Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 6) (18 page)

BOOK: Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 6)
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He groaned now, the sound desperate and rough, as if she was killing him.

“Touch me,” she whispered, and slipped his fingers between her moist folds, bringing them back to where they had been before. “Like this.”

She moved his flattened fingers up and down, and then swirled them around. Asmodeus’s crimson eyes burned into her, studying everything she did. Her heart pounded, heat rushing through her veins, tingles spreading outwards from her core.

He licked his lips and began mimicking what she had shown him, moving his own fingers, teasing her closer to the edge. She breathed hard, lost in the pleasure rippling through her, aching for the next step. Asmodeus was ahead of her. He dipped his fingers down, found her slick core and growled low in his throat.

“Claws,” she uttered before he lost his head and he snatched his hand back, looking for all the world as if she had just told him to back the hell off and get away from her. Liora rocked her hips, too far gone to stop herself, her body demanding release. “No… don’t stop… just… keep those bad boys in check… yeah?”

He grunted in response, honed his gaze on her groin and brought his fingers back to her. He swirled his fingers around her nub, bringing her back to a crescendo again, teetering on the edge of bliss, and then eased them downwards. She smiled at how beautifully intense and focused he became, and could almost hear him mentally chanting to keep his claws away. He hesitated. Damn it. She hadn’t meant to put him off completely.

“Like this,” she murmured and took hold of his hand again, sliding it downwards. She shifted her hips forwards and moaned as she eased two of his fingers into her hot sheath. Asmodeus snarled, his gaze burning her, locked with such intensity that she shivered. He slowly withdrew his fingers and carefully moved them back inside, stroking her sensitive flesh. “Yes… like that. Mother Earth… just like that.”

Liora arched her back, tangled her hands in her hair and clutched it to her head, her elbows pointed skywards.

She bit her lip and undulated her hips, riding the slow steady thrust of his fingers, losing herself in the hot shivery pleasure burning through her with each one.

Asmodeus built the pace, gaining confidence, taking her higher. Liora screwed her eyes shut and groaned, her knees trembling and threatening to give out. Not before she climaxed. She just needed a few more seconds. A few more strokes.

The intensity of his gaze on her magnified.

She shrieked when he pulled his fingers from her, grabbed her hips and yanked her forwards. It ended in a moan when her back hit the hot ground next to the pool and Asmodeus buried his head between her thighs, his tongue delving between her plush petals and licking the length of her.

“Oh gods,” she moaned and arched her back, rocking her hips against his face, riding that wicked tongue of his.

Oh, he was a natural. A god amongst men.

Liora dug her fingers into his hair, clutching him to her, and settled her legs over his shoulders. He raised her hips and devoured her, stroking and teasing her nub, driving her out of her mind with a need for that one final push. She reached for it, straining and moaning, rocking her hips in search of it.

Asmodeus slowed his attack on her and she wanted to curse him for it until he obliterated her ability to speak by easing his fingers into her.

She was done for.

Liora lasted two long strokes of his fingers before she shattered, crying out as a wave of pleasure so intense that she felt hazy from head to toe crashed over her, sending her thighs quivering against the sides of his head and her mind spinning. Asmodeus growled between her thighs and she smiled lazily, trembling around his fingers, glad he liked to feel her coming because of his touch.

He withdrew his fingers and lapped the length of her, tasting her flesh and her desire, the release he had wrought from her. She melted into the black basalt, shaking all over, spent and lost, feeling too high to move.

Water splashed over her and she opened her eyