Highland Fires (21 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

BOOK: Highland Fires
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Ahryn took a deep breath and touched her
lips. Despite his words, he still desired her, which was evident by
his devouring kiss and thick rod that pressed against her

She shook herself and quickly left to make
sure there was food and drink for Rufina when she woke.


~ ~ ~


Rufina looked at the ceiling and thought over
all that she had witnessed. She had never seen Lugus so protective,
but what puzzled her more was his obvious need to be rid of Ahryn.
Did he think he wasn’t worthy of love?

She couldn’t wait to speak to him and learn
exactly what had transpired between him and Ahryn, because the
feelings Ahryn had for him ran deep--very deep.

To her surprise, she heard her door open. She
raised her head and saw Lugus step inside. “I thought you had

He shrugged. “I knew you wished to speak to
me. It’s better to do it now so you could rest easier.”

She looked at her brother-in-law and saw the
haggard look in his eyes. How she wished he wouldn’t have lost his
immortality, he deserved to be on the Fae realm. “Tell me,” she
said and sat up.

He walked to the bed and moved aside the
curtains to sit on the edge. “First, I want you to know that I
haven’t returned to take over as ruler. The role of king belongs to
Theron now.”

“But it’s rightfully yours.”

“Maybe, but you know as well as I that
regardless of who I am, the Fae would never accept me as king. Not

She placed her hand atop his. “I’m so sorry,

“It doesn’t matter.”

But she knew it did. “If you haven’t come to
take over, then why have you? You barely survived the Realm of
Shadows the first time.”

“I have to. He’s my brother,” he said softly,
his blue eyes intense as he stared at her.

“I cannot lose both of you.”

He gripped her hand in his. “You won’t lose
Theron. This I vow to you.”

She sighed and closed her eyes a moment. When
she opened them, she gave him a smile. “You always were a good man.
Now, tell me about Ahryn.”

“There’s nothing to tell,” he said and rose
from the bed to pace in front of her. “I helped her escape Earth
and return here.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s all there can be,” he admitted

Rufina swung her legs over the bed and walked
to him. She placed her hand on his arm to stop him. “Lugus, don’t
turn aside the love Ahryn willingly gives you.”

“She only gives it because she has no idea of
what kind of monster I am.”

“Then tell her. Let her decide. Don’t wait
for some fool to blab it to her before she’s had a chance to hear
it from you.”

He gazed at her a moment before he nodded.
“I’ll think on it. Now, I want you to rest. Theron will have my
head if anything happens to you and the babe.

Rufina allowed him to sit her back on the
bed, but she wasn’t fooled. She knew he cared more for Ahryn than
he let on. It was in every word, every movement, every look. And
she was going to do whatever it took for Lugus to find


~ ~ ~


By the time Ahryn returned to Rufina’s
chamber, the queen sat at her small table and stared out the
balcony doors.

“Are you hungry, my queen?” Ahryn asked.

Rufina jumped slightly and smiled sadly.
“Hello, Ahryn. I’m not hungry, but I must look after the babe that
grows in my womb.”

Ahryn sat the tray on the table and took the
opposite chair. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

The queen smiled and nodded. “I need
something to take my mind off my helplessness.”

“I will gladly do anything you would

“Then tell me about Lugus.”

Ahryn grew very still. “What do you wish to

Rufina sighed and popped a piece of fruit in
her mouth as she leaned back in her seat. “I have known Lugus since
I was a small child. He was always quick with a smile and his sharp
wit, but he would anger at the slightest thing, especially with his
father. They fought daily. The Lugus I saw today isn’t even the
same man I saw five years ago.”

“He doesn’t smile much,” Ahryn admitted.
“Though I did manage to get a few from him when I tried.”

The queen smiled. “That is good to know. He
needs laughter in his life.”

“He does, though he won’t admit it. He
actually thought I had come to kill him the first time he saw

Rufina’s brow furrowed. “I had hoped that
giving him a second chance at life that he would embrace it.”

