Heroin Love (4 page)

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Authors: I.M. Hunter

BOOK: Heroin Love
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Chapter Seven -- Kevin


"Hey, who is this?" playing dumb as if I didn't know who it was.

"It's Rachael, did you forget about me already?" She stated boldly.

Chuckling I responded, "How could I forget?"

I pulled over into one of the parking lots that lined the street so I could talk to her, I haven't heard from her in months, but she never left my thoughts. We continued some bullshit small talk for a few minutes, when my phone beeped, I took the phone off my ear to see who it was. 'Benjamin' was displayed on the caller I.D. I ignored it knowing he was just checking up on me to see when I was going to be there.

"Listen Rachael, I'm glad you called but I really can't talk right now. I have to go meet my family." I told her apologetically.

"Come on Kev, I really wanted to hang out. Lets go get some lunch." She pleaded. 

"I'm going on a trip and I can't miss it. Sorry Rachael."

"But I am so wet for you, I have missed you so much. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." she explained cunningly.

I sat there in silence, not sure what to think. I would love nothing more than to drive right over there for round two but my whole family is waiting for me on the ship. I looked towards the clock to check the time to see if I could fit her in and still make it. There just wasn't enough time, only one hour until the ship departs.

"Uhhhh, maybe next time Rachael."

"Oh your a hard sell. I am going to send you something. Hold on."

The next thing I know my phone buzzed, I got a new text message from a blocked number. I slid my finger on the screen to open the message and it contained a picture. It was of Rachael, a nude photo of her sitting on the couch with her legs spread open, biting her lip, and playing with herself.

"Now that is not fair." I joked.

"Are we going to get lunch now?"

I hesitated to answer, my phone beeped again with another call from Benjamin which I ignored. I was torn, I really wanted some quality time with my family, but they always seemed so distant. The devil tugged at my heartstrings and was winning the moral battle I was having inside my head.

"Where can I pick you up?" I asked with a mixture of delight and regret.

"I'll be at Toni's waiting for you. See you soon, Kev. Mwah."

Sitting motionless in the parking lot, I began to think of all the things we could do over the next week. I could take her over to my house, and she could play mistress for the week. Sleep in late, have sex, eat some food, have more sex. We could take the boat out and speed down the intracoastal, I can already see it now. Her skimpy bikini fluttering in the wind, her boobs bouncing as we cut through the wake. Rachael’s flawless body oiled up, glistening in the Florida sun, her hair elegantly flowing in the wind.

I looked down at my phone, thinking about calling Benjamin back, but decided against it. They don’t really want me there, they will have more fun without me. They won’t have to worry about all my little quirks, dragging them to dinner to spend some time with them, forcing them to go see the shows they have no interest seeing, making them go see the Panama Canal again, which I know they hate. It would be better if I just stayed here.






Chapter Eight


I pulled up to Toni's and there she was sitting on a wooden bench outside of the building smoking a cigarette. Wearing skin tight jeans, flip flops, and a tank top. Such a basic outfit but damn she looked sexy. I rolled down my window and waved so she could see me. She flicked her cigarette and pranced over to the truck. She leaned into the window pressing her breast out of her tank top with the door. 

"I am so glad you came. Where are we going to eat?" She asked. 

"Just hop in, I want to show you something."

She got into the truck and I drove away. Rachael kept staring at me, smiling, and giggling. Placing her hand on my leg, she starting to rub my leg softly. 

"You really have no idea how happy I am you picked me up. I thought we had a great connection when we fucked that day."

“That’s blunt, but I really enjoyed it too. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of that day since.”

“Well who could forget this?” Rachael said in her cocky attitude.

“Why after all this time did you finally call me?” I inquired.

“I thought you were going to come back. I waited and waited but you never showed. I finally got tired of waiting for you and decided to chase you.”

I smiled and looked at her. She was still as stunning as I remember, and her blue eyes get me every time. I looked her over once more and noticed small bruises on her arm. 

"Oh my, what are those from?" I motioned towards her arms. 

She hesitated to respond "Oh, nothing I woke up with these this morning, not sure where they came from."

"Maybe you worked a little too hard last night?" 

Rachael shot me a dirty look, glaring at me with those eyes. 

"Damn your sexy when your upset."

She gave me a little slap on my leg, "Where are we going?"

I pulled into my neighborhood and parked in the driveway. Looking at Rachael and smiled with pride as I was about to show her my home. She returned a smile, I looked around my surroundings to make sure none of my neighbors were out walking about, especially Wicked Vicky. When I thought the coast was clear I jumped out of the truck and she followed. With some haste I headed towards the door, my nerves started to get to me as I was shaking nervously trying to unlock the door. After a few seconds of fiddling with the keys I pushed the door open and ushered her in quickly.

"Nice spread, Kev. I am impressed"

The foyer area in my home was grand. Brazilian Ebony solid wood floors filled the area. A round white marble table rested neatly in the center of the room which always had fresh red roses. Contemporary landscape paintings with matching custom white marble frames decorated the light beige walls.

