HIGHER (The Indigo Lounge Series) (12 page)

BOOK: HIGHER (The Indigo Lounge Series)
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He stared at her, his eyes
imploring and demanding at the same time. “Come back, baby. I can make you
feel—Oh, fuck!”

Her mouth closed over his cock,
her greedy and desperate suction making his hips surge clean off the bed. With
all her strength, she pushed him down and took him as deep as she could, his
thickness filling her to discomfort. Her wet, slippery tongue slid along the
underside of his engorged length and felt the thick vein pulse against her

His biceps bulged against his
restraints, his eyes darkening to a molten grey as pleasure washed over him.
She released him and flicked the tip of her tongue over him. He panted out thick,
coarse words of pleasure.

“You like that?”

“Fuck. Yeah.” He shuddered.

His hips twitched again and his
thighs brushed her sensitive nipples. Suddenly a memory cut through her
thoughts. Slowly she licked him one last time and pulled away.

He watched her leave the bed with
something akin to horror and outrage. “Where the fuck do you think you’re
going?” he roared.

She raised a brow and earned
herself another dark look. Turning on her heel, she slowly lowered her panties
and kicked them away. Then she looked at him over her shoulder. “Be a good boy
and be patient, Zach. It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

His eyes remained on her ass, his
breathing rough and harsh. “God help you, Peaches because when I get my hands
on you, I will fuck you until you break in half. Then I’ll fuck you back
together again.” The dark promise sent sensation skittering over her skin as
she headed for the room he’d retrieved the cuffs from what felt like ages ago

She opened the door, stepped in
and gasped.

As it had in Marrakech, the sight
of the extensive toy room made a fierce blush suffuse her body. The smell of
leather and steel had never been so heady. Nor had she felt so very turned on
by the sight of so many pleasure-giving gadgets collected in one room. She
turned in a full circle, noting the cock-chair, the gurney and the collar and
nipple clamp combo and the bigger St Andrews Cross taking up the whole of the
opposite wall.

Of course, there wasn’t a
chastity belt in sight. But there was a tall gadget that looked like a rocking
horse, complete with a double saddle, stirrups and bridle.

Bethany shivered as she walked
past it, her mind frenzy with images of what Zach could do to her on that

She went to the large chest of
drawers and searched until she found the bottle she needed.

His gaze found hers the moment
she walked back into the bedroom. Then it flicked to what she held. “Did you
like your toy room?”

“I’ve seen it. A rocking horse,
Zach? Really?”

“Just say the word, baby, and
I’ll give you the ride of your life.”

“You’re depraved.”

He caught her shiver and laughed.
“And you love it. What are you going to do with that?” Dark anticipation coated
his voice.

She climbed back onto the bed,
flicked the top of the bottle and tipped it over her chest. “I’m going to drive
you out of your mind.”

Liquid dripped down her midriff
to pool in her belly button. Dropping the bottle containing the most heavenly
scented oil, she smoothed her hands over her breasts and then over his

Intense grey eyes watched her
every move, her every stroke. “Holy fuck.”

She stared up at him and smiled.
“Too much, Zach? I can be gentle if you ask nicely.”

“That sassy mouth is going to get
your ass pink, Peaches. Count on it. Now do it.”

She pouted and pretended to
hesitate. His growl warned her into action. Bending low, she cupped her breasts
around his cock, trapped him in her cleavage, and began to rub him up and down.

Zach being Zach, he took over
within seconds, fucking himself between her breasts with long, sure strokes
that drove them both close to the edge.

Just when she believed she would
come just from being tit-fucked alone, he jerked away. “Your pussy, baby. I
need it. Now.”

She was too far gone to remind
him that she was in charge. Besides, she needed to feel his possession as much
as he yearned to be inside her.

She rose and stared down at the
beautiful, breath-taking man bound and ready for her. Something hot, hard and
painful clenched in her chest.

Tears she believed were dried
pricked her eyes.

Emotions she thought were buried
for tonight threatened to break free.

