Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 (47 page)

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Her lips parted, and she threw him a look full of want through half-lidded eyes, and Nall felt his body stir.

“I would be very happy to explore the subject and other things as well with you, My Lord.” Her eyes dropped to his groin caressingly, making Nall fight for every bit of control he possessed.

The woman he had desired and loved for so long had just promised herself to him, and he could hardly believe his good fortune.

“I think I should get you back inside before those hot looks you are sending me melt all of the snow.” He leered at her, and she grinned at him.

“Frankly, I am surprised you haven’t melted it with that fine, hot ass of yours,” she replied playfully. Nall’s eyes widened in surprise at her words, and then he threw his head back and laughed heartily.

“Lady, you will be very fortunate if you are able to walk tomorrow.” He eyed her significantly, and Fara’s face flamed bright red at the promise in his voice.

“I extend the same challenge to you, My Lord Nall.” They laughed as they made their way back to the keep and into the Banqueting Hall where he seated her next to him at the high table in the seat of honor.

Nall introduced her to his men and their Ladies, thanking the gods that none of the men currently stationed here were with him in Erla. She made small talk with the soldiers and their wives, and every time her laugh rang out, it warmed his heart.

Nall knew it wouldn’t last; it couldn’t. They would search for her, and he couldn’t hide her forever.

When she figured out what he had done, he would be lucky to walk away with his life. She would be beyond angry with him for his dishonesty. Nall’s guilt and misgivings tore at him, but he also knew that this would be the only way he could have her at his side, and the selfish part of him insisted he take this opportunity. He cast aside his conscience and doubts as they rose after dinner and made their way back to his chambers.

“You are very quiet, My Lord. Is something wrong? Are you afraid of the night to come or of the liberties I shall take with your delightful body?” she asked playfully.

Nall gave a sharp bark of laughter and then sobered.

“Indeed, Lady. I only ask that you be gentle and not hurt me too badly.” He batted his obscenely long lashes at her innocently, and Fara laughed.

“I make you no promises, Sir. I will do as I please with your tender flesh, and you will have to do your best to bear it,” she teased and grinned, coming to a halt outside of his chamber door.

“I will try to be brave,” he said solemnly as his eyes sparkled.

Fara rose up on her toes and kissed him softly. A yelp sounded from her when his arms snaked lightning-fast around her, crushing her to him as his mouth ravaged hers brutally. It took only a moment before she was responding with equal fervor as their hands feverishly grabbed and groped. Nall nearly threw her from him as he snatched open the chamber door.

“Get in my bed,” he growled dangerously. Her breath hitched and then accelerated as a white-hot flash of pure need pooled in her belly, and she found herself moving into the room—shedding her cloak and dress as she made her way to his bed.

Nall turned from locking the door at the same time she turned upon reaching the bed. He leaned back and rested against the door, feasting his eyes upon her as she stood wearing only soft firelight.

He had been in a constant state of semi-arousal while in her presence, and the sight of her naked body and hot, wanting eyes sent his passions skyrocketing.

Nall straightened and began pulling off his shirt as he strode purposefully towards the object of his desire. Fara’s breath caught as his muscular chest was exposed, and she took a couple of steps and then met him, throwing herself into his arms and kissing him deeply. Nall growled low in his throat. He was struggling to control the raging desire within him as the feel of her silken skin nearly sent him over the edge.

They attacked each other erotically, kissing and nipping each other’s lips and tongues. Nall’s hot mouth made its way down her neck, chewing lightly at the base and drawing sobbing moans from her. She ran her tongue lightly around his ear, her hands full of his silky white hair. Sliding his hands around and gripping her bottom, he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as his mouth found her breasts, licking and sucking to bring them to stiff peaks.

Fara cried out as his mouth covered her nipple, and he sucked long and hard, leaving her core throbbing and wet.

Walking to the bed, he placed one knee down and laid her gently on her back. Their mouths clashed again as their tongues caressed and battled.

Nall pulled away, and Fara groaned in protest, needing his warmth and hardness to ease the throbbing ache between her thighs.

“Patience, my love,” Nall growled out, drinking in the sight of her body lying hot, wanting, and desperate for
as he tugged off his breeches.

She sighed at the sight of his perfect physique and was eager to touch him. She held out her hand in invitation. The look in her eyes shredded the last vestige of his control, and he lay beside her, pulling her into a rough kiss as she responded with abandon. His hard flesh pressing against hers had her sobbing as her hands ran across his body feverishly. Pulling back, Nall eased her higher on the bed and began chewing gently on her nipples, while his wicked hands worked their magic on her abdomen, seemingly fascinated with her belly button as they moved between her legs and found her aching core.

Fara nearly leapt from the bed when his finger ran between her wet folds and found the center of her pleasure. She arched and cried out as he worked it in gentle circles. Nall had been working his mouth down her body while his hands played her expertly, and before she knew it, he had replaced his fingers with his lips, causing her to gasp in even greater pleasure.

His tongue worked her skillfully, and before long, she was experiencing a mind-shattering orgasm. Her breath was still sobbing in her throat when he moved over her and captured her mouth, sinking his body deeply into hers. They both gasped as he filled her completely, pausing for a moment to enjoy the feeling of utter completion as their gazes locked.

Nall began thrusting deeply, and she wrapped her long legs around him, urging him on faster. He watched her face as she neared her peak again; the rapture etched on it caused a shaft of almost painful pleasure to ripple through his belly. She was so tight and hot, and when she came, she tightened further, and he nearly shouted in response to the incredible feeling. He kept up his pace as she recovered, then rolled them over so that she straddled him.

