Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires) (26 page)

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I didn’t
hesitate. “I’ll do it, I’ll feed him.”

“Let’s not worry
about that just yet. I need to be at my office to get my books and some other
supplies. I might not need any blood from Galen, it’s just a possibility. You
need to stay here.”

She didn’t look
open to discussion, but I pushed anyway. “No, I’ll go with you.”

She gave me a
scathing look. “Anwyn, it’s not safe. I can’t protect us both. If anything
comes near me I can zap it, but I can’t watch your back and mine and promise to
get us both inside the office unscathed.”

I knew she’d say
something like that. “Okay I understand.”

I stood there,
sulking, freaked out, and worried beyond belief as she ran out of the temple
and headed down Saginaw toward the police department. I made sure she made it
around the corner to the station without getting assaulted. Luckily none of the
things went anywhere near her. They still attacked humans and any vampire or
Other that stepped up to fight them. Mainly, they went after humans. I caught a
glimpse of Mike fighting beside a vampire. I bet that irked him. Maybe this
would help him realize they weren’t all bad.

As I watched all
the action in the street, I heard a sexy male voice behind me, “My sweet, you
have returned. Would you like to play with me now?”

Damn, it was the
vampire version of sex incarnate. I turned to him. “People are dying out there,
why aren’t you helping?”

He looked
shocked. “You want me to kill people?”

He was either
stupid or being sarcastic, I wasn’t sure which. “No, I want you to fight and
help save them.”

Now he looked
insulted. “People always die, I don’t care for it. Pleasure is a much better
option.” He caressed my cheek, then his hand moved lower to touch the top of my

I swatted at his
hand. “Stop, I’m not in the mood.”

“But women are
always in the mood for me.”


“I’m not and I’m
not a woman, I’m a witch. Your vamp charms won’t work on me. Go away.”

I watched his
haughty expression turn into a succulent pout I was not going to fall for. “As
you wish, my lady. You have no idea what you are missing, my sweet. I know many
ways to pleasure a woman.”

Yeah, I bet you
do. I thought half-sarcastically and half-wistfully as vampire Don Juan
sauntered away.

I turned back to
the fighting in the street. Finally, I could pay attention to what was going on
outside. A dragon flew overhead. I watched it soar over everyone and land far
across the street. This led my attention to a glimmer of movement. Two figures
headed behind the Halo Burger building. Was that Devlin and Galen? Son of a
witch! I had to get to them, Galen may need me. And we might need him to shut
the portal.

I ran out of the
building and hurried across the street trying to stay out of the way of any
fighting and anything flying. I did good until my heel got stuck in between two
bricks. I almost fell. Damn it. I couldn’t get it out. Screw it. I ditched both
shoes and resumed my mission.

Until, someone
grabbed me and dragged me behind the building. I kicked and screamed the whole
way, but no one seemed to hear me.

“Stop the noise,
luv.” Devlin. His voice grated my nerves. Something about it was just off.

“What do you
want?” I mumbled into his hand as I struggled against his iron tight grasp
around me. One arm and it was like being wrapped in steel. I kept fighting his
hold even though I knew it was of no use.

“You’ll help
ensure our boy here does exactly what I want him to.”

I looked up to
see Galen being held by two of the demon creatures. He was bloody and looked
very weak.

Devlin let go of
my mouth so I could talk.

“Why are you
doing this? What exactly is it you want him to do?”

“Oh luv, I was
sent here to merely be a distraction, to keep you two apart. But I couldn’t
resist using this time for my own agenda. I want Galen to willingly accept
being Roark’s host. If he doesn’t then Roark will continually go back to his
own realm whenever I get too weak to hold him any longer. If Galen accepts the
possession, Roark can take control of his body and stay here. With me.”

“I won’t allow
that. I can’t.” I shoved against him to no avail.

“You don’t have
a choice, luv. But he does. He can either accept Roark or watch me fuck you and
bleed you until you die in front of him. It’ll be like old times, won’t it
Galen?” He sneered at Galen.

