Hidden Depths (32 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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“God, he’s sexy,” he said.

Amused by the parallel nature of their thoughts, Olivia nipped Ty’s earlobe.

This drew a secret shudder from him.

“Nice,” Anso said, joining them in ogling James’s nudity.

“Jeesh,” James said, momentarily startled to find all eyes on him. “If this is a peep show, maybe I should charge.”

“You’re beautiful,” Anso said seriously. “You were before, and now you’re even more so. Your muscles are more substantial, but you still look lean overall.

You could probably survive training with the guards, if that interests you.” James enjoyed competition, and Olivia expected he’d take Anso up on his offer. At the moment, though, this wasn’t where his focus lay. He flashed his best crinkling grin at the king. “I thought we were going to put on a show for Olivia, or are you all talk and no action?”

“Those are fighting words,” Ty warned and set her down carefully.

To her delight, he and Anso began stripping off their clothes.

“You too,” Anso said to her. “Once this gets started, there will be no game delays.”

Oh they all knew how to push her buttons, each in his own way. Men seemed to be quicker at getting naked than women, and the king and Ty were no exception. Completely bare-assed at nearly the same instant, they didn’t need more than a look to coordinate their attack. They let out matching football player’s roars and rushed James in unison.

Yelping in alarm, he tumbled beneath them onto Anso’s giant floor-level bed.

Three very naked, very aroused men wrestling with each other was a show worth seeing. An all out licking and tickling battle ensued. James didn’t have the slightest hope of victory. He was laughing too hard to defend himself - that is, when he wasn’t moaning like a foghorn.

Ty would give his cock one long suck, only to have his mouth replaced by Anso’s. James tried to grab his attackers, but they restrained his hands. That aroused him more, until a simple nip on his thigh or a lick up his ribs could draw a groan from him. If it weren’t for the tickling, he probably wouldn’t have fought at all.

“Olivia,” he called between gasps as they went at him. “Save me! They’re ganging up on me.”

Saving him was going to wait. Olivia could have watched them all day: their straining muscles and cute clenched butts, the flashes of long hard cocks being waved around. All of them were hung, but their different shapes and shades fascinated her.

“Bedside chest,” Ty panted, catching her eye as he trapped James’s wrists. His face was happy, his flush bringing out the pretty pattern of his leopard spots. Anso was nuzzling James’s balls in a manner that - evidently - was both erotic and ticklish. James seemed unable to decide whether to protest or shove closer.

“There’s lube in there,” Ty told her.

In her distraction, Olivia had lost track of his last comment. He jerked his head toward the bedside chest to remind her, then returned his attention to James.

Deciding his request was worth her while, she knelt in front of the small mother of pearl inlaid cabinet. The softness of her butt resting on her heels reminded her she was naked for three men, but it felt natural. They were
men, and all of them liked her. On instinct, she pulled out the chest’s bottom drawer. Inside, she found a cut glass flask filled with clear liquid, plus something else interesting.

A paddle lay on the velvet lining, carved of wood with rubber on one side.

This must be the toy Anso used to spank Ty.

“Liv,” James gasped from the tangle on the bed, laughingly complaining at her delay. “I need you to take my side.”

Of course he did. Olivia retrieved the paddle and hid it behind her back.

“Ty,” she said. “I think you need to suck James again. I can tell you doing it really gets to him.”

Anso huffed, insulted by this slur, but let Ty take his place when he noticed she was smiling. Ty grinned at her for different reasons before bending back over James’s cock. He had no clue what was coming.

Anso’s brows rose when she brought out the paddle.

Hold him
, she mouthed to him.

Anso grinned evilly and complied. Olivia brought the paddle down in a good sharp smack on Ty’s taut rear end. Stunned, he jerked back and looked at her wide-eyed.

“Hoho,” James gloated, though the state Ty had left him in had him panting.

“Now you’re in for it.”

“I promised I’d do this one day,” Olivia reminded him. “What sort of mate would I be if I didn’t keep my word?”

“Jesus,” Ty said, the oath shaking with excitement.

Olivia kept her word as well as her swimmer’s arm allowed.

* * *

Good Lord, Olivia was good at this. Never mind how thrilled Ty was that she’d called herself his mate, he’d have admired her aptitude regardless. She hit him harder and faster than Anso did, perhaps because she wasn’t afraid of her own strength.