Abruptly she turned away from him
and straddled him, her back to his front. He hissed in surprise but she was
already grasping him, angling him toward where she craved him most.

His thick crown probed her
entrance. It would hurt, she knew that. She’d been too long without him. But
she didn’t care.

With a deep groan of
anticipation, she slammed down on him.


Chapter Fourteen




“Oh, Zach!”

The sound of his name on her lips
threatened to fry his brain. Zach struggled to breathe through the intense,
unique feeling of once more being inside Bethany.

At long fucking last.

His heart pounded and sweat broke
out on his brow as he stared down at her sweet ass bearing down on him, her
tight cunt struggling to accommodate him.

He felt thicker than he’d ever
been before, probably on account of all his blood surging happily to one place.
She pulled up and his cock glistened with her slickness.

Jesus, how the hell had he
managed to stay sane without this?

A mocking laugh echoed in his
head. He hadn’t stayed sane. He’d climbed walls and resorted to underhand
tactics to get this woman back into his life and into his bed. But she was here

And good Lord, she was fucking
him like her life depended on it. Like…she was fucking him goodbye.

His brain scrambled to think
through what was happening here but her wet heat was threatening to send him
into orbit. Something told him he ought to be afraid, that he needed to get to
the bottom of her intentions.

…She slid down, her cunt slicker but no less tight. She
whimpered and he felt her thighs tremble. Her back arched, giving him a view
like no other. Drowning in bliss, he started to reach for her tiny waist, to
drive himself deeper, and groaned as his wrists protested against the

Fuck. He’d forgotten about the
handcuffs. Why the hell had he suggested them anyway? He’d foolishly believed
not touching her wouldn’t be unbearable.

Now he knew different.

Watching that insanely delectable
ass bounce over his cock made him realize just how much more he wanted. He was
greedy for her, for all of her. He was insatiable with the need.

She whimpered again as she fucked
him deeper, her snug channel taking another inch of him. She threw back her
head and gasped, her silky hair sliding all over her back and ass. Zach gritted
his teeth and groaned.

“Fuck, baby, you look so hot.”

“Hmm…” Her breath panted out as
she began to increase the pace.

His balls tightened and he fought
the urge to give up, to roar his climax. He was nowhere near ready to come but
for the first time in his life, he wasn’t in complete control. Desperately he
tried to slam the brakes on his runaway libido.

“Bethany.” His voice was barely coherent.

She continued to bounce up and
down on his cock. The sight of her, so beautiful, so damned sexy, tripled his
already thundering heartbeat. He could’ve come there and then. But he wanted
something else. Something more. His desperate hands tugged harder against the
restraints. But like everything in the toy room, they were made for a specific
purpose. They held him easily, much to his frustration.

“Bethany,” he rasped louder.

“Hmm?” she responded but she
didn’t turn around. She readjusted her stance, leaned back, her hands on either
side of his waist. Her hair caressed his chest as she began to work him from a
different angle.

Holy fucking hell.

When he’d thought about what
would happen when she got here today, this hadn’t been the scenario he’d imagined.
But hell if it didn’t blow his mind.

“Christ.” She fucked him faster,
her tight sheath milking him with sure, excruciatingly intense strokes. But
still he wanted more. “Baby, turn around. I want…I need to see you when you

His heart jerked wildly as he
accepted the veracity of that statement.

to see her.

He was addicted to the look in
her eyes as she came. He needed to see that look, that helpless surrendering
that smashed through before she lost her mind for him. He was hooked on it; had
dreamed of nothing else for the last ten days.

She looked over her shoulder but
her eyes stayed on his chest as she continued to fuck him.

Frustration pounded through him.
His hand jerked at the restraints, his wrists protesting at the raw pain. His
whole body throbbed with the need for that last demand to be met.

“Peaches. God, please. Turn

“I thought you loved my ass,
Zach,” she gasped as she worked her hips in a dirty little circle over him.


