Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior (114 page)

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Authors: James McBride Dabbs,Mary Godwin Dabbs

Tags: #test

BOOK: Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior
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Courtwright, David, 208
Crazy Horse, 131, 176
Creative Loafing
newspaper, 45
Criminals, and high testosterone levels, 7681, 130131
female killers, 80
female prison inmates, 68, 7980,
Headstart program, crime prevention benefits of, 211
heroic behavior and, 180182, 190
incarceration and release, testosterone levels and, 89
Page 273
male killers, 8081
male prison inmates, type of crime, rule violations, and testosterone, 7781,
psychopathy and, 187, 192193
rapists, 101
socioeconomic status and, 203205,
Cross, Sylvia, 34
Crossing, The
(McCarthy), 51, 61
Culture and Social Behavior
(Triandis), 69
Cummins, Charles, 142
Curtis, Lynn, 211
Dabbs, Alan, 92, 98, 136, 212
Dabbs, Bogart (dog), 92, 161
Dabbs (Moore), Carolyn, 38

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