What? Oh hell no!

I fought even
harder to get away. I tried to summon any power inside me, but it was useless.
Devlin ripped the beautiful bodice of my dress open and exposed my breasts to
the air. My nipples puckered into hard nubs from the cool air or perhaps from
fear. One of Devlin’s demons grabbed me, lifted my legs and pushed up my skirt.

“Look Galen,
your girl isn’t wearing any panties. She’s nice and wet too. Looks like she’s
already been fucked tonight.”  Devlin’s disgusting fingers grazed my bare flesh
pushing at me and spreading me open for everyone to see. Then he dipped a
finger inside, pulled it out then brought it to his lips. He licked it then
sucked it into his mouth.

“Hmm, she’s
tasty. An exquisite vintage of witch…but I taste something else…mmm, human male.
Who knew the cop would be a player in all this?” Devlin mumbled to himself then
looked at Galen. “That human bloke’s been inside your witch tonight. Since
she’s already been violated once, will it even bother you if I’m next?”

Devlin’s laugh
made me cringe more than his touch. Galen stared at me, his eyes filled with
pain. He knew I had been with Mike. Why now? Of all times for him to find out.
Talk about kicking ‘em when they’re down.

“Maybe you
should just let us enjoy her, old friend. Doesn’t look like she cares much
about you anyway.”  Devlin’s fingers caressed my traitorous parts still warm
and wet from my encounter with Mike. I wanted to throw up on him just to get
him to let me go. Struggling was futile and my body didn’t seem to feel like
throwing up. I lived in a nightmare with a murderous vampire who wanted to rape
and kill me, and I couldn’t wake up.

Devlin leaned in
close to me, his hot breath grazing my cheek as he whispered, “You saw the
visions from the dead women, right luv? I made them extra special for you. I
wanted you to feel what it was like to be with me, a real vampire who can give
pleasure like no other. Do you want it now? Do you crave me, my sweet?” His
laugh made me cringe. His body moved behind mine, his hands on my ass, fingers
carelessly kneading my buttocks.

He had just
admitted to the murders. And, I was going to be next. I didn’t think it could
get worse.

Then demon who
had pushed up my dress undid his pants. What sprang out made me scream. The
monster toted a massive red penis as thick as a wine bottle and about 10 inches
long, covered in ripples, veins, and all across the top were spiny things. Holy
hell that would hurt.

“Get the hell
away from her!” Galen hissed with whatever power he had left as he strained
against the demons holding him. “I’ll kill every damn one of you.”

“Not likely old
chap,” Devlin quipped from behind me as he lifted my ass higher and spread my
legs for the demon. “Don’t worry princess, you’re going to love this. It looks
a bit frightening but women can’t get enough of him once they’ve had a go.”

The big red
demon dick rubbed against my still wet flesh, prodding my folds and daring to
enter me. Galen roared like a caged beast as I screamed and kicked the demon
hard—right in his big, red demon balls.

The demon sucked
in his breath and crumpled over holding his junk. Hah, the bigger they are…

Galen roared
again and the demon holding him went flying, hit the brick wall and crumpled to
the ground. The demon in front of me holding his junk got ripped away and
landed in a heap on top of the other demon. Galen wrenched me from Devlin’s
grip. He looked deep into my eyes and said, “Run!”

I tried to hug
him. “Galen, I’m so sorry…”

He shoved me
away. “Run, god damnit, before they get up!”

“But Galen!”

“Fucking run!”
He growled. Devlin just stood there and laughed maniacally.

I ran. I ran
faster than I had ever run in my life as Devlin’s crazy laughter and Galen’s
screams followed me. I hurried to the front of the building and hauled ass
across the bricks.

As I raced back
across the bricks someone grabbed me and dragged me around the side of the
building. Oh, Goddess, not again.

“Let me go, let
me go you fucking bastard!” I screamed, terrified it was one of those awful red
dicked demons. Not going down without a fight this time, I kicked and punched
and elbowed the guy right in the stomach.

