Herald of Death (4 page)

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Authors: Kate Kingsbury

BOOK: Herald of Death
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“I’m not leading him on,” Gertie began hotly, then shut her mouth. Maybe she was, without realizing it. She knew Clive liked her, but as a friend. He’d never said anything to make her think differently. Maybe she was taking his friendship for granted. He was so good with the kids and all, and she really liked being in his company. That didn’t mean she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
“Well,” Pansy said, laying the serviettes neatly by the place settings, “I think you should make it clear to him how you feel. Just in case he should have any strong feelings for you.”
Gertie glared at Pansy. “When I want your advice, missy, I’ll bleeding ask for it. I know what I’m doing, and I ain’t doing nothing wrong, so there.”
“All right, all right.” Pansy held up her hands. “I was just saying, that’s all.”
“Well, don’t say.”
“All right, I won’t.” Pansy tilted her head to one side and gave her a sly look. “I heard he was building a sleigh. A big one, pulled by a horse.”
“He’s already built it.” A little stab of excitement caught Gertie under the ribs. “He’s taking me and the twins for a ride on it on my afternoon off.”
“Lucky you.” Pansy pouted. “All I get to do with Samuel is walk the dog into the woods and back.”
Gertie grinned. “Yeah, but I bet you have more fun in those woods with Samuel than I would ever want or need with Clive.”
Pansy’s cheeks glowed pink. “How do you know?”
“I can tell by the soppy look on your face when you come back.” She glanced at the clock. “Blimey, we’d better get going. We’ve still got potatoes to peel for supper, and if Michel doesn’t get his bloody cauliflower washed he’ll be crashing saucepans around again.”
She headed for the door, still feeling a little guilty about her friendship with Clive. It would not only devastate her to lose that companionship, the twins would never forgive her if she said something to break up what they had.
Still, she didn’t want him thinking that their relationship was headed for something more permanent. Maybe she should sound him out and try to find out if he was expecting more from her than she was prepared to give.
Drat Pansy and her unwanted advice. Gertie stomped down the hallway to the kitchen, her enthusiasm for the sleigh ride fading fast.
That evening Cecily waited until Baxter was settled in front of the fire with the latest copy of
Lloyd’s Weekly
before putting down her book. “Do you have a moment to talk?”
Baxter eyed her over the top of the newspaper. “Is it bad news?”
“Not directly, though it is disturbing.”
Baxter sighed, and lowered the newspaper. “Very well, we might as well get it over with.”
Somewhat wary, she related her conversation with P.C. Northcott.
Baxter said nothing until she was finished talking. Then he shook the newspaper, raised it in front of his face, and murmured, “Well, I’m thankful you remembered your promise.”
She wasn’t sure why, but his indifference stung. “It wasn’t easy.”
He lowered the newspaper again. “Nor was it easy to refuse a position that would have been not only financially rewarding but immensely stimulating.”
“Yes, I suppose—”
“To be charged with the installation and launching of hotels in various locations abroad was the most exciting opportunity I have ever been offered.”
“Yes, dear, I do understand—”
“Only your obvious reluctance to accompany me on the venture could have persuaded me to turn it down.”
Frowning, she muttered, “I am not questioning your sacrifice in order to please me. This is, however, the very first time Sam Northcott has openly asked for my help, and only dire circumstances would have prompted him to do so. I felt honored that he considered me capable of the task.”
Obviously sensing an argument brewing, Baxter folded the newspaper and laid it on the arm of the chair. “Apart from the fact that the constable is anxious to visit his relatives for Christmas as usual, what is it about the case that so desperately requires your help?”
Cecily pursed her lips and stared at the smoldering coals in the fireplace. “I think he’s afraid that we have a serial killer in the village, since both Jimmy Taylor and Thomas Willow were apparently killed by the same person.”
“If you remember, you thought we had a serial killer in the Pennyfoot last year. It turned out he was killing people simply to throw you off the scent.”
She threw him an uneasy glance. “Are you suggesting this could be the same scenario?”
