Here Comes the Groom (20 page)

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Authors: Karina Bliss

BOOK: Here Comes the Groom
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He looked terrible.

He looked wonderful.

Under all the dirt and bruises Jo saw the kid who'd laughed when she'd punched him, who refused to be scared off from being her friend, her sidekick, her childhood rival. The soul mate who would shelter her when she needed refuge and spur her on when she faced challenges. A man as solid as a rock.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ross's shoulders slump in relief.

“You're back,” she whispered.

Dan tossed the cell to the usher and grinned, his teeth very white against his tanned face. “You don't get rid of me that easy…I'd have been here earlier but I missed a jump across a ditch and twisted my ankle. I had to hobble the last half mile. So—” he raised an eyebrow “—we getting married or what?”

With a small cry, Jo flew down the aisle and hurled herself into his waiting arms, heedless of her dress. Only when she went to kiss him did he hold her away. “If you
ever,” he said sternly, “
do anything as crazy as that again I'll—”

Jo closed the distance and pressed her mouth fervently to his. It was a kiss that tasted of river water and dust, a kiss that promised a future.

“Shep, what the hell took you so long?” Ross said when they finally broke apart. “Incidentally, I couldn't find Jo's ring anywhere. I hope you have it.”

She laughed. He hadn't told her that. Maybe the Iceman had some cool in him after all.

Draping an arm around her, Dan shook his head. “You're fired, Coltrane. I need a best man I can trust. Lewis Davis, get up here.”

In one of the front pews, Lewis stood up, shooting a nervous look at Ross, who winked at him. Lewis grinned. Beside him, Claire reached for a hanky.

“Obviously we can't get married now—not without a ring,” Jo said provocatively.

Dan's eyes narrowed. “Oh, ye of little faith. Your ring's at the jewelers but I found this in the trash can outside. Thought it would be perfect, given our initial contract.”

He reached in his pocket, then opened a dirty hand. A beer can tab glinted in the light streaming through the stained-glass window.

Jo inspected it. “Perfect,” she agreed and turned toward the altar. Paused. “The chicken dance won't really be playing at our reception, will it?”

Dan grinned and offered his arm. “Let's get married so you can find out.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7982-1


Copyright © 2011 by Karina Bliss

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