Hidden (12 page)

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Authors: Sophie Jordan

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Social Issues, #Adolescence, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hidden
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I step down and we walk across the parking lot. Loose gravel crunches under my shoes. It’s a long walk. Will parked at the back of the lot, far from the doors and prying eyes.

“Thanks,” I murmur. “Nice to get a break from back there.”

“Figured as much,” he replies, slipping his hand around mine. “And Miram doesn’t seem eager to surround herself with humans. She’s not exactly chatty with me up there.”

We order burgers and fries in the diner. I make sure to order extra, knowing how Cassian eats and guessing Deghan has an equally ravenous appetite.

Sitting on stools at the counter, waiting for our order, I almost feel normal. Since Tamra interrupted us the last time we were alone, it’s nice to have this time together.

“Would you like drinks while you wait?” a waitress behind the counter asks. At our nods, she pours and leaves us with two sodas sweating in plastic red glasses.

I fiddle with a straw. “This might be the closest we get to a real sit-down date for a while.”

He shakes his head. “Not exactly what I had in mind. We can do better.” He winks at me. “We will.”

Tearing the paper off the extra straw, I smooth it semi-flat with my fingers until it’s just right. Bringing one end to my lips, I carefully cup my hands, positioning them into the perfect pocket, and begin to blow out a tune. Lowering my hands, I ask, “Impressed?”

“You have no idea.”

I nod in satisfaction. “Just wait. It gets better.” Next, I start whistling the tune of “Camptown Races.”

“Okay,” he says with mock seriousness. “Now you’re just turning me on.”

I almost mess up, tempted to giggle at that. Finished, I lean back with a flourish and grin. He claps.

“Didn’t know about that particular talent of mine, did you?” I preen, enjoying myself.

“It puts your other …
to shame.”

I laugh, and swivel on the stool. It feels so
, so right and good to be with him like this. Happy and silly and carefree. I can almost pretend the others aren’t out there waiting on us. He catches my legs and stops me. His face is solemn as he leans in to kiss me with those cool, smooth lips of his, not even caring if anyone watches us. I grasp the edge of his jacket with my fingers, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss, wishing we were alone.

After a moment, we break apart. My breath catches. He’s always been good-looking, but I’d forgotten the effect of that smile. The blinding flash of white teeth. The deep groves along his mouth. It’s one of the first genuine smiles I’ve seen from him since we escaped the stronghold and my heart squeezes. The variable color of his eyes shines like gemstones. As though he can read my mind, he utters, “It will be us soon. Like this. With all the time in the world. And you can teach me how to make straw music.”

We walk back, arms heavy with hot bags of food, grease leaking through the white paper. At Miram’s window, we pass her food for both her and Will. She smiles a grudging thanks. It’s something. Now that Cassian is back, maybe she appreciates everything I did to help rescue her. Maybe things will be different between us now. An unexpected lump rises in my throat as I realize that I would like that.

Before Will opens the back door he presses a kiss to my temple. “Tomorrow we’ll be free.”

I inhale again. Tomorrow. Eagerness trips through me as I think of all the moments I’ll have with Will just like the one we shared in the diner. But even better because the kissing and talking doesn’t have to stop.

He closes his fingers around the door handle to pull it open, then pauses.

I freeze, too, studying him as a predatory stillness comes over him.


He holds up a hand as if he needs total silence to listen.

I angle my head and scan the parking lot. There’s nothing in the great stretch of dark gravel except a random assortment of cars and trucks. An occasional customer enters and exits the diner. Yet Will’s features look tight, his hazel eyes intense as he scours the area.

“Will? What is it?”

He shakes his head, sending his brown hair tossing against his forehead. “Nothing, I guess.”

He opens the van door and helps me inside. My last glimpse of him before he closes the door only cements in my mind that something still bothers him, but I don’t know what.