"Thanks, worked hard for this. Please take your shoes off.”

I guided her over to the kitchen, which was another impressive feature of my house. Megan always wanted a huge kitchen and now she has one. The Brazilian Ebony floor continued into the kitchen with white cabinets and stone wood granite that ran around the whole kitchen. The Sub-Zero was hidden by a matching cabinet veneer, a gas powered range sat next to it. Two center islands gave you plenty of cooking and prepping room.

“Just help yourself.”

I left her alone in the kitchen, and went into my bedroom to change into something more comfortable.

I hear pot and pans banging in the kitchen, I assume she found something that she liked. I slipped on some basketball shorts and a plain t-shirt. I pulled my phone out of my pants that were now laying on the floor to check to see if they called again. Nothing, no texts, missed calls. I looked at the time and now the ship has definitely departed. I knew they didn't care that much only two calls to see where I was. More confident in my decision of staying with Rachael, I was ready to enjoy the week that was ahead of me. No family drama, no work calls, just seven days of hanging out with the sexy goddess that was Rachael.

Heading back towards the kitchen and before I turned the corner I asked "So you found something to eat?" Looking down to make final adjustments to my outfit, brushing off some lint that was resting on my shirt. I turned the corner and when I looked up I was in awe. There Rachael was cooking in black lingerie. 

"I'm making pancakes, you want some?" 

I nodded and sat down at the breakfast bar. I couldn't take me eyes off her, standing there practically nude cooking me pancakes. Man, I could get used to this.






Chapter Nine -- Rachael


"Give me a bump," I directed towards one of my girlfriends who was hanging out in my bedroom.

She handed me a vial of coke, I tapped some out on the side of my fist and sniffed it right up. We both didn't have any clients today, so we just sat around waiting for a walk-in.

"Daisy, you'll never believe me but I found someone who can take care of me. He came in a while ago, I rocked his world."

Daisy looked at me with excitement and started to interrogate me, "What's his name? Has he called you? Have you called him? Do I know him? What's he like?"

"Whoa, whoa Daisy relax. His names Kevin, he gave me his card but I haven't called. He only came in once but I had him practically eating out of my hand."

"Have you told Dave about him yet? You know he doesn't like you meeting clients outside of here." she pried.

"No I haven't told him yet, but why would he care. I'll get Kevin to give us money and drugs and David will be fine." I convinced Daisy. 

"So let's give him a call then Rachael, lets see how much he is really eating out of your hand."

I agreed and picked up the phone and *67'ed his number. No answer, tried to call again....then he picks up.

"Hello, this is Kevin."

As we were talking Daisy was eavesdropping, pressing her head against mine trying to hear what he was saying. Daisy kept smiling and giggling at me, she started to write on a piece of paper, then held it up excitedly.

'Get him to take you to lunch'
was scribbled across the paper.

Kevin was being stubborn, he kept saying he had to go on some trip with his family, blah blah blah, I wanted him today. I couldn't break him, he was persistent, I knew what I had to do. I signaled Daisy to take a picture of me quietly not to ruin the surprise. I hopped on the couch nude and formed a provocative pose. She snapped the picture and I grabbed the phone from her, looked over the photo for approval and sent it over to him. I got him, he was mine.

I hung the phone up, and let Daisy know, "Got him, hook, line, and sinker."

"What did he say?" She prodded.

"Nothing much, he is ditching his family to come hang out with me. He will be here soon."

I went through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit. I wanted to look good, but didn't want to appear desperate. I tried on a mini skirt, looked way to desperate. I decided to wear my lucky jeans. A worn down pair of skin tight Levi's never looks bad. I put on a pair of black flip flops and a tank top. Looked in the mirror to give myself one final look over. My tits didn't look full enough, threw my top off and put on my trusty push-up bra and the tank top. Got a nice cleavage line now. My make-up was spot on, grabbed my purse, and blew Daisy a kiss and left. I had to make an excuse up as to why I was leaving, Jess the Gatekeeper was here.

"Jess I have to go, my grandma just called me she needs help."

"But your shift doesn't end for another four hours." She protested.

"She fell over and can't get back up." I rebutted.

"Fine! But you will make it up tomorrow."

My grandma was the only family I had left, and everyone knew that. I hated using my grandma as the scapegoat but it was the only way she would let me leave without too much of a hassle. I ran out the door and went to the front of the building to sit on the bench and wait for Kevin. Almost ten minutes has gone by and still no sign of him, I sparked a cigarette and patiently waited. 

