Hide and Seek (9 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Brooks

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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“I want a serious answer.”

“Okay…serious.” Lizzy sighed as she thought about it. “Call me crazy, but any guy who has as much of a commitment issue as Maxim has is either stupid, or has issues. Big ones,” Lizzy answered, more truth, more
, in her scorning words than she could ever imagine. “And you're sure everything is all right?”

All right? Not really. Not even close. Her heart was pounding furiously.

Lizzy might be right. Maybe Maxim had issues. Maybe all along she'd judged him too harshly.

Maybe she was a bitch.

“Everything's fine,” Elisa answered quickly. Knowing damn good and well she couldn't maintain lying to her sister, she rapidly fired, “Except he's here and I think I'm falling for him and um, don't you dare come here, love ya, bye!”

Elisa quickly hung up, feeling so confused…yet not. She had a new perspective, a new outlook on Maxim that she never imagined she would see.

Could there really be something more to Maxim? Considering what he'd said, the way he'd actually respected her, she could almost think…almost believe…

more than just a man-slut.


the time Maxim calmed down enough to come back inside, Elisa was snuggled in bed, fast asleep. Teeth chattering, he stood in the doorway to her room, soaking in her serene, sensuous appearance.

A heavy quilt covered her up to her chin, tucked snuggly at her sides. Her long, dark hair flowed around her body, stretching across the mattress like a thick, silky curtain. The slightest smile curved her lips. An angel sent straight from God couldn't have looked more peaceful…or beautiful.

On the floor, her box of dildos and vibrators sat open, disproving the presence of a heavenly creature in this room. Elisa was a vixen through and through…a fact that would be ever-clear when she roused.

Could he take any more of her game?

He shook his head as he thought of the torment his poor penis had endured at her insistence. And yet, crazy as it seemed, he couldn't wait for more.

Drawn to her, he took another step inside the room. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips as he fantasized about ditching her rules, hopping on her, and fucking her without mercy.

Maybe he couldn't do that, but he could lie next to her. Soak up her warmth. Touch her soft skin. He had to have lost his mind, but all he wanted was to snuggle next to her. He was so cold, so wet, and her bed looked so inviting.

Sure, there were other rooms he could sleep in, not to mention the couch, the bearskin rug, even the tub. He had his options. But none of them sported a very seductive angel that he wanted to get to.

Unable to stifle a long, stretching yawn, his cock twitching in protest at the thought of being close to her—physical torture he likely could not withstand in his condition—Maxim went to the side of the bed and sat down. Here went nothing.

He stripped off his boots, then his pants. The notion of sleep seemed impossible, the prospect of sexual relief too tempting, but his worn body begged to differ. He'd been up almost twenty-four hours, had barely eaten, and had exhausted his stamina pleasuring her. Not to mention that within the past week, he'd flown here from Egypt, completely switching times zones, then hunted her down, traveling in the thick snow.

Hard as it was, hard as
might become, he was sticking to his plan. He
prove himself. No matter how severe his lust became, or whatever dildo-induced, desire-fogged opening she gave him, he wouldn't fuck her. Not until she was truly ready, heart, body, and soul.

Elisa might find it easy to emotionally reject him, but he was no blind idiot. Every time he talked sweet to her, every time they kissed, he touched something in her, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She'd likely try to push him away again, but he wasn't budging. He intended to be everywhere she was: in her face, on her body, in her bed, driving her nuts until she couldn't pretend anymore.

With numb limbs, Maxim shrugged off his coat and shirt, then yanked off his boxers. Gently, so not to jolt her, he slipped under the covers. To his shock, she lay naked. He slid a finger along her length, searching. Nope, she didn't have as much as a stitch of underwear on.

A bolt of need shot through his loins. Where was her flannel nightgown? Why didn't she have it on?

Had she expected him?

Gulping, he commanded himself to adapt to the situation. Make the best of it. The change in temperature felt like he'd just lain down in paradise and he snuggled closer to her warmth, intending to enjoy the contact, even if she wasn't aware of it.

Sure, he'd expected her to be wearing something—panties at the least—but she wasn't and naked or not, he chose to sleep next to her. He chose torture over denial.

His cock pulsed in disagreement. Turning, he lay flat on his back, so that his growing erection would not touch her. Normally, he'd have pressed his hard dick right between the crevice of her ass cheeks, to make sure she was aware of him. But being that physically insistent wasn't part of his plan.

Keeping his hand on her upper thigh, he forced himself to lie there,
being close to her. While seducing her really wouldn't be all that difficult, not if he really pressed matters, he wanted her to want
, not just his body.

It was cheesy and ridiculous, but some deep, dark, hungry part of him required nothing less. With every hour that he remained at this cabin, his need for her grew. He'd come here with the simple intention to seduce the one woman who'd got away. Now…

His fingers flexed, pressing into the flesh of her thigh. Every instinct in him warned him to stay clear of the wave of feelings inundating his mind and body. His heart.

Until Elisa, he'd managed quite effortlessly to stick to his guns, to avoid relationships and the downfalls they undoubtedly would bring. After Keaton had died in the car accident as a direct result of discovering his wife cheating, Maxim had easily avoided closeness with one night stands and flings aplenty. Elisa had been a fluke…he hadn't meant to fall, yet suddenly…

His fingers dug even deeper into the soft skin of her upper leg as he realized what he'd almost just admitted. He wasn't falling in love with her. Jesus, no.

Why was he actually thinking the two of them could have some sort of future together? Ridiculous.

His grip on her caused Elisa to stir. She wriggled, tossed her head to the side, then sighed in a throaty, lust-invoking manner that left him in a panic. Thankfully, a moment later, she calmed and her gentle, even breathing returned.

Maxim stared down at the tent his cock made in the blankets.