Turning around, I hand everyone food and settle down to eat. I nibble on the end of a fry and try to ignore the tight itchy sensation rippling over my scalp.


t’s imperceptible at first. Just a slight increase in the van’s speed. The faintest swelling growl of the engine. Then we take a turn and all of us slide to one side of the van, food flying everywhere. My head bumps the hard floor.

Tamra topples against Deghan and the solid, muscled bands of his arms wrap around her. I cringe at the sight, but there’s not much I can do from my position, sprawled against the cold metal floor.

Other sounds grow on the air over the roar of the van: the whoosh of wind and honking horns from other traffic as Will weaves in and out.

“What’s going on?” Tamra hollers. “Why’s he driving like a maniac?”

There’s only one reason. Fire erupts in my core, climbing up my throat. Char lines my mouth.

Cassian announces what I already know in my gut. “Someone’s after us.”

The little color present in Tamra’s face bleeds out at this revelation. Glints of pearl flash beneath her skin. “Enkros?”

Cassian’s pupils shudder to thin vertical slits. He shakes his head. “I don’t—”

“Enkros don’t do their own hunting,” I say between numb lips.

My gaze clashes with Cassian. I feel his tension, his readiness, but no fear. Not like what I felt when he was a prisoner of the enkros.

His lips move, uttering the word that races around my mind. “Hunters.”

Tamra releases a shuddery breath. Deghan touches her arm, a surprising show of … I’m not sure what. Support? Comfort? I don’t know. It’s still hard to reconcile him with the draki that tried to kill me. My natural inclination is not to like him. The back of my throat prickles with the urge to blast him with steam. And yet, he’s gentle with Tamra.

Will swerves and we’re tossed again. My shoulder hits the wall and I cry out. Then we still, jerking to an abrupt halt. I lift myself up, my arms quivering. The stink of burning tires fills my nose.

“Jacinda!” Cassian’s there, sliding an arm around me and helping me into a sitting position. “Are you all right?”

I nod, still shaking and a little dizzy. “S-should we get out?” I ask, wondering what’s happening outside the van.

I feel the slam of Will’s door more than I hear it. It rocks the entire van.

The doors suddenly open to a flood of light. Will looks anxiously in at us. Miram, her face pale with the panic that we all feel, quickly appears beside him.

“I’ve lost them,” Will announces. “But they’re not far behind.”


Will nods. “Yeah.” Dust floats on the air from the van’s wild ride. He looks over his shoulder, peering first down the small rural road we sit parked on and then scanning the tall trees sandwiching us on the narrow road.

“They’ll catch up soon. Go. Run.” With a shake of his head, he waves to the trees. “If they find you, just act like you’re hiking. They won’t suspect anything if they just bump into a bunch of kids. It’s your only chance. We can meet up at the truck stop where I left my car. It’s not too far. Remember the place?”

Cassian nods.

Will looks almost apologetically at Deghan. “You’re out of luck, buddy. Too bad you can’t change. You better fly away, hide, whatever you can do. Stay out of sight.”

Deghan jerks his head once in understanding. He’s clearly accustomed to fending on his own. And I almost feel a sense of relief. If we lose him that would take care of my worry for the pride.

Will squats and presses his fingers to the ground, his expression one of intense concentration as he feels for those approaching.

My heart thumps madly against my chest, instantly understanding what he’s doing and marveling that he should have this ability to connect to the earth to such a degree. As any earth draki might. Perhaps more. It’s almost as if he alone can hear the earth’s whisper.

“What about you?” I demand, dread clawing its way through me at the idea of separating from Will again.
Not again

He straightens, his eyes softening as they look at me, reminding me of moss growing on water-soaked river rocks. “They won’t hurt me—”

I surge toward him and seize both his hands in mine. “No! I’m not leaving you.”

“They’re not after me, Jacinda.” The determination in his gaze cuts me. He won’t be swayed.

“How did they track us?” Cassian mutters, looking at Will as if he might know.

