HH01 - A Humble Heart (27 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #mathewson rl heart romance romance novel humble hollywood love funny sweet romantic

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Eric and Rick looked at her expectantly. “So?”

She sighed. “This is easily proved without shredding my clothes for the office pervert.” She stood up and pulled down her

tee shirt baring the skin above her bra where the tattoo would be if she was the woman in the video.

“Thank god,” Rick and Eric said at the same time.

Nick looked at Edward as he sat down. “You are an unbelievably lucky man. Just know if you hurt her I will personally

kick your ass, no hard feelings.”

Edward nodded. “I understand.”

Dana rolled her eyes. “Can we please get on with it? What’s going on, Eric?”

“First to cover this little incident I’m going to need you to do another photo shoot. I’ll set something up that’s tasteful with

the two of you,” Rick said.

They both nodded before looking at Eric.

“I have a film on hold, a very good film. The lead male just dropped and the woman who was casted isn't working out.

It’s scheduled to start filming in four days. I want the two of you to do it. It’s perfect for you, a romantic-adventure with a touch

of comedy.” Eric pushed a script towards each of them. “Read it over and let me know. We're offering you each fifteen


"I'm not sure I can do this right now," Dana said as she opened the script and skimmed over it.

“What will it take to get you to agree to this, Dana?” Eric asked.

“Hmm, for starters I want to make sure I can make it to my doctor’s appointments. That’s nonnegotiable.”

“Done,” Eric said. “I’ll hire an OBGYN to come to the set if needed. What else?”

“Edward gets top billing. This isn’t my main thing, it’s his. He’s the pro, I’m not. His name should come first.”

Eric seemed to mull it over for a moment. “Okay fine.” Edward looked at her overwhelmed by her selflessness. Truth be

told, he could care less whose name went first, he just wanted an opportunity to work with her. From what he heard from

friends in the industry she was a natural.

“Also, Edward needs to be allowed to come to any doctor’s appointments he wants. It’s not necessary for him to come to

all of them, but there are some that he’ll want to make.”

“That’s fine,” Eric said, nodding slowly.

“I want healthy food available for her on set,” Edward added. “Plenty of fruits and whatever else the doctor says she

needs to eat.”

“I think we can manage that,” Eric said, grinning. As far as demands went, these two were easy. Most celebrities tried

using demands as power plays. Some actually demanded ridiculous things like separating all the colors of their M & M’s, a

hundred percent Egyptian cotton or silk on everything in their trailers from sheets to the goddamn couch. That’s one of the

reasons the studio was pushing to work with Edward and Dana. They were professional, down to earth, no nonsense actors. He

also already had these things set up that they were asking for and more.

Hell, he had about a dozen more things set up just to accommodate her and the kids. Normally he hated when actors

brought their kids to work, but he was such a sucker for her kids. He was hoping she’d let him put them in a few films. The kids

were too damn cute.

“So, I was in the room earlier when they were watching the sex scenes,” Nick added casually.

Dana closed her eyes, hoping to prepare herself for what was about to be said. “I have to say I was impressed. I could tell

those moves weren’t something you learned recently. Care to share?”

“Eric, can I get back to you tonight?” Dana asked.


“Ah, Dana, I have to talk to you. I have a list of interviews I need you to do. Plus I need to tell you we would like to

renew your contract for another five books,” Rick said.

“Okay Rick, send it to my lawyer. I’ll sign as soon as she goes over it with me.”

He smiled. “Excellent.”

Dana stood up to leave. “Wait. We’re all waiting to hear where you learned those erotic moves you displayed so well in

those scenes.”

Edward looked like he was going to kill Nick. She grabbed Nick by the arm and pulled him towards the door. “Let’s go

before I change my mind.”

“Damn you’re so pushy,” Nick grumbled. “But I like it.”


Edward watched as Dana pulled Nick out of the room. He wasn’t having that. He jumped to his feet and grabbed his

script. “Ah, Edward, perhaps you should calm down. Nick’s just playing. They’re really good friends, she’s safe with him,”

Rick said, trying to stop him.

He pushed past Rick and made his way into the hall. They weren’t there. He walked around the huge space and found

Dana standing against the wall with her head dropped back and her eyes closed. She was tense, he knew that look.

Without stopping he walked up to her and claimed her mouth. He kissed her with little regard for the dozens of pairs of

eyes that were that were without a doubt fixed on them. Her arms wound around his neck as she returned the kiss.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he mumbled against her lips.

She gently pushed him away. “It’s okay.” She ran her fingers gently down his cheek.

Nick stepped out of his office. “I see you two made up. You can thank me later, Dana.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Well, I guess my plans just evaporated for the night.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t mind a night with my guy. Can I give you a rain check?”

“Of course, sweetheart,” Nick said, giving her a lopsided grin.

Edward took her hand and grabbed the helmet from Nick. “Thanks, Nick,” he said smugly.

“You still haven’t told me why you picked him over me,” Nick pointed out.

A playful smile tugged at Dana’s lips. She released Edward’s hand and moved to Nick's side. She gently pulled him down

so she could whisper in his ear. Edward watched as Nick froze and his expression turned into shock. Dana stepped back and

shrugged. Nick looked at Edward. “I’ll be damned,” he muttered.

“What did you say to him?” Edward asked when they were alone in the elevator.

She shook her head. “Sorry sweetie, if I told you I’m afraid your head would get too big.”

He groaned. “That’s worse than not telling me. Now I need to know.”


“You want to go to a movie?” Dana asked skeptically.

Edward pulled into the theatre complex parking lot. “Yes, I want to take my fiancé to a movie before she’s too big to

make it down the aisle.”

She stuck her tongue at him as she climbed out of the car. He met her around the front of the car and put his arm around her


“Who gets to pick the movie?” she asked.

