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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Hide And Keep
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“I was so tired, Lane. When I came here, I didn’t think I could do it anymore. All of the running, the hiding, the messages and sleeping on hard pleather couches or folded up in office chairs… I wanted it to end. I was starting to like the idea of just letting him find me, letting him give us peace. The night before I came here, I tried to decide where I would let him take me, if I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I thought the International House of Pancakes would be a good place. That way, my last meal would be pancakes. I think it would hurt less if I could still taste pancakes when I died.” He confessed.

“Jesus, Aiden.” Lane gasped.

“I haven’t felt like that since I met you. I got a little scared downstairs when I thought about leaving and going back to my life. I knew this couldn’t last forever but I wasn’t ready for it to end so soon. Then, you said that I was staying and it felt like a miracle.” Aiden heard Lane get to his feet.

“Can you come out now?” He asked. Aiden got to his feet and frowned when he saw his reflection in the mirror.
You’re kind of a pervert, right now,
Aiden decided.

“Umm… I had to get out of my court clothes, they were making me very uncomfortable.” He said as he pressed his forehead against the door. “I’m naked.” He admitted.

“So, you’re telling me you’ve had a head start? Come out and help me catch up.” Lane ordered.

Chapter 13


As soon as Aiden opened the door, Lane pulled him into his arms and was backing them toward the bed. Need slammed into Aiden but it didn’t come from his groin, like he was used to. It was mostly in his chest and his fingers fumbled as they worked at the buttons of Lane’s shirt. Aiden was overwhelmingly aware of the desire to feel Lane’s skin against his. He wanted more than that. He wanted to open himself and fill his chest with Lane. He wanted Lane to be the inside of him. Aiden wanted to dump out everything he didn’t need and replace it with Lane. 

Once Lane’s shirt and undershirt were peeled away, Aiden wrapped and rubbed his body around him. He imagined he looked like a very large, horny cat. As usual, Lane was patient, using his hands and lips to soothe Aiden’s body wherever he could reach. Somehow, they were able to remove the rest of Lane’s clothes with Aiden attached to him. They fell on the bed and writhed and pulled at each other urgently, reveling in the feel of hot flesh sliding against hot flesh and tangled limbs.

“I won’t let you give up, Aiden. I won’t let him take you.” Lane growled the words against Aiden’s collar bone before his tongue lapped at Aiden’s skin.

Aiden squeezed his eyes and lips shut, trying to hold in the bright swirl of happy safe soft need that plumed through his chest and throat. He slid his hand into the silky warmth of Lane’s hair and pulled him close, silently begging Lane to burrow into him. He felt Lane’s fingernails scrape down his back and a different need erupted. The throbbing heavy urge thudded in his groin as his erection pulsed between them. Aiden felt the gnawing hungry empty tingling feeling in his ass and ached for Lane there. Aiden rolled them so he was on top of Lane and hugged Lane's hips with his knees as he stretched for the bedside table and found the condoms and lube. Lane’s hands slid up Aiden’s back and he whispered Aiden’s name as he sat up and pressed his lips to Aiden’s chest and licked at the ouroboros tattoo over his left nipple.

A tortured moan spilled from Aiden’s throat as vibrant, desperate hunger streaked through him. No one had ever touched him the way Lane did. These weren’t the greedy careless aroused touches Aiden was used to. Lane pulled Aiden’s lust from his pores while he pushed his own heat and magic into Aiden’s body with his fingertips. Lane’s mouth on Aiden’s tattoos bonded the rush of sensation and wholeness Aiden felt from the tattoos with the feel of Lane in his arms. It was all too intense and overwhelming. This wasn’t sex, this was intimate and raw. A loud thing screamed for Aiden to get out, that it was going to crush him. This was making love and he couldn’t. Aiden grit his teeth as he leaned forward, pushing Lane back onto the bed as he buried his head in the corner of Lane’s shoulder and pushed the loud thing away. He needed Lane, he’d pay anything for this. 

“I need you inside of me, Lane.” Aiden panted as he ripped the condom wrapper open with his teeth. He sat up and leaned back as he reached behind him and rolled and stretched the condom down Lane’s thick length with trembling fingers. He squeezed a generous amount of lube on Lane and quickly stroked, spreading it down his shaft. Aiden leaned forward on one hand and held Lane’s cock as he scooted his hips back. Lane gripped his waist, stopping him. Aiden’s brows pulled together as he looked down at Lane in confusion.

