He's the One (25 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

BOOK: He's the One
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‘Don’t you think you’re a bit too glammed up for a night at the cinema?’ Liberty commented as Brooke sashayed into the living room like a model on a runway. ‘The Odeon isn’t exactly like Grauman’s Chinese Theater with the handprints of the stars outside it. There’s more likely to be a pool of sick and a pile of cigarette ends.’

Brooke rolled her eyes. ‘Thanks a lot, Mom!’ She was about to go upstairs and change into her jeans when the phone rang – her taxi was there already, and she was running late. She didn’t want Harry to think that she wasn’t interested, when she was

However, when the taxi pulled up outside the Odeon, a staggeringly ugly seventies-style building with a series of what looked like dirty glass pyramids dumped on the top of it, she realised that her mom had been right. She was totally wearing the wrong outfit. She picked her way carefully along the pavement, skirting one splatter of vomit and a sinister-looking stain, which was possibly, dried blood. Yuck! She wouldn’t put her hands on this pavement if you paid her! You’d need to have a tetanus and Hep B jab immediately afterwards.

Harry was waiting for her in the foyer, the very unglamorous foyer, where her shoes crunched on the spilled popcorn that littered the floor. Thankfully he had made an effort, wearing a pair of white jeans and a black shirt, and he looked even more tanned. Maybe he’d had a fake tan in her honour? Flynn would have thought that incredibly vain, but it was okay with Brooke. More than okay in fact, it showed that he wanted to impress.

‘Brooke! You look gorgeous! So stylish! So Hollywood!’ He reached out and held both her hands while he considered the dress. ‘So overdressed for here! I feel like you need a red carpet. And there definitely isn’t one here, sweetie.’

They both burst out laughing.

‘So do you want anything to eat? A box of popcorn? A delicious hot dog with some mustard and onion relish? Nachos? Some pick-and-mix? So many delicacies to choose from, I hardly know where to begin!’ He grinned at her.

Do you know how many calories are in those things?’

‘I was joking. I’ve got something better.’ He patted his jacket pocket and whispered, ‘A hipflask of vodka and Diet Coke. Zero calories in that, sweetie.’

‘Yummy, that is my kind of drink.’

‘So how was your first shift?’

She shrugged. ‘Just about bearable, I guess. I’m hoping if I do it without complaining for the next couple of weeks, my mom will say I can give it up. She’s trying to make the point that I was spoiled in LA.’

‘Poor you, I can’t imagine you in such a place. It’s all wrong, you’re wasted on those diners, like pearls before swine. Still, at least you’re with Mila and Flynn, and they’re great.’

He seemed so enthusiastic that it wasn’t the moment for her to say that she wasn’t at all sure she liked Flynn.

Upstairs they settled down in their seats, after Harry had taken a few minutes to decide where he wanted to be. ‘I have to have the absolute perfect view of Julia,’ he told Brooke, who frankly didn’t care where they sat.

Throughout the trailers she was hoping that Harry would make some kind of move, give a sign that he was
interested in her, but while he handed her the hipflask and kept up a stream of witty comments about the upcoming films, there was nothing she could interpret as flirtation. She inched her legs closer to his, but when his thigh accidentally touched hers, he immediately apologised and moved it away. It was very frustrating! She didn’t understand why he was being so reserved. He didn’t seem like the shy type, and he had said all those lovely things about her.

A trailer came on for the new Colin Farrell film and now Harry clutched her arm. ‘Oh my God! I so would, wouldn’t you? I totally fucking love him! I know he’s probably too old for me, but it’s those eyes. Well, actually those biceps as well … and those abs … and, oh, everything!’

Him. He had definitely said him. It was all becoming clear to Brooke now. Harry’s immaculate appearance, his knowledge of designer clothes … the fact that Flynn and Mila had given her such strange looks when she had told them that she was going out on a date with Harry. Fuck! They must both be pissing themselves laughing! How could she have got it so spectacularly wrong? She’d always thought she had good gaydar … apparently not. What a loser! She thought of the afternoon she had wasted, getting ready for her big date. Her big date with a gay man.