Something in Ahryn’s face must have alerted
the queen of her ignorance.

“You don’t know, do you?” Rufina asked

Ahryn shook her head. “I
asked him many times, but he refused to tell

“Is that why
you came here instead of returning to your home?”

“I knew my grandfather would tell me the

“Why do you want to know?” Rufina asked.
“Would it change how you feel about him?”

Ahryn shrugged. “I know he
occupies my thoughts constantly. He risked his own life to save
mine when he could have easily turned his back on me. He also lost
everything in aiding me. The second chance you gave him is gone.”
She licked her lips and asked, “Will you tell me what I

The queen
met her gaze. “Nay. Lugus is my family. If he does not wish you to
know of his deeds, I will respect that. If he wants you to know, he
will tell.”

Ahryn had hoped Rufina would impart
something, and she couldn’t help but be disappointed in discovering
the queen was as closed mouth about it as Lugus.

“A piece of advice,” Rufina said as Ahryn
rose to her feet. “Don’t go behind Lugus’ back. Give him time and
he will open up for you.”

Hope bloomed in Ahryn. If anyone knew Lugus,
it was Rufina, so she took the queen’s words to heart.


~ ~ ~


Lugus hurried to his chamber. He slammed his
door and leaned against it as his heart pounded and his rod begged
for release. He wanted Ahryn with a desperation he had never felt,
a need so intense that he nearly couldn’t breathe.

And it was because of that emotion that he
refused to allow her near him. He would only bring her pain and

With heavy steps he walked to his balcony and
threw open the doors. The sweet air brushed against him, and he
inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes.

He had never thought he would get to see his
beloved land again, and to return and discover his brother was in
grave danger took away any excitement he felt at returning. He was
no fool though. He would enjoy every moment he had before he
ventured into the darkness to find Theron.

Lugus braced his hands on the railing and
dropped his head to his chest. How ironic it was that he had fought
so desperately for millennia to be free of the Realm of Shadows
only to return.

It just proved to him that he should never
have left. It was where he belonged. And it was where he would

He swallowed and lifted his head to the city
below. His beautiful city, a city he had nearly destroyed, he would
never see again.


Lugus cursed and pushed away from the
railing. No matter what he did he couldn’t get her out of his head,
and his body wanted only her after he had gotten a taste. Even now
his desire for her outweighed everything.

A knock on the door thankfully brought him
out of his thoughts. Lugus strode to the massive door and opened it
to find Aimery before him.

“Has something happened to Rufina?” Lugus
asked at Aimery’s grim expression.

The Fae commander shook his
head. “May I come in?”

Lugus stepped back and allowed his old friend to enter. “What
is it? You usually hide your emotions well, yet it’s plain to see
something bothers you.”

“I just fear for Theron and Rufina’s life,”
he said as he slowly walked around the room.

Lugus shut the door and crossed his arms over
his chest as he waited. He knew eventually Aimery would get to what
he came for.

“Thank you for volunteering to go after
Theron,” Aimery said and turned to face Lugus.

Lugus shrugged. “He’s my brother. Did you
expect me to ignore that?”

“In truth, aye,” he admitted. “Tane assured
me that you would find Theron, but I had my doubts.”

“You still have your doubts,” Lugus said as
he walked to the table near the balcony and poured two drinks. “I
know what you and the rest of the Fae think of me, and I would
never have returned if it wasn’t for....”

“Ahryn,” Aimery finished.

Lugus nodded and handed him a glass. “I want
you to take her from here.”

“I’ve already

harder,” Lugus shouted. He closed his eyes and raked a hand down
his face. When he opened his eyes again he was once more in control
of his emotions. “Aimery, I’m asking you this as a friend. Do
whatever you must, but get her away from here.”

For several long moments he returned Aimery’s
stare as the commander locked gazes with him.

“So, it’s true. You care for her.”

Lugus turned away and sighed. “Please. For
the friendship we once shared, do this small thing for me. I beg

“I will do my best,” he heard Aimery say from
behind him.

