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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Hidden Desires (79 page)

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"Oh yes." Brooke groaned as their bodies met. She took Cayden's hand and pushed it between them. "Please, touch me, Cayden, I can't wait."

Cayden sucked in her stomach and reached further between them. She reached the top of Brooke's thong and her heart pounded. Brooke whimpered in anticipation and nodded rapidly, lifting her hips off of the bed. Cayden looked down between them, their breasts were touching, it looked so hot, and she felt a slow throb build between her legs. Her mouth watered again, even though she was breathing heavily. Brooke tensed her stomach, waiting for the touch. Cayden looked up at her lover, and she wet her lips before she spoke. "I need to taste you." she rasped out.

"Oh, god yes." Brooke agreed, pushing Cayden down by her shoulders.

The tall woman scrambled down to kneel between Brooke's legs. Brooke opened her legs wide to accommodate and Cayden gulped. "You are so hot, so sexy, and all mine." she muttered, wrapping her hands under the smaller woman, grasping both ass cheeks.

"All yours." Brooke replied, eagerly lifting her pelvis high.

Cayden didn't bother with the thong. She dropped her head between Brooke's legs and began licking the thin material. Brooke's right leg came up quickly and wrapped around Cayden's body. The tall woman groaned, barely tasting Brooke's essence, but smelling it strongly. Brooke was holding her by the hair, breathing heavily and thrusting her hips., begging silently for more.

Cayden licked and nipped at the hot swollen flesh through the fabric until the thong was soaking wet. Brooke was groaning and whimpering quietly, holding Cayden's head tightly, firmly in place. Cayden slid a hand forward and hooked her pinky into the crotch of the thong and pulled it away. She stared hungrily at Brooke's wet, exposed sex, the way it opened under her gaze made her nostrils flare, and without ceremony, she dove her face right into it.

Brooke hissed loudly, her hand left Cayden's hair and she covered her face with a pillow. "Oh fuck!" She shouted into the pillow, her hips moving without her permission.

Cayden stifled a loud moan of her own. Brooke was hot, wet and delicious, and she couldn't get enough of her. She ran her tongue all over, inside and out, in no particular rhythm. Brooke jerked erratically, and hollered into the pillow, egging the tall woman on even more.

With one hand, Brooke held the pillow tight, with the other, she held Cayden's head for dear life. This was wild, and frantic and she loved it. Cayden was devouring her... hungry, animalistic grunts and growls escaped the shop keeper, and with each sound, Brooke got wetter. This was a side of Cayden that Brooke never knew existed, and she liked it. Alot.

Cayden had no idea what had gotten into her, it was like she
Brooke, right this very second. She was as horny as she'd ever been, each tug of her hair translated to a throb in her sex and she was dying for relief. On the other hand, it was almost painful how badly she needed Brooke, to taste, touch, and smell her, and she concentrated all her efforts on Brooke, blocking out her own need for relief.

Brooke groaned languidly as Cayden's tongue thrust deep inside of her. Cayden seemed to know exactly what she wanted, when she wanted it. She could feel Cayden squirming between her legs and couldn't wait to touch her. Instantly, she could feel the tall woman's sex under her fingers and in her mouth. Just as she did, Cayden switched tactics and latched on to her clit. Brooke jumped a mile in the air and her orgasm exploded from her.

Cayden hung on and didn't stop, taken by surprise by Brooke's powerful climax, but thrilled at the response she caused in her lover. She waited until Brooke started to relax before she released her from her lips. Laying her head on the smaller woman's thigh, she caught her breath and sighed. She could make love to Brooke all day, forever, and she was sure she'd be the happiest woman on the planet. Brooke's fingers loosened in her hair and suddenly she could hear her lover breathing again. She looked up and the pillow was gone,. Brooke was red faced and sweaty, breathing heavily through her mouth. She smiled, and crawled up Brooke's body to lick her dry lips.

"Oh.. baby." Brooke breathed out. "You better put that tongue away before you kill me."

Cayden looked innocently at her panting lover. "Me? I'm not the one that had a pillow plastered to my face now was I?"

Brooke pulled Cayden down for a kiss and slipped her leg between the tall woman’s. She pressed it upwards and Cayden jerked and groaned. "That's what I thought." she said with a sexy grin. "Get those pants off now. You need some attention."

"It ain’t worth it. Trust me. It'll be over in a second. You may as well let me do it."

Brooke pouted. "I wanna."

Cayden climbed off the bed and opened her pants. "If you say so, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Brooke watched with rapt attention as Cayden peeled off her pants. She motioned for the taller woman to come closer and when she did, slipped her fingers into the waist band of her underwear. "Let me unveil my prize." She slowly pulled the underwear down.

Cayden felt all her muscles tense at once, as Brooke inched closer, her breath blowing softly across her skin. She was desperately anticipating Brooke's touch, and willed herself to stand still when the blonde got even closer and inhaled Cayden's essence.

"In a million years I never dreamed I'd be so hungry for another woman, but here I am, dying for you." Brooke waited for Cayden to kick off her underwear, and then pulled her closer. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, her face barely an inch from Cayden's sex, breathing in the delicious sent of her lover, rubbing her cheek on the tall woman's stomach.