‘I always think that Flynn looks a bit like him, it’s those melting brown eyes … eyes you could lose yourself in,’ Harry continued, oblivious to Brooke’s inner turmoil. ‘Flynn is so fit, isn’t he? But straight. Oh, God! Why did he have to be straight? It’s my tragedy. When we went camping with the school, we shared a tent. I was hoping for a
Brokeback Mountain
moment. I mean, I know he’s straight, but there’s always hope. But, no. He nipped out, leaving me all on my own,
and copped off with Lacey Johnson. The lucky slag! She had a grin on her face the entire week. So did he.’

And there was the confirmation. For a moment Brooke considered flouncing out of the cinema. She felt ridiculous in her flirty dress and killer heels. But that would make the whole situation even more embarrassing.

‘D’you really think he’s fit? He’s so arrogant and always acts like he’s looking down at me.’

‘I know. I love it! It’s so sexy when he comes over all self-righteous, the way he does with you if you say anything he judges to be shallow.’

‘Oh, that’s everything I say then,’ Brooke muttered.

‘Don’t look so serious! I reckon it’s a defence mechanism and he secretly fancies the pants off you. He’ll be in torment, knowing that he shouldn’t really like someone like you but unable to resist the feeling. I can read that boy like a book, I’ve known him so long.’

‘I really have no idea. Now vodka me up.’ Brooke held out her hand for the hipflask. God knows, she needed a drink after that bombshell. Or five.

By the time the film was over – a feel-good rom-com that did actually make her feel better – Brooke was slightly tipsy, which thankfully numbed some of the embarrassment. Harry was so adorable, and such good company. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t realised he was gay. She supposed it was because she had so wanted to find an ally. Well, he could be her gay BF. If she was honest, she was still feeling bruised from her short and un-sweet romance with Christian. She needed a friend far more than a boyfriend. And so as they made their way to the sushi restaurant, she decided to come clean.

Harry laughed so much when she told him she had thought tonight was a date that they had to stop. He
clutched her shoulders and bent double, trying to get his breath back.

‘Darling, I can’t believe you didn’t realise! I’m camper than Christmas! But it’s so sweet, and really, I’m flattered. You’re a gorgeous beautiful girl, who deserves a gorgeous beautiful boy. But a straight one.’

‘I’m such a fool.’

‘You probably had jet lag. You were feeling homesick for LA.’ He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. ‘But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.’

She believed him, but she hated to think of Flynn and Mila laughing at her mistake. Airhead LA girl falls for gay guy … She was certain that Flynn would absolutely love that. He would think it served her right for being so superficial.

Harry linked his arm through hers and they carried on walking. Now this was a novelty. In LA they would have driven to their next destination. No one walked. But this was kind of sweet, walking arm in arm by the sea and looking at the lights of Brighton Pier, flashing on and off. Okay, it wasn’t as impressive as Santa Monica Pier, being considerably smaller, but it had a certain charm. And the Brighton wheel, slowly revolving and lit up in blue, looked pretty.

‘Actually, could we play a little trick on Flynn about tonight?’ she asked. ‘I hate to think of him laughing at me. He’s so superior.’

‘What? Make out that you’ve converted me to all things straight?’

She nodded, not sure what Harry’s reaction would be. But he rose to the challenge.

‘That would be such a laugh! You’re right, he does always act too cool for school. We could snog in front of him. Do you have that word in the States? FYI it means kiss. It will blow his mind. I’ve never actually
kissed a girl, but I’ll make an exception for you, sweet cheeks.’

‘You never know, you might be like Katy Perry – kiss a girl and like it. I probably don’t taste like cherry chapstick, but I did clean my teeth.’ And flossed and gargled with mouthwash, hoping at the start of the night that she might end up kissing Harry, but not exactly like this.

He shook his head. ‘Nah, that’s not going to happen, but it’ll be fun pretending.’

Chapter 27


Liberty walked by the sea, looking out at the beach and the old ruined West Pier still hanging on in there, with the Palace Pier beyond it. Since moving back to Brighton, she couldn’t get enough of this view. She had loved Santa Monica but in the end it had become tainted by the unhappiness of her marriage. But there were memories here as well, so many of them, crowding into her head. Of being with Cory on the beach, at his flat, in bed … Memories that haunted and tormented her with their bitter sweetness.

The thought of Cory living so close was tantalising. It seemed crazy after all these years and all that had happened, but she couldn’t get him out of her head. Zac’s comment about the letter from him had intensified that feeling.

Em was already installed at a table in the bar when Liberty arrived, and halfway through a large glass of white wine.

