Hidden Alpha [Alpha Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Hidden Alpha [Alpha Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She knew Devlin was in his office working, so as soon as Chase left with the children, she sent Devlin a text telling him that she needed his hand in the bedroom. She wasn’t being completely untruthful. She hoped that he would give her a hand and a few other body parts to help her with her problem. She had been feeling wired for days now. Even with Chase making love to her several times, she still felt like her body was on fire. The only way to quench her fire was to make love with her mates. She didn’t understand what was going on with her body. Every time she looked at one of her mates, her temperature would rise, and she couldn’t think of anything besides jumping on one or both of them. After she sent the text, she stripped out of her clothes and settled herself in the bed on top of the comforter. She got comfortable and waited. She was beginning to think Devlin wouldn’t come and was starting to doze off. Besides the constant need for her mates, she had been exceptionally tired. At first she had chalked it up to not being used to being awake for hours on end and taking care of newborn twins. Now she was wondering if maybe she was getting sick. She was so tired that she usually took a nap in the afternoon when the babies were sleeping and was still tired afterward. She also ached all over. Every joint in her body ached. It felt like she exercised for hours. She thought maybe she should make an appointment with her doctor and travel back to the city to have a checkup.

She had just closed her eyes and decided Devlin wasn’t coming when she heard his swift intake of air from the doorway.

“What are you doing, sweetie? I thought you said you needed a hand with something.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him before running her hand down her body. She ran her fingertip between her breasts, down her stomach, and stopped just shy of her clit. “I do need your hand with something.”

He growled, and she could see his eyes darken. He crossed the room in three strides and threw himself onto the bed, successfully pinning her to the bed. He ground his cock into her pussy, which was getting wetter by the second. “Are you sure it’s my hand you need, or is it another body part?” He nipped her earlobe.

She couldn’t have stopped her hips from rising to meet his throbbing cock if she had been tied to the bed. Just the thought of Devlin tying her down almost sent her over the edge, and he had barely touched her. “I want all of you, Devlin. I want your hands and your tongue, and please give me your hard cock. I need you deep inside me. Please, my mate.” She knew she was begging, but she couldn’t help herself. Her body felt as if it would go up and flames, and there wasn’t a fire extinguisher in the world that would be able to save her from burning up.

Devlin lifted away from her and knelt between her legs. “Are you sure, baby? I know I hurt you the first time we tried this, and I don’t want to hurt you again. I can’t apologize enough for the way I treated you. I’m afraid I will be too rough with you. I have only ever been with Chase, and I sometimes get too rough for
. I know he can take it because he is a shifter, but you’re human, and I can’t risk hurting you. I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you.”

Amalya laughed until he glared at her. When she stopped giggling, she said, “You are so cute when you ramble.”

Devlin’s mouth hung open as if he couldn’t believe she was laughing at him. “I don’t ramble. And I’m
cute.” His pout was adorable.

She lifted herself up so she was sitting in front of him. “You
ramble, and you
cute. Well, maybe not cute. But you sure are sexy. Now please get naked and make love to me. I trust you. The only way you can hurt me right now is if you say no and leave me like this. My body is burning up for you. Please don’t worry about being gentle. I want you as you are. Rough or gentle, it doesn’t matter to me. I just want Devlin.”

He studied her as if he was trying to decide if she meant it. “Maybe I should go get Chase, too. He can help if I get too rough. He is the gentle lover, and he can show me how to love you right.”

Amalya shook her head. “Chase took the kids for a drive so that we could be alone for a little while. We need this time together. Just us.”


* * * *


Devlin couldn’t believe that Chase and Amalya had conspired against him. He asked in disbelief, “He what? How could he do that? He knows how rough I can get. What if I hurt you?”

She ignored his protests as she ran her hands down his sides and slipped them under his shirt. She started lifting his shirt up, and he held completely still. He was afraid to move. He wanted to strip and take her hard and fast but knew he somehow had to be gentle with her. Maybe if he let her take the lead, and he just held still, he could still take care of her needs without hurting her.
Yes, that sounds like a good plan.
She pushed his shirt up over his head and unbuttoned his jeans, tugging them down his hips. He had to change positions with her, though, or he was going to hold her down and plow into her. He carefully wrapped his arms around her and rolled down onto the bed so she was on top, straddling his waist.

She let out a gasp when her pussy brushed against his cock as she slid back to settle over his hips. She rubbed her slick folds over his engorged cock. Devlin knew he wasn’t going to last long. It had been so long since he’d had sex. Relieving himself in the shower took the edge off, but it just wasn’t the same. He knew it was his own fault. Amalya had been begging him for the last week to claim her, but he was afraid. He had hurt her. Physically, he knew she was fine because every time he entered the bedroom he found her and Chase. They had come up with some creative positions that he wanted to try. They had invited him to join them every time, but he always came up with an excuse. He didn’t feel like he deserved her. He had hurt her emotionally, too, and wanted to make up for his mistakes before she granted him the pleasure of her body. Knowing that she had taken their mating into her own hands and that Chase was on board with the plan helped him make peace with his inner demons. He knew he still wanted to do anything and everything he could to make Amalya happy as his mate. He also wanted to know that she accepted him and his apology.

Amalya continued to lather his cock in her sweet juices, and he shimmied his jeans down and off. He could tell something wasn’t right with her. She leaned forward and all but collapsed on top of his chest.

He rubbed her back, asking, “Amalya, sugar, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

She nodded her head against his chest. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

When she didn’t make a move to sit back up again, he really got worried. He noticed that she had been especially tired the last few days and thought it was just from being a new mom. Now he wasn’t sure. He placed his hands on her shoulders and lifted her up enough so that he could look into her eyes. “Baby, something is wrong. You’re so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. Why don’t we just take a nap, and we can do this when you’re not so tired.”

