Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 (15 page)

BOOK: Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1
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Mika was formed to please. He was everything gorgeous and sexy, and he was oh so very pleasing. Cassie reached out and lifted his chin, forcing him to look into her eyes. “Mika, there was something seriously wrong with her. You please me greatly, and I have found no fault with you. It was she, and not you, who was at fault.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” he mumbled. His face flamed from remembered pain and humiliation.

The others looked at him with pity and reached out to pat his shoulder comfortingly; they were grateful they had not suffered as he had.

“And Taylyn, you have had no Mistress at all until now?” He nodded, looking down at the floor. Taylyn was well-pleased to have the Mistress he had now. Never had he thought to be a pleasure slave after he was scarred, especially not to one as fearless and beautiful as she.

“Know this: I am very pleased with you all. I would have you be happy here. Never doubt that I will protect and care for you.” After making her vow, she rose from the couch and went into her bedroom to dress.

She pulled out a beautiful aqua colored pant set and slipped into it. She had filled her closet with a rainbow of colors of the harem-style outfit she preferred; some had vests, while others had tank-style tops.

Slipping on some sandals, she went back to where her men sat talking quietly. They smiled at her, and her heart jumped at how gorgeous they were. They never ceased to affect her.

“I am going to call on the Queen, and perhaps I will go to the village to see Kara. I am not sure when I will return, but if I have need of you, I will send word,” she announced, blowing them a kiss as she left.

As she walked down the hall, she changed her mind about stopping to see Nera first and decided to walk through the village on her way to Kara’s instead. Everyone she passed—woman, man, and child—spoke to her, giving her their thanks. They all wanted to have some interaction with Erla’s new heroine. She was definitely this world’s version of a rock star.

She finally arrived at Kara’s home and knocked on the door.

A handsome male slave answered and bowed saying, “Welcome, Lady Cassandra,” as he motioned for her to enter.

Kara stood up and walked to her. She was dressed similarly to Cassie and looked remarkably refreshed.

“Hello, Cassie. Welcome! Come in and sit with me.” She smiled as she spoke, bowing to her Commander. Cassie followed her to a sitting area, and Kara’s two other slaves smiled at her from where they sat doing busy work.

“I am sorry to come here unannounced, Kara. I was just feeling boxed in and needed to get out. I guess I slept too much last night,” Cassie said.

“You are always welcome, Cassie; you should know that. As for sleep, I barely got any myself—thanks to my slaves,” she quipped, giving Cassie a sly wink. Both women laughed.

“I was going to visit the Queen, but I sent Aidan with her last night, and I didn’t want her to think I was rushing his return.”

“She wouldn’t think that at all. How does your arm feel today? Any better?”

“Yes. It’s very sore, but the throbbing has finally stopped. Kara, part of the reason for my visit is to make good on my promise; I wish to send Arn to you tonight. It would please me to offer you that enjoyment.” Kara smiled and thanked her.

“I do have something else which I would like to discuss with you as well,” Cassie said, and Kara’s brows rose as she listened with interest. “I should like very much to buy a gift for the Queen. She has given me so much, and I was thinking about that little slave from the night I got Taylyn. I think he would please her very much.” She looked at Kara questioningly. “She would be happy with such a gift, don’t you think?”

“Oh, yes! She loves a slave with a creative tongue,” she said, and both women laughed at this.

“Well, I am relieved. I think I will go purchase him and then see if she will then give me my Aidan back.”

“Ah, yes . . . I will have to ask her if his fame is well-deserved,” Kara laughed.

The women stood and embraced as Cassie departed for the Slaver’s.

The day was fine, and she enjoyed the walk. A light breeze carried the perfume of flowers to her nose, and she enjoyed the feel of the sun on her shoulders.

She made her purchase, and the young blond followed her meekly to the Palace. She didn’t speak to him as they went along, honestly not knowing what she would say to him anyway. When they were admitted to the Queen’s private rooms, they found her Highness reclining naked on the floor cushions being fed grapes by a slave. Aidan lay next to her; he was naked, flushed, and obviously well used.

Cassie swallowed back her possessive response and forced a smile onto her face.

“Cassandra! Welcome, my friend. He was everything you promised, and I thank you for his loan.” Nera smiled at her before turning to the man beside her. “Aidan, you may dress and return to your home.” Aidan rose gracefully and did as he was bid.

“I am thrilled you enjoyed him, Highness. I have brought you a gift. This slave is known as Lin. He is well-skilled with his mouth, and I wish for you to accept him as a gift from my heart,” Cassie said as she bowed low.

Nera rose and pulled on a caftan before she embraced Cassie, thanking her as she perused the slave in front of her.

“You have no need to give me such a gift; I am happy enough to have you in my service and to have you as my friend.”

“My Queen, it is my honor to present such a gift to you.”

“Very well. I thank you again, and I
know I will enjoy him.”

“You are welcome, Your Highness. I thank you for accepting me into your service, making me welcome, and for giving me a home.” Nera kissed Cassie gently on the mouth, and Cassie blushed. She had never been kissed on the mouth by a woman, and even though it was not sexual in nature, Cassie felt slightly awkward.

As Cassie made to leave, the Queen told her they would divide the spoils of the war in a week’s time as she was giving the slaves a chance to regain their strength and looks before they were given to their new Mistresses. The women spoke for several minutes regarding matters of the realm.

Cassie didn’t know what the protocol was, and wondered if she would be required to take on more slaves. She felt she was sufficiently served by the slaves she currently possessed, but she also knew by now that to turn down a gift from the Queen was tantamount to an insult, and that was something she simply would not do.

Time passed quickly. Cassie spent her time training, relaxing, and strengthening her friendship with Kara.

When she discovered her slaves ran almost daily for exercise, she occasionally joined them, and she discovered working out had never been so stimulating before. She even taught them some self-defense and how to punch and block. Even as she taught them these things, she was certain they would never need to use them so long as she lived.


A week had passed when the Queen summoned Cassie to the Throne Room during her morning training session with her warriors. The request was so unusual that Cassie did not even take the time to wash and change out of her leather training clothes.

The door guard announced her, and she made her way to the throne where she knelt before her Queen.

“You sent for me, Highness?”

“I did, but Cassie, they were to tell you not to rush.” Nera laughed looking at Cassie’s sweaty clothing and the dirt and sweat smearing her cheeks. “I had no intention of tearing you from training . . . or your bath.”

Cassie grinned. “Shall I clean up and change then, Your Highness?” she asked.

“No, no, I appreciate your enthusiasm! Would that all my subjects were so quick and eager to do my bidding,” Nera said, laughing again. “The reason I wished to see you was regarding the distribution of slaves, goods, and treasure which were acquired from the Trevians.”

“Highness, I wouldn’t wish to offend you with my stench for the time it would take to accomplish this. Please allow me time to clean up and change?” Cassie bowed respectfully.

“Very well, my friend. I do have a few more matters with my steward I can tend to for the time being.” Cassie bowed again and left the room, hurrying to her chambers.

As she entered, she found the door to the slave’s gym open, so she quickly gathered some clean clothes and soap and headed to the bathing room. She lacked the time and patience for such a bath as they would wish to give her.

Cassie used the standing waterfall shower and quickly cleaned herself. After toweling off, she slipped into a black pant set with a vest. Not taking time to speak to her slaves, she left her soiled clothes on the floor—as had become her habit by now—and headed back to the Throne Room, braiding her wet hair as she went.

When she entered the Throne Room, Nera waved her over to the seat next to the throne which was Cassie’s customary seat. Cassie bowed and took her seat, waiting for Nera to finish with her steward. Several minutes later, Nera turned to Cassie and nodded approvingly at her now neat and clean appearance.

For the next few hours, they went through the inventory of the plunder, settling the most valuable items on the most deserving before dividing up the gold amongst all of the troops. The Queen gifted Cassie with a headband, necklace, and bracelet of white gold encrusted with diamonds along with a beautiful green stone that nearly matched her eyes. Several large bags of gold were also given to Cassie, and she had slaves take the items to her chambers.

The Queen asked what else she desired from the loot, and Cassie asked only that Kara be amply rewarded and that her sword smith be given the female slave Cassie had promised her. The Queen had anticipated her wanting Kara rewarded and was ready to gift her accordingly.

Cassie requested none of the weapons, for she wanted nothing that had been used to injure or kill

Finally, they came to the slaves. It was decided that Nera, Cassie, and Kara would have their pick, and then the rest would be released for the warriors to choose from. If a warrior already had enough house slaves, then she could sell the slaves she received from battle.

Nera asked Cassie to select at least one whom she found attractive because, as Commander, she was entitled to as many slaves as she wished, and with her rank, her five slaves were barely enough for one of her status. Nera felt sure Cassie would refuse to take anymore slaves, and she meant to encourage her strongly to acquire at least one more to inhibit any possibility of gossip about her Commander’s way of running her household. Cassie agreed that if she could find one to suit her, she would take another slave.

Word had been sent to Kara that the Queen desired her presence, and when she arrived, Nera ordered that the slaves be brought in.

One hundred and twenty men survived the ordeal, and they had been recovering from their days of privation suffered at the hands of the hated Trevians. When they stepped into the room, they looked like new men.

Per custom, they were all nude and though they were still a bit on the thin side, they had filled out some, and their flesh was clean and rosy; they were on their way to regaining the startling beauty which was the standard for the pleasure slaves of this land.

Nera stood and said, “In recognition of the outstanding performance of Lady Cassandra, she will have first selection from the slaves, and Lady Kara will follow after her.”

The assembled courtiers and guards politely clapped, and Cassie stepped down from the dais and began her inspection of the large group of men assembled before her.

They were lined up in rows, and she walked down the first row—not seeing anyone who gave her the familiar “utz” in her stomach, which all of her current slaves did.

Finally, in the fourth row, she caught a flash of sky-blue eyes as a slave glanced through his brows. His head was bowed, so Cassie put her hand under his chin and lifted his face to hers.

His eyes—gloriously blue like the sky—truly sparkled. He had thick, dark blond hair with thousands of white and gold highlights, and his pony tail flowed like silk down to the middle of his back. Cassie fought the urge to free his hair and bury her hands in it.

His skin was smooth and tanned. His chest was broad and muscled, a line of hair extended to his well-endowed manhood which was nestled in blond curls. He was altogether sexy as hell, and Cassie felt warmth stirring in her belly. She sighed knowing she would take him since she simply could not imagine walking away without him. Cassie stood there considering him so long that he sent a fearful, bewildered look at her.

“What is your name?” she asked. His eyes lit up; this was the universal sign that a slave was being chosen.

“If it pleases you, My Lady, my name is Garen.” He knelt at her feet.

“Rise, Garen. You will join my slaves in my quarters.” Garen jumped to his feet and bowed, then made his way to the slave who waited to show him the way to Cassie’s quarters.

Cassie returned to her seat next to the Queen without even looking at any other slaves.

“Only one, Lady Cassandra?” Nera asked.

“Yes, My Lady. I confess that I nearly wore myself out with my current slaves yesterday, and I dare not take too many more for then I wouldn’t have the strength left to fight!”

Nera swallowed a laugh as she directed Kara to select two slaves for herself.

Nera and Cassie chatted idly as Kara made the rounds of the men, finally deciding on two. The rest of the slaves were then taken out to the training fields where the warriors, who had been selected to receive slaves, were waiting for their turns.

“You have chosen well, Cassandra,” Kara said. “He has the body of an athlete, and his ass was amazingly tight and round.”

“If you are looking for an invite to have him, then you are just going have to wait, my friend,” Cassie quipped with a grin.

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