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Authors: Patricia Grasso

Highland Belle (33 page)

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Brie, Antonia cried as she tripped and fell.

Swearing, Brigette trodded back to her. What else could she do? Leave Antonia behind? Are you hurt? she asked.

Tears brimmed over Antonias eyes. Ive twisted my ankle and my side hurts terribly.

Brigette helped her stand. Put your arm around my shoulder.

I canna make it, Antonia wailed. Why dinna ye save yerself?

Tempted to do just that, Brigette hesitated, her eyes meeting Antonias. Her sister-in-law had no scruples and so believed no one else did. No doubt Antonia would be long gone if their roles were reversed.


Shut up, Brigette hissed.

Why dinna ye leave me? Antonia repeated.

And have your ghost return to haunt me for the rest of my days? I think not.

A wild, lusty shout sounded in the distance. Both women stiffened, gut-wrenching fear sweeping through them.

The hounds of hell have caught our scent, Brigette observed wryly. Thirty minutes cannot have passed. The bastards cheating!

The gates open, and I dinna see any guards, Percy said. Do ye think its a trap?

Grim-faced, Iain shrugged his shoulders. Trap or no, Im ridin in.

The MacArthurs had arrived at Weem Castle and, hidden by the dense woods, separated into two groups. Iain and Percy led the main troop in the woods facing Weems gate. Dugie and Jamie led a smaller group that had circled around the keep to locate the postern gate.

Dugie must be in position by now, Percy said.

Iain nodded. Therell be nae escape for Menzies this time. My only regret is I canna kill him twice.

Drawing his sword, Iain raised it in the air to signal his men, then nudged his horse forward. With swords drawn, the MacArthur warriors followed. Leaving the protective shelter of the woods, they became vulnerable to assault by arrow, but no defender appeared on the walls of Weem Castle.

The MacArthurs rode closer and closer to the keep, yet all remained strangely, eerily silent. Not a soul appeared to challenge them. Weem Castle was a ghost keep.

I dinna like this, Percy whispered nervously as they reached the gate. Somethins amiss. Let the men go through first.

Bries my wife.

With his brother at his side, Iain rode into the keep. Nothing happened. As they moved through the outer courtyard, a sudden movement flashed between their horses.

Sly! Percy exclaimed in a loud whisper.

Iains lips twitched. The rascal mustve followed us.

Halting his horse, Iain scanned the inner courtyard. Where was Menzies? And where were Brigette and Antonia?

Iain dismounted. The MacArthur warriors also dismounted, albeit reluctantly, certain they were about to be slaughtered. The muffled sounds of stealth alerted them to imminent danger, but it was only Dugies men circling around from the postern gate.

I canna credit what Im seein, Dugie said to Iain.

Ye mean, what we arena seein, Jamie corrected. This place is givin me the creeps. At his words, more than one MacArthur warrior crossed himself for safetys sake.

With Iain leading the way, they entered Weems main foyer. Sly, having caught the faintest trace of a familiar scent, scurried past them and disappeared through a door. He knew Brigette was here, somewhere.

A wild beastie, shrieked a feminine voice.

The MacArthurs followed Sly and found themselves in the great hall. It was deserted except for two serving women and the castles steward, who exclaimed, A MacArthur!

The MacArthur, Iain growled, pointing his sword at him. Wheres yer master?

W-w-were only s-servants here, the man stammered. The earl is huntin.

Huntin? Iain echoed incredulously. Ye expect me to believe he went huntin and left Weem unprotected?

Tis true, I swear.

Give us his hostages, Iain ordered.

I — I — I canna do that.

Iains eyes narrowed dangerously. He flicked a glance at Dugie and Jamie, who grabbed the mans arms. Cut off the head of his shaft, Iain ordered savagely.

Look, Percy called, squatting beside Sly. A womans garment hung from the foxs mouth.

Inspecting it, Iain was relieved to find no bloodstains. Brie was wearin this blouse, he said, his expression more forbidding than Menzies at his worst. Stepping closer to the steward, Iain snarled, Ill cut the mons pecker off myself.

Wait! the steward screamed, tears of fear for his manhood sliding down his face. The ladies arena here.

Where, then?

I dinna ken exactly. The earl made them strip and leave the keep. Hes huntin them for sport.

Aye, my lord, one of the women verified. The earl said the men could have the ladies — if ye ken my meanin. The guards mustve wanted a taste and joined the hunt.

With an oath, Iain raced out of the hall with Sly at his heels. The MacArthur warriors followed behind.

Jamie, Iain ordered, halting in the courtyard, ye and yer group stay here in case they return. Iain lifted Sly and, nuzzling the fox, commanded, Find Brie, Sly. Find Brie. The fox sprang from his arms and dashed for the outer courtyard. The MacArthurs leaped on their horses and followed.

Frenzied shouts of unbridled masculine lust rent the air frighteningly near them, and hearing it, Antonia whimpered like a wounded animal. So much for strategy, Brigette thought, staggering with fatigue from bearing Antonias weight. A few paces more, she told herself, little realizing they would be more vulnerable in the open.

The loch, Brigette said, stepping from the edge of the woods. They trudged agonizingly slowly down the shoreline in search of a suitable hiding place.

Help! Strong hands wrenched Antonia from Brigettes side.

You bloody bugger! Brigette screeched, berserk as a madwoman. Grabbing Antonias arm, she tugged with all her might and, when that failed, attacked the man ferociously — kicking, scratching, biting.

