Hidden Heat: Hauberk Protection, Book 4 (15 page)

BOOK: Hidden Heat: Hauberk Protection, Book 4
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Troy’s pace didn’t slow while she came apart. When she opened her eyes, she was caught by the intensity in his eyes; it was as if he could see into her very soul. She cupped his jaw and tightened her muscles around him only to set off yet another orgasm.

When she opened her eyes again, sweat rolled down his forehead but he still hadn’t come. She clamped her hands on his shoulders and lifted herself up then slammed back down. Once, twice more. Tighter. Harder. His head fell back, so she dipped her head and nipped at the spot where his neck met his shoulder. Her teeth had barely touched his skin when his arms banded around her, holding her in place. With a deep groan, he stilled and warmth flooded deep inside her.

He held her there, not letting her move for the rest of the ride, one hand stroking her hair until the limo slowed and turned right, stopping at a gatehouse. The limo driver spoke to the guards for a moment before the massive iron gate swung open. Sandy roused from her languor, remembering for the first time that the chauffeur had watched everything she’d done. How strange that she’d been so lost in Troy’s pleasure, and hers, that she’d forgotten they’d had an audience.

Troy reached between them to hold the condom in place as she lifted off of him. When she reached down to pick up her clothes, he stopped her. “You’ll only need your coat.”

“But my clothes…” The limo stopped beneath the porte cochere of a two-story French-style mansion.

“You’ll get them back before we leave.” He held up her coat. “Normally in the summer you’d be expected to walk to the door buck naked.”

The driver opened the door and stood there, his gaze on the mansion’s bright red door. The winter wind quickly stole the warmth from the car and she shivered, though she wasn’t sure which was stronger, the fear or excitement.

Troy curled
his fingers under her chin until she met his gaze. “Last chance, Sandy. We can still go home.”

“I’m not chickening out. I want to do this. Besides, I’ve always wondered what the inside of the Rouge was like.”

Troy’s eyebrows lifted. “I’m not going to ask how you know about the Rouge, but this isn’t the main house. This is merely the guest house.”

“Pffft.” She waved away the distinction. “Main house, guest house. There’s no difference. We’re going to have fun having lots and lots of kinky sex, right?”

Troy shook his head. “Some days I wonder if you have an evil twin. Now put your coat on.”

She stuck her arms in her coat. Before she could button it, Troy palmed one breast and placed a kiss above her areola. “Just remember, this is all about fulfilling your sexual fantasies. I won’t think any less of you if you want to go home early.”

“I told you. I’m not leaving.” She placed her palm in the gloved hand the chauffeur held out and stepped from the limo. Instead of Troy joining her, the chauffeur offered his arm and began to walk up the path. She pulled away and stared back at Troy, who now leaned against the side of the limo. “Aren’t you coming?”

“You have to ask for permission to enter all by yourself. So you can’t say I forced you later.”

Oh. Guess they had to be cautious both for their sakes and their members’. Cool.

“Just knock on the door, Miss.” The chauffeur set her back in motion and led her to the front door. “Madame Jocelyne is expecting you. If you don’t wish to proceed, simply tell her that you wish to leave and she will arrange for a car to take you back to town.”

Sandy stared at the wrought-iron knocker for a moment before gathering her wits. Just knock. That’s all she had to do. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth, she lifted the black lion’s head and let it fall with a resounding thump.

Almost immediately the door opened. A middle-aged woman, her black hair highlighted with a single red streak smiled at her. “Bonjour, and welcome, Miss Hallquist. We’ve been expecting you.”

Sandy stepped into the foyer as the woman closed the door behind them. A vase of day lilies adorned the massive round wooden table that dominated the center of the room. She inhaled their fragrance as it mixed with the beeswax they’d no doubt used to polish the gleaming banisters of the dual staircases on either side of the hall.

“I am Jocelyne. I must ask, my dear, if you are here of your own free will, and if you have been informed of our rules.”

