Hidden Dragons (11 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Hidden Dragons
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He showed her his hands. Claws curved from them where he should have had fingernails. A shiver she didn’t think was fear quivered over her tailbone.

“Oh.” Her voice sounded strange, throaty and low-pitched. “I didn’t . . . I didn’t know you could change without a full moon.”

“Usually I don’t.” He drew in a lengthy breath, trying to slow his respiration. “Under the circumstances, giving you a hand-job seemed like a bad idea.”

“If you’d accidentally hurt me, I’d have healed. I have enough faerie blood for that.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her hand was still on his thigh, and she found she didn’t want to move it away. The intensity of his gaze as it locked with hers made her ache down low and melt. Maybe he knew. The breathing he’d tried to steady sped up again.

“So . . .” she said, teasing her fingertips along the inner muscles of his leg. “If you weren’t giving me a hand-job, what would you like to put inside me instead?”

The question was blatantly suggestive—and so not
she could hardly say it with a straight face. Rick, evidently, didn’t think it was too much at all.

“Jesus,” he breathed, flushing darker.

Then he slapped one clawed hand atop his mouth.

Guessing what had happened, Cass broke into a chuckle. “Noo . . . Fangs?”

“You’re a menace,” he growled, hiding them with his palm.

“Let me see.” She tugged at his wrist.

Reluctantly—even grumpily—he let it fall.

As considerately as she could, Cass peeled back his upper lip. “They’re fine,” she said, peering at them. Both his upper and lower canines had lengthened. She tested the points with a finger, deciding they weren’t too sharp for safety.

“Are you done?” Rick huffed.

Cass was kneeling on the mattress now. She crossed her arms and smiled. “You’re kind of prickly for a guy who’s about to get lucky.”

“Right,” he said disbelievingly.

“I like you like this. Your fangs and claws are sexy.”

“You’re just being nice.”

“Rick,” she said, schoolmarmlike. “You do know what happens when faeries lie.”

His brow had furrowed, but at this reminder his scowl eased up. “You want to have sex with me while I’m like this?”

“Some people would say I’m scary,” she pointed out.

“You’re beautiful,”

He said it gruffly, like he intended to defend her against every faerie hater in the Pocket. God, he was cute. Her nerve recovering, she climbed out of the four-poster and shucked her remaining clothes. Rick’s reaction to her nakedness was totally worth the courage stripping took.

“Boyohboy,” he said, swinging his legs around to sit on the mattress edge. His erection bounced distractingly. “No, just stand there, please. My poor wolf brain needs a minute to take this in.”

“Rick,” she said, blushing with pleasure but embarrassed. It was hard to stand still while he ogled her.

His gaze traveled eventually to her face. “You’re good enough to eat.”

“So you’re the big bad wolf?”

“You have no idea, sweetheart.”

She liked the growl in his voice. “Take off your jeans. Being naked by myself is weird.”

He started unzipping them sitting down, but quickly realized his sizeable hard-on presented logistical challenges. He stood, finished, and shoved the soft denim down his long and rather awesome legs. His boxer briefs followed in short order.

Cass’s breath stalled a little. His whole body was breathtaking. He was what a man should be, she decided—from the hair on his legs, to the narrowness of his hips, to the sculpted breadth of his broad shoulders. His pecs were . . . and his arms . . . and, wow, he was really hung. Of course you couldn’t really call it
when it was standing up, but that was a fine man-pole jerking at his groin like it wanted to leap at her.

A bead of pre-come welled from its tip.

“Cass,” he said.

“Huh?” was her best answer.

His eyes crinkled with amusement, an interesting effect when paired with the fire in his irises. “I said I only brought one condom. It’s a good brand—and charmed—but if you really want to have intercourse, it’ll have to be just one time for now.”

The words
for now
snagged her already addled brain. “What?”

“I’m aware faeries are . . . fertile with almost all races. You’re only half, but I figured—”

He trailed off, and her thought processes caught up belatedly. “Oh,” she said. “No. You and I couldn’t— I’d have to do a special spell. You don’t need a condom unless you want it for you. I’ll probably dust you when I, um, you know. Some men find that uncomfortable.”

