Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8) (13 page)

BOOK: Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8)
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Lina stared at her brother’s wife, confused by her request. “What?”

“I said
take him

Lina stared at her, confused by her fierce expression and harsh tone. “I do not understand, Brenna. You’re frightening me.”

“Take him, Lina. He is near death. He will be dead in less than an hour. I can tell by the sound of his breathing. Please take him.” Her voice rose an octave as she spoke, becoming almost shrill. “Take him. He needs your embrace.”

“Brenna, nay.” Tears tracked down Lina’s cheeks. “He’s your son. You must hold him if he’s dying.”

“Nay, you, Lina. Do you not understand? ‘Tis why you had that dream. He was calling for you. Please, I beg you.”

Lina did her best to absorb what Brenna was trying to explain to her, but there was too much in her mind.

“Gregor knows, don’t you see? He called for you because he knew you were the only one who could save him. Bairns know things we do not.” Brenna took two more steps forward and thrust Gregor into her arms. “Take him or he will die.”

“I do not understand.” Lina caught Gregor and cuddled him against her heart.

“You. ‘Tis you,” Brenna whispered.

“What?” Logan barked, finally finding words. “Brenna, what are you saying?”

Brenna pointed to Avelina, not looking away from her. “
is a chosen one.” Then she spun back to face Lina. “You are a chosen one. My mother told Jennie and me about this fae queen, who could choose a human when necessary to help her save the Scots. She told us any chosen by the fae would have special energy. ‘Tis you, and only you can cure my son. Please, Lina. Focus your energy on him. I beg you.”

Lina’s arms trembled as she held Gregor close and leaned her cheek against his forehead, pouring her attention and love into the nephew she adored. Oh, how she loved this lad, and she hated to see his lips so waxy and dry. Warmth stole over her body, and she closed her eyes and said a prayer over wee Gregor. She heard a light fluttering, and when she opened her eyes, her little nephew’s color had gone from gray to a light pinkish hue.

Logan gasped and whispered, “Saints above, ‘tis true.” He wrapped his arm around his wife, tugging her close.

Lina lifted her gaze first to Brenna, pleased to see a look of hope on her face. Then she shifted her attention to Drew, whose face lit up with wonder. They locked gazes and he gave her an almost imperceptible nod, clearly pleased with her newfound talent.

The others had all moved back from her, Lina noticed, probably due to the bright, buttery gold light surrounding her. She heard a fluttering next to her ear, and a golden butterfly flew down onto Gregor’s chest.

Erena. Lina smiled as the butterfly flapped its wings a few times before it flew away, but not before landing on her shoulder for just a moment, as if to pat her.

Gregor opened his eyes and placed his hand on Lina’s arm. “Aunt Wina, is my mama hewe? I dweamed she was.” Lina nodded, unable to speak because of the joy in her heart and the tears lodged in her throat.

Brenna came to her and picked up her son, tears flooding her cheeks.

“You awe hewe, Mama, I wuve you. I’m hungwy.”

Brenna leaned over and kissed Lina’s cheek, whispering, “My thanks.” Then she answered her son. “Come, I’ll find you a piece of bread.”


Chapter Fourteen


Drew glanced up at the sun trying to peek out through the clouds overhead, still unsure of everything that had transpired in front of him the night before. He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. They all believed Lina to be a chosen one, something Brenna’s mother had heard about. The tale was that every fifty years or so, the fae would come against an evil so strong, they would choose a human to help them. This chosen one would be blessed with special gifts and would be asked to fight evil in the name of the Scots. It was difficult to accept—he had always believed the fae to exist only in stories and in Lachlan’s ramblings—but what other explanation could there be for Gregor’s miraculous healing and that golden aura that had formed around Lina?

He stood by the horses, having finished packing all the belongings up. The bairns were all deemed strong enough to travel. He’d grabbed Lina’s things because he knew she was exhausted, she hadn’t slept much since they’d left Cameron land. Now he waited for Lina to say her farewells, then they would return to Aedan’s castle.

She made her way over to her family, all on horseback and headed home. “Do not get down. You have the wee ones situated.” She headed toward Logan first, Gavin on his lap. “Thank you for trusting me.” Drew stood behind her, ready to say his own farewells.

Logan squeezed her hand. “I know not if Quade will believe me, but we have enough witnesses to convince him. Mayhap pen a note to our mother? You know how she shall worry. And Menzie? I’m counting on you to protect her, which will be a harder job than we thought.”

“I will, I promise.” She moved to Brenna, Gregor and Abby on her lap. Tears misted in her eyes, and Drew knew she was thinking of how close they had come to losing her sweet nephew.

“Aunt Wina, if you need a ‘tector, Dabin and I will help you. Tank you for my new puppy.” He leaned over to kiss the top of Abby’s head.