“I am. And I have.”

Très bien
. My staff and I are here to ensure you receive every pleasure imaginable during your stay with us.”

“Thank you.” Every pleasure imaginable. Until she’d met Troy she thought she’d had a pretty good imagination. Now, surrounded by opulence, she realized he could show her so much more.

“I’ll take your coat and then I’ll show you to our spa.”

Her coat. Right. All right, she could do this. Taking a deep breath that only made the stones avalanching in her stomach larger, she undid the coat and took it off so all she wore were her heels. Jocelyne’s gaze skimmed down and back up before she nodded. “Very nice. Now if you’ll follow me.”

Jocelyne’s footsteps echoed off the warm marble floor as she led her through a set of French doors at the far end. She stopped in a room at the back of the house that had Sandy’s jaw dropping. Overhead, the ceiling was entirely glass, the overhanging tree branches filtered the weak winter sunlight, accenting the Wedgewood blue walls with their white trim. “This is where your initiation shall take place this evening.”

Vases of roses formed a walkway that widened and surrounded a raised dais in the center of the round room. An archway decorated with more flowers had been placed in the center of the dais. Two silk ropes dangled from it while a leather fainting couch and numerous pillows had been placed to one side. Instead of the straight lines of its historical counterparts, this was all bends and curves.


Jocelyne chuckled, a rich throaty laugh. She touched Sandy’s elbow, the jewels in her rings catching the halogen lights, scattering a myriad of prisms across the tiled floor. “It is impressive, is it not?”

Impressive didn’t begin to describe it. “How many people will be here this evening?”

“Approximately a dozen, give or take a few. If all those who made reservations show up, that is. Some arrive later than others, though most try to be present for an initiation. But since you will be blindfolded, it should not matter, should it?”

“No, I suppose it shouldn’t.” What if Sam and Rosie showed up? Or someone she knew and would have to work with every day. She pressed her hands against her stomach as the realization of what she was about to do hit her with an iron fist.

“Now has
McPherson told you what is to happen tonight?”

“I’m going to be blindfolded, stripped naked and have sex with Troy in front of everyone, right?”

.” Jocelyne led her back to the foyer and tapped on a door beneath the right-hand stairs. “Now, after tonight, you may venture where you will, wear what you wish, and speak freely. But for now, we mustn’t waste any more time.”

The door opened and a younger woman appeared, her gaze raking Sandy from head to foot with a much more critical gaze. Had she noticed the dampness streaking her thighs? Or the redness where Troy’s beard had rubbed her breasts?

“Crystal, Miss Hallquist shall require the full treatment today. In all respects.” Jocelyne nodded to Sandy. “If you require anything, just let Crystal know. And in the meantime, enjoy yourself as she prepares you for the festivities.”



Troy prowled the building checking to make sure all the rooms that overlooked the central area were empty, and the cameras monitoring the public areas had been disabled. Jocelyne had been bemused when he’d handed her a recording made of a previous night’s gathering and asked her to play it over the sound system. But at least she hadn’t laughed the way Cooper had when he’d demanded there be no other guests present at Sandy’s initiation.

He stopped in the central hall and checked the strength of the flogger he’d asked Jocelyne to set out. He dangled the tails, then snapped it against the leather couch where he’d make love to Sandy later. The leather whistled through the air, landing with an impressive thwap but it was more sound than fury. It would leave a pleasing redness to her skin but shouldn’t cause too much pain. Of course, Sandy might have something different to say about it, but from the way she’d reacted the night he’d spanked her, he doubted she’d object too strongly. Or perhaps she’d be into pain and would demand more.

A shadow in the hallway had him reaching for his weapon only to remember he’d surrendered it, along with his cell at the front gate. Seconds later Scott appeared in the archway. His brows drew together when he spotted the flogger but he only said, “Davis won’t be bothering you tonight. He’s attending a fundraiser in Baltimore.”