“I do.” He brought up his knees
and jerked his hips upward, eager to experience that delicious slap of her wet
cunt against his balls. “I love every single inch of your body. But I want to
see your face, baby. I need it.”

She shook her head wildly, and he
began to panic. He was close. So fucking close. Blood pounded through him with
enough force to knock out a horse.

“I…I like it this way,” she
replied huskily. But he heard the caginess in her voice, and his panic

God, what was going on here?

Before he could bark out an even
more desperate demand, she stretched back further over him, until she was
almost prone over him with her arms almost touching his biceps. Not once did
she lose her rhythm. Her hips continued to work over him with a cadence that
reminded him that this sexy woman who owned him was once a trained ballerina.
Her body undulated with a sinuousness that was so fucking beautiful his throat
closed up and his eyes stung.

“Christ, Bethany.” His voice was
a rough imploration. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted the intensely mind-blowing
release that clawed inside him or whether he wanted this sensation to carry on

“Come for me, Zach,” she gasped

“Yes, baby. So hard. So fucking
hard for you.” He was a slave to her needs. Of course he was. He’d been without
her for too long. Unable to hold back, he surged high, felt his semen shoot hot
and endless inside her. He filled her with everything he had, everything he
couldn’t say out loud.

All the mistakes he’d made in his
past. All the mistakes he was terrified of making with her. The past week and a
half had shown him just how precious Bethany was to him. Just how impossible
living without her would be.

She bucked one last time over his
still hard and throbbing cock, then let out a sweet cry of ecstasy. Unbelievably,
it prolonged his own release.

With another roar, he jerked out
the last of his come as she collapsed on top of him, her back as slick and hot
with sweat as his body was.

More than anything, he wanted to
hold her, cradle her sweet body against his. But he couldn’t move, and he
couldn’t find any more words that wouldn’t shatter the profound beauty of the

So he closed his eyes and simply
breathed her name. “Bethany.”

His heart lurched when she turned
her head and gifted him a single kiss along his jaw.

When she turned away a second
later, his gut tightened. The knowledge that she was avoiding eye contact with
him made his chest raw with a feeling he didn’t want to contemplate too

Bethany was hurting. No matter
how much she loved sex with him, she needed more. He hadn’t given her what she

He’d seen the interest in her
eyes when he mentioned using him for sex on the ride home on Monday. Although
he’d joked about it, and told himself it didn’t hurt that she was considering
it, a part of him had reeled a little bit.

He should be pleased that she
hadn’t ruled out the idea out of hand. He should be pleased to have any tiny
part of Bethany that she was willing to give him. But the simple truth was he
was a fucking greedy bastard. He wanted her in every way. Everything he could
lay his hands on.

More than anything, he wanted to
hear her say she loved him, like she had in Marrakech. It was unfair as all
hell but he’d never played by the rules. And he of all people knew life wasn’t

She moved on top of him and renewed
hunger crawled through him. He knew he could never be satisfied with any less
than total devotion and passion from Bethany. Just as he knew he would have to
work damn hard to win her back. Because as much as he loved fucking her, sex
without eye contact with Bethany wasn’t an option he ever wanted to consider

That last surrender was too
beautiful to forgo. And he felt too damned scared at what the consequences
would be without it.

She moved again. He began to
harden inside her.

She groaned, turned her head and
kissed his neck again. “Zach,” she whispered, his name a husky sound loaded
with pain and ecstasy.

His eyes prickled again.

Fuck. He was so much more screwed
than he thought.


“Release me, baby.”

Although the words were a gruff
entreaty, she didn’t miss the steely demand behind them.

Bethany kept her face buried in
his throat a little while longer, a light trembling seizing her body as she
recalled the power of her orgasm. She’d always thought being taken so
possessively and completely by Zach was what had taken her bliss to a whole new
level. Now she knew that no matter how the sex came, it was the man who
enthralled and captivated her that brought that extra edge to their sexual

“Peaches, it’s time to take the
cuffs off,” he said again.

She shivered. The animal within
him was waking. Zach Savage was no longer content to let her have the upper
hand in bed. Not that he’d ever been fully content with it.

