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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Hidden Desires (28 page)

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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Cayden had lost complete control of herself, she didn't know how or why, but she was kissing Brooke, and it felt like heaven. Unable to stop it, her tongue poked out and demanded entry into the blonde's mouth, her soft delicious mouth, that tasted of beer. She knew it would be sweet.

Brooke was positive the deep groan was her own as the soft, wet, tongue pierced through her lips.
Oh god, its really happening! She's kissing me! Cayden is kissing me! What do I do? Oh god!
Once the object of her erotic dreams entered her mouth, Brooke's body no longer listened to her, it acted on impulse. She threw her arms around Cayden's neck, her fingers wound themselves in soft black hair, and the beer crashed to the floor, forgotten.

*  *  *


Wade and Jodie had been listening at the door, and were perplexed when the yelling stopped. They stood, staring accusingly at each other, until the crash. Jodie's eyes widened at the sound of glass breaking and she threw open the store room door, fearing the worst. "Good god!" she whispered in shock.

"Holy shit!" Wade said, covering Fred's eyes.

The two women were startled and Cayden, although loathe to give up the kiss, turned her head towards the intrusion. "Do you mind?' she asked breathlessly.

Brooke hid her face in Cayden's neck, mortified at being caught.

"Oh... yeah... sorry." Jodie stuttered and closed the door quietly.

*  *  *


Cayden took a second to understand what had just happened before disentangling herself from Brooke and stepping away. "Oh shit..." she muttered, "I'm ... I don't know why..." she turned her back on Brooke and leaned her forearms on the wall. She dropped her head between her arms and stared at her feet. "I have no idea where ... Jesus!"

Brooke watched the tall woman back away from her like she had a disease. She blinked a few times in surprise and listened to Cayden apologize. "What just happened?"

"I kissed you damn it." Cayden said angrily, kicking her toe into the wall.

Brooke gave the tall woman the once over and her breath caught when her gaze met Cayden's ass.
God... I just have to touch it... just a little touch...

"It's the beer... that's what it is. " Cayden said to herself. "No, I'll tell you what it is..." she turned around and narrowed her eyes. "It's those." she pointed to Brooke's chest. "They made me do it!"

Brooke arched her eyebrows and she'd be damned if she knew why she suddenly stuck out her chest. "My boobs?"

"Yes! That's what happened. One second I was pissed as all hell and the next... there the hell they were... taunting me!"


"I have no earthly idea why I kissed you!"

"Oh, yeah, and I beat you away with a stick." Brooke said with a smirk.

"Don't play with me, Brooke."

"Hewitt." Brooke offered, just to be cheeky.

Cayden gaped at her like she was insane. "You think this is funny? I don't go around making out with straight girls! Especially ones who make me crazy!"

"Oh yeah, I think I just proved to you how straight I am." Brooke snorted.

"That was a mistake. That can't happen again. I don't..."

"Cayden, shut up and get over here."

"No. You get away from me. You do things to me, and then I kiss you."

"Cayden Riley, you get over here right now." Brooke insisted, pointing to the floor in front of her, and poking out her chest just a little bit more.

Cayden tried not to look, but she couldn't control herself. Her gaze fell on Brooke's prominent breasts and her mouth watered so much she had to swallow. "Put those away!" She nearly whined.

"I won't bite you, I just want to talk." Brooke urged.

"No." The tall brunette's resisted with her head, but her legs began taking her towards the blonde.
NO! Stop it!

"That's right." Brooke said, continuing to point at the ground until Cayden was in front of her.

Cayden was fixated on Brooke's chest again. Her pulse quickened and her hands twitched. She closed her eyes briefly, but the naked image of Brooke calling her name assaulted her. Blue eyes popped open quickly.

"I came here tonight with the sole purpose of telling you the truth, explaining why Grant made the assumptions that he did. It was the hardest thing I ever did. I was afraid you'd laugh at me." Brooke admitted.

Cayden nodded dumbly, trying to figure out exactly where Brooke's nipples were located.

"Cayden," Brooke lifted the brunette's head with her finger. "I'm up here."

Cayden lifted her head and looked up into green eyes. Her stomach clenched, she was too close to Brooke... she could smell her perfume, she could count the freckles on her nose. She swallowed hard and licked her lips.

"All I need to know is if you forgive me."

Those lips...that's what it is...
Cayden nodded.

"Good, now, about that kiss.."

"You talk too much." Cayden breathed right before her lips came crashing down on Brooke's again. Without a second thought, her hands immediately fell onto the blonde's ass. Cayden groaned and bent at the knees for better leverage. Brooke lost all semblance of control and wrapped her arms around Cayden's shoulders. The tall woman was still holding her ass as she stood up, and Brooke had no choice but to wrap her legs around Cayden.

