as he gazed over at his clan standing together on the opposite bank, a serious expression on his face.

“What are you looking at?”

“Our elders.” Torrian tipped his head in their direction, all clustered in a group. “What do you suppose they’re talking about?”

Loki stood shoulder to shoulder next to Torrian. “I have no guess. But I hope someday to be like your Uncle Logan.”

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