Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (38 page)

BOOK: Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
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“I’m in the Navy. Sailor.”

She laughed again, shaking her head.

“Aye, aye, Cap’n.”

I scowled at her, the planned slow seduction foiled by her ironic tone. Instead, I ripped the t-shirt off and started on my belt as my mouth teased at hers.

“I’ll have you know, this prissy rich lifestyle is just as much a mystery to me.”

She grinned, but then I was out of my clothes, and her attention was thoroughly distracted.

At last.

Sometimes the damned girl never shut up.

Her clothes didn’t stay on much longer after that, and the refreshing wind from the sea felt good against the bare skin that was already burning up with need and desire for her.

“I did have a couple more desserts…”

Her expression almost objected before she saw what I was bringing out of the bag. The whipping cream and chocolate sauce made her eyes light with fire again and she grabbed at them.

“You did bring me chocolate!”

Her tone was laughing as she shot some of the cream into my mouth. I grinned as I licked it off and shook my head.

“That wasn’t where I was thinking you would aim that thing…”

She laughed again, but it was deeper this time, thicker with the same lust running through my blood. I took the can off her and decorated her bare chest, my mouth and tongue following, focusing on her tits. The cream was nice - soft and fluffy - but I preferred the taste of her skin underneath, the way her pert tits stiffened under me as my hands started working their way down. She was moaning at that, and caught her fingers in the cream as she watched my eager mouth, taking it into her mouth in such a tempting, teasing way it made me growl.

“Keep doing that, and it won’t be your finger you’re sucking so prettily.”

Her laughing eyes told me she knew exactly what she was doing. A moment later she pushed me off to the side, her body hot and flushed from my attentions as she took the cream and chocolate with a speculative glance. Curious, I lay back and watched as she swung herself up on top of me, her already wet pussy settling on my stomach in a way that had me fighting not flex my hips, or sit her on me just a little lower. Then she started to drizzle the sauce over my chest - following the lines of my tattoo and making me groan. That skin was always sensitive, and I could already picture her sweet mouth following those lines, tracing them as she’d done before without the cream.

I reached up to cup her tits again, massaging that warm, wonderful skin as she filled in the eagles with dots of cream before leaning down to start licking at it. I groaned at the feel of her warm, darting tongue against the coolness of the cream, the contrast lighting up the path she took with sparks of heat. My cock twitched hard against her ass and the minx started rubbing up against it, almost casually - except for the look she shot me.

“Fuck, Bella…”

My hands found her hips and I started thrusting up, the way she bit her lip showing me just how much she was anticipating feeling that. She was grinding against my rock hard abs, moaning a little as she worked herself up while playing with my chest.

Her delicate little tongue flicked against my nipples, followed the lines of my pecs and swirled around my stomach as she slowly started working her way lower. The wriggling of her body over mine made me hot even before she reached her destination, crouching between my legs and letting her hands trace my sides as her mouth hovered over my pulsing cock.

Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and my hand came around her head, folding into those beautiful red locks as she started teasing my head, the hand still covered in cream as it gripped the base. Her mouth took me easily - all the practice we’d had the last few weeks no doubt helping - and it closed over the head in one smooth motion, sucking eagerly while her tongue swirled around me.


You’d think by now I’d be used to seeing her like that, watching how she enjoyed me so much - but it hit me every time. There was something decadently pleasurable about seeing my self-controlled, willful rich girl become a sensuous wildcat in bed.

Her head dipped lower and she started working my cock hard now, the thick member pulsing inside her as I got lost in the wet heat of her mouth. My hands clutched at her head and I was thrusting against her now, working her throat as she took it easily, moaning softly against my cock, vibrations building the hot desire tightening through my balls. The cream had been forgotten now, her focus intent on taking what she’d been after through the whole picnic.

Not that I could blame her - what the fuck could be better than this?

Her tongue ran along the underside, pressing against the sensitive vein as I grunted hard. I could feel the heat building closer to release, and as fucking good as this was, I wanted more. With one quick movement, I’d lifted her off me and flipped us around, her moan as she was suddenly looking up at me stirring my blood. The girl damn well loved it when I threw her around a bit - and I couldn’t deny enjoying the benefits of keeping my body military fit.

I went back to teasing her tits with my mouth, driving her into the sort of crazed lust that was racing through me and lapping up the remnants of some of the cream, our bodies sticky against each other in the best way.