‘I couldn’t wait any longer,’ she said, giving Liberty a hug. ‘This has been the longest Sunday in the
history of the world! The kids have been so full on all day. Literally as soon as Noah walked in the door after football, I was out of there!’

Liberty smiled sympathetically, but really she envied Em her busy, full on family. She had always wanted to be part of one. Her marriage had never felt like that. Right from the start everything had to be controlled and ordered. Zac didn’t like surprises, or noise, or mess, or anything that might upset his well-ordered life.

Em poured her a generous glass of wine. ‘So, cheers, you’ve got some catching up to do.’

‘Cheers.’ Liberty clinked her glass against Em’s. Being able to see her again was one of the very best things about coming back to Brighton. She had missed her so much when she was in Australia. Skype, Facebook and email came a poor second to knowing that her best friend was ten minutes away and they could meet up whenever they wanted.

‘So how’s Brooke? Not still dressing up to go to college as if she’s about to strut her stuff on a catwalk?’ Em had thought it was hilarious when Liberty told her about Brooke wearing her designer clothes on the first day.

Liberty smiled. ‘No, thank God! And I didn’t even have to say anything. She sussed out the dress code for herself. So now she wears jeans and Converse, like every other student – though typically her Converse are studded with crystals. She’s gone out to the cinema with a boy tonight, so I hope she’s getting on okay. She did get a little too dressed up for the Odeon.’ Liberty doubted there were many other girls there in three-thousand-dollar Louboutins.

‘Oh, bless her! She’ll get used to the lifestyle here soon.’

‘Yeah, and she seems so much happier now she’s
made some friends and has her party to plan.’ Liberty paused. ‘I hope she doesn’t blame me too much for taking her away from LA, but you have no idea what it was doing to her, Em. I felt I was losing my girl. She had become so spoiled and materialistic, only caring about shopping and looking good. And I felt guilty all the time because I knew I wasn’t there enough for her. Now it feels like she’s back with me again. We’re actually having proper conversations.’

‘She’s a lovely girl and she’ll be fine. And speaking of parties, did you get your invitation to Angel’s? I literally cannot wait! At last, some excitement in my life. I can see it now: vintage champagne … say Cristal, delicious canapés, and Cal Bailey up close. Seriously he’s the one man I would ever consider being unfaithful with, apart from Alexander Skarsgård. Obviously. Oh, and Ryan Gosling. And, I guess, Bradley Cooper.’

When she saw Liberty looking doubtful, Em explained, ‘In my fantasy world, of course. Noah’s fantasy fuck was Megan Fox, until she had a son called Noah, which kind of killed it. So now it’s Clare Danes.’

‘Ah, that’s so sweet – you look a bit like her.’ Em had always been the love of Noah’s life, and Liberty could just imagine him choosing someone who resembled her.

‘So who’s yours?’

She shrugged. ‘I really don’t have one.’ It was Cory, there was no one else she had ever fantasised about.

‘Oh, come on! You must have. Everyone does. All those sexy actors you hung out with in LA. That sexy co-star of yours for a start … Jeff whatever his name was. He was hot to trot! Cute bum – I don’t know how you resisted squeezing it every time you saw him. It is
squeezable!’ Em actually mimed performing the action; she really did need to get out more.

‘Actually he was gay and had no sense of humour. He would have seen any bum squeezing as a form of sexual harassment, and sued me. The sex scene we did together had to be the most awkward one I ever had to do.’

‘Well, who then?’

When Liberty still insisted that she didn’t think about anyone in particular, Em suddenly went quiet and then said, ‘Oh my God – it’s Cory, isn’t it?’

‘I’m so predictable, I know. Do you think one day I might be over him?’

She’d meant to say it lightly, but Em seemed to take it seriously. ‘He’s got an exhibition on in Brighton. I passed the gallery the other day. I was wondering whether to tell you or not. I didn’t see him though.’

Instantly Liberty felt as if her heart was racing that little bit faster. So much for thinking she could keep it together if she ever saw Cory.

‘Maybe you should try and meet up with him. It might be good for both of you. You never did get any – I hate that word – closure.’

It was what Liberty both longed for and yet feared. While they didn’t see each other, she could pretend that there was still a chance that Cory might want her; that the rejection hadn’t happened. She would rather keep the fantasy.

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