He’d done it because he’d been
afraid she’d bolt. He’d been panicked enough to let her have a little control.

Her heart lurched. Surely that
meant something?

It wasn’t just sex.

And the thing with asking her to
turn around? She knew Zach loved watching her come. She hadn’t thought he would
miss it until she’d heard his desperation. Her heart gave a little foolish

It wasn’t just sex. Was it?

“I know you haven’t gone to sleep
because your cunt is tightening around me again. So get up and release me,
baby. It’s time.”

“Time for what?”

His stubble scratched against her
cheek as he smiled. “Time to make you feel even better.”

“Are we going to even pretend
that I came here to work tonight?”

“Sure we are. I’ll take a look at
what you’ve got. As soon as I take care of you. And you want me to take care of
you, don’t you? You came without me petting your plump little clit. Or getting
your pretty tits sucked properly.”

She groaned and moved on him.
“Are you saying I got the Volkswagen service instead of the Rolls Royce

He laughed. “You got the
abbreviated Savage service. Now it’s time for the full works.”

“Maybe nowadays I prefer my brake
horse power with a little less revving.”

He bucked, his body powerful
enough to dislodge her, should he choose. “Not if I have anything to do with
it. You get nothing but the very best. Get up, Bethany.”

She slowly rose, felt him thick
and hard inside her and fought the need to ride him hard again. He would
probably let her but she had a feeling Zach needed to prove a point. Most
likely stamp his possession all over her again.

The more she withheld herself
from him that way, the more agitation and merciless he would be.

Reaching for the key, she levered
herself over him, supremely conscious that his eyes were on her. She released
the handcuffs and gasped as she saw the red welts on his wrist. Abruptly she
recalled him jerking hard at the handcuffs as she’d fucked him. Her heart

“Oh God, Zach…”

“Forget about it, baby. It’s
nothing.” Lowering his hands, he grasped her waist and flipped her beneath him.
“Now, where were we?”

His hair flopped over his
forehead and he looked so utterly gorgeous her heart cracked with the beauty of
him. Struggling to breathe, she tried to think. “I was just about to head to
the bathroom. I’m…dripping.” Her face flamed.

Sure fingers slid into her
soaking heat and his face grew rigid with dark purpose. “You’re not going
anywhere. Besides, I love you wet and filled with my come.” His eyes darkened
further. “Every time you take me inside you, I want to leave a piece of my soul
inside you. I’m hoping that if I do it again and again, you won’t forget me
when we’re apart,” he whispered raggedly.

Her heart tore wide open. “Forget
you? You make it so damn impossible. But what about me, Zach. Do you feel a
piece of me inside you when we’re apart?”

“Always. I can’t breathe when
you’re not with me. I can’t think straight.” He removed his hands and slid his
cock slowly inside her. He groaned deep and long. “God, I’ve missed you so
much, baby. You fucking missed me too, didn’t you?” The sheer assuredness
behind his words sparked a futile rebellion inside her.

“No, I didn’t.”

His eyes narrowed as he surged
deep and left her gasping. “Give it up, Peaches. Your cunt says different.”

Her eyes rolled with her
escalating ecstasy. “Shut up and fuck me, Zach.”

He caught her mouth in a wild,
merciless kiss. “Talk like that will only get you into trouble. Remember, you
still owe me for the last ten days. Now, I prefer your ass peachy and pretty
but don’t think I’ll hesitate to make it cherry red if you keep holding
yourself back from me like that. Or maybe you like the idea of being spanked,
naughty girl? Does the idea of going over my knee make you hot?” He fucked
himself deeper and held himself still.

“Yes,” she blurted before she
could stop herself.

His brow slowly rose. “Good, now
we’re getting somewhere.” He just stared down at her and didn’t move.

Desperately she wriggled, eager
to feel the delicious friction.

“Do you want me to move,
Peaches?” he rasped.

“Yes. God, yes, please.”

“Then look at me.”

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