My hands ran through her hair again and my mouth met hers, the joint taste of chocolate and sweetness making me laugh as I centered myself over her.

“Tell me what you want, baby.”

Her voice was thick with need as she looked up at me, hands clutching my shoulders in a way that made me feel the center of the world. Of her world.

“God Seth…you. Inside me. Now.”

I love the way she got demanding when she was like this, the need driving her as hard as it was me. I pressed smoothly into her within a few quick movements was thrusting hard, knowing she was used to my size by now. She moaned under me, reaching up to kiss and nibble at the muscles outlining my chest. I didn’t know whether she was going for the leftover chocolate or just the taste of my hot skin, but either had me groaning, holding her tight to me as I took the unbelievable pleasure of her soft, wet center. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get enough of this - lying with her, enjoying our fun and games, followed by explosively hot sex. My arms closed around her as I drew us both towards our breaking points, nuzzling at her neck and feeling the way she was shuddering under me already.

“Fuck, Bella…”

She moaned again, strong nails scoring my shoulders as her eyes went wild with passion and need. I felt myself overtaken with the same mad desire, wanting everything and all of her at once as I kissed and nibbled and licked, my hands exploring her body while I pounded into her again and again, taking us both further and further to where we wanted to be.

She climaxed around me a moment later, her breath hitching as her pussy shuddered around my cock, driving me wild. She cried out with the strength of it, clinging to me as I withdrew to thrust in once, twice, and then I was there with her, overcome by the power of what we were doing. Pleasure swept through me and I groaned as I leaned against her, my mouth still nibbling at hers as I felt aftershocks run through her. The release relaxed every pent up need within me as I lay back down beside her, taking her body with one arm and pressing it against me. She curled up easily and I played casually with her hair as we both caught our breath, the mess we’d made amusing me but not worth doing anything about yet.

“Yeah, I think maybe it’s you I’ll be looking at this weekend after all…”

My mouth curled and I tried to ignore the pure self-satisfaction that ran through me at the comment. I didn’t want to think too much about what we were doing, or why I couldn’t help this possessive streak, but I couldn’t deny how I felt now. Here, in this perfect moment with her, she was mine.

My Bella. My Belle.



Chapter Sixteen



I looked around with satisfaction, taking in the lighting and decorations, the large military banners and the tables covered with rough, canvas material that were prepped to serve refreshments. This year was as good as any I’d helped put together - better probably. However it had come about, the theme had been a great idea, and tickets had sold out quickly - even at the higher price we’d decided to go for.

The people who only an hour ago had been buzzing around, placing final touches and making sure everything was in place were now elegantly dressed and guiding guests into the main hall that would serve as the central social stage. We always opened up the few rooms from here to the sitting area that led out into the large garden, and usually it wasn’t too long before people migrated to the cooler evening air and the slightly more relaxed atmosphere out there.

First, though, everyone congregated here for my father’s opening of the ball, before mingling for the requisite time to ‘see and be seen’, which had always struck me as a little ridiculous. Seth’s expression when I’d described it to him had echoed my thoughts.

I’d been down here in my midnight blue, floor-length gown for a few hours now. There had been a few last-minute panic issues, but as always everything was resolved and despite the preparation having slightly more hiccups than usual over the last few days, I was more proud of this result than of any I’d been involved in through the past. And this one had a slightly special meaning to me, too.

My gaze cast around again as I hoped for a chance to spot Seth, but he was still gathering the Navy guys who’d been happy to come and support an event for their vets. I frowned slightly, glancing again at the time and wondering if they should have been here by now, but they had a good hour until my father’s speech so it should be alright. Unfortunately, Seth had never quite been one for punctuality.

Not that it really mattered. I just couldn’t wait to meet the guys he practically lived and breathed with, find out more about his life in the Navy and get to know some of the people he was so fiercely protective of. They might be silly, romantic feelings, but I couldn’t shake liking the idea of it. Plus, I was longing to see him in a hot military uniform - I hadn’t been lying when I’d said I was developing a thing for it.

“Are they here yet?”

I grinned at the personification of my impatience as Kaylee’s tour of the grounds took her back to me yet again.

“No, haven’t seen them.”

I tried to make it casual, but really, I was getting bad enough that I shared her fascination these days.