“You need to let me get you ready. I don’t want to hurt you.” Lane said as he reached for the lube. Aiden shook his head.

“I need it to hurt.” He gasped urgently as he pushed Lane’s shoulder back on the bed. Lane’s mouth opened in protest and Aiden quickly sat back. Aiden hissed as the head of Lane’s cock pierced the tight ring of his ass.

“Aiden!” Lane scolded as he grit his teeth. Aiden gasped as white searing angry pain shot through his body as he slowly forced Lane’s full length into his clenching passage. 

“I have to have this.” Aiden whispered shakily. “Then I can feel all of it. Its like the pain wakes it all up and pulls everything together.” He gulped for air as he felt Lane’s balls press against his ass. The pain was already receding and Lane was everywhere, pushing against everything inside of Aiden. The pain forced the loud thing out but Aiden couldn’t tell Lane about it. He fell forward, letting his hands press into the bed on either side of Lane’s shoulders. He rocked forward and a current of golden heat shot through his body as Lane groaned. 

“Oh, God, you’re so tight.” Lane said as he pulled Aiden down on top of him. Their chests became slick as Aiden slid down and Lane’s hands glided over Aiden’s back. Aiden rested his forehead on Lane’s, letting their eyes lock as he rode Lane’s thrust. “Fuck it.” Lane growled as he speared his hand into Aiden’s hair, forcing their lips to collide. 

Aiden gasped in shock and Lane angled his head as his tongue surged into Aiden’s mouth. The feel of Lane’s tongue, hot and slippery, swirling around his stunned Aiden. Lane moaned into Aiden’s mouth as he probed and claimed. It happened. Aiden felt the hole rip open inside his chest and it pulled Lane in. Aiden sucked Lane’s tongue into his mouth as tidal waves of tears rushed from his eyes. Lane became the ouroboros, pouring into Aiden’s body from both ends, filling him with his strength and patience. Aiden closed his hands around Lane’s face and kissed him ravenously. Lane pulled his feet up, bracing them on the bed as he drove hard and fast into Aiden. 

For so long, Aiden was the Master of sex. He understood the nuances and catalysts, he orchestrated and navigated every encounter. This time, with Lane, Aiden was in the middle of a raging storm, clinging in awe as everything within him was ripped from it’s foundations and tossed into the maelstrom. Aiden screamed and begged into Lane’s mouth as his tongue continued to thrust and slide around Lane’s. Aiden tasted clean blue sweet mint and salty tears. His tears. 

Lane’s arms wrapped tight around Aiden, anchoring him in the chaos. Aiden felt the hard heat of Lane’s cock filling him relentlessly. His nerves sparked and burned as the head of Lane’s erection ground against his prostate. Aiden’s balls pulled tight as a warm heavy honey golden wave of pleasure rolled through his groin and up his shaft. He ripped his mouth free as he arched and sobbed Lane’s name. His body was gone and Aiden felt like he’d fallen weightless, into a void before his body slammed back into him with a shattering concussion as come burst from his cock and scorching wet flooded between their bodies. 

As if from a distance, Aiden heard Lane gasp his name before he froze, his fingertips digging into Aiden’s back before he shuddered and undulated beneath Aiden. Their chests heaved and Aiden felt Lane’s heart pounding, driving through the barriers of Lane's chest into Aiden’s and he welcomed it in as his body melted onto Lane’s. Aiden let his head fall and his lips covered Lane’s. There was a long, lazy sigh that began in Lane’s chest and ended in Aiden’s as their lips and tongues caressed and clung. Lane held Aiden’s limp, boneless body clasped to him, drinking from his mouth until Aiden raised his head and dropped it into the corner of Lane’s neck. 

“You were wrong, Aiden.” Lane whispered. Aiden hummed in response as Lane’s fingers sifted through his hair and stroked the length of his spine. “You aren’t lacking the thing that makes a person a person. You have too much of it. You don’t always know what to do with it or you get clogged with it but it’s there. It’s there inside of you. I see it all shifting through you, in your eyes, and it’s all real. It’s all there, there’s just too much for you to deal with sometimes.” He breathed the words into Aiden’s ear and they swirled through his brain and drifted into his chest, unsettling everything again. Aiden couldn’t respond to Lane’s words, his brain and his mouth couldn’t form thoughts so he nodded and held on tighter to Lane. He breathed for several minutes, waiting for the contents of his chest to settle.