Lina grinned. “My thanks, but I have Drew to protect me now. And you take good care of Abby. Hang on to her so she doesn’t fall.” Brenna had created some contraption to hold the puppy on the side of the horse so she could be close to Gregor.

Brenna leaned down to kiss her cheek, Gregor giggling as he tipped to the side and Abby licked his hand. “You have a different path ahead of you. My mother told Jennie and me many tales of the fae and their chosen ones. Believe in yourself. You
special. You are a strong woman and I am proud of you and forever grateful for your help.”

Gwyneth rode behind Brenna and had Sorcha on her lap. “Fare thee well, sister. We trust your judgment, as should you. Do not doubt your path. ‘Tis as special as are you.”

Torrian and Lily followed, Bethia riding with Torrian. They all said their farewells, and promised to pen her a note together to show how much progress all the bairns had made with their letters.

As soon as the Ramsays and their guards rode off, tears started coursing down Lina’s face. Drew came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, allowing her to lean up against him.

A cloud of dust erupted across the path, and within moments, Logan was stopping his horse in front of them. Still cradled in his lap, Gavin giggled at how fast they had traveled. “Remember ‘tis my sister you are touching, lad,” Logan said with a fierce stare. “Do not forget that I will find you if you do her wrong.”

Drew dropped his hands from her waist and nodded to Logan, who then flicked his reins to return to the head of the line behind two guards. Once he was gone, Drew helped Lina onto his horse, then mounted behind her.

A few hours later, Lina turned to Drew and said, “If you don’t mind, I need to stop.”

Drew pulled on his reins, but waved Boyd and his guards ahead, pointing to an area for them to stop. He guessed that Lina needed a private moment. After he helped her down, she made her way into the woods, but she returned quickly. She leaned against the horse and stared at him for a moment, then said, “I liked your hands on my waist before. Mayhap I am too forward, but you have distanced yourself from me. Is aught wrong? Is it because I am a chosen one?”

Drew took her hands in his. “Nay, but I’d be a fool to try to steal a kiss from Logan Ramsay’s sister in front of him. That man scares the hell out of me.”

Lina laughed. “So ‘twas not because of the sword and all that happened to me?”

Drew took a deep breath and rubbed her hands inside his. “I admit it took me aback at first, but the more I think on it, the more sense it makes. If I were the fae, I would want someone trustworthy and honest to assist me—someone like
. But Lachlan will continue to search for the sword. I think we need to come up with a plan with Aedan and Jennie.”

Lina nodded. “Mayhap you are correct. We must include Aedan.”

Drew’s thumb brushed her cheek, making her gasp. “You have the most beautiful skin I have ever seen.”

Lina’s gaze caught his just before he lowered his mouth to hers.


All Drew could think of was that it had been too long. How he had suffered last night—lying so close to Avelina without being able to touch her was akin to torture. But God’s teeth, he would not have dared to touch Lina, especially not with Logan and Gwyneth both nearby. He savored her lips now, taking it slowly, teasing her with his tongue until she parted her lips. His tongue darted in to taste her, and hers wove with it. She pressed her body against his, so he reached down and grabbed her hips, tugging her against his hardness. He groaned, knowing he couldn’t finish the act, but he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone.

She ground her pelvis against his, and his need roared to life. He pulled away and trailed a path of smaller kisses down her neck. “Lina, I want to taste you everywhere, but I do not want to rush you.” His breath came out in soft pants. “I want to feel your skin in my hands, but not until you are ready.”

Lina nodded. “I want you, too. I want you to touch me.”

Drew worked on the ties of her gown in the front, and she helped him until they were loose enough to allow his hand inside. He reached in and cupped her breast. All he could do was moan, “Your skin is the softest I have ever touched.” He rubbed his thumb across the tender bud, bringing it to a soft peak. Her gaze stayed locked with his, and she grabbed his wrist as if she never wanted him to stop.


It was the only word he heard, but it was enough to spur him on. He kissed a path down across her creamy mound and into the deep valley between her breasts, finally returning to her nipple and taking it into his mouth. He teased her with his tongue and then scraped his teeth across it before taking her fully in his mouth and suckling her until she cried out with pleasure.

His erection threatened to burst out from under his plaid, but he stopped. There was an audience ahead, and besides, he could not disrespect her by taking her maidenhead here.

He cupped her breast again, “Lass, you are sheer perfection, and your passion incites a fire in me like no other, but I cannot do this now.” He tied up her gown, doing his best to ignore the desire in her eyes. Hell, but she was a passionate one, and he would love to see her underneath him. Once he fixed her clothes, he paced in a circle around the horse in an attempt to bring himself back under control.

He helped her mount her horse, then mounted behind her, a heavy sigh escaping him as he rode up to the others and motioned for them to continue.