“You have to play nice, though. They’re guests of my father - no scaring them off right off the bat.”

She harrumphed at me, taking me by the arm and leading me out into the garden again.

a guest of your father - and they’re meant to be fierce soldiers. What’s one girl got on them?”

The innocent fluttering of her eyelashes had me shaking my head in amusement as we went to check on the drinks - something Kaylee was eminently interested in making sure there were enough of. Unlike the members of the Navy my father had invited through Seth, she was a guest through the more typical means - buying a ticket. But I doubted she saw it that way.

“I mean it, Kay.”

Shrugging her hair over her shoulder and smoothing her pink satin dress, she grinned back.

“Okay, okay. Promise.”

“Is your father here, by the way? I haven’t seen him yet.”

“No - he’s not feeling so well tonight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry - pass on our well wishes, would you?”

She just nodded, changing the subject in a way that made me frown, but Seth and his group arrived at that moment, along with a whole host of other guests, and I didn’t get a chance to ask after it.

We went over to welcome the men that had made the effort to be here, but I had barely exchanged a word and a quick glance at Seth before I was dragged away by a few of the other guests who - having been here before - wanted to discuss some of the charitable details with me. Kaylee of course chose that moment to detach herself from me, and I was left playing hostess by myself.

My father and Cora arrived about half an hour later, and then we went around greeting old friends and new acquaintances together. It was something my father and I had done together every year we’d run one of these events, but with Cora there it took on a different tone. Everything was about congratulations, discussing details of the wedding, and receiving recommendations for caterers, and flower arrangers, and decorators - all of which were far too late now to be useful - and engaging in stories about how they’d met. It was stupid, but I could feel myself growing more distant with every person we started speaking to, knowing that the slight resentment was outrageous, but feeling it anyway.

I glanced over to where Seth was laughing and joking with his friends - looking just as intoxicating in his uniform as I’d imagined - and wished I could slip away to join them. In truth, he should be here with us, but no one seemed to try and impose courtesies on the wild Navy SEAL, and my father probably justified it by considering that he was looking after the guys here to support his event.

After the boredom and impatience that I rarely felt had started reaching an almost intolerable level, we’d finally made the rounds across everyone, and my father headed to the stage to announce the opening of the event. To my surprise, Cora went with him. I took a glass of champagne from the trays being passed around and started wandering back towards Seth and Kaylee, only stopping at the slight changing of the lights that heralded my father’s talk.

He began with the usual spiel about his company, the profits they’d made this year, their commitment to giving back to the community and how honored he was to be able to organize this event. My eyes lingered on Seth a little as I found myself getting distracted, but I tried to temper my reaction to seeing those crisp lines of his military uniform - or hell, disguise the fact I was looking at him at all. This was a public affair and we both knew it - neither one of us would do anything stupid. It was just hard not to let myself look, and imagine what the night afterward would hold.

My face heated as I turned my attention back for the final part of the short speech.

“…and lastly, I would like to thank my beautiful fiancee Cora for her immense help in organizing all this for us to enjoy tonight. As you know, it’s not easy putting events like these together, and I couldn’t have done it without her support. It seems only fitting that the theme this year is dedicated to all those - like my future stepson - who risk their lives fighting for our future. So please, enjoy the evening and give generously.”

Irritation flickered through me again at the emphasis of his speech, and I couldn’t help feeling a little overlooked as all eyes turned to Cora, who stood there magnificently in a floor-length rose-and-cream gown. Usually, I couldn’t care less about what he said or who got the credit for putting these things together, but I’d worked particularly hard this year and Cora…hadn’t always made things easier.

I ‘got’ it. This was the first time he was really introducing his fiancee to all of his friends and acquaintances, and his focus and attention was on her, but still…it smarted a little.

Shaking my head, I moved away from the center stage as food and drinks started being served more actively, the noise in the room ramping up as people started catching up with old acquaintances. It didn’t matter - he wasn’t really the one I’d done it for anyway. At that thought, I glanced over towards the corner the Navy guys had been stood in before, but they’d disappeared without me noticing. Kaylee was doing her usual mingling, so evidently hadn’t gone with them, and I guessed maybe they’d decided to base themselves outside. It was certainly a lovely night, and I knew Seth had no patience for the politicking going on in here - I doubted any of his friends would feel differently.