“I’m not suggesting anything. I’m merely pointing out that you can’t assume anything—something that Sam Northcott apparently hasn’t learned yet.”
She sighed. “He does have a tendency to jump to conclusions.”
“That’s not his only tendency.” Baxter tapped the newspaper with his fingers. “I’m surprised Cranshaw isn’t in charge of the case.”
“So am I. There has to be something of vital importance to keep him in London at such a time.”
“Nevertheless, I think Northcott has a blasted cheek asking you to help him do his duty.”
“As I said, he must be desperate.” She turned her gaze from the fireplace to her husband and found him watching her with a wary look in his gray eyes. “It
rather an intriguing case. I feel very sorry for Jimmy’s family. How sad to lose someone so young. And then there’s Thomas Willow, the shoemaker. I seem to remember you mentioning his name?”
“He made my last pair of shoes. Dratted nuisance, that. Now I shall have to go into Wellercombe to get new shoes fitted.”
“What was he like?”
Baxter shrugged. “Old man, gray hair, gnarled hands. It amazed me how he could use those twisted fingers to make such remarkable shoes. He was a bit of a grouch, but I can’t imagine why anyone would want to kill the old goat.”
“He doesn’t sound much like Jimmy Taylor.”
“He wasn’t. Couldn’t have been more opposite, if you ask me.”
“That’s very strange.”
Baxter’s eyebrows drew together. “What is?”
“I just wonder what it was they had in common to cause their violent deaths.” Cecily returned her gaze to the fireplace. “It would seem, from what Sam told me, that Jimmy’s death was unintentional, yet someone used Jimmy’s whip to beat an old man to death. Not only that, there’s the gold angels and the missing locks of hair. There has to be a connection somewhere.”
Baxter sounded worried when he answered. “I trust I don’t have to remind you of your promise?”
“No, darling, you certainly don’t.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Cecily sighed. This was one promise she wished heartily she hadn’t had to make. For somewhere deep inside her, she had the uneasy feeling that she might break it.
The following morning, as she crossed the lobby on her way to the office, she heard the desk clerk calling her name.
Bowed at the shoulders and fast losing his gray hair, Philip seemed to age every time she saw him. His wrinkled forehead gave him a permanent frown, but he seemed even more anxious than usual as she approached the desk.
Still unsettled by her conversation with P.C. Northcott the day before, Cecily felt her nerves tightening. “What is it, Philip? Not bad news, I hope?”
Philip’s eyes were clouded with apprehension. “I’m not sure, m’m. It’s a telegram.” His hand shook as he offered her the wrinkled yellow envelope.
Cecily smothered a cry of dismay. The news had to be something quite disastrous to arrive in such an exceptional fashion.
Her first thought was of her two sons, both abroad. Had something dreadful happened to one of them? She stared at the envelope, too petrified to open it.
“Would you like me to read it, m’m?”
Philip’s tremulous voice jolted her out of her trance. “No, thank you, Philip. I shall take it upstairs to Mr. Baxter. He can open it.” If it contained the awful news she feared, she wanted her husband by her side when she heard it.
Her hasty return to her suite surprised Baxter, who was in the boudoir engaged in some activity that involved rustling paper. He seemed put out when she burst through the door, and immediately escorted her back to the sitting room, where he sat her down in her favorite armchair.
“Now,” he said, smoothing back a lock of gray hair. “Please tell me the cause of all this agitation.”
For answer, she held out the envelope, which shook even worse than when Philip had handed it over.
Frowning, Baxter took it from her, turning it over and back again. “What is it?”
“It’s a telegram.”
“I’m aware of that. What does it say?”
“I don’t know. I was too afraid to open it.” Her voice broke, and her words came out in a rush. “Oh, Bax, what if something has happened to one of the boys?”
“Hush, now.” He stuck his thumb under the flap and slit it open. “You are borrowing trouble again.”
She watched him anxiously as he scanned the lines. Her heart skipped when she saw his expression darken, and he swore under his breath.
“What is it?” She leaned forward, her heart now pounding like a sledgehammer.
“Are we never to escape this dratted curse?” Baxter thrust the piece of paper into her hands. “Here. Read it for yourself.”
