Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 (4 page)

BOOK: Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1
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She sighed deeply, knowing this would take some getting used to on her part. Cassie walked over to where they knelt, patiently awaiting their Lady’s direction.

“Mika, the Queen has praised your many skills.” He glanced up through his lashes at her. “I will place you in charge of my household for the time being. The rest of you will look to Mika for direction.” A smile lit Mika’s face as the others nodded their assent. “For now, make yourselves at home. I am going to bathe and sleep.”

“Mistress, may I see that food is prepared for you? I myself will see to preparing your bath.” At Mika’s words, Cassie realized that she hadn’t eaten in God only knew how long.

“Yes. Thank you, Mika. I am hungry.”

As she walked to her bed chamber, the men dispersed quickly and began their work—seeing to her comfort.

Cassie smiled and stopped before entering her bedroom, realizing she wouldn’t know where to look for clothes or towels. So, she changed course and headed towards the bathing room where Mika had gone, preparing her bath and laying out soaps, towels, and other bathing necessities.

She sent him out when the water was ready as she needed some alone-time to collect herself, and she pointedly ignored his distressed look at having been excused.

Later, after having bathed and eaten, Cassie drifted off to sleep to the sounds of her slaves’ quiet conversation as they got to know one another.


It was hours later when Cassie awoke slowly—drowsy and heavy-limbed from a deep sleep. As she drifted upwards through layers of consciousness, she felt almost certain she would open her eyes to find herself in a hospital room. Much to her surprise, however, she was in the same beautifully appointed bedchamber as before. Light from the late afternoon sun filtered in through the sheer curtains on the window, and she could hear the men talking softly through the open door.

Her mind replayed the events of the day. She had been so certain that everything that had happened to her would turn out to be a dream or a hallucination which was the result of a car accident, head trauma, or something else along those lines. Yet, here she still was. Surely, this was a delusion—a delusion filled with delicious men . . . 

Fleeting thoughts of her neat, suburban, ranch-style house and her accounting job ran through her mind. If this was real . . . If she really had fallen through some trans-dimensional rift, then what would happen to her life in Atlanta? To her job and her home?

Cassandra had no family left to worry over; her parents and husband were all dead. Her parents had died while she was still in college, and her husband had died in a car accident two years earlier. Her only remaining relatives were cousins, and she wasn’t close to any of them. A pang went through her when she thought of her friends, however, and what they must be going through due to her unexplained and very sudden disappearance.

With a sigh, Cassie stretched out fully on the soft mattress. Flexing her legs, she felt the need for physical activity to mitigate her stress, but that didn’t seem to be a likely possibility as she had a feast to attend before long. Feeling restless, she pushed herself up off the bed and walked silently into the main room.

In the living area, her men reclined on the sofas and cushions which were scattered about, and she sighed in pleasure at the picture they presented. Each was wearing the same very brief loin covering which Mika had worn since the first time she had seen him.

Her fingers itched to touch the perfect flesh on display, and it was slowly penetrating her consciousness that she 
 touch them . . . anytime, anywhere, and as often as she chose.

That little voice in her head screamed that this was wrong, but, once again, she squelched it and silently approached them.

They became aware of her presence, and—almost as one—the men jumped to their feet and bowed.

“Had you a good sleep, Mistress?” they asked in nearly perfect unison.

Cassie smiled and glided over to a plump sofa, sinking into the down-filled cushions.

“Very good, thank you,” she said while indicating the cushions on the floor. “Come and sit with me.” Immediately, they assumed positions around her on the floor, and four bright sets of eyes watched her expectantly.

“Mika, come here.” She patted the space beside her, and he beamed at being singled out first as he sat down and turned towards her, ready for anything she might request.

Earlier, when they had been before the Queen, and his Lady had chosen the others, Mika had been ashamed of the jealousy he had felt with each new selection. Then, however, she had placed him in charge of her household! He felt exultant to have received such a significant sign of favor. Now, she had called him to her first, and he trembled in equal parts anticipation and triumph. Much to Mika’s relief, his fellow slaves were pleasant and amiable; there would be no dissension in her household, nor any struggles for dominance amongst the small group.

Cassie lifted her hand and pulled the tie from his silky black hair, letting it tumble down, gleaming in the late afternoon light. Burying her hands in the silken mass, she let her fingers massage his scalp lightly as his eyes slammed shut with bliss at his Lady’s touch.

Mika moaned in pleasure and delight. His former Mistress had never touched him with tenderness like this.

Cassie watched the pleasure on his face and felt herself becoming more than a little aroused by his response. Her hands left his hair and slowly roamed down his throat to his chest. He inhaled sharply, opening glowing golden eyes, as Cassie leaned forward to kiss him.

He responded eagerly, his tongue dueling artfully with hers, his breath escaping in a sob as she pulled her mouth from his.

“You are
good for my ego,” she said as she pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“Yes, Mistress. I will be good for anything you desire.” His drugged voice and hot eyes caused a tremor in her belly, and she smiled at his misinterpretation of her meaning.

Cassie’s eyes moved over the rest of her men who sat patiently, watching with good-natured envy. She had always been a one-man woman and was now very much out of her depth. She was also unwilling to let them see her uncertainty or think her weak, and she definitely didn’t want to show favoritism.

“Arn, come here.” She motioned for him to kneel in front of her, and he did so quickly. She loosened his blond hair and ran her hands through it as she pulled him in for a kiss. She plundered his mouth, and he responded as eagerly as Mika had. He was so sweet that she didn’t even think to stop kissing him until she felt Mika shift beside her. It was only then that she broke the kiss. Arn’s eyes were closed, and he wore an expression of sublime delight at his Mistress’s ministrations. His arousal was very evident, and she grinned before kissing him on the forehead, motioning for him to return to his seat as she called Kai to her.