Forgetting about my father, I resolved to have a good time with the one person here I did want to talk to - even if tonight it had to be as brother and sister.

I turned toward the exit - and got waylaid by an old family friend who just
to hear how my last year at university had been, what I was doing now, how my father was and so on. I’d forgotten the propensity for getting caught up in those things as I tried to be pleasant.

Unfortunately, that began what became a long night of trying to avoid people who wanted to talk to me, and find the ever-disappearing stepbrother of mine. I saw his friends a few times, and I could have started chatting to them, but I really wanted him to introduce me - for some reason, that mattered to me. To have him there, and be more than the host’s daughter to them.

Somehow, though, Seth and I were never quite in the same place, and after a little while my irritation turned in his direction too - he couldn’t have thought to come and check up on me
in this whole gathering? It wasn’t like he was having the same problem I was, with all the people who knew him and simply
to talk to him about their wives and children and parents and siblings and cats and dogs.

Usually I enjoyed it - I liked the socializing, the good food, the merriment and dancing, but this night my patience wore thin very quickly. Being pulled into helping out with all the little emergencies that always cropped up in an event didn’t help with my mood either - and then the dancing started.

I couldn’t help standing and watching, seeing the laughing couples as they started the old-fashioned ballroom style dancing my father adored. Apparently my mother and he had competed at various state events - and as he led Cora onto the stage, something unpleasant twisted inside me. I grabbed another glass of champagne, drinking it a little too fast, and watched as they opened the dances. I could see immediately that it didn’t have the grace my father usually displayed, with Cora struggling a little on some of the more difficult moves. From what Seth had said, that made sense, but considering she held her own I figured she’d had lessons recently.

I rarely thought about my mother these days, and as I’d never known her it was only ever in relation to my father, but as I saw him with Cora I couldn’t help but think about what they must have been like. How they might have moved across the dance floor, looking up at each other with a similar light to the one I saw in my father’s eyes now.

That immediately made me think of Seth - of what it would be like to dance with him, openly and for everyone to see. He’d be a stunning dancer, I knew - of course, he might not know how to yet, but it didn’t matter. A body like that was made for dancing, for moving gracefully in tandem with another the way we’d done in so many more intimate ways.

My gaze scanned the other couples, and to my horror I felt my eyes starting to burn, the reality of our secrecy and deception suddenly not as fun and exciting as it had been earlier. I couldn’t lie to myself. This was what I wanted.

And it was impossible.

Then I saw him - moving across the room and heading towards the dancing groups. My heart leapt as it seemed like my wish had been answered.

One little dance with his step-sister couldn’t be too inappropriate…could it?

I moved to intercept, reaching out to him with a smile that felt a little strained, but more glad than I could say to see him. It just hadn’t been my night so far.


He paused, stopping to look at me for a moment before giving a casual smile.

“Hey Bella, how’s it going?”

The neutral expression and comment took me by surprise. Usually, even with people around, he delighted in flirting and making me just that little bit uncomfortable - but he seemed distant now. I ignored the feeling and shrugged.

“A bit of a pain - you know what these things are like, get caught up in conversations every couple of minutes.”

He just nodded as I continued.

“Do you want to have a dance? It’ll be fun.”

He gave me a long look, but shook his head slowly as he glanced around.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Bella. Do you, really?”

I bit my lip, disappointment hitting me as I followed his eyes.

Since when was he the good guy?

But he probably did have a point. With his powerful body in that hot uniform, I wasn’t exactly sure I wouldn’t do something outrageous.

Yeah, he’s definitely been a bad influence on you, girl.

“I guess I thought we’d be alright. Siblings do that sort of thing, I hear.”

His gaze sharpened, even as my words stirred that uneasy feeling deep inside me. I didn’t want to be his sister. The idea was beyond stupid.

“We’re not siblings, Bella.”

Damn right.

The reassurance helped a little, even if I did have to resign myself to losing the dance. With a sigh, I turned and spotted the guys he’d arrived with.

“Yeah, I know. I guess you’re right, probably best not to. Want to introduce me to your Navy friends instead?”

His expression was too closed, his body too still as I moved onto the suggestion I’d been wanting to make all night. Something in me froze a little at that sight, knowing instinctively I was treading in an area I wasn’t welcome. That hurt me as much, if not more, than being unable to dance, even as he nodded and turned for them. This felt wrong.

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