“Can I stay like this for a while longer?” Aiden murmured. Lane’s fingers continued their soothing and he hummed softly.

“You can stay for as long as you want.” Lane said. Aiden felt a laugh shake Lane’s chest. “We’re already stuck together. When you’re ready, we’ll take a shower.” He raised Aiden’s fingers to his lips and kissed them. Aiden felt a smile under his fingertips and his lips curved against Lane’s skin.

Chapter 14


“I think it would be best if I took some time off. I have a lot of leave saved up.” Lane said as he watched Chief read through the messages on Aiden’s phone. Aiden started to protest and Lane pinned him with a glare. “I never use it and I’m not planning to go on vacation any time soon.” He added. Lane looked back at Chief. “It will give me time to figure out how to catch this guy and it’s safer for Aiden if we hide out at my place.” Chief nodded as he slid Aiden’s phone back across his desk.

“Except he knows where you live, GQ.” Chief said as he gave Lane a pointed look. Lane shrugged as he sat back.

“I’m hoping he gets tired of waiting for Aiden to move and shows up. It would make things easier for us if he came up and rang the doorbell.” Lane joked. He felt Aiden tense.

“I don’t like the idea of forcing him.” He said as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Lane reached over and rubbed his back.

“It’s the best plan I’ve got right now. Until he makes a move, I can’t do anything.” He explained. Aiden closed his hands over his face.

“So, now we’re both bait. This is why I didn’t want you involved. I never wanted to put you in danger.” Aiden complained. Lane squeezed Aiden's shoulder affectionately.

“It’s my job to catch criminals and protect people, Aiden. I’m trained for this.” He said gently. Aiden looked over and his eyes were heavy with worry. Chief sighed.

“As much as I don’t like the plan, I agree that it’s the best we’ve got so far. I’ll do whatever I can to try and find Burgess before he gets to you. Do you want me to keep a unit posted in front of your place?” He asked. Lane shook his head.

“That's a bad idea. I’ve got too many windows.” He said as he winked at Chief. Chief laughed before his eyes flicked to the door. He frowned as he sat back. Lane looked over his shoulder just as the door swung open.

“What the hell is he still doing here?” Clark yelled as the door hit the wall. Lane and Aiden jumped to their feet and Lane held his hands out, gesturing for Clark and Aiden to remain calm.

“He's staying with me until Burgess is arrested and no longer a threat.” Lane explained. Aiden shook his head.

“It’s none of his business.” Aiden said as he glared at Clark. Chief stood up and leaned over his desk.

“Whatever is going on between you two needs to end, now.” Chief raised his hand and pointed at Clark. “I have a citizen in danger and it’s our job to protect him.” His arm swung toward Aiden. “When we catch him, it might be Cabbot that makes sure he goes away for a long time. You might want to figure out a way to make peace with him.” Chief suggested. Lane cringed as he nodded.

“He has a point.” He mumbled. Aiden stretched his neck as he sneered at Clark. Lane stifled a groan. He looked at Clark, hoping he was being more reasonable. Nope.

“You can’t be serious. He’s using this so he can stay.” Clark said as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Lane. Aiden tensed and pointed at Clark but Lane stopped him before he could say something that would set Clark off.

“He doesn’t need an excuse to stay, Clark.” Lane stated. Clark flinched and shook his head.

“Come on, Lane. You’re not really interested in this guy.” He laughed as he let his eyes travel over Aiden. Lane’s temper started to boil.

“He’s the first guy I’ve been interested in, in a long time, Clark.” Lane knew it was a cheap shot but he wasn’t going to let Clark put Aiden down. Clark’s eyes flashed and his nostrils flared. His eyes flicked to Aiden.

“I didn’t think you’d go for pity sex, Lane.” He said and Aiden laughed.

“It would explain the last few years, wouldn’t it?” Aiden asked and Clark dove for him. Lane pushed him back as Chief rushed for the door and shut it.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on but you two need to get over it!” He yelled. Clark pushed at Lane’s arms, trying to break free.

“I’ve had it with him, Lane!” He yelled. “You want to waste your time fucking a dirty, homeless freak, go for it but I’m…”
Lane decided as rage swelled within him.

