High Stakes Seduction - Book 4 (11 page)

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction - Book 4
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I smiled, despite the lump that was securely lodged in my throat. He patted her shoulder with his free hand, then leaned down to give her a hug. That was my cue. I stood up and stepped over to them, putting a hand on Maria’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” I said to Antonio, standing in front of the two of them. I was no Human Resources expert, but I was pretty sure the "special approval" came from him rather than some "physician's group" or insurance company. Whatever else stood between us, this meant the world to me, and my gratitude was genuine.

He gave me a small smile, little more than a crinkle of the eyes and then stepped away to give Maria and me a private moment.

“Excuse me,” he said, fishing his cellphone from inside his suit jacket. He moved over to the door for what little privacy our bungalow could offer.

I sank to my knees and hugged my sister, letting her happy tears soak my t-shirt until, sniffling and catching her breath, she let me go with a nod.

I smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. I stood up and walked over to Antonio. I was grateful he hadn't shared the truth with Maria, and I wanted to thank him. He was still on the phone, so I stood in his line of sight, but I kept my distance so I wouldn't interrupt his conversation.

“That’s about it, Brad,” he said, glancing over toward me. “I think we’ve got exactly what we need. It should be pretty easy from here on in.”

The District Attorney,
Brad Stephens
? What did he mean? What could Antonio now have that was "exactly" what they needed? It obviously had something to do with my photos. Something that made it "easy" for them? All of a sudden, I was consumed with worry, again. Just which side of the fence was this man playing on? Somehow I managed to keep my mouth shut as he turned to Maria.

“Miss Tilson, thank you, again, for your hospitality." Then he turned back to me, his eyes strangely excited, almost feverish. Suddenly, he leaned forward, pulling my head toward his and kissing me fully on the lips. The unexpected sweetness of the kiss literally sent shocks of electricity through my body, even as my mind screamed a warning that I chose to ignore. I reached up, my fingers grazing his cheek. He drew back sharply, the delighted look shifting as his expression shadowed almost instantly.

“Forgive me, Angela. I just—thank you for… your excellent photographs,” he said quickly, holding up the envelope as he turned for the front door. He glanced back once, just the tiniest turn of his head, then he turned the knob and was gone.

I watched through the curtained window as he walked down the front steps, my heart pounding erratically in my chest, and my lips still tingling from the explosion of sensation his kiss had awakened in me. I sucked in a shaky breath and then let it out.
What in the world just happened?

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I couldn't sit still. I paced back and forth, waiting for the phone call to come in.

Pacing and thinking. I couldn't get Angela out of my mind. It had taken more than simple restraint to stop myself from grabbing her yesterday when she opened the door. That skimpy little tank top and the towel around her shoulders was almost as sexy as the gowns she'd worn to those first few events.

I wondered what kind of story she'd told her sister about the money for the operation—she obviously didn't want Maria to know the details of our arrangement. Thank god I'd figured that one out before blurting the truth. It could have gotten kind of messy if I hadn't been paying attention. But
Angela's obvious distress had been a pretty blatant red flag.

Their living arrangements weren't too different from what I'd expected. Most of the bungalows where pretty similar on the inside. And while the girls were obviously sisters, I could really see Maria's resemblance to her father. I wondered how tall she would have been before the accident made her wheelchair-bound. I suspected she was at least a head taller than Angela.

As eager as I'd been to give Maria the good news—and maybe get back into some of Angela's good graces—I'd never expected to get such a bonus with those photographs.

I still felt a little guilty about leaving Angela so much on her own during the cruise, but it had obviously turned into a lucky break for me.
A break I couldn't help celebrating by stealing a kiss before I left.
Angela had been no less shocked by my impulsive move than I had been, but somehow it had just seemed right.

At this point, it should be pretty simple to tie up all the loose ends.
being the operative word. There were still plenty of things that could go wrong, but, I was much more confident now.

I thanked my lucky stars—and Angela's photographic skills— for giving me just what we needed. It was hard not to be impatient. Especially since, once this mess was over, we could all get on with our lives. I didn't dare to let myself consider what that might mean, or just how differently things would play out as a result. I just hoped I'd be able to wait that long.

"Mr. Mancini, it's that call you were waiting for," came Hilary's voice from the intercom. "Line three."

"Thanks for calling me back so quickly," I said into the phone, as calmly as I could manage. "Can you meet me for lunch? The guys have decided they'd like to take you up on your offer of help after all, and I think it's time to wrap this up."

"Oh, Darlin', you know I'd meet you anywhere. Just name it," came Naomi's reply.



>>>>End Book 4<<<<

Release Schedule

Book 1 -

Book 2 -

Book 3 -

Book 4 - November 7, 2014

Book 5 - due out November 21, 2014

Thank You - You Have My Deepest Appreciation

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About the Author

Like most romance writers, Ami LeCoeur is a romantic at heart, but in her heart it's the classic Romanticism of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

She is also a painter, glass artist, and award winning poet, as well as a writer.

When she isn't traveling, she lives on California's Redwood Coast with her husband and two kitties. She loves her wonderful ocean view, and when the fog comes in - as it always does - she's either curled up with a good book, or busy writing.

If you like Ami's stories, please let your friends know.


Career Life Press
Copyright © 2014
Ami LeCoeur



All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior written consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, is entirely coincidental. All names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and situations are either the product of the author's imagination, or used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real.


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