Hide & Seek (30 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Hide & Seek
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Yeah,” Enid replied just as Tate walked into the room.

She’s straight,” Ryan replied simply. “Lay down,” he told her as she immediately complied.

He secured her to the gurney, looking into her face as he spoke.

You’re about to hear some gruesome shit,” Ryan told her frankly. “The lesson here would be that if you fuck up, the next time it will be you.”

Enid shivered involuntarily at the end of his sentence watching both men’s back as they left her alone in the room, the tears streaming and her mind racing.


LaRon’s cell rang as they passed the welcome to Mississippi sign.

Yeah,” he spoke into the receiver. “We’re about an hour out,” he replied to the party on the other end. “Yeah, everybody’s in place,” he threw out once more as the person answered his questions.

Finally disconnecting he addressed Mook.

That was Jaron,” he told him as Mook nodded his understanding.

Jaron was one of their crew who lived in the Delta. He was the one keeping an eye on the operations as well as the takeover for them. He was the one who alerted LaRon when everything began to implode.

What he say about them fools Ryan and Tate,” Mook asked.

He was ready to find the men and kill them. There had been entirely too much drama going on. Unnecessary drama in his estimation, Mook thought to himself as LaRon filled in the details as he knew them.

So we’re gonna hit Jazzy’s first,” Mook asked as LaRon told him yes.

That should bring the bitches outta hiding,” LaRon added acidly.

He had his own personal vendetta to settle. Every time he thought of Ryan touching Jaleesa he was blinded with rage. It didn’t matter that he was locked up. Jaleesa was his woman and jail cell or no, that didn’t change.
Not to mention him and Ice killed Top’s brother,
LaRon continued to think as Mook’s cell went off.

Looking at the ID he smiled slightly seeing Kim’s name on it.

Hey Miss Kim,” he greeted her amiably.

It’s me,” DeNoah replied instead.

Mook’s heart immediately dropped. DeNoah calling him from Kim’s phone was not a good sign.

What’s wrong,” he asked tightly as LaRon glanced over seeing the stress on his face and hearing it in his voice.

Kim’s at the hospital,” DeNoah told him calmly.

Why,” Mook asked tightly.

I dunno,” he returned honestly. “How you know then,” Mook asked, hoping this was all some sort of bad dream.

Followed her here from Mardi Gras,” DeNoah told him.

You lost me,” Mook replied honestly.

DeNoah sighed deeply and began the story at the beginning. He told Mook he was headed to Mardi Gras to check the rumblings and see if he could find Role. He’d heard from the street he was seen hanging out there a lot now.

She came out as I pulled up,” DeNoah told him. “She was walking like something was wrong, then she got in her car, her phone hit the ground but she didn’t notice,” he told Mook as the man listened wordlessly.

So I started to blow my horn to get her attention but I see these dudes come out and they looking at her and whispering to each other,” DeNoah told him.

Mook was seeing blood right now.

Then,” he spat evenly.

She started the car, so I started mine and followed her,” he told him.

Where them fools at,” Mook asked.

They here too,” he said as Mook began rubbing his temples. “Send me a picture,” he ordered as DeNoah told him to hang on.

Taking out his own phone he snapped the picture and sent it to Mook. The picture arrived seconds later and Mook clicked on the image.

Keep an eye on that muthafucka, if he goes near Kim, kill him,” Mook said flatly as LaRon gave him a look.

No problem,” DeNoah returned. “Soon as I know something, I’ll call you,” he added as Mook thanked him shortly and disconnected.

Mook gave LaRon the rundown of the call and showed him the picture.

Why is that muthafucka following her,” LaRon growled seeing the picture of Freight.

That’s what the hell I wanna know,” Mook told him. “That and why she’s at the damned hospital,” Mook replied his mind immediately flashing back to their earlier conversation.

Is it the baby,
he thought but didn’t voice. Pulling his nerves together, Mook changed his train of thought back to the task at hand. Until DeNoah called him back there was nothing he could do except wait.