“Make love to me, my beauty,” he growled.

Fara smiled wickedly at him and rotated her hips as she rose and lowered herself over and onto him, watching him now as his head arched back, exposing his throat to her hungry mouth. His moans started coming faster, his breathing became erratic, and she knew he was close, so she picked up her pace, riding him hard and fast till his body stiffened and convulsed and a shout tore from his throat.

When his body had surged its last, she collapsed on top of him. Nall reached up and caressed her skin, running his hands up and down her back tenderly as he nuzzled her hair and neck. She sighed in happiness and languor, running her hands up and down his sides softly.

“You are incredible, My Lord,” she sighed into his silky hair.

Nall moved to her side, smiling at her sound of protest. He pulled her into his embrace and she curled against him, her head pillowed on his chest. Their hands absently caressed each other as they kissed over and over again.

“No, Lady. It is you who has brought out the best in me. I love you, Fara; I wish for you to stay with me always,” he spoke in earnest, his midnight eyes boring into hers.

“Oh, My Lord . . . I feel so much for you that I think I will explode with it. I have no other desire than to remain by your side.” Eyes which were more green than blue tonight glowed into his, and Nall crushed her to him, covering her face with kisses. Fara snuggled closer to him, and they drifted off to sleep.

The days after passed in blissful joy for Nall and his Lady. They talked and played and made love, discovering each other fully. Nall’s fear of discovery was heightened daily knowing that sometime, probably sooner than later, he would lose the woman he loved. He worked hard to hide his despair from her, and it often manifested in lovemaking with a desperate quality to it.

For her part, Fara would sometimes wonder what brought the pained, faraway look to his eyes which she saw even though he tried to quickly cover it. She believed it was his strained relationship with his father. Fara knew that messages flew between the two of them, and Nall would burn them immediately after opening them, leaving her feeling sure they did not get along.

What she did not know was that the letters had contained information about the missing Lady Cassandra of Erla and how the King was urging his son to join in the search. Whenever she asked about his father, Nall would change the subject or pull her into his arms and make love to her until she forgot her questions.

Kara laid her head on top of her folded arms on the roughhewn table of a tavern far to the south of the Erlan Queen’s city.

She was in the company of a small band of Erla’s warriors, the main contingent having been sent back to Erla weeks ago. They had searched without success through the southern forests and then returned to the North. Upon finding nothing, they had swept through the deep, endless forests again before returning to the southern rim.

Exhaustion plagued them, but Kara was relentless. They had found no body, nor had they found evidence of a body, and she knew in her soul her Commander and friend was very much alive—she could feel it.

Nera, saddened, had approved Kara’s request to continue the search with a smaller band of warriors, and through the days, weeks, and months which had followed, she refused to give up hope.

“Can I get you something else?” the serving boy asked. Kara raised her head and shook it slowly.

“Lady Kara, let us get some rooms so we can rest and make a fresh start tomorrow. A hot bath would do you good after so long sleeping on the hard ground,” Sama, her Second, suggested softly.

Kara rubbed her tired eyes and nodded as the warrior made her way to the innkeeper and acquired the needed lodgings. She returned and gave Kara a key, telling her she would see to the horses and that the landlord had ordered a tub brought to Kara’s room.

Kara slowly trudged up the stairs, followed by a slave and several men hauling the tub and buckets of steaming water. She disrobed as they filled the tub, and she ordered them to close the door behind them as she stepped into the water. The slave remained and moved to the side of the tub holding a cloth and a bar of soap. Kara allowed him to wash her, nearly groaning in pleasure when he rubbed her scalp. She had been away from home for nearly two months, having sent news via messenger, and she was missing the comfort of home and of her slaves very much. She refused to give up because she knew her Commander was experiencing privations of her own. For that reason, Kara pressed on doggedly despite her weariness.

When she had gone home to Erla after the initial failure to find Cassie, she had found Cassie’s slaves beside themselves with worry and grief. Their tears flowed nearly constantly—with the exception of Mika.

Mika’s face was stoic in the face of the other’s hysteria, and when Kara asked him about it, he merely replied, “She swore to return to me, to us. My Lady is strong and brave, and she will return to protect us as she promised.” Kara had nodded and turned away, his resolve strengthening her own. When she reached the door, she turned back to them and said, “I will do all in my power to see Cassandra returned to us. I will not fail; this I promise you.” Mika knelt and bowed his head in tribute to his Mistress’s friend.

Nera had tried to place Kara in Command temporarily, but with all due respect, she had turned the offer down, swearing once again—this time to Nera—that she would bring Cassie home. To accomplish the task, she intended to devote all of her time to the cause. At Kara’s suggestion, she appointed a trusted member of the guard to be in command of her Army until Cassie returned.

Kara leaned back in the tub and tried to relax, bidding the slave to bring her something to eat and drink. Within minutes, he returned with a tray and set it on the table in the middle of the room, the slave stoked the fire and added more wood as Kara rose from the tub, and he moved quickly to dry her.

Sliding into clean traveling clothes, she sat to eat. Her eyes appraised the waiting slave. He was good-looking, though naturally not as beautiful as the pleasure slaves, since he was only an innkeeper’s slave. His body was strong and well-formed from hard work, and his blond hair brushed his collar in soft waves. Desire curled in her belly; it had been weeks since she had lain with a man.

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