Lane pulled back and drove his fist into Clark’s jaw. Clark stumbled back in shock and Lane dared him to say another word. Clearly, he missed the message.

“You fucking whore!” He roared as he rushed at Lane.

Before Lane could get his fists up, Aiden jumped in front of him and head butted Clark in the face. There was a loud crunch and Clark’s nose exploded. He fell back against the door, clutching his face as he wailed. Aiden advanced on him.

“You don’t touch him. Ever.” Aiden warned. Lane grabbed Aiden’s arm but he waved him off. “Get your wife a fucking strap-on, show her some pegging videos and leave Lane alone.” He said as he grabbed a box of tissues off of Chief’s desk and tossed them at Clark.

“What the fuck…” Chief whispered. Lane looked over and Chief had his phone out. Lane pinched the bridge of his nose as his head started to pound.

“You better not be googling ‘pegging’” He whispered. Chief’s eyes grew large.

“Too late.” He looked at Lane in shock. “Did you and Cabbot…?” Chief’s brows rose in question and Lane gave him a faint nod. Chief gasped as he looked at Clark. “You’re gay, Cabbot?” He asked incredulously. Aiden shook his head as he sat down.

“He’s not gay. He just really into anal sex and occasionally enjoys sucking cock. He prefers having sex with women but he thinks he’s in love with Lane.” Aiden said as he pulled out his phone and started swiping casually. “He’s not. He’s just afraid to lose his only access to anal sex and a cock to suck occasionally.” He added.

“Aiden!” Lane warned and Clark stood up straight and tensed to rush at Aiden. Lane stepped in the way and Chief grabbed Clark's shoulder.

“Don’t make me tase you, Cabbot. The whole county will hear about it before you’re done pissing all over yourself.” Chief promised. Lane looked up and the entire station was on it’s feet, watching on the other side of the glass. Clark growled in frustration as he started to pace.

“Whatever happens with this fucker’s stalker, leave me out of it.” He said as he pointed at Aiden. “I’m done with you. I hope he gives you Hep C and you shit your liver out.” Clark pointed at Lane before he looked around the room. “None of this gets back to my wife and I won’t press charges against either of you for assault.” He said before he pulled the door open and stormed out. Chief shook his head in disbelief and laughed softly as he fell into his seat.

“I never would have guessed.” He mumbled before he looked at Lane and Aiden. “You might want to steer clear of Cabbot for a while.” Chief advised and Lane snorted as Aiden rolled his eyes. “Take as much leave as you need. We’ll do everything we can to find Burgess. You need to check in regularly and keep me updated if there are any developments.” He said as he stared at Lane. “Be careful.” He said softly. Lane nodded as he got up. Aiden jumped to his feet.

“Thank you for your help.” He said as he offered Chief his hand. Chief took it and smiled.

“That’s what we’re here for.” Chief said as he waved at the door. “Get out of my office and try to find some way to enjoy your time off, Lane.” He ordered. Lane waved over his shoulder as he pushed Aiden out the door.

They were just leaving town when Aiden turned and stared at Lane. Lane raised a brow as he looked at Aiden before turning his attention back to the road.

“We should get tested.” Aiden’s tone was thoughtful and casual as he looked back out the window. For a moment, Lane was sure he didn’t hear Aiden right. He acted as if he had just suggested they should watch a movie or play a board game. Lane’s cheeks puffed out as he exhaled loudly.

“Why? Worried you might have Hep C?” He tried to tease. Aiden frowned as he turned back to Lane.

“No.” He said as his eyes searched Lane’s face. “I’m confident I’m clean. I get tested regularly and I’m careful.” He explained. Lane nodded.

“Are you worried that I’m not?” He asked carefully and Aiden shook his head quickly.

“I’m confident you’re clean. I thought that since I’m staying for a while, we could get tested and not have to use condoms. I’ve never been monogamous with anyone so I’ve never tried barebacking.” He remained calm while Lane’s brain combusted. He stepped on the brake and the car jerked violently before he whipped the wheel around. Aiden grabbed the dash and stared at Lane in shock. “What are you doing?” He gasped as he looked frantically out the windows, making sure they weren’t about to collide with other vehicles. Lane smiled at Aiden as he stepped on the gas.

“Getting us to a lab.”

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