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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Hidden Desires (62 page)

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"Oh no! I'm sorry, did you want me to keep it on?" Cayden yanked the shirt closed and started scrambling to close it.

Brooke grabbed both sides of the shirt and pulled it off of Cayden completely. "Off, I want it off." She drank in the tall woman sitting in her bra and loved what she saw. She reached out and began touching the material around Cayden's breasts, but not touching them. Cayden was watching her, sitting as rigidly as she could, Brooke sensed Cayden was
to move. She glanced up at the tall woman's face for approval, then closed both hands around her breasts.

Cayden's eyes closed of their own accord, but she popped them back open. She didn't want to miss one iota of Brooke's expression as she touched her. The blonde was tentative and soft, and it made it all the more sexy.

"Is this alright?" Brooke asked nervously.

Cayden nodded and leaned into Brooke's touch, trying to give her more confidence. "Very alright. You can touch harder, I won't break." she said with a reassuring smile.

Brooke kneaded Cayden's breasts, exploring them and finding they're not all that much different from her own. With that revelation, she sought out the tall woman's nipples and began to play with them. The became hard as rocks and Cayden moaned softly, her head falling back slightly. Brooke felt a serious pang of arousal. "Can I take off your bra too?"

"Only if you kiss me." Cayden replied, leaning in for the kiss.

Brooke accepted the offer, melting when their lips met. She hummed her contentment as their tongues touched and felt her tension start to slip away. She moved to open Cayden's bra, but was stopped by the brunette's hands holding hers where they were. Instead, the tall woman reached around and unhooked her own bra, leaving Brooke holding it in place over her breasts. The blonde was eager to feel Cayden's skin but hesitant to move at all.

Cayden had a feeling that would happen and intensified their kiss, conveying assurance with her mouth. She reached up and cupped Brooke's face with her hands, letting her know she was very satisfied to just kiss the blonde. At first Cayden was nervous, never having been in this situation before. She was always fighting off the more eager pursuers, but now, as she kissed the hesitant blonde, and gave her security, she felt a sense of control she hadn't ever felt before.

Brooke reached up to pull Cayden closer, leaving the bra to fall on it's own. Once the tall woman was pressed against her, she realized Cayden was naked from the waist up. This excited her and she felt the adrenaline move through her veins, causing her heart beat to quicken once again. She had a sudden need to feel Cayden's naked skin against her own and pulled away from the embrace.

Cayden took the opportunity to catch her breath, she sat up straight and let Brooke decide the next move. Oddly enough, she didn't feel the least bit exposed as she sat there watching Brooke look at her. She was dying to make love to Brooke, and to feel the blonde touch her again, but willing to let it take it's time. Her eyes widened in pleasure as Brooke stood up and turned around, presenting her with her back.

"Can you unzip me?" The blonde asked in a shaky voice. She was filled with excitement, nerves and arousal, and wasn't sure she would be able to see straight when she turned back around.

Cayden reached out and opened the zipper, exposing Brooke's naked back. She had to close her eyes and compose herself, knowing that Brooke's breasts, the very things that were taunting her all night, were right there, and about to turn around and face her. She drew her gaze to exactly where they'd be when the blonde turned, and waited. Instead, she was treated to an impromptu striptease and Brooke shimmied out of her dress entirely. Now she was faced with the blonde's perfect backside, in the sexiest little pink underwear.
Lord have mercy.... that is the most amazing ass I have ever laid my eyes on... oh god, please let me touch it...

Brooke turned suddenly and caught Cayden drooling over her butt. She smiled, very pleased that the tall woman liked what she saw, forgetting that she was presenting her breasts. When blue eyes darted right to them and filled with hunger, Brooke became more aroused, and more confident. "You like?"

"Do I
?" The brunette choked out. "Oh my god, come over here and I'll show you how much I like."

Cayden's voice was an octave lower and so very sexy, Brooke couldn't wait to hear it again. She stood between Cayden's legs and shivered as the tall woman's breath fell across her skin. Two large, but gentle hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her even closer. Brooke groaned and grabbed the brunette's head tightly when Cayden's mouth suddenly latched onto her nipple. "Oh... yesss..." she hissed, her fingers tightening in Cayden's hair.

It was a tough decision for Cayden, breasts, ass, belly, lips... she had no idea where to start, or if Brooke would even want her to, but once the blonde shivered, she knew the answer. She glanced up, just to make sure, saw the anticipation, and went for it. Her center twitched as she licked Brooke's nipple. Her hands itched to move, she wanted to feel all of the blonde at once and forced herself to have control. As it was, she wasn't sure it was fair that she was still wearing her pants, while Brooke was nearly naked, but wasn't giving up that nipple for anything.

Brooke never knew her nipple could get that hard, or be so sensitive. She was getting wetter and more turned on by the second. She could hardly stand still, she wanted to touch Cayden and smell Cayden and taste Cayden, yet she didn't ever want the brunette to stop what she was doing. The shop keeper moved to taste her other breast, and dragged her hot tongue across Brooke's skin as she did, making the blonde's legs shake. "Cayd..." she groaned, "You're making me crazy."

The shop keeper mumbled and nodded, suckling and nipping at the delicious nipple in her mouth. Her skin tasted divine, and she had a sudden thought about how Brooke might taste elsewhere. She groaned and pulled harder at Brooke's nipple. As she did so, she felt the blonde's legs start to tremble and reached around and held her backside, guiding her to sit on the bed. To her surprise, Brooke laid down on the bed and Cayden's heart rate tripled.
YES! This is it! She wants it! She's ready!
She reluctantly released Brooke's nipple and looked into the blonde's eyes for any signs of fear. Her first instinct was to jump on top of Brooke and go for it, but she wasn't sure it would be the right thing to do. "Are you sure?" she asked, reaching up and running her fingers through Brooke's hair.