She read it out loud, relief blended with dismay. “Cancel booking. Stop. Wife refuses to spend Christmas with murderer on the loose. Stop. With regret, Lord Chattenham. Stop. Oh, no!”
Baxter cursed again. “How the blazes did he get the news? Northcott only told you about the deaths yesterday.”
“I have no idea.” She stared at the faded letters pasted on the paper. “That’s four people less for Christmas. Oh, Bax, what if more people do this? We’ll be ruined!”
“Blasted cowards. We’ve had murders here before. It’s never stopped people coming here.”
“They don’t usually get forewarning,” Cecily reminded him. “What I don’t understand is that this time, it had nothing to do with the hotel. Why should something that happened in the village scare them away?”
“I suppose they’re worried the Pennyfoot might be next on the killer’s list.” Baxter began pacing back and forth. “I have to admit, with our record, it’s a viable concern.”
“Piffle.” Cecily got up and walked over to the window. Staring outside at the wintry lawns, she murmured, “And I was worried about the snow. This is a vastly more serious problem.”
“We’ll just have to hope that idiot Northcott and his inept bobbies can find this killer and put him behind bars before the rest of our guest list evaporates.”
Feeling a glimmer of hope, Cecily turned to face him. “He could certainly use some help, don’t you think?”
Baxter’s frown deepened. “I hope you’re not contemplating what I suspect you are contemplating.”
Cecily approached him, hands held out in appeal. “Bax, darling, I know I gave you my solemn promise, but this is an emergency. If we don’t catch this killer soon, more of our guests may decide it would be safer to stay in London for the Christmas season. What if our special guest were to cancel? We’d never live down the scandal.”
“He’s a prominent London citizen. He can’t afford to be perceived a coward.”
“He could find some feasible excuse, I’m sure. We simply cannot sit by and do nothing.”
“By we, I assume you mean yourself and that traitorous stable manager, Samuel.”
Cecily smiled. “Actually, I was rather hoping you would contribute your intelligent opinions and ideas.”
Baxter grunted. “You flatter me, my dear, but we both know I have no head for hunting down criminals. That takes a profound understanding of how those people’s minds work, and that is something for which you alone have an aptitude.”
“Why, thank you, sir!” Pleased with the unexpected compliment, her cheeks warmed.
“The fact remains, however, that the purpose of your promise to me was to keep you out of jeopardy, since you have a propensity to dive into danger without the slightest regard for your safety.”
“If I swear to use extreme caution this time?”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “When has
ever happened?”
“Please, darling.” She caught his hand and held it. “Our entire Christmas season is in jeopardy. At least this time I will have the sanction of the constabulary. Sam Northcott will be close at hand should there be any sign of peril.”
Baxter’s expression darkened. “That’s what concerns me the most.”
She smiled. “I shall be quite all right. All the constable needs is for me to ask a few questions in the village. Samuel will be with me, as always, and despite your displeasure at his willingness to help me, you will be the first to admit he is more than capable of taking care of me should the need arise.”
She saw his scowl deepen and added hurriedly, “Not that it would, of course. I will make sure of that.”
Baxter brushed a weary hand across his brow. “My dear Cecily, you will be the death of me yet. I refused a marvelous opportunity to work abroad so that you could continue your duties here at the Pennyfoot. In exchange, you promised to give me peace of mind by avoiding all contact with police business. Now here you are, proposing to actually assist the constabulary in a murder investigation. Is it any wonder my hair turns whiter by the day?”
Cecily gave him another sheepish smile. “It is very becoming, dear.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“No, dear.” She held out her hands to him again. “What would you have me do? Sit here and do nothing while our guests cancel their bookings one by one?”
“That hasn’t happened yet. We have lost only one booking.”
“There could well be more.”
Baxter raised his chin and stared at the ornate ceiling. “Once more I have been ambushed and overtaken. Very well. If you must. Have Samuel meet me in the library. I want a word with that young man.”
“Thank you, darling.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a hug. “I promise I shall use the utmost caution.”

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