He chastised himself for allowing it to get this far. In fact, since he had no intention of marrying, he should never have kissed her in the first place. To marry would be to risk becoming like his parents. They had never overcome the pain of losing three sons, and their sorrow had washed over their only living son for years. He could not bear to become like them, or to wound his own bairns the way his parents had wounded him.

But could it be different for him, especially with someone like Avelina Ramsay? Watching Lina with her family, he had seen a different world—one he’d never been a part of before. Love and support, happiness and forgiveness, emotions he’d ached for his entire life, were evident in everything they did.

And Aedan, how he had changed since marrying Jennie. Knowing she carried their bairn had affected the way he dealt with his men, his friends, and how he spent his time. He’d never seen his friend so fulfilled and joyful. Was it possible to hope for those same things for himself?

The lass in front of him had affected him more than he had ever thought possible. He tugged her closer, just at peace to have her near. Yet even though he felt more serene with Lina pressed against him, he did not stop searching the area for Burnes. He’d never allow that monster near her again. Protectiveness and possessiveness had inched their way into his cold heart. God’s teeth, if he wasn’t excited about it.

But this is exactly what he had sworn his entire life to avoid. How could everything change in one day or with a couple of interludes with one person? Why was he allowing this emotional nonsense to change his mind? And when had he ever been emotional? This was unfamiliar territory for him. Drew ran his hand across his face, squirming in his seat. He had let this go too far. He had no claim on her, and he couldn’t allow two days to change everything he had promised himself for years. He’d vowed never to marry, never to have bairns. He reminded himself of his promise. There were still too many doubts. What would he do if he and Lina lost a bairn?

“Drew, have I done something wrong?” she whispered, clearly sensing the change in his mood.

“What? Nay.
have. I should never have allowed things to go that far.”

“But why?” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “I liked it. I like you. I want us to get closer.”

“I cannot, Lina. I just cannot…no matter how I feel.” He had planned to wait, but since she had brought the subject up now, he might as well tell her the truth. She deserved to know how he felt.

“I do not understand. You do not like me? Is it the way I kiss? You can teach me. I’m not verra experienced.” She hung her head, and the slump of her shoulders showed how defeated she felt.

“Nay, none of that. Your kisses
too good. You make me want to bed you right away.” He noticed her blush. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“I am glad to know ‘tis naught I have done.” She stared straight ahead, apparently not wanting him to see her face.

“It’s not you. I…” He paused to think how he wished to say this. “I promised myself I would never marry.”


“What?” Lina turned to face him as best she could since they were traveling at a decent pace on horseback. She could not have heard him correctly.

“I promised myself a long time ago that I would never marry.”

“But why?” It felt as if that one statement would crumble her whole world, but she did her best to hold it all together. “Why would you not want to marry? You are heir to your land. Do you not want a lad to carry on your name?” What possible reason could he have to have made such a foolish vow?

“My parents lost three sons before me, and they suffer for it every day. I could not bear to live like they do. I do not want an heir.”

A sense of hopelessness overtook her, so she turned back away from him, not wanting him to see her expression.

Drew peeked at her face. “I know I have done wrong, but I have not led you to believe we would marry, have I? Trust me, Lina, if I were to marry, it would be you and no other.”

“Nay, it’s only…” She swiped at the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

“What is it?”

“The Queen of Harmony said that since I am in possession of the sword, I must marry within two moons or tragedy will befall my family. There is a connection between us, so I had hoped you would consider marrying me. More than a fortnight has already passed. I do not have much time left.”

Drew stopped his horse. “Does anyone else know this? Your brothers, Jennie or Aedan?”

“Only Jennie. She is the only one I have told.” She sighed, sorry she had said anything at all. She had her answer from Drew Menzie. He would never marry. Now what was she to do? Like it or not, she would have to marry another lad. After seeing poor Gregor so near to death, she could not bear the thought of anyone else in her family suffering.

They spoke little for the rest of the afternoon. When they were but a short distance away, dark clouds closed in on them.

Drew motioned for the guards to stop. “Lass, I’ll not risk riding through the storms that are headed this way. There’s a cave not far from here. We can spend the night there and arrive by midday tomorrow. I do not wish to travel in heavy rains in the dark.”

Lina nodded, not caring what they did. She didn’t want anything else from Drew Menzie. He had dashed all her hopes with one statement.

Now she would have to marry a lad who did not interest her. What matter did it make who she chose? Her marriage would be loveless—a sad fate she needs must accept. As soon as she dismounted, she took care of her needs and walked into the cave, not stopping to speak to anyone.

Paramount in her head was the wish that this was all one big, horrible dream. If only she could awaken and return to her old life, she would not complain or wish for more excitement or love or anything. All she wanted was to be free of the sword, the butterflies, Erena, and Drew Menzie.

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