"Yes, definitely." Brooke crooked her finger and beckoned to Cayden. "I want to feel you."

Cayden's eyes narrowed as she drank in the sight before her. She slowly straddled Brooke's body and hovered over her, staring unblinkingly into green eyes for any signs she may back out.

"Cayd, I'm okay, I swear." Brooke said, running her fingers up and down Cayden's bare sides. The tall woman shivered almost violently, her nipples puckering even tighter. Brooke watched them in fascination, reaching for Cayden's breasts with both hands.

The shop keeper watched Brooke's face as she played with her nipples. It wasn't easy, Cayden had a hard time keeping her eyes open, but seeing Brooke get pleasure from her body gave
more pleasure, if it were possible. Cayden's underwear were wet and uncomfortable, and she was sure the wet spot even showed on her pants. She couldn't wait to peel them off, but Brooke hadn't made any mention of it, so she wasn't going to do it on her own. Brooke began to slowly sink lower on the bed and Cayden knew what was happening. Brooke wanted to return the sentiments.
Oh no, my arms will give out for sure and then I'll fall on her, break her nose or something and she'll never want to sleep with me again.
"Damn!" Cayden suddenly shouted. Brooke didn't dally, she went right for the nipple and put her tongue to work.

Cayden held herself up as long as possible, but soon enough, her arms did give out. The pleasure she was receiving was more than she could take, and the fact that it was actually Brooke, giving her this pleasure, was too much. She fell down onto her elbows, and Brooke took advantage of the closeness, wrapping her arms securely around her back. The blonde was experimenting, licking, nipping, and biting her nipple, sending waves of delicious sensations to Cayden's sex. Her clit was throbbing and she didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She let out a long low moan, and squirmed. Much more of this and when it came down to touching her, she'd fire off like a bottle rocket in a matter of moments. The tall woman tried to pull away, but Brooke was having none of it. The blonde held her tightly, and dug her nails into her back. Cayden arched and groaned.

Brooke panicked. "Did I hurt you?"

"It's too good." Cayden mumbled, "too much."

It was kind of cryptic, but Brooke understood, and pulled Cayden down for a kiss. "I could do that all night... this too." she whispered right before their lips met.

Cayden was grateful for the reprieve but it would be brief. Once Brooke's tongue entered her mouth, her body reacted on it's own, and her lower body ground into Brooke.

The blonde was in heaven with Cayden on top of her. All her fear's disappeared as the tall woman's weight fell upon her, she felt secure and protected. She had a brief recall of how it felt to have Grant on top of her, and it was nothing like this. It was stifling and sweaty and she couldn't breathe. Usually she couldn't wait to come, and for the act to be over. Now, firmly ensconced under Cayden, in the warmth of her body, she felt blissful.
This is incredible, absolute perfection. I could kiss her like this forever.
Just as she thought that, Cayden broke the kiss and she felt at a loss. Suddenly, the tall woman buried her face in her neck, and began to lick little trails. "Oh Cayden... mmm."

The tall woman hummed right back and began to nip little bits of skin, making a trail to the blonde's ear, where she traced the sweet body part with the tip of her tongue. Brooke squirmed beneath her, the smaller woman's hips, meeting hers firmly, seeking out more intimate contact. Her nails dug rhythmically into Cayden's back and the shop keeper knew it was almost time. She brought her hand down and began running her fingers slowly p and down Brooke's body, slipping a finger under the elastic of the blonde's panties. Brooke inhaled deeply, apparently a shot of nerves. Cayden held her hand there and put her lips to Brooke's ear. "Can I?"

Brooke groaned deeply, hyper-excited about what was to come. However, she just realized that Cayden had her pants on that would never do. She was afraid she wouldn't know what to do to the tall woman, but she'd be damned if she didn't get the chance to try.

Cayden waited patiently, her heart bursting out of her chest, her sex throbbing uncontrollably.
Please, oh, please say yes... please.. I'm dying...


Cayden lifted herself up and stared wide-eyed into Brooke's face. "No?"

Brooke took hold of the tall woman's belt loop and tugged. "These simply have to go."

The brunette jumped off of Brooke, and like a tape on fast forward, opened her belt and took off her pants in record time.

Brooke was speechless. Cayden was a sight to behold standing in her boxer briefs. "God damn, you're gorgeous!"

Cayden was having a hard time speaking too, looking at Brooke laying there waiting for her, made her center clench. "Stop that." She said quietly, beginning to blush. She leaned her knee on the bed and gently placed her hands on Brooke's hips. sliding her fingers under the material of her panties. "May I now?"

Brooke swallowed hard and nodded.
She's doing it... I'll be naked and we can't go back.

Cayden sensed Brooke's fear and climbed back over her. She kissed her deeply, relaxing the blonde, and at the same time, feeding her own arousal. "Listen to me Brooke, this will only go as far as you want it to, if you want to stop now, I'm alright with it. If you don't feel comfortable touching me, that's alright too."

Brooke reached up and ran her fingers through Cayden's long black hair, tangling them in it and holding the handfuls. "Cayden, if you don't make love to me right now, I'm going to spontaneously combust and it will be hell cleaning that off the sheets. "

Cayden grinned on the outside, but screamed like a maniac on the inside. She took a deep breath to control herself and began to slowly pull Brooke's underwear off. The blonde, still holding handfuls of her hair, pulled her down and began kissing her hungrily. Cayden found it hard to concentrate, Brooke's kisses ignited a raging fire in her sex and she wanted nothing more than to flop down on top of her and rub herself on the blonde. Knowing this wasn't the intimate first time experience Brooke would want to remember, Cayden controlled her urges and was able to pull the panties off.

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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