Will’s gaze shifts from me to Cassian. “I don’t know. The enkros must have alerted them of the escape.” He waves a hand. “They probably have hunters covering a wide radius out from the stronghold right now. It wouldn’t be just my family but others, too.”

“What is this?” Deghan looks Will over suspiciously. “His family hunts us?”

“His family. Not him,” I explain.

Deghan fails to look entirely appeased.

“I know how you feel. It took me a while to accept that there is a distinction between him and them,” Cassian volunteers.

I take a relieved breath. It’s the first time I’ve heard Cassian admit Will is different.

Will fixes his stare on me, his hazel eyes unwavering and full of a purpose that almost convinces me that everything will be okay once I dive into those trees. “If they come across you, act like you have nothing to hide. If I can, I’ll meet you all at the truck stop.”

If I can

The words echo in my head as I contemplate the various scenarios that would keep him from me. None good.

“Yeah, sure you will,” Miram growls, the sound of her voice unexpected. She’s said so little since we left the stronghold. “You and your family.”

“Miram,” Cassian says gently.

“Hasn’t he done enough to prove his loyalty?” I demand, my hands curling into fists. “What’s it going to take?”

“Oh, when are you going to see he’ll always be one of them?” Miram explodes, her eyes flashing with more animation than I’ve ever seen from her. “If your little stay with the enkros didn’t teach you the difference between us and them—”

“Then nothing will,” I finish, my voice hard. “Precisely. Nothing ever will.”

She stares at me as if she can’t comprehend me. And I imagine she can’t.

“Jacinda …” She works her hands, waving them in the air. “You’ll never be compatible.”

“Enough. Both of you,” Cassian bites out. “We’ve got hunters bearing down on us, intent on skinning us alive … or turning us over to those bastards that wanted to open me up back there.” He motions behind us.

I look desperately at Will, my chest heaving with hot emotion.

I start to shake my head, determined to stay with him, when Cassian says my name sharply, the command swift. “Jacinda.” His gaze cuts straight into me. “You’re coming with us.”

I bristle at his tone. And then I feel his fury. It pours through me, thick as tar. Buried amid the rage, I feel something else as he glares down at me. Another emotion. Just as hot. Just as intense.
. For me. My temper cools. He’s been through a lot on account of me.

“Jacinda?” Will’s voice snatches my attention. “You need to get going.”

I fight my panic that I’m leaving Will.
. Eyes burning, I nod, looking around for my sister even as my mind whirs, trying to come up with some way to remain with Will without upsetting everyone. I can’t get separated from him again.

With her jaw set at a stubborn angle, Tamra watches me, waiting for my next move. The sight punches me like a fist. She won’t go without me. Regret washes over me, prickling my flesh with needles of heat. I can’t endanger my sister. I’ve already lost Mom. I can’t risk losing her, too. I have to get her off this road, and then I’ll come back for Will.

I look back to Will. “I’ll find you,” I announce, my tone implying he better be somewhere I can find him. Either here or at his car.

“I’ll be waiting.” He nods, looking anxiously back down the road.

And that’s when we hear them. The rumble of engines coming.
How is it they’re tracking us?

“Go!” His gaze sweeps over us before resting on me, urging me to move. “Go! Now!”

The others turn and flee, crashing through the trees like a herd of elephants in their haste. I wince.

Will snags my attention again, sliding his fingers through my hair and tugging me against him for a quick, hard kiss. I revel in the feel of his mouth on mine, the curve of his hands against my scalp. He comes up for air and whispers hotly against my lips, “Be safe. Take care of yourself out there.”

I open my mouth to give him the same advice, but the distant hum of engines makes me jerk and squint down the dirt road. I don’t see anything yet. Just a cloud of brown.

Without looking at me, Will stands back and pushes me toward the trees. “Go. They’re coming!”

I run for the trees, my heart ready to burst from my chest. My skin sparks with heat. Bursts of red-gold color my human skin in hot flashes.

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