Hidden Magic (23 page)

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Authors: Wynter Daniels

BOOK: Hidden Magic
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Haley piled a paper plate high with gooey desserts and fattening breads. “You guys are so sickeningly sweet. Now I have to stuff my face with sugar to drown my loneliness.”

Taryn rolled her eyes. “Yeah, like she ever goes more than a week without a new guy chasing at her heels.”

Haley stopped what she was doing to face Taryn. “Problem is they’re not worthy. I refuse to accept any less than the perfect guy and same should hold true for you.” She tipped her chin toward Zander. “No reason we can’t find one as good as him.”

He puffed out his chest. “There aren’t any others like me, but maybe you two will find men who are close.”

The women groaned in unison. Jilly hoped her friends were someday as fortunate as she. Against all the odds, was finally happy. Not only had she found a great guy, but she’d discovered herself as well.



About the author


Wynter Daniels lives in Central Florida with her husband of more than twenty years and their two nearly grown children. They are all the slaves of a very demanding cat. After careers in marketing and the salon industry, Wynter’s wicked prose begged to be set free. She writes for Ellora’s Cave, Carina Press, Loose id, Red Sage. She loves to hear from readers, but only if it’s good!


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