He scoffed, “I do of course.”

“Of course,” she said dryly.

“You can pick if you tell me what you told Nick,” he said casually, but she knew he was dying to know what she said.

“You can pick the movie.”

Damn it, he thought he had her. He desperately wanted to know what Dana could say to shut Nick up. It was about him,

what she thought of him, so he really wanted to know.

“You buy the tickets. I’ll get the snacks,” Dana said once they stepped into the movie theatre's lobby.

“Okay, baby.” He put his arm around her and kissed her.

“Awe.” People around them made noises of approval, making them both laugh.

“Anything in particular you want?” she asked.

“You know what I like.”

Dana made her way to the concession line while Edward waited in the ticket line. He kept looking back to make sure she

was okay.

“I’m such a big fan of hers,” an old woman in front of him said, drawing his attention.

“I am, too.” He smiled.

“I thought you did such a good job as Christian young man. In fact I’m here to see it for the second time,” she said brightly.

“I’m glad you liked it.” He smiled.

“Are you making a sequel for the movie?” a man piped in.

“I’m not sure yet if the studio is picking it up or not,” he answered. He hated these types of questions. They could easily

become demanding and hostile. He knew of course that they were. He was contracted for two more movies, and he looked

forward to it.

“They just released the sneak preview of
today. That movie looks really good!” a woman said.

“Yeah, I saw that! My mother was upset. She didn’t think those ten seconds of the love scene should have been shown on

television. She was livid. I mean it was pretty erotic, but they didn’t show any more than they would normally show in a soap

opera of a drama. It’s ridiculous,” a teenager with shaggy brown hair said.

“They released the preview?” Edward asked. He hadn't known that.

“Yeah, you want to see?” The kid pulled out a hand held computer. He opened a saved file and the preview started.

Edward found himself glued to the screen.

The preview started with Dana walking down a street at night, she came upon a group of hoods and turned and walked

back the way she came, ducking into an alley. She came to a skidding halt when she saw a man shoot two men. She screamed,

making the man look at her. The video flashed to another scene of her crying in the middle of a hotel room, a knock at the door

made her stand up and answer the door. Lucas stood there holding a badge.

“FBI, Ms. Jorgenson, I need to have a word with you.”

The screen changed to them running away from speeding cars, gunshots, and then she was behind the wheel nervously

trying to drive while they were being shot at. The screen changed to them arguing on the side of the road. He didn’t catch what

they were saying to each other but it looked good, passionate.

“Here it is,” the boy said.

The next scene had Dana slapping Lucas and turning to run away from him. He grabbed her arm and yanked her back

silencing her with a deep kiss. The next scene showed them practically naked in bed with Lucas devouring her body for several

long seconds, the scene ended with a steamy kiss, the next scene she was hiding in a dark room. She was crawling towards a

computer. When she made it to the computer a hand grabbed her from behind and the screen went blank.

“She’s a pretty good actress,” the old woman said. “I’m going to see that.”

“That’s what everyone is saying. They can’t believe she’s an author. She’s really good.”

“Yes, she is,” Edward said, smiling. She did great. The sex scene looked steamy, but having done sex scenes himself he

knew how uncomfortable and unsexy they really were with twenty people watching you and ordering you around.

“Oh my God! Edward Pierce!” a girl screeched.

Edward looked back to see a large group of girls exiting one of the theatres. They all started screaming and pointing his


“Oh my,” the old woman said as thirty girls ran towards him screaming at the top of their lungs.

“I would run if I were you.”

Edward left the line and pushed his way through the lobby to get to Dana. As if they were a flock of geese the girls moved

in on him as one. He found Dana standing in line looking nervous. Several men stood around her. From their body language it

was clear they were bothering her.

The fact that she was carrying another man’s children and wearing an engagement ring didn’t seem to stop them. She

looked relieved when she saw him until she saw the girls running towards him.

Edward reached out and took her arm. He pulled her against his body protectively. One of the men reached out to take

hold of Dana. “You don’t own her!” he snapped.

“Wanna make a bet?” he snarled, pulling her towards the door, but a large group of girls blocked the exit.

“Where are all these girls coming from?” Dana asked. She looked up at the movie listings and saw the reason, a Mason

brother’s movie. They were the latest boy band group. They had millions of girls obsessed with them.

“Edward, I love you! I want you!” Please be mine!” girls screamed. Several others screamed his name and their undying

love for him. “I’ll have your baby!” another yelled.

Edward looked around. They were now completely blocked. The girls were forming a huge thick circle around them. He

pulled Dana into his arms tighter. “No! She can’t have him! I hate you, Dana Mathews!” girls screamed.

“I don’t think they’re going to let me join your fan club,” Dana mumbled.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I think that route is out for you.”

“Damn, I was really hoping to get the key chain and matching tee shirt.”

He sighed heavily. “I’m really sorry, baby. I tried.”

She wrapped her arms around him making the girls scream and cry. “I think if you kiss me right now they’ll tear me apart."

He held her tighter, afraid it was true. “Girls, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I need to get her home right now,” he said

loud and clear, hoping some of the girls would use some common sense and move out of the way.

“No! She’s a bitch! I hate you, Dana! You could have any man in the world why’d you take him?” they screamed.

The girls were crying hysterically and moving closer to him. “Back off!” he snapped. They paused for a short second

before continuing.

“This is about to get really bad,” Dana whispered.

He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“My fiancé and I are being surrounded by crazed fans at Hoyt Cinemas on Chestnut."

“Sir, is this a joke?”'

“No! Can’t you hear them screaming?” he asked.

“Yes, how many girls would you say are there?”

“More than a hundred.”

“What’s your name, sir?”

“Edward Pierce, I’m with my fiancé Dana Mathews. They have us trapped. There’s too many of them. I think the manager

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