hidden talents (5 page)

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Authors: emma holly

Tags: #Romance, #Magic, #gargoyle, #paranormal romance, #elf, #vampire, #New York, #werewolf cop, #erotic romance, #erotica, #urban fantasy, #fae

BOOK: hidden talents
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“You can trust me,” she said in her most persuasive voice. “I didn"t run away when you let me pee earlier.”

Again, he wagged his head. “You"re in my custody.”

“Not officially. Unless you"ve got a thing for bondage.”

Adam began breathing more quickly. Ari must have hit an accidental bull"s-eye. She couldn"t remember making a man pant before they were in bed.

“I don"t,” he said defensively. “At least, I never thought I did.”

He looked at her helplessly. God, she wanted him - all flushed and horny and embarrassed. She wanted him to pant harder. Wanted him to thrust into her and feel so good he cried out. She licked her own lips, and he let out a groan. Ari decided.

“To hell with it,” she said huskily. “You like these cuffs so much they can damn well stay on.”

He came out of his chair so fast he shocked her. He stopped when he saw she"d tensed. His lungs went in and out like bellows. “I"ll be careful,” he said.

She didn"t know what that meant, but right that second it didn"t matter. She stood and he was so much taller she felt silly. He didn"t, apparently. He bent, one hand behind her head, the other resting light as air on her waist. He caressed the strip of skin above the waist of her low-slung jeans.

“Ari,” he murmured, the way he said her name making her shiver. “Don"t cut yourself on the points of my incisors.”

Oh, man, that just did it for her. She stretched up and kissed him. The tip of his tongue slid like wet silk between her lips, instantly enchanting her. His mouth was the perfect cross between cushy and masculine.

“Mmm,” was all she could say at how good he tasted. His tongue was

courting hers, gentle, slick, the damp huffing of his breath on her cheek almost too much of a turn on. She turned her head and invited him deeper. As he RSVP"d, another sexy growl rumbled in his chest.

To her delight, her encouragement turned him a bit less gentlemanly. One broad hand wrapped around her bottom, pulling her off her feet. He hiked up her weight like it was nothing, and maybe to him it was.

He turned, and her back bumped what she assumed was the refrigerator.

Pressing her into it, he kissed her harder, deeper, those long canine teeth threatening to cut her lower lip. She opened wider and wrapped her legs around his trim waist.

“Ari,” he whispered, breaking free for a breath.

She used the opening to drop her cuffed hands behind his neck.

“I like your teeth,” she said.

He closed his eyes like hearing that hurt him. This time when he slanted his mouth over hers, the deep kiss didn"t end for long minutes. If this had been a movie, the violins would have been swooning. They both were breathing raggedly when he withdrew at last.

“Move me lower,” she said as his glazed eyes stared into hers.

“Lower?” His voice was thick with arousal.

“You"re too tall. I want to feel your erection between my legs.”

His body jerked, his fingers clamping tight on her butt. “All right. Just ...

don"t be afraid if it feels too big.”

Ari smirked. She"d heard that once or twice before. Then he moved her, and she realized maybe his warning was justified.

“Wow,” she said, gaping up at him.

He grimaced, not rocking into her yet, just rubbing her jean-clad crotch lightly up and down the middle of the stone hard ridge. It was hard to judge, but his cock felt like ten inches. Ari turned the teensiest bit leery.

“You know how to operate your power tool, right?”

This time, his smile was the smug one. “I do.”


He shook his head. “Not in a couple years. Not serious, anyway.”

She wondered at that. He seemed like a man women would snap up and hang onto. Not that this was her business.

“Can we actually - I mean, would it turn me into a wolf if you and I did the deed?”

His breath caught flatteringly. “No. There has to be a blood exchange and a ritual. And your Talent might make you immune. But -” He hesitated, that cute little furrow creasing between his brows. “Werewolves can impregnate Talents, even using birth control.”

She didn"t think she imagined that his hard-on got harder. Evidently, kissing women in cuffs wasn"t his only kink.

“I would never force you,” he said. “Not to do anything.”

The weirdest thing was, she believed him. Ari didn"t trust anyone lightly and she wasn"t sure she ever trusted completely. This cop radiated sincerity like he did heat. Her chest went tight at the idea that he wasn"t lying.