Sure, he was hungry, famished, needy for her. But love had never been, and would never be, a part of his life.


Awoken by his touch, Elisa fought to keep from gasping. Maxim's cold palm pressed into her thigh, burning her flesh, searing hot and fast need through her.

So much for catching a few winks.

She'd lain in bed for hours, unable to get any shut-eye as she'd pondered her new outlook on Maxim Cox and his wild ways. Wondered what to do about it. Sometime, somehow, she'd miraculously drifted off, only to be jolted back to consciousness by his very

Had she expected company, she would have left her nightgown on. But it had smelled like him—it seemed everything in the house did now—and she hadn't expected him to climb in her bed uninvited. Certainly not naked.

Again, his nails lightly caressed her skin. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as she fought to remain composed. Silent. Pretending to be asleep.

If he knew she was awake…

Maxim wriggled and the coarse hair covering his legs rubbed her smooth skin, creating erotic friction. While his fingers were still cold enough to cause her skin to goose bump, his body was quickly heating against hers, killing Elisa's will with his presence. Her every nerve was aware of him and firing demands throughout her.

was she putting herself through this?

How easy it would be to roll over, climb aboard, and fuck him right now. To stop fighting and start enjoying.

wasn't a good thing where Maxim was concerned; easy equaled trash. If she fucked him now, he'd toss her aside and never look back.

Then again, she had to give the dog a bone, or in this case, a boner, if she wanted him to stick around. If she kept giving Maxim hell, he'd give up. Leave.

The prospect should make her happy. After all, she wanted Maxim gone, didn't she?

Yes! Of course!

The truth resonated through her. The thought of being in this cabin, alone, without him, was suddenly unfathomable. She needed him to stay. She needed to be with him, if only once.

The reality of her situation closed in around her. It felt as if she had nothing left, but here Maxim was, wanting to be with her.

The thought of playing with Maxim was so much more welcoming than being alone, worrying about who might be watching her on porn.

Elisa shifted her lower body, driving his fingers dangerously close to her pussy. If he'd just cooperate a little…be a little more aggressive…

“Maxim, I—” She cleared her throat. “Okay. Fuck me. Please.”

To her surprise, he responded with a snore. His fingers drifted downward, resting lower than before.

The asshole!

She'd bet he wasn't even sleeping. He was probably toying with her, giving Elisa her just rewards for stopping him from jacking off. She peeked over the blankets, noting the spike propping them up. Just like she thought. He was

Why wasn't he seducing her like a good man-slut? Shouldn't he be on top her by now?

Elisa lay there, fighting a forming clump in her throat. Damn Maxim! Had he gone crazy? He should be all over her like a kid on candy!

Seconds turned into minutes turned into an hour. A hundred times she almost reached for him, almost said screw her damn plan to become stronger; if sleeping with a man she desired was weak, she welcomed weakness.

But she just couldn't make herself go through with it.

Maxim's breathing became even and steady, telling her he'd really fallen asleep. Quietly, she slipped from the bed and threw on a robe. Tiptoeing from the room and down the hall, she made her way to the kitchen.

Their disastrous meal of burnt tofu still lay on the table, reminding her of the poor way she'd behaved the night before. She didn't want to fight with Maxim anymore, but neither did she want to relinquish what thin thread of control she did possess.

Her eyes drifted to the wasted, full glasses of milk also left untouched, reminding her of the age-old saying “why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”

Elisa picked up the glasses and carried them to the sink, dumping out the contents. Why indeed? Maxim was used to free milk, used to flashing a dimpled smile and having women spread their legs. Yet despite all the females at his disposal, here he was, persisting in his attentions. Why? She wasn't about to let the horny bastard guzzle her milk for free.

Her mouth stretched in a yawn. It was too early to think about this. She needed to wake up, clear her mind. Try to think rationally.

Leaving the dirty glasses in the sink, Elisa grabbed a pot and boiled some water for tea. Five minutes later, she was mindlessly flipping through the paper when the telephone rang.

Elisa glared at the noisy interruption, contemplated not answering, but knew no telemarketer would be calling at eight in the morning. She answered on the sixth ring. “Hello?”

“Elisa. I'm sorry to call so early, but I wanted to get right on top my day and I know you're an early bird. Well, how are you doing?” Her typically serious and stern boss, Nora Moning, asked sweetly—too sweetly. Something was up. “Enjoying your time off, I hope?”

“You could say that.” Elisa lifted her chin, concern flaring in her gut. “I'm managing.”

What was this all about? After the tabloids had hit the shelves, Nora had been politely sympathetic, telling her to take a few months off until it all blew over. Elisa had always anticipated that Nora would eventually tell her not to come back, while she questioned if she even wanted to.

So here it came. She was officially being fired.

She wasn't sure she cared.

“Good, good,” Nora cooed. “Listen, I know I encouraged you to take a few months off. But Elisa, I need you to handle a case for me.”

Return to work?

Now? The request hit her hard, almost knocking her from her chair. Her chest grew tight.

She'd expected to be let go, not to be invited back. Oddly, she'd have rather been axed. There had been too many comments. Too many looks. She could never face her peers again.

Could she? Did she even want to?

“What's the issue?” Elisa couldn't help but ask, the fighter in her instantly needing to know. “Who are we up against?”

“The state of Colorado,” Nora declared, her tone switching from charming to no-nonsense. “They're trying to put a highway right through my parents' ranch. The amount they offered for the land is a pittance, especially when you consider the fact that my family has lived and worked there for generations. The house is practically a museum and it'll have to be torn down. It isn't right. My parents—my family—deserve better. That's why I thought of you.”


“After the way you settled the Robert's suit, I'm certain you could be beneficial to their lawsuit, and how convenient, Aspen is only two hours from their farm. I'd consider it a personal favor.”


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