Her cheeks were fiery. She’d never had this conversation with her Outsider human lover. He hadn’t known what she was. She’d let him use condoms because it was easier than explaining.

“You’re sure that’s safe for you?” Rick asked.


“And you’re not concerned about my size?”

She laughed, which seemed to take him aback. Maybe he was used to women worrying? “No. I mean, you are obviously big, but you won’t hurt me. Faeries are very, um, adaptable.”

His glowing eyes stared into hers a moment longer, his lovely mouth pursed consideringly.

“Should I come back over there?” she suggested, admitted hopeful.

He grinned and held out his arms. She walked into them and kissed him, naked body to naked body and sweat to sweat.

“Mm,” he groaned into her mouth. His lengthened teeth made kissing interesting. They were hot spots, she gathered. She licked one fang, and his embrace tightened. A second later she was on her back under him on the bed. She couldn’t believe how fast it had happened—and how gently.

“You used your werewolf speed on me,” she gasped.

His kissed the crook of her neck. “Only for that. I promise I’ll take my time over everything else.”

His voice was half growl again. She wriggled at the undeniable thrill of his animal nature, her pussy so wet and achy she’d happily have taken all of him then and there.

“I’m half faerie,” she said, trying to speak intelligibly as he nibbled across her collarbone. “I can go fast too.”

’d against her skin, kissing the upper curve of one breast and then the other. Cass’s back arched in anticipation.

Rick didn’t disappoint.

“Oh,” she sighed as his soft warm mouth settled onto her right nipple.

He pulled just hard enough with his lips and cheeks that she felt the spangle down to her toes. She felt it between her legs as well, which shot her impatience almost higher than she could stand.

“Rick,” she said, fingers forking into his hair.

He switched to the other breast.

He was on one elbow. His other hand curled lightly around the side of her ribcage. The rooting noises he made had her squirming with arousal. As her legs shifted restlessly around his, his clawed hand tightened. When he realized what he’d done, he forced it to relax.

“No,” she murmured, moving his hand to her unsucked breast.

He lifted his head. His irises were so bright they reflected off her skin.

“If you’re self-conscious about what you are, I will be too,” she said.

His eyes glittered. She couldn’t read what lay behind them, but the emotion seemed important.

“Truly,” she insisted a little shyly. “I like you as you are.”

“I want you to enjoy this.”

“There’s not much chance I won’t.” Deciding he needed proof, she tilted her hips to him. The change in angle squeezed his cock against her warm wetness. Her folds parted for his thickness, the pulse in both increasing. A shiver of pleasure ran through his whole body.

Encouragingly, he dragged the tips of his claws lightly up her tight nipple. “I never thought this would happen. You and me. Together like this.”

“But it has.” Not quite liking his tone of awe, she squeezed her thighs around his hips. “Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is afraid of my little fae pussy.”

He laughed, a wonderful low male sound. “All right,” he said. “Tell your pussy to get ready.”

“She’s ready,” Cass promised. “She wants this big manly cock pushing your energy inside her.”

One dark brow arched at her claim. Boldly, but watching her face for reactions, he drew his claws over her breast, down her side, and finally clamped them—not too hard—around her right buttock. His weight lifted from her, his big body shifting in preparation for entry.

“God,” she breathed, then bit her lip in embarrassment.

“Hungry?” he whispered.

“Oh yes,” she whispered back.

He reached between them to place his rounded glans at her opening. She made a little noise at the first contact.

“Jesus,” he said. “You’re going to kill me.”

Then he pushed and went into her.

It was a long slow glide, the strength of his hips and thighs ensuring it was steady. The generosity of her arousal ensured he didn’t have to stop. His cock was thick and smooth, throbbing more violently as it filled her up. Oh he stretched her good. Her spine arched with pleasure, her hands sliding up his muscled back to pull herself to him. If his cock weren’t enough of a treat, his energy was
: stronger than a human’s, wilder and hotter.

She absolutely adored that his cock was bare.

Considering how he trembled, maybe he adored it too.

When he was all the way in, he drew back and thrust again. He held at the end, squeezed to her limits.