Since she couldn"t speak, she kissed him again.

Maybe Adam should have fought what was happening, but he couldn"t make

himself. However good Ari"s reasons for her actions, she was a criminal. She was also younger than he was, a newcomer to Faerie, and a member of a different race.

Actually, that caused his instincts to prod him harder. Talents made good werewolf mothers. Sometimes women of their own race couldn"t control their need to shift and miscarried. Maybe Carmine was right about him having baby hunger. He wanted to spill inside this girl so bad he was practically whimpering.

Then again, maybe he just plain wanted inside her.

He groaned as she rocked against him, the denim seam that clasped her pussy compressing his zipper. She started sucking his tongue and a hot chill sluiced down his spine. He hurt from wanting her, and he had a sneaking suspicion she felt the same. He shoved her harder into the fridge, driving the hand that had been cradling her head under her soft tank top. He reminded himself he didn"t jump into sex with women he"d just met. Unfortunately, the warm silk of her breast felt like heaven under his palm. He caressed a delicious circle over the curve.

She moaned, arching into his massage. Holding her was like trying to control an eel without hurting it. She had a lot of strength for such a little thing. Her nipple was a hard tight pebble, and twice as hot as the rest of her. Since the rest of her was plenty hot, that was saying something.

He wrenched free of her mouth. “Gotta suck this.”

He shoved up her shirt and ducked.

“Unh,” she said as he latched on, her hips bucking hard against his aching dick.

She was moving like she was going to come. Hungry for that, he suckled

harder, pulling the nipple and areola between his canines, curling his tongue around the tightness it was rubbing.

“Adam,” she gasped. “God.”

Her scent rose, her cream saturating her panties to wet her jeans. Adam backed off before he gave in to the urge to bite her.

That was the sort of thing he didn"t do without discussion.

“Why are you stopping?” Her voice was rough, her Iowa blue eyes glassy

with desire.

Long explanations were beyond him. Feeling more than a little crazed, he laid her back on the kitchen table and undid the front of her ripped up jeans. She hadn"t come yet, but he knew how to make her.

“Can I?” he asked, fingers splayed across her warm little belly. “Can I pull these off and go down on you?”

Her eyes got big, her sharp tipped breasts going up and down with her hard breathing. Even in human form, his ears were sharp enough to hear her heart thundering. His lust cranked higher inside his veins.

“Yes,” she said, cuffed hands curling into fists. “Please.”

did it for him. Most male werewolves had a dominant switch or two. He yanked the worn black denim to her ankles, fell to his knees, and sank in.

She tasted even better than he"d thought she would, rewarding every lick and suck with fresh cream. It was humbling, really, to be desired this much. Growling out his approval, he buried his face in her, using his fingers to rub what he couldn"t tongue, not letting up for a second until she came with a throttled scream.

He didn"t let up then either, not until she stopped twitching.

“Oh God,” she panted, her body sagging on the old wood.

He rose over her, his weight held off her by his elbows. His Saint Michael medal dangled down on its chain, and he hoped the policemen"s guardian wasn"t taking offense at this. Ari blinked a couple times before her eyes would focus.

“I felt your teeth,” she said in a shaky voice. “I felt them nudging to either side of my clit.”

His canines were still run out. He was too wound up for them not to be, nor were her words likely to change that. He licked the sweet taste of her from them.

She watched his tongue as if it fascinated her. “Do women always come that hard for you?”

“Sometimes,” he said honestly.

He felt her hands turn within the cuffs. They were directly beneath his groin, and her fingertips half petted, half scratched the pounding hump of his erection.

The pleasure this stirred was so insane he gasped.

“Don"t stop,” he said when she paused. “That feels incredible.”

“Would you -” Resuming her tantalizing scratching motions, she wet lips as pink and plump as rosebuds. “Would you like me to suck you off?”

Lightning streaked through his cock. Those lips on him ... That tongue ... “I would like it,” he said, his throat almost too tight to push out the words. “But that isn"t what I want most right now.”

“What do you want most now?”

“I want to fuck my cock between your cuffed hands and come on your bare belly.”

He wanted it so badly he sounded angry. The blush left over from her orgasm deepened, setting her cheeks aflame. Her grin broke out a second before her chuckle. “Oh, you
have a fetish for bondage.”