Let’s find some fools to put some bullets in,” LaRon threw out knowing his friend was upset.

That shit sounds like a damned plan,” Mook returned as they reached Jaron’s condo and pulled into the parking lot.

After a quick called, Jaron was downstairs greeting the men. Mook took him in as they got out of the car. He was medium build, about 5’9” or so, dark complexioned and walked with a slight limp. LaRon explained that he’d been shot years ago and the leg had never healed properly.

Wassup man,” LaRon greeted him, introducing Mook as well.

Nothin’ man,” Jaron returned. “Ya’ll come on inside,” he added turning and showing them the way.

Mook made sure his phone was turned up to maximum capacity as they entered the condo, the chronic smoke leading the way.



Kaitlyn watched wordlessly as Tariq pulled out more guns from his arsenal. He and three other men had been working all day gathering weapons, loading them and verifying their readiness. His cell had also been ringing non-stop. She knew that whatever they were planning was about to go down. Looking up and seeing her sitting in the easy chair Tariq walked over to her.

You okay baby,” he asked sweetly.

Kaitlyn smiled and told him she was fine.

What’s all this for,” she questioned as he sighed deeply.

You know that already, KiKi,” Tariq replied.

So you’re seriously gonna go through with this,” she asked hoping he would tell her no.

Pulling her from the chair, Tariq took her hand as they walked back to his bedroom. They were sharing it now that she knew who he was. Closing the door, he turned to her and kissed her softly before speaking.

KiKi, this is gonna happen baby, whether you want it too or not,” Tariq told her honestly.

I don’t want all this, Tariq,” Kaitlyn pleaded. “I’m with you, I’m not leaving,” she implored as he smiled and kissed her again.

I know baby,” he told her. “But this is bigger than just you and me,” Tariq added hugging her tightly to himself.

Kaitlyn had never felt as helpless as she did at the moment. She loved both men. Ice was the devil reincarnate, that she had to admit, but he’d been good in her life. They’d been good together.

Tariq, please, for me, don’t do this,” Kaitlyn pleaded again as the tears came.

He understood her plea, though it changed nothing. This battle was already cast. Now was simply the time to act it out.

KiKi,” Tariq began as she gave him her attention again. “I know Ice has been good to you,” he told her patiently. “I know you care about him, maybe even love him in your own way,” Tariq went on. “But baby, this is business, and you of all people already know how this is goes down.”

Sighing deeply Kaitlyn laid her head on his chest as Tariq continued to hold her. She did know, but that didn’t change what she felt. It didn’t make the thought of Ice dying any easier for her to take.

Why don’t you lie down baby,” Tariq whispered in her ear.

Nodding slightly Kaitlyn moved away from him and went to the bed. Tariq helped her in, leaning over to kiss her.

It’s gonna work out baby, trust me, OK,” he queried as she looked into his eyes.

Swallowing hard, “I do trust you,” Kaitlyn replied simply as Tariq smiled and admonished her to close her eyes.

He sat with her until she drifted off, stroking her face gently as he rose and went back to his task. It was almost time.


DeNoah was still watching the two men who so far hadn’t noticed his presence.
Who are these fools,
he wondered his hand going inside his pocket looking for change to make a purchase from the vending machine. He felt the slick paper and pulled it out, finding the photo he’d removed from Halle’s apartment. Unfolding it DeNoah looked at it again, realization dawning. Looking up he took in the two men once again comparing the bigger one to the picture he still held.
The same muthafucka,
he thought growing angry. DeNoah still didn’t know his name, or why was he here at the hospital. Why were they following her out of Mardi Gras and talking about her? DeNoah had question after question, but so far very little in the way of answers. Seeing the picture made him think of the phone call earlier.
I hope her sister calls me soon,
DeNoah thought still watching the two men. He rose quietly, not drawing attention to himself and headed to the vending machine. His back to them DeNoah pretended to be engrossed in his purchase as he casually tried to listen to their conversation.

Did you find out anything,” Freight was asking Myles worriedly.