The scenery around Toni’s was rather depressing to me. You watch all the happy couples going in and out of Sushi-Gon. Giggling with each other, enjoying their time together as they waited outside for their tables. Parents playing with their kids at the park across the street. This one dad was chasing his daughter around the park acting like a grizzly bear. She was running away in ‘fear’ laughing constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure the bear didn’t get her. I was envious, I always wanted a man to take care of me, love me, make love to me, raise a family with. Instead I was stuck in this whore house, fucking any guy willing to pony up the money just to survive. Why couldn’t that be me? I would love to chase my daughter around the park, enjoying life.

I checked my phone and now almost twenty minutes have passed, I was starting to get agitated.

‘Did he ditch me? Did he really go on that trip with that family of his?’
I thought to myself.

I sparked another cigarette to calm my nerves. Then I saw this roaring red pick up truck creep by me and parked in the parking lot. I was full of excitement hoping it was him. I gazed at the truck and waited. The window began to roll down, and I noticed it was him. I hopped out of my chair in excitement and pranced over to him.






Chapter Ten


Rachael finished making the pancakes and put the dishes down on the dining room table. 

"Ready to eat?" She asked me while still standing in her lingerie. 

"Uh, yeah, your going to eat like that?" 

" Yeah, is that a problem?”

I shook my head in disbelief and proceeded to sit down. While eating it was rather silent, I still haven't processed this situation completely. I couldn't believe this young girl would be sincerely interested in a middle aged man like me. I mean her options have to be limitless. She could go walk into any bar and pick up any guy like that but here she is sitting here in my kitchen eating pancakes. 

"You know what I love about pancakes?" Breaking the silence she asked me. I looked up at her in curiosity waiting for her answer. "The warm syrup on them. It's gooey, sugary, and I have quite the sweet tooth." She stood up and grabbed the syrup that was housed in a crystal pitcher on the countertop. She popped it in the microwave for a few seconds to heat it up. When Rachael approached the table she stood there, staring and smiling at me placing the syrup on the table. "Want to have some fun?"

Pulling my chair away from the table, she got down on her knees in front of me and pulled my penis out of my pants. Reaching on the table to grab the warm syrup to pour some into her hand. She grabbed me and began stroking my penis with the warm syrup and it delivered a direct response, I had a full erection. The sensation was one I never felt before, the stickiness of the syrup really added an intoxicating feeling to the hand job. She stopped jerking me off and looked up with arousing eyes.

Leaning in she began sucking on me, making sure to clean up her mess that was all over me. The feeling was to much for me to handle, quivering, I began to moan, echoing throughout the house. A few seconds later I came right into her mouth and she took it without hesitation. 

Standing up in front of me, "Whoa, that was quick, the pancakes are still warm."

Laughing with disappointment I explained "No one has ever done that to me before, it felt great. You are really good at that." 

"I told you I liked the syrup." 

In the distance I hear an unfamiliar ringtone fill the air. Rachael turns around and rushes to her phone without any hesitation. Her ass jiggling as she made her way down the hallway to retrieve her purse.

I began to hear faint whispers from down the hall. Trying to eavesdrop on her conversation I began craning my neck towards her direction. I wasn't very successful in figuring out what or who called her, but she made it pretty obvious. She walked back into the room with a totally different demeanor, almost pissed off or aggravated at something.

Before I could be the concerned friend, boy toy, or whatever I would be classified as, she frantically demanded " You need to take me home now."

My eyebrows arched in confusion "Why? What happened? We are having a good time."

"I know. My uncle called me and he needs me to get him his meds. He has serious medical problems."

“Really your uncle? Why can’t he just go get them?”

“Kev, I really don’t have time to explain. Can we just go?”

In a state of disbelief I agreed to take her. We left the house in a hurry and I still had syrup dripping off my shorts.

"Where do you live?" I asked as we were getting into the truck. 

"Royal Greens, Unit 6417 off of NE 12th."

I knew exactly where that was, I had a few projects in there. Royal Greens was a drug user infested haven, all low income addicts feeding off the state, the units were shit holes. I couldn't believe she lived there, I couldn't believe anyone would live there.

The ride over to her house was silent, not even a song on the radio. Rachael was very fidgety sitting in the passenger seat, tapping the door and shaking her legs. She didn't look at me but I could see she looked scared as if something bad was going to happen to her. I pulled up to her building, and before I could even stop the truck she tries to jump out of the truck in a hurry.

I grabbed her arm "Hey, is everything okay?" 

"Come on Kevin, I have to go. I will call you tomorrow."

Not letting go of her arm I made one final comment "I am falling for you Rachael."

Without a response she ripped her arm out of my hand and left me. I watched as she walk towards her apartment, the building was crawling with drunk and intoxicated people. There was a bonfire in the front lawn of the building, music blasting, dancing, and passing all sorts of bottles and joints around. I couldn't believe my eyes, I knew this place was bad but not this out of control. Frantically making her way across the front lawn a guy stops her right in her tracks. I see him making a pass at her and talking to her. Rachael picks her hand up and slaps the guy with obvious force, man she was feisty. Picking up her pace, she arrived at her door and I see her enter a room of darkness.

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