“Maybe,” he conceded, enjoying her amusement. “But so far you"re the only woman to bring it out in me.”

She liked his answer. She smiled slyly from under her dark lashes. Her cuffed hands wrestled with the drawstring that kept his sweatpants secure on his hips. As the waistband gapped, she dug into the opening. Adam"s stomach jerked with anticipation.

“Hm,” she mused, catching her lower lip under small white teeth. “Not

boxers and not briefs.”

His breath sucked in as she freed his heavy length from the tight jockstrap.

“Boy,” was all she had to say, her palms and fingers stroking him warmly from base to crown. He sensed she was measuring him. “Boy, oh boy, you are some handful.”

He tried to speak, but only got out a moan. Her touch was fearless: not too hard, not too soft, and wonderfully thorough.

“You"re wet,” she whispered, both thumbs finding his pre-ejaculate and

swirling it around.

His head dropped down beside her neck. He couldn"t stop it. He had to rub his aching eyeteeth against her skin. Ari squirmed on the old table.

“Do you want to drink my blood?” Still whispering, she sounded more

curious than horrified.

He shook his head, swallowed. “It"s a wolf thing. We like to ... bite the neck of our partners to hold them in place when we come. It"s an instinct from our animal halves. We don"t need to break skin.”

He didn"t mention that sometimes they liked that as well.

“Ah,” she said. Her hands had just gotten hotter, perspiration dampening her palms as she cupped his balls and squeezed gently. “Are you going to come soon then?”

He groaned and kissed her, his tongue reaching deep to taste and claim. She kissed him back a little shyly. She was eager, but he could tell she wasn"t used to letting go completely. He wanted to make her let go, more than he"d have thought possible.

“Man, you can kiss,” she panted when he released her mouth again.

He smiled down into her dazzled expression.
This is the girl for me
, he thought.

He waited for the rational part of him to dismiss this as mystical mumbo-jumbo, but it wasn"t obliging him.
, his mind said firmly instead.
That was a
true thing you thought

He didn"t know whether to believe this, but he could deal with it later. Right then, he had other priorities. He moved his hips, nudging his length through her hands. Her eyes got dreamy at the feel of him sliding.

Most likely, his did too.

He sighed as her fingers curled around him.

“You could do that tighter,” he said hoarsely. She did it tighter, and he began to thrust. Lord, it felt good. Her hot little hands. The slight rattle of the cuffs. The electrum plating smoothed their edges where his penis glanced over them. The charm that powered them gave off a slight tingle. Adam didn"t want to rush these assorted pleasures, but his increasing urge to come had him rolling his hips faster.

Ari turned her head and nipped his earlobe.

He cursed. This was something wolf lovers did. Her doing it turned up the current that ran through his sweet zones. Sensation rose sharply inside his groin.

“Fuck my hands,” she whispered, fingers tightening rhythmically on his

shaft. “Fuck the hands you trapped in these pretty cuffs.”

He hadn"t known he liked dirty talk any more than he liked petite females.

Her comment sent him into a spin. He was growling, sweating, his mouth open on her neck with both sets of canines run out so far they hurt. He hoped she couldn"t feel the lower ones. Some non-weres thought two pairs looked too animal. Then again, Ari might not mind. How fast she was breathing was amazingly sexy.

Pleasure coiled to the point of pain ...

“Fuck,” he gasped. “I want in you so bad.”

He pushed downward with his hips, angling his cockhead to jab her belly when his shaft shoved beyond her wrists. The crazy amount of precome he was leaking smoothed his way really well. She made a sound, low and excited. He went faster.

“Yes,” she urged. “

His balls seemed to jump upward. The climax was a knot inside them -

tighter, stronger - and then the feelings swelled so big they simply had to burst.

He came with a foghorn moan, hot spurts shooting over her hands and

abdomen. He almost bit her but managed to hold off. The orgasm wrung him out harder than usual, like riding the crest of a long rough wave. She petted him all the way through it, seeming to know when his nerves turned raw and he needed her to gentle.

He wanted to collapse, but on top of her was the only place, and he was heavy. Groaning, he pulled free of her hold, tugged up his sweats, and sat shakily in one of the kitchen chairs.

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