Hero (23 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind Body Spirit

BOOK: Hero
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The way we treat other people in life is crucially important. One of the principles in our program is that we respect everyone. A really good practice is to take into account how you treat everyone around you; that will lead you best where you want to go.

Not being nice to people around you is not helpful at all. A lot of times you think you’re a nice person, but you’re not. Don’t be mean to people. That’ll hinder you. It’s a golden rule – do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
“It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”

Roger Federer

Tennis Champion

You can never find true happiness if you treat other people badly. We’re all connected; we’re part of the one family, and the Universe is for
of us. If we harm another person in effect we’re doing it to the Universe. Big mistake… big!

It just feels like the right thing to do – the right way to go through life. Saying please and thank you, respecting other people, supporting others wherever you can. It’s very important.

Next thing would be, don’t spread rumors. You don’t know the whole truth about something. And it’s just not a good frequency to put out to the planet. Put out positive frequencies. You put out negative ones it’s going to slow you and everything around you down.

If you gave a person a gift and they were rude, didn’t say thank you, and were unappreciative of your gesture, you wouldn’t buy another gift for that person. Well, likewise we will not be bestowed with life’s gifts of good fortune, “lucky breaks,” and great opportunities if we’re rude, ungrateful, or mean to other human beings. If you treat people kindly, no matter what the circumstances, the Universe will return the kindness to you. It’s simply the way life works for every one of us.

It’s an amazing thing: as you give and so are you generous, so will you be given to and so will generosity be given unto you. You tell people that, and it’s almost too simple of a thought for them to comprehend.

Be aware of the fact that every choice you make, every word you speak, every action you do, has a consequence and an impact on others.

I believe in karma. What you put out to the world will come back to you. In other words, do good deeds. And always pay your taxes.
“Newton’s third law [of motion] or karma – however each of us chooses to name it – is something I’ve been aware of for years. I call it cause and effect: The energy that you put into the world comes back. In other words, the fruit is in the seed. You can’t sow an apple seed and expect to get an avocado tree. The consequences of your life are sown in what you do and how you behave.“

Tom Shadyac

Film Director

There are a lot of people who say, “I don’t believe in karma.” Well, it’s not whether you believe or not. It’s going to happen.

The further you go on the Hero’s Journey, the more you grow and the more your mind expands. Your mind will expand to such an extent that you begin to perceive things beyond everyday living, that you never saw before. You see that if you do something good or kind for someone else, something fantastic happens for
And you see that if you behave badly toward someone else, something untoward happens to
You start to perceive how life works through observing the results of the actions of yourself and others around you. You can see the patterns, you can see the inner workings, you can see life’s rhythms, and where you were once in the dark, now you are beginning to see everything clearly.

One thing I’ve been blessed with is what I call instant karma. If I say some snotty thing I’ll go right out and stub my toe or hit my head. I have this instantaneous payment for negativity. It reminds me to be positive and say nice things, because I get an instant payment. I’ve had multiple times where I’ve gone out in the ocean and done something or said something to somebody that wasn’t the most positive, and then I just get absolutely annihilated by a wave. And then I go out there positive and generous and polite, and I get blessed with great rides.

My purpose of doing business is not confined to financial gains. I believe there is a higher purpose I must fulfill as my karma, by making an enduring impact to society. Business is service to society, and the prosperity of any business will be in proportion to the value delivered to society.

You already know that you don’t feel joyous or happy when you speak badly of another person. That awful feeling is telling you that behavior is far from the hero within you. And there are consequences to that behavior, with our mental and physical health, and our happiness.

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