She didn’t overwork any spot, but aimed her blows all over. His ass cheeks took on a sweet simmer, the slightly illicit thrill heightened by having three people watch - and hear - him get a charge out of it. Pretty soon into it, James pulled Ty’s hips down until their cocks nestled side by side between their bellies.

Every time Olivia smacked him, those friction loving organs jarred together, and every time they jarred together, James gave a little gasp. Ty sensed the reason was more than the nice jostle of their pricks; James liked the idea of spanking too.

Ty had to kiss him even as the paddle’s stings rained down, had to thank him for being his partner in freakishness. He suspected Anso could have lived without this game. Chances were, Anso could have lived without male bed partners if his bonding genes hadn’t decided differently. That wasn’t the case for Ty, and maybe it wasn’t for James either. James kissed him back so hard their teeth threatened to cut each other’s lips. Ty thought he’d burst with excitement, though the side of him that loved being punished longed to go limp with surrender. The dilemma was delectable, the swelling of his cock causing him to groan his enjoyment down James’s throat.

He noticed James’s dick was leaking like crazy between their abs, his precum thinner than a wereseal’s. The contrast made Ty insane. He wrenched one hand from Anso’s grip so he could shove it onto James’s cock and rub the warm slipperiness over him. James’s veins were throbbing, his glans as full as a plum.

He arched and writhed as Ty rubbed him, his breath gasping out with pleasure.

Maybe Olivia sensed how close Ty was to being overwhelmed. Her strikes slowed against his ass, allowing him to appreciate the reverb from every blow.

The vibrations slung up his asshole, into his prostate and out his dick. He was so hard, so sensitized he was already fighting not to come. His head arched back the next time she hit him, sexy tingles jolting up his tailbone. Pictures rolled through his imagination of things he wanted to do with these three people - and maybe would get a chance to now. A thick drop of precum squeezed from his slit. This was heaven, but even heaven could get better.

“I want him to take me,” he broke out. “I want to be the first man James fucks.”

James moaned like this idea suited him. Olivia’s spanking ceased. Anso released Ty’s remaining hand. The royal bed chamber echoed with hard breathing.

“You’re sure?” James asked.

He looked up at Ty from the bed, where a sunbeam from Anso’s windows slanted onto his handsome drylander’s face. His stubble was darker and rougher than Ty’s or Anso’s, but his beard wasn’t all that glinted in the sunlight. Tiny rays of yellow appeared around the center of his deep blue eyes. Pride rose in Ty: that this man was partly his, that he knew he was starting to love him.

“Oh yeah,” he said, his voice gravelly. “The sooner you shove your dick up my ass, the happier I’m going to be.”

* * *

Anso knew the signs that someone was in heat. Foregoing sex felt like torture.

Even slowing down was a big challenge. All you could think about was getting more and more of whatever felt good to you, as soon as possible. The flush on James’s face, the extreme raggedness of his breathing said more than his attraction to Ty was riding him. Probably he was too hard up to be nervous for his first time, but Anso thought he’d help him ease into it all the same.

He unscrewed the top of the flask of lube. “Hand,” he said to Olivia, his voice hoarser than expected.

Olivia held out her palm.

Beside them, Ty was sitting back on his heels, his well basted bottom making the shift gingerly. He was showing the same high arousal as James, though his might have been due to the surprisingly vigorous spanking Olivia had given him.

Anso was considering yielding his paddle to her for good. Each time her lovely arm had fallen, each time the concussion drew a broken pleasure-gasp from Ty, the tip of Anso’s cock had tingled. Apparently, for this particular activity, Anso liked watching better than doing.

Thinking about that, his hand trembled just a little as he poured the lube in her palm.

“You liked watching me spank him,” she murmured. Maybe the others heard and maybe they didn’t. Anso lifted his eyes to hers. He might have changed their color, but her soul shone unchanged behind them. His love for her very essence swelled inside him.

“Yes, I did,” he murmured back.

She closed her fingers over the lubricant.

“Get James a rubber,” Ty broke in. “This won’t be the last thing he wants to do tonight.”

“So you wereseals
know what rubbers are,” Olivia said as Anso turned to retrieve one from the cabinet.