Lugus let out a breath he hadn’t known he was
holding and turned to Aimery. “Thank you.”

Aimery tilted his head back and drained the
small glass before setting it down on the table. “Don’t make me
regret this.”

Lugus watched as Aimery left his room. Once
the doors shut behind him, Lugus sank into his chair and dropped
his head into his hands.

He was relieved to know Aimery would take
Ahryn away from the palace, but part of him fought against being
separated from her. It was a war he knew he would fight for the
rest of his life because as hard as it was to let her go, it would
be worse still to watch her hurt because of him.

There was no other choice but to let her

He leaned back and dropped his head on the
back of the chair. His thoughts turned to Theron and the Draconians
who had dared to betray the Fae. A plan began to form as he thought
of what he would do once he found Theron.

Chapter Twenty-Two




Aimery walked from Lugus’ chamber and
contemplated his words. His need to have Ahryn away from the palace
was palpable. And it was obvious to anyone that cared to look as to
why--Lugus cared for Ahryn. How deep his feelings went, Aimery
didn’t know.

He found Ahryn walking from Rufina’s chambers
a short time later. For a moment he almost didn’t stop Ahryn she
looked so pensive, as if she was contemplating something of great

“Ahryn,” he called softly.

Her fair head jerked his way, and she gave
him a small smile. “Hello, Aimery. If you’ve come to ask about
Rufina, I will tell you that she is resting as well as can be

“Actually, I came to speak with you.”

“Me?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

Aimery sighed. “Walk with me,” he bade as he
clasped his hands behind his back and leisurely walked the halls of
the palace. “How much do you know?”

“About what?”

“The king?”

She shrugged. “I know what I heard in the
throne room when Tane spoke to Rufina.”

“But do you know how dangerous everything

She stopped walking and
faced him. “What are you trying to say?”

“We’ve asked everyone to leave the
palace, Ahryn.”

Her blue eyes narrowed. “You
want me to leave?”

“I do,” Aimery said, happy that this was going as smoothly as
he had hoped. “It would be for the best.”

“And why is that? You need someone here to
look after Rufina. It certainly won’t be you since you and Tane
will be aiding Lugus. Since, as you say, you’ve asked everyone to
leave the palace, I’m all you have to look after the queen.”

Aimery turned away and cursed. “Ahryn,
please. You must leave.”

Ahryn stared at Aimery’s back for a long
moment. Finally, she walked around to face him. “Lugus asked you to
make me leave, didn’t he?”

The small curt nod Aimery gave her was her
only answer.


Aimery’s eyes blazed as he looked to her. “He
is trying to protect you. There is no guarantee that what we plan
will happen.”

“I’m not leaving him,” she said and returned
Aimery’s stare. “Nothing he can say or do would make me leave him
now. He’s been alone for too long.”

Aimery sighed and ran a hand down his face.
“I promised him that I would have you leave.”

“You did your best. Go see to your
preparations. I must attend the queen.”

She waited until Aimery walked away before
she leaned against the wall and sighed. Her heart had hammered
wildly in her chest when Aimery had told her Lugus wanted to
protect her. She knew there was something between them. She just
needed to convince Lugus.


~ ~ ~


Lugus woke a few hours later with a stiff
neck and a need to visit the baths. He rose and opened a drawer in
his large chest to find it still full of clothes. He couldn’t
believe Theron hadn’t emptied the room, but he was glad for it. He
quickly grabbed clothes and left his room.

As he walked down the long, quiet halls of
the palace, memories of his childhood engulfed him. He could still
see his mother’s smiling face as she sat and watched him and Theron
play. He recalled the pride on his father’s face when he had
mastered the sword. He even remembered the first girl he

The smile he wore soon vanished as he
realized the life he’d had and thrown away because he couldn’t
control his temper. How many times had his mother cautioned him to
think before he spoke, to give himself a few moments to calm down
and not let his temper rule him? He had never listened to her, and
he had paid dearly for it.

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