Cayden was lost, she pressed her body into Brooke's, pushing the smaller blonde back into the wall. The feel of Brooke's breasts mashing into her own made her whole body shudder and she groaned throatily when the tongue entered her mouth.

Brooke was breathing so heavily from excitement that she feared she'd hyperventilate. She eventually broke the torrid kiss, her hands clutching Cayden's shoulders for dear life. She fought the urge to rock her hips into the tall woman. Instead, she trailed her lips down Cayden's neck, "Mmmm.. you taste so good.." she mumbled, licking a hot trail behind the brunette's ear.

"Oh god..." Cayden strained to hold Brooke's weight. Her sex was throbbing and her body felt hideously warm. She tilted her head back and allowed Brooke more room, jumping slightly as the blonde nipped at her skin.

"I've dreamed about this..." Brooke said breathlessly into Cayden's ear.

"Brooke..." She groaned deeply, Brooke's mouth felt incredible. A dog barked and the tall woman’s eyes shot open. She unwrapped Brooke's legs from her body and wiggled out of the embrace. "No! This has to stop!" she insisted.

Brooke slid to the floor, her legs unable to hold her up.

"No, I will not allow it to go any further. Woman, I don't know what it is you did to me, but it has to stop. My head says no, but my body..."

"Just tell me why?"

"You're straight!"

"Excuse me?" Brooke asked in shock. "What part of my tongue down your throat didn't you understand?"

Cayden dazed over briefly as she recalled that tongue. Then she shook her head. "Just... no. This is sooo not good." She said, walking to the door.

"Cayden.. don't..."

But Cayden was gone. Brooke sighed. "I didn't even touch her ass."




AYDEN BLEW PAST Jodie and Wade, shouldering her way through the shop. "Of all the stupid..." she grumbled to herself, grabbing a beer on the way out.

Wade took the dog from Jodie, he knew the waitress was going to go after her friend. He looked nervously towards the store room, wanting to go inside, but afraid of what he might find.

*  *  *


"Cayden! Wait up!" Jodie yelled after her tall, fast moving friend.

"Jo, leave me alone."

The tone of Cayden's voice should have warned her off, but this is Jodie, she simply picked up speed and caught Cayden by the arm as she was about to cross the street. "What the hell happened?" she asked, catching her breath.

"You saw what happened." Cayden said bitterly, pulling her arm back.

"And do you always run out on women in the middle of a tongue dance?"

"Jo... that should never have happened." The tall woman said angrily.

"Why not?" Jodie moved Cayden away from the street, and led her to a wall to lean on. Her tall friend had a few too many and she didn't want her getting hurt.

"Because.... it's Brooke for god's sake!"

"Oh, that makes sense." The waitress said rolling her eyes.

Cayden growled in frustration. "You just don't understand."

"So, explain. Is it that she's hotter than hell? Or maybe it's her incredible tits. Oh, I know, its her absolutely edible ass. That's the big turn off."

"Fuck you, Jo. You just don't know." Cayden snarled, walking away.

"No, apparently I don't, and you're no help at all." Jodie turned to walk away then paused. "You know Cayden, if you don't start changing your ways, you
be that mean old spinster lady with 37 cats."

Cayden kept walking.

"Fuck." Jodie stomped her foot in anger and frustration. "Cayden!" she yelled, "At least take a cab!" But Cayden kept walking. Jodie cursed briefly and turned back towards the store. "What is she so freaking afraid of?"

*  *  *


Wade approached the door cautiously, and tapped lightly.

"Come in?" Brooke said hesitantly.

"Hey, I think this belongs..." Wade looked around and found Brooke sitting on the floor. " you." he squatted down and handed Fred to her.

"Thanks." Brooke smiled and hugged her dog.

"Uhm... if you don't mind me asking..." Wade raised a curious eyebrow.

"Oh," Brooke chuckled. "Yeah, Cayden sure is something else isn't she? She kissed me, and the next thing I knew..."

Wade offered is hand and she accepted, hoisting herself off of the floor. "So, she was that good, huh?" he joked.

"Even better." Brooke smiled dreamily. "So, you two are close..."

"Yeah. I know her well enough." he said confidently.

"Okay, then, is she always this impossible?"

"Pretty much."

"Great." Brooke said, then furrowed her brows in thought.

Wade watched the small woman curiously.
What happened in here? Why isn't she upset? Cayden sure was....

"She's gonna be one tough nut to crack, but damn, I'd do anything for another one of those kisses."

Wade's eyebrows flew up. "OOO! Determination! I like that in a lesbian!"

"Well, yeah. If I could just convince Cayden of that little detail." She frowned.

"Oh." Wade understood. "It ain't gonna be easy, but she'll eventually come around. I'm sure you'll leave her no doubts."

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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