He squirmed at her sardonic tone. Was she going to demand he use one now that she and James had volunteered to stay? Should he explain that this brand was mainly hygienic, that only a spelled condom offered pregnancy prevention - and even that wasn’t a hundred percent guaranteed? He didn’t want to explain. Every cell in both his bodies wanted her to have his child. Then again, shouldn’t he show her the respect of fully informing her?

She laughed at the war that must have been tugging at his expression. “Today you’re off the hook. Tomorrow, if I’m still not pregnant, we all talk this decision through.”

“Agreed,” he said - maybe too eagerly, because the other men laughed at him.

“You should know weres don’t transmit sexual diseases, nor could we catch them from you.”

“No, you only ... turn people’s eyes blue,” James said, breath hitching as Ty rolled the thin rubber on.

Olivia was ready to help with the next stage, all but her index finger curled around the lube on her palm. With that one finger, she touched the tip of the condom. It stuck to James’s skin when she backed off, the latex caught there by his generous precum. Olivia didn’t say a word, but Anso saw awareness pass between them. The couples’ gazes held as she wrapped her oiled hand around his dick. James’s lids drifted shut for her first downward stroke. To them, sharing these caresses was familiar. Anso wished Olivia felt the same ease with him. The longing that tightened his throat came as no surprise. The realization that maybe he’d enjoy the steps it took to get there did.

“Boy,” James said, his hips pushing into her smoothing motions. “That feels

“You’re in heat too,” she said.

His eyes opened. “Not just for him, sweetheart.” She smiled. The curve of her lips, the way the light struck her red hair and face, was so beautiful Anso wished he could capture it forever.

“Be as good to Ty as you are to me,” she said.


sensed James needed that last permission. He crinkled his eyes at her, one hand caressing the wrist that had just stroked him. They were both aware of Ty stretching out to lie face down on the bed. He lifted his hips to make room for his erection, then settled to the covers.

“Take me like this,” he said, his cheek on his folded arms, his voice aroused and dreamy. He bent one long leg up and to the side, his fine golden body hair glinting on his calf and thigh muscles. “This position is the easiest.”

“Um,” James said, unsure but not unwilling. “Won’t I be rubbing against the places Olivia spanked?”

Ty turned his head farther sideways and grinned at him.

“Okay,” James said. “I guess that will be a good thing.”

“No more waiting now. Get your cock in there, Outsider.” Ty sounded drunk with anticipation. James flushed, then carefully lowered into a position from which he could enter. His cock pulsed hard enough to bounce. He wasn’t looking at Olivia anymore. Ty and what he was about to do to him filled his attention. Olivia kept her mouth shut and reached for Anso’s hand.

He squeezed it back tightly.

James slid one arm underneath Ty’s chest. “All right. Tell me if I do anything too wrong.”

Olivia doubted that was going to happen. As soon as he started pushing, Ty arched his spine to help.

“Oh boy,” James said, the muscles in his ass clenching. “Oh ... God.”

“Mmm,” was Ty’s answer. He gave a gorgeous full body wriggle as James’s cock disappeared in him. His face was toward her, the fist beneath it clenching with pleasure. His expression was nearly unrecognizable. Olivia wondered if she looked that beatific when James penetrated her. It certainly was intimate to have other people witness it.

“Tell me you’re okay,” James pleaded once he was inside, “because I really want to move.”

“Yes,” Ty said. “Go.”

They moaned together as he did. Anso’s hand abruptly grew sweatier in hers.

“Olivia,” he whispered, not wanting to disturb the others. “I don’t think I can wait until they’re done.”

She turned to him. His face was flushed, his eyes glowing noticeably.

Suddenly, she couldn’t wait either. Those twenty circuits he’d flipped on were shooting out energy. She ached with need, her pussy contracting with longing.

“Don’t wait,” Ty groaned. “Fuck her while he fucks me.” James wasn’t fucking him at all. James was stroking into Ty as sweetly as he’d ever taken Olivia. His face brushed the bunched muscles of Ty’s shoulders, the arm that wasn’t supporting his weight petting up and down the side of Ty’s thigh. Even his chest caressed Ty as he went in and out. Ty’s body recognized this. It was going looser and looser even as he canted his spine to let James deeper.

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