Kai moved quickly knowing that she meant to taste him, and he was eager for her attention. He knelt before her the moment Arn vacated the position and adored her with his warm chocolate-colored gaze. Cassie played with his hair as she had done with the others, then leaned down to run her tongue along his strong jaw line before sucking his full lower lip between her teeth. Kai growled deep in his chest as his mouth opened to her questing lips and tongue.

Cassie’s insides throbbed and tingled with the force of the lust they instilled within her, and she tried to fight it down. She didn’t want to lose control. She knew she had to stay in full possession of them and of herself.

Oh how delicious they truly were!

She moved back from Kai and motioned for Aidan, who quickly replaced the latest of his brethren in front of their Lady.

“Come. Kiss me, Aidan,” she commanded—a little shocked by how quickly she was taking to the role of Dominant Female. She ran her hands through his fiery hair, enjoying the way the pleasurable sensations deepened the color of his emerald eyes as she took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. The man had an amazing technique. His tongue was truly gifted as it tangled with hers, and it was all she could do to not take him there in full view of the others.

Running her hands down his chest and around to the muscles of his back, she reveled in the lust simmering in her belly before she pulled away and motioned him back, enjoying the flexing of his well-rounded buttocks as he moved.

“I am very happy to have each one of you in my household,” she said as four handsome faces smiled at her with adoration.

She turned to Mika, who was still sitting next to her, and gave in to the lust singing through her blood by making their kiss deep and long. She caressed his face, and then she allowed her hand to settle into his lap, softly stroking the turgid fullness between his legs. She played with him like this for a number of minutes before easing away to the sound of his labored breathing.

She nearly jumped from the couch as she tried to cool her own arousal. It was too much at once. They were so eager and gorgeous and so very
that it was hard to not finish what she had just started.

“I need to dress for the banquet!” she said in a desperate attempt to alter the mood. They all jumped up and moved quickly towards her bedchamber. She followed them slowly, fighting for control.

It amazed her how quickly all of this was coming to her—the control of these men. The part of her conscience that protested seemed to be becoming easier and easier to ignore the longer that she was with them.

Each seemed so happy with his role; none showed resentment regarding his lot. Nor did any express a desire for freedom. Cassie struggled to understand it all until she purposefully shoved those thoughts into the same internal closet where she had placed her conscience.

They brought her another short, scarlet, Grecian-style tunic. This one was trimmed in gold, and a lightweight silken cape hung from the back of her shoulders all the way down to the floor.

Mika informed her that only women of the highest status were allowed to wear scarlet as he and Kai worked on her hair with hot irons to produce a riot of curls which they artfully arranged by pulling it back from her face with diamond-studded combs before twisting the curls into long spirals until they were satisfied with how it lay.

She was amazed at how well she looked and what a good job they had done with her hair, and she said as much to them. Mika told her that personal slaves were well-trained how to serve all of their Mistress’s needs as they both blushed happily at her praise.

They laced gilded sandals up her calves, and touched her pulse points with an intoxicating blend of jasmine and rose; Cassie had never felt so pampered in all her life.

She sent them to ready themselves for the evening as she made her way through the living room towards the balcony and looked out and down into the beautiful gardens that lay spread out before her.

She hadn’t been waiting long when they reappeared. Each one of them was clad in brief black loin coverings which resembled very short kilts.

When Mika neared her, she reached down and lifted his “kilt” to find no underwear at all, and she grinned at his perplexed look.

“Well, now that we are all beautiful, shall we go?” They smiled and blushed at their Lady’s words, falling in step behind her.

Cassie took a deep breath, and squared her shoulders. With what she hoped was a regal tilt of her head, she strode out of her apartments and down the cavernous passageway towards the Banqueting Hall, flanked by her slaves.

When she neared the doors, she felt the need to fight back panic.

What the Hell is wrong with me? I have been acting out some extreme Femdom fantasy . . . This isn't me. My God! Did I really take such intimate liberties with men who were essentially strangers to me while the others looked on? Worst of all, am I not truly contemplating doing even more?

Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself before she entered the Banqueting Hall. She chanted inwardly until the doors swung open:

This can’t be real. This can’t be real. This can’t be real.

The Banqueting Hall was large. It was filled with tables and chairs, and at that moment, there was a large group of very curious women and slaves who had been watching her progression into the room. Noblewomen covered in glittering gemstones and jewel-bright clothing sat at tables which were arranged in the shape of a large horseshoe with the Queen seated at the head.

Cassie was surrounded by nobles and high-ranking warriors as she made her way through the crowd. The warriors around the Queen were clad in garments similar to Cassie’s, but theirs were white with gold trim in deference to their rank.

They rose from their seats to bow to Cassie as she approached, and Cassie sketched a bow in return as she continued towards the Queen, who had gestured to the chair beside her—for, as Commander, she was to sit at the right hand of the Queen.

Beautiful slaves (both male and female) glided about the room as they served the wants and needs of the guests with graceful competency. The tables were piled high with foods which emitted succulent aromas which had Cassie’s stomach growling in anticipation.

A hush had fallen over the assembly at her appearance, and it was followed by the muted whisperings of many voices.

Nera rose and banged a jeweled staff on the floor, calling for silence.

“Tonight, we welcome the Lady Cassandra to our world and into our hearts. She has accepted my appointments to the posts of Commander of my Private Guard as well as that of the Commander of the Erlan Army. Her word is second only to mine from this moment forward. Hail Lady Cassandra, Defender of Erla!” A deafening roar sounded throughout the room as the warriors stood and shouted their approval. The Ladies of the Court clapped, and the slaves made their obeisance.

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