She shook her head as she placed her hands on his chest to push herself up. She didn’t even have the strength to sit up. Devlin knew that something else was wrong with her and began to panic. “Sweetie, let’s get you tucked in, and I’ll call a doctor. Something is definitely going on with you and we need to find out what.”

She shook her head again, and this time, when she pushed against his chest, she was able to sit up. “No, I don’t need a doctor. I’m just a little tired. Please don’t leave me. I need you to claim me. If I’m still tired after, you can call the doctor, but I need you, Devlin. I need my mate.”

Devlin knew he was a rat bastard for giving in to her so easily, but he felt the same way she did. He needed his mate, too. The need to claim her had invaded all his thoughts the last week. He rolled her over onto her back and held himself above her. “Okay, sugar. But how about you relax there and let me do all the work.” He winked at her before he started to kiss his way down her stomach.

She stopped him with a hand under his chin. “No. Please just fuck me. I need to feel you inside me. I need you to bite me and make me yours right now.”

He wasn’t sure that was a good idea. He wanted to go slow with her to make sure he didn’t hurt her. But the word ‘fuck’ coming out of her mouth had him ready to explode. “Okay, my love. Whatever you want, you can have. Your wish is my command.”

She laughed as she squirmed under him enough so she could roll over on her stomach and then pushed her ass up in the air. He had talked to Chase about Amalya being worried about where he could mark her. Chase had told her that he couldn’t just bite her over the other wolf’s mark, so he would have to find another place. Chase had told her that they would work it out and not to worry. Devlin still hadn’t decided what he was going to do. He wanted his mark and scent to be a warning to other shifters that she was taken and to stay away. However, he didn’t want humans to wonder about the scar his bite would leave. His decision was made when she slid her hair over her left shoulder and buried her face in the pillow. He could see Chase’s mark on the right side where her neck met her shoulder, and she had successfully hidden Gavin’s mark with her hair.

He leaned into her and ran his cock through the slick folds of her pussy. He blanketed her back and ran his fangs down the vertebrae of her neck. He licked the sting away and whispered, “This is where I’m going to bite you, my love. Then you will truly be mine. Forever.” Her body began to spasm, and she let out a whine that sounded like a wolf. She pushed back toward his cock that was so hard he would be thankful if he didn’t come all over her ass before he could fuck her. Placing a hand on her hip to still her, he said, “Relax. Remember, this is my show. You just lie there and enjoy.”

He was impressed at the wolf-like way she growled, “Fuck me, then!”

Devlin laughed as he grasped the base of his cock to keep from coming like an untried teenaged boy. He rubbed his cock along the outside of her pussy before he plunged into her with one swift thrust. She cried out in what he knew from hearing her and Chase together as pleasure. He heard a tearing noise and realized she had grasped the sheets so tight they started to rip. He reached up and pried her hands off the sheets. Pulling both arms under her, he placed one of his hands over hers and started massaging her clit with her fingers. She caught on quickly to what he wanted and started rubbing harder. He could tell by the sounds that she was making that she was as close as he was. Grabbing both hips, he started into a fast and hard rhythm. When she screamed his name, and he could feel her pussy convulsing around him, he leaned over her back and bit the center of her neck. Hearing his name on her lips and tasting her blood was his undoing. He thrust into her one more time hard enough to move them both up the bed and emptied his seed deep into her waiting pussy.

He pulled his teeth from her neck and licked the wound closed. He kissed his mark gently as he rolled to his side, taking her with him, his cock still buried inside her. Before his head hit the pillow, she was snoring softly. He loved the sound of her snoring. He and Chase had both told her several times that she snored, but she claimed they were crazy, and they were the only ones that snored.

He wanted to stay inside her and hold her forever, but as he was drifting off, he heard Chase return. From what he could hear downstairs, Adryk was throwing a temper tantrum about not getting something he wanted, and one of the babies was crying. Devlin decided he should go help Chase, as the wolf was so wonderful to have taken all the kids out of the house so he could be seduced. He carefully rolled out of bed and tucked Amalya in. He dressed in jeans before heading down stairs. He needed to talk to Chase about what was going on with Amalya, too. He knew that having newborn twins and two five-year-olds in the house was a lot for all of them, but she seemed more tired than either of them were. Maybe they should take over all of the nighttime feedings and let her get more sleep. They usually took turns, but he needed to make sure his mate was taken care of, too. If she wasn’t feeling better by the time she woke from her nap, he would call the pack doctor and have him come give her a checkup.

Chapter 12


Devlin walked out of the bedroom and leaned over the railing that overlooked the living room. Chase had a baby in each arm. Adryk was hanging onto one leg, begging for ice cream, and Dmytri was sitting on the couch telling Adryk to behave, and maybe he would get his ice cream later. Devlin let out a small chuckle at the look on Chase’s face, causing his mate to look up at him. “Please tell me you claimed Amalya. Because if you didn’t, I’m gonna kick your a...um butt.”

Devlin nodded his head and grinned like a fool. “Yes, I did. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me by standing up there saying it. Come down here and help me out here. I think someone needs a n-a-p.” He spelled the last word because they learned the hard way that Adryk didn’t like to take naps. If he heard it suggested he would throw a fit and hide. The only person who could say it, and who Adryk would listen to, was Amalya. Usually, he fell asleep while he was hiding and ended up taking a nap anyway, but it was easier if they got him to relax on the couch and fall asleep. The last time he hid, they found him in their bathtub. The child could sleep anywhere and found some of the strangest places to sleep.

Devlin headed down the stairs, walked over, and picked up Adryk. He placed him on the couch next to his brother, Devlin. “You sit here and behave for a few minutes while I help Uncle Chase with the girls, and I will get you some of you favorite ice cream, okay?”

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