Then between
grunts and groans of pain I heard, “Annie, it’s me, it’s Mike.”

I stopped
fighting and turned around. “Mike, oh Mike, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was

His eyes widened
in horror as he took a look at my ruined clothing and my battered feet. “Annie,
what’s wrong? Why are you out here? What happened?” He took a closer look at
me. “Your dress…I smell vampire on you. Did that fanger do this to you?”

I looked down,
my gown partially shredded and my left breast hung out. I grabbed the pieces of
my dress and attempted to tie them back together with the corset lacings as I
mumbled a string of stuff to Mike, “Mel said she needed Galen to get rid of the
demons and dragon things. I thought I saw Galen while I was inside, he went
across the street. I went after him. It was a trap. Devlin set me up. He was
going to let these awful demons rape me if Galen didn’t do what he said.” I
started sobbing uncontrollably as it all sunk in. I realized how close I had
been to getting raped by those freaky demons.

“Annie, oh my
god, Annie! Did they hurt you? Did they…did they…” He couldn’t finish.

“No, they
didn’t. Galen stopped them. But they were so close. The one demon’s…the demon’s
thing was so big and it almost…it was almost inside…” I collapsed into Mike’s

“Come on let’s
get out of here, we’re going to my place.”


Chapter 33


I woke up in an
unfamiliar bed, but since it smelled like Mike I knew instantly where I was. I
rolled over and looked around. Nice place. Older but touched with modern. Not
as man messy as I would have expected.

I swung my legs
off the edge of the bed and sat up, realizing I was naked. Looked around for
something to put on, and I spotted my gown on a chair, the beautiful Esme
Original torn to shreds. What a shame, the dress looked damn fine on me.

Then the events
of the night before flooded back. I sat back down on the bed. I had almost been
raped. By a freaky demon packing a super huge schlong…with spikes. Thank the
Goddess; Galen pulled together enough strength to fight for me.

Galen! He
couldn’t have had enough strength left to get away himself, could he? I prayed
he had. There’s no telling what Devlin or those demons would have done to him
after he helped me get away.

Fuck, the
demons! I wondered if Mel was able to get rid of them.

As I sat there
thinking, a robe landed in my lap.

“I thought you’d
like something to put on. I have some sweats or something you could probably
wear until we get you home, but I figured you might like a shower first.”

I looked up at
him full of gratitude. A month ago I never would have thought Detective Mike
Malone would be my hero, the guy who was always there to take care of me. Turns
out the crass bravado he always used was just a front to keep people from
knowing he was really a big, cuddly teddy bear.

A sexy teddy
bear with great buns and ripped abs I would love to lick. I watched him walk
around in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else. They didn’t leave much to
the imagination and showed off every line, curve and muscle of his body. Yum,

Hmm, glad to see
an attempted rape hadn’t dulled my libido.

I was sure I
would feel a lot different had it been a real rape. I knew, in that way I have,
the whole thing had been for show. Devlin would not have let the demon actually
rape me. He wanted to see how much it would take to get Galen to cooperate. He
knew Galen would fight for me, and all he wanted was Galen’s cooperation. Of
course, while it had been happening it felt real enough it had scared the
broomsticks right out of me. I thought that demon schlong would rip me open
from the inside out.

Now I knew it
never would have happened. Devlin wouldn’t let a demon do me. I wondered why.
What a puzzle. What had he meant about being a distraction and keeping Galen
and I apart? Maybe it was simply more crazy ramblings. Half the time he seemed
totally unhinged. Perhaps I was his only collateral left to use with Galen. If
I really got hurt he wouldn’t have any leverage to use with Galen.

Galen, Goddess
bless him because he needed it. I couldn’t imagine what Devlin and those demons
did to him after I got away. In my head I still heard Devlin’s laughter and
Galen’s screams. Galen was strong though, he’d lasted this long. He had
survived all the horrible things Roark did to him. Devlin wouldn’t be the one
to break him. At least I prayed he wouldn’t.

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