“God,” he moaned, his neck arching back and his eyes closing.

She knew what he meant. Having him inside her was heaven.

His hand tightened on her hip as he segued into another slow deep stroke. Cass moaned in reaction, her legs starting to climb his sides.

“One second,” he said, not going at it yet.

He dropped his brow to the pillow, clutching the Michael medal around his neck. He whispered something too quick for her to make out.

“Was that a spell?” she asked, amused by the idea of him using magic on her.

“A prayer,” he said, slightly embarrassed. “It’s kind of my thing in the squad. I don’t want to, you know, go too early for you.”

He was so damn adorable it was hard not to laugh. She managed to restrict herself to a grin.

“I don’t want to screw this up,” he explained defensively.

She smoothed her hands up and down his back. “I want to give you pleasure too.”

His face darkened in a different way. He let go of his medal, stretching that arm up to grip the mattress edge. He didn’t warn her to get ready. She just knew she ought to. His hips pulled back, dragging his thickness to her brink.

Then he began pumping.

He didn’t go fast or hard, but his thrusts worked on her as quickly as if he were racing. He was big enough to hit every part of her. She gasped as her pussy tightened, her excitement rising with every stroke. He made the most of his grip on the mattress and on her hip. She couldn’t interfere with his movements, though she was soon thrashing. His steady strokes went exactly where he intended, at the speed he intended them to go.

He put a twist into each snap of his hips that drove her crazy. His body was so powerful, so agile and athletic. The simplest, most vanilla motion was incredibly effective.

She wanted to tell him to keep doing exactly what he was forever. Unfortunately, all her breath was taken up in panting.

She guessed he liked what he was doing too. His energy was intensifying, the tingles he shot off heightening, his cock hardening a fraction more inside her. The big muscle in his jaw tightened a second before he hitched his chest higher over her. His knees were bent more then, his thrusts lifting her slightly off the bed. Cass decided she liked this angle even better. Her hands slid to his waist and hung on.

“Good?” he panted, putting noticeably more
into each rhythmic plunge.

She couldn’t speak. She writhed with pleasure, so close to peaking it hurt. He started giving her that lovely hip twist from his new position.

She came with a gasp, deliciously intense sensations contracting her pussy around him. Rick didn’t mind that. Grunting at the feel of her on his cock, he spun the dial of his efforts up at least two notches.

“God,” she groaned as her climax heightened as well.

He wasn’t stopping there. He swung her up again, so that he knelt with her straddling his lap. That was the best of all. His hands were clamped on her bottom, lifting her up and down with that amazing control of his. She gripped his shoulders, her half fae aura beginning to sparkle uncontrollably.

He cursed as her magic hit him, then snarled and thrust harder.

She cried out, working herself crazily back on him. Her breasts bounced against his chest, the wetness of their bodies slapping together abandonedly. She enjoyed the noisiness of their coupling more than she thought she could, so excited she thought she’d burst. Another peak built swiftly inside her.

Rick’s hard wolf claws bit into her soft bottom.

“Cass,” he gasped. “Fuck.”

Maybe she was dusting him too much, but she couldn’t stop. His cock stiffened even more. He sucked a breath and changed angles one more time. Cass let out a helpless cry. His thrusts were getting her clit now, tugging and bumping it with each strong upstroke.

Flutters of orgasm quivered through her pussy.

“Unh,” he grunted, losing it. He drove in all the way, face contorting, cock throbbing out long pulses of wetness. Cass came around them, hot sweet streaks blazing through her clit and pussy. The strength of her climax shocked her. She heard Rick choke out her name, felt him shoot harder and flood out of her.

Her body settled gradually. Rick was holding her, his cheek on her hair while hers nestled on his shoulder. Sweat covered both of them.

She felt peculiar, aware they’d shared something more earthshaking than she’d been prepared for—and with someone she didn’t know too well.

Her Outside lover hadn’t rocked her world this way.

“Wow,” Rick sighed, slowly petting her hair.

She didn’t know what to say in return. She pulled back and looked at him. His handsome face was flushed and relaxed.

His expression sharpened as she regarded him. “Second thoughts?”

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