They followed Kim thinking she would lead them to Top. The hospital arrival took them both by surprise and Freight was worried she would report what he’d done to her to the police.

Something about a D&C,” Myles replied as Freight frowned deeply.

She was pregnant from that fool,
he thought angrily. He knew Kim was in pain, but deep inside Freight was glad he’d caused her to miscarry. He wanted her empty when she came to him and they became a couple.

You see Five-O anywhere,” he asked again as Myles shook his head no. “She ain’t talkin’,” he assured Freight as the man nodded thoughtfully again.

Cool, lets jet,” he replied going on to tell Myles they would check on Kim later.

The two men walked right by DeNoah as he pressed a button and watched the chips fall to the bottom of the giant metallic monster that held them. Walking away without claiming his prize, DeNoah wandered around the ER until he stumbled upon Kim’s room.

What’s up Kim,” DeNoah spoke as he walked into the room and she spotted him.

What are you doing here, DeNoah,” Kim queried anxious about his presence.

She was going to tell Mook about the miscarriage, but she could never tell him that Freight had raped her. Besides, she had her own plans to end that life. Just as soon as they released her, Kim was headed out to find that fool.

Came to check on you,” DeNoah replied giving her a look.

How did you even know I was here,” Kim questioned.

He gave her a quick rundown of seeing her at Mardi Gras, leaving out the portion that included the two men who’d followed her all the way to the hospital.

Thanks for getting’ my phone DeNoah,” Kim told him earnestly.

It’s straight,” he returned, not enlightening her once again that Mook knew she was here as well.

They say what’s wrong,” he asked glancing at the various forms lying on the bedside table.

Girl stuff,” Kim replied simply as DeNoah grunted and left the questions alone.

I’m fine though,” she told him, hoping it would prompt him to leave.

Cool,” DeNoah told her turning to leave the room. “I’ll be in the waiting room when they release you,” he added letting her know he had no intention of leaving.

Kim smiled slightly and thanked him as he left her alone and the smile immediately left.
This throws a serious curve in my plans,
Kim thought as the nurse entered with the sedative so they could remove what was left of her and Mook’s child from her womb.


Enid looked around the room as she waited for Tate to exit the shower. He’d brought her here after they finished Tyreece. Thinking about it brought the tears again as she took yet another deep breath to stay them. Enid didn’t want to recall the screams of horror she’d heard emanating from the embalming table as she lay tied to it. It seemed like the carnage lasted for hours. She heard Tyreece begging for his life again and again as she tried to block her imagination. Then just as suddenly as it began, the silence returned and Enid heard nothing. Tate had walked in moments later; clothes splattered with Tyreece’s blood and untied her. Enid thought it odd that while his clothing and even his face carried some hint of the carnage they’d unleashed, his hands were clean.
Guess they wore gloves,
Enid thought sighing deeply again.

A part of her felt guilty for being alive, but she was glad to be. Tyreece had gotten her involved once again in madness and this time he paid with his life. Enid had endured Tyreece’s illusion of crime grandeur for the five years she’d been with him. She knew he loved her though and that made the hurt come once again. Still Enid couldn’t deny what she felt for Tate. After he’d hurt her that first time, he’d taken her in another room to be with her again, away from Tyreece’s prying eyes and he’d talked to her. Tate told her he didn’t want to hurt her but he was going to be with her again. He told Enid he would make it good for her if she at least tried. Closing her eyes, she sighed lightly recalling her agreement to his proposition. When he kissed her, she’d kissed him back and they’d made love for most of the night. Tate kept his promise and never hurt her again after that first time.
I’m sorry Tyreece,
Enid thought to herself of her husband’s demise. Enid was a survivor though. She’d survived marrying a man almost 20 years older than her in Tyreece. Survived his abusive nature when he drank, beating her almost nightly for the first two years; survived being kidnapped and raped by Ryan and Tate. Now Enid was determined to survive as Tate’s plaything. She never wanted to end up in the brothel Ryan warned her about and she would do anything to ensure that she thought as Tate walked into the room wrapped in a towel, giving her a familiar look.

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