Cayden watched intently, nobody ever paid such attention to her, nobody told her they were dying for her... nobody looked at her the way Brooke was looking up at her this very second. She studied, her lips, her nose, her eyes... those beautiful green eyes, looking at her with complete admiration... and
. Cayden swallowed, she almost felt tears in her eyes for a moment and felt a bit foolish. Not wanting Brooke to sense anything, she smiled and ran her fingers through messy blonde hair.

"Are you less .. um..
? Brooke asked.

Cayden smiled even bigger. "Yeah, much better. I say you have maybe 5 minutes now."

Brooke chuckled, and ruffled her nose through Cayden's pubic hair. "Do you want to lay down?"

Cayden thought about it for a second.
You know what? No. Broke trusts me with everything she has, the least I can do is something I never did before for her.
She propped a long leg on the bed next to Brooke and grinned.

Brooke's eyes widened. "Mine?" she asked playfully.

"Yours." Cayden replied honestly, meaning it.

Brooke ran her fingers through Cayden's sex, and the tall woman gasped. Brooke liked it too so she did it again. She looked up at her lover's reaction as she did it and thought Cayden looked beautiful. She was so wet and silky, and she sought out every fold with her fingers.

Cayden was re-thinking this standing up business. Her knees went weak the instant Brooke touched her, and she was sure she'd fall down. Standing there on display was something she never experienced either, and as self conscious as she got, she stood her ground and allowed Brooke the explorations.

Brooke shared her interest between watching her fingers, and watching Cayden. Blue eyes kept fluttering and Cayden was biting both lips. "Remember, you have to be quiet." Cayden nodded, and inhaled deeply through her nose. Brooke toyed with her lover's opening and the tall woman jerked, reaching down to hold onto her head. Brooke smiled and slid the tip of her finger inside. Cayden's muscles grabbed at her finger and she closed her eyes. Brooke wasn't sure she wanted Cayden's eyes closed, but giving her pleasure was all that mattered. She slid her whole finger inside and Cayden whimpered, she stopped biting her lips and her mouth hung half open. Brooke added a second finger, leaned forward and licked her clit.

"Yes!" Cayden hissed, trying desperately to be quiet. She thrust her sex into Brooke's mouth and begged for more.

Brooke was thoroughly into her task, licking and tasting everything, while steadily moving her fingers. Cayden had thrown her head back and was rocking into her, her thigh and stomach muscles flexing with every move. Brooke watched every reaction Cayden had to every move she made, knowing exactly what the tall woman liked the best.

Cayden wasn't sure she could keep quiet with what Brooke was doing to her. She looked down and encountered a pair of very intense green eyes looking right back at her. She groaned softly, and reached down to hold her head with both hands.

Brooke pulled away for a second. "Are you close?"

"Very." Cayden groaned, pulling Brooke back.

Brooke's stomach clenched, she wanted so badly to watch Cayden come. She paid close attention to her lover's clit and never took her eyes off of her. Cayden whimpered and began breathing erratically. Brooke quickened her pace, with both tongue and fingers, her heart beat hard in her chest.

Cayden bit her bottom lip, jerked her hips and shuddered, her head fell forward and she groaned. "Brooke... god." she gasped.

Brooke groaned right along with her. Watching Cayden in her orgasm took her breath away, she was never more beautiful.

"Whoa... stop, I gotta sit down." Cayden squeaked out and disengaged herself from Brooke.

Brooke waited until Cayden flopped down on the bed and then she wrapped herself around her. She held her while little aftershocks shook her and kissed her after they stopped. "You are magnificent."

Cayden didn't have the strength to blush after trying to stay upright and silent so long.

"No, really. You are." Brooke crawled over Cayden and tried to arrange her hair neatly.

Brooke was staring at her, deeply. Her heart began beating hard and she felt nervous. "What?"

"I love you."

Cayden stopped breathing. She blinked a few times, opened her mouth, then closed it.

"Cayd? Is that bad? Was I wrong to tell you? Oh fuck. I am so stupid... I don't know why I said it.. it just fell out." Brooke started climbing off of her lover when she was pulled back by her arm.

"Don't go." Cayden whispered.

"I'm sorry. I thought you... I just... I don't know what I was thinking."

"Don't." Cayden put her hand over Brooke's babbling mouth. "I, uh, I do too." Brooke's eyes got wide. "I was, um waiting.."

Brooke pulled Cayden's hand away. "Tell me!" she insisted. "Say it!"

"I did!"

"No you didn't. Say the words. Please."

Cayden suddenly felt embarrassed. Then it struck her.
How could I be embarrassed to say three words after the position I was just in?
"I love you." It was actually a relief.

Brooke whooped and jumped on top of Cayden. "Oh my god! This is perfect!"

Both women kissed and hugged and rolled around on the bed in celebration until they rolled right onto the floor. Then they began to laugh.




RS. HEWITT GLANCED towards the hallway and hmph'd for the millionth time.

Bert sighed. "Harriet, what is it now?"

"It's just too quiet in there. When Brooke watches that program she's always laughing or clapping at something or another."

Bert shrugged and muted the television. Muffled laughter followed by a thud caused him to raise an eyebrow. "Are you happy now?"

Harriet's eyes were wide. "What was that thump? You don't think... Bert!"

"No, I don't
, now hush up and let them be."

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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