“Good. Can I ask you to hang out in case he decides to return early? Or in case he’s set something up for one of the other members to intercede.”

“You’re not, uh, wanting me to stay and watch, are you?”

“No.” From Scott’s body language he didn’t want to be anywhere near there which suited Troy just fine. “Just patrol the perimeter and stop anyone from interrupting us.”

“Can do.” Scott started to turn, then stopped. “I guess I should tell you—I’ve rented a place of my own so I’m moving out next weekend. I thought you should know.”

“Good.” Was it?

Left alone once again, he continued to prowl the room. Sandy wasn’t the only one who required more than the standard missionary position. If they were going to continue this relationship, if that’s what it was, he needed to free some of his own closely held needs.

Chapter Twelve

The initiation hadn’t even started, Sandy realized, and there hadn’t been a part of her body that hadn’t been touched. Pity it hadn’t been Troy drying her off after her shower—the second one she’d had that day. As nice as Crystal was, having a woman towel her off had been strange. Letting her shave her private parts was no biggie. After all, she got Brazilians all the time. But when she’d been asked to turn over? Well, a little warning might have been nice. Warmer hands might have helped too.

Once she’d been cleaned inside and out, she’d been given a massage that left her a puddle of boneless goo. She’d then been whisked to another room where Crystal touched up her nail polish on both her hands and feet. Another woman had come in and carefully applied her makeup. She was in the middle of asking herself why couldn’t she put on her own makeup so skilfully when the woman asked her to stand up and proceeded to dust a glittery powder all over her body.

Standing in front of the cheval mirror that reflected the image of someone she barely recognized, she tried to convince herself there was no reason why her stomach should be doing flip-flops the way it was. Or for her palms to be sweating. Oh yeah, she was going to have sex in front of total strangers.

“May I offer you a glass of champagne, Miss Hallquist? It might help soothe your nerves.”

She took the slender glass flute, needing to hold it with both hands to stop the shaking. What the hell had she gotten herself into?

Jocelyne reappeared and gave Sandy a quick inspection where she expressed her approval. “Now do you have any other questions?”

About a billion. Yet, none of them managed to make it from her brain to her mouth.

“And you’re sure you wish to continue with tonight’s event?”

“Yes.” Wow, were they ever obsessive in making sure she agreed. Although a lawsuit could be pretty embarrassing for everyone. Especially if a list of the club’s members ever became public.

Très bien
.” Jocelyne held up a black satin blindfold. “Do you wish me to blindfold your lady now,
, or do you wish to do it yourself?”

Sandy’s head whipped around to find Troy standing in the doorway behind her.

“I’ll do it myself.” He walked across the space separating them and took the mask without ever taking his eyes from Sandy. “Thank you, Jocelyne, now leave us please.”

He waited until they were alone before he trailed a finger across her collarbone and down her arm. “You’re beautiful.”

She’d never felt as beautiful as she did when he looked at her. The rocks that had been taking turns tumbling in her stomach slowed. “Thanks. It’s just something I threw on at the last moment.” She rubbed the lapels of his tux. She’d seen him in it at company functions before, but never when she’d worn so little. There was something erotic about the combination. “You’re overdressed. Shouldn’t you be naked too?”

“It’s part of the initiation.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. He rested his lips against her knuckles, his breath caressing the back of her hand. “Lie facedown on the massage table for me, will you?”

The leather beneath the sheet creaked as she climbed onto the table. His warm palm nestled at the small of her back while something smooth and hard touched her ankle. He dragged it up the back of her calf, and along her thigh.

“Have you ever worn an anal plug, sunshine?”

“No.” Her pussy rippled and she knew if he touched her down there his fingers would come away dripping wet. “You’re not expecting me to do a threesome, are you?”

His hand flattened over her behind. Though he didn’t tighten his grip, she could feel the intensity flowing from his skin to hers. “No. I will not share you, Sandy. Ever.”

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