As if Brigette were an annoying mosquito, he shoved her away and she landed facedown on the grass. Determined to save Antonia, Brigette started to rise but stopped short, her eyes locking on a pair of shining black boots standing beside her head.

Allow me, Countess. Murdacs voice oozed sarcastic contempt. He leaned over to capture his prize.

In one swift motion, Brigette poked her fingers in his eyes and rolled away. She leaped to her feet and ran.

Recovering himself, Murdac gave chase. With her flaming hair swirling wildly around her, Brigette looked like a frightened wood nymph as she raced down the lochs shoreline. Two steps behind, Murdac reached out, grabbed her fiery mane, and yanked savagely. Brigette cried out in excruciating pain and toppled back.

Bitch, Murdac snarled, whirling her around and viciously slapping her, sending her sprawling on the ground. He loosened his codpiece.

Iain! Brigette screamed in desperation. Her world went black, and she missed the deadly barrage of MacArthur arrows that flew through the air from the woods.

Brie. Someone whispered her name. Brigette opened her eyes and gazed at her husbands worried expression.

Iain smiled with relief and held her protectively close. Do ye hurt? he asked, when she began to weep.

Clinging to him, Brigette shook her head, then pressed it against his chest and closed her eyes. Slurp! Something wet licked the salty tears from her cheek.

Sly! Brigette exclaimed, opening her eyes.

In case ye hadna noticed, brother — Percys voice sounded beside them — yer wife is almost bare-arse naked. Grinning, he handed Iain a blanket, then walked away.

Antonia? Brigette asked, her face scarlet with embarrassment.

Iain shook his head. She took an arrow, but didna suffer.


Willna be botherin us again.

Iain wrapped her in the blanket and lifted her into his arms. His dark eyes held hers captive, and cocking a brow at her, he asked, See what happens when ye dinna obey me?

Ill never disobey you again, Brigette vowed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Iains lips twitched. Ye know as well as I, lovey, lyins as great a sin as disobedience.


Edinburgh Castle, December 1566

Make haste, will ye?

Hearing the impatience in her husbands voice, Brigette cast him a sidelong glance. Dashingly handsome, Iain wore the black and green MacArthur dress plaid, topped with a white silk shirt and black velvet doublet. Frowning, he stood in front of the chambers hearth and watched her.

Brigette smiled placidly, then teased, Has anyone ever told you what well-shaped legs you have? The sight of your calves makes me quiver all over.

Dinna vex me, Brie, Iain snapped. Can ye no hurry?

Fetch my gown, please. In an instant, he was at her side with her new court gown of forest-green velvet. Put it over my head, Brigette instructed, but dont disturb my hair or Ill have to start over.

Why am I, the Earl of Dunridge, reduced to playin yer tirewoman? he asked, irritated. Why didna ye bring Spring along? Brigettes answer was muffled beneath the folds of her gown. What? he asked.

I said, Brigette repeated, coming up for air, Spring is in the earliest stage of pregnancy.


So, shes prone to vomiting. Anywhere, at any time.


Spring and Sheena and Avril, all with child, Brigette said. This is certainly a year for babies.

Dinna forget yerself. Iain grinned and patted her swollen stomach. Five months gone, and aboot ready to burst. It must be another lad.

Four of us pregnant at the same time. I wonder, do you think something was carried on the Highland wind?

Iain burst out laughing, then scoffed, Dinna be silly. I made ye swell, no the wind. Turn around and Ill battle yer buttons.

One thing is for certain, Brigette told him, turning her back. Im burning that damn cot.

Iain smiled at her back. The cot didna make ye pregnant either.

It helped.

Finishing his task, Iain gently twirled her around to face him and kissed the tip of her upturned nose. Ye never looked lovelier, sweetie.

The cot still goes. Brigette turned away to study herself in the pier glass. Ill do, she decided, then frowned, seeing the profile of her bulging stomach.

If we dinna leave now, Iain said, biting back his laughter, well be late for Percys investiture.

Just imagine, Brigette said, Percy will bear Murdacs title and live at Weem. I wonder what Black Jack would think. I still dont understand how this can be.

By the courtesy of Scotlands law and the queen, he explained, when a mon marries an heiress, he may receive her familys title and estates. After today, Percy will be the Earl of Meinnich and Weem Castle will be his home.

We English dont do things like that.

Iain tilted her chin up and gazed deeply, lovingly into her emerald eyes. Ye English are barbarians.

Unamused, Brigette let the insult pass. How exactly did the feud with Menzies begin? she asked. Did Black Jack abduct his aunt?

No, though Murdac may have believed so.

Well, then?

Black Jack dinna abduct or murder Menziess aunt. I canna tell ye any more, lovey, til the Duke of Argyll passes away, he replied, escorting her to the door. Will ye trust me til then?


Iain opened the door, and both started through at the same time but couldnt fit. They stepped back and faced each other.

Brigette giggled and gestured to the doorway. Theres an old English proverb that covers this exact situation.

Which is?

Brigette scurried across the threshold, then turned around. Rubbing the mound of her stomach, she said, The one with the belly leads the way and the one without follows behind. What say you to that, my illustrious earl?

Smiling, Iain followed Brigette across the threshold and closed the door, then drew her into the circle of his arms and kissed her thoroughly, stealing her breath away. I love ye, hinny, he whispered, then nibbled on her irresistible bottom lip and added, but I could love ye so much better if ye werena so damn fat.


All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 1991 by Patricia H. Grasso

Cover design by Open Road Integrated Media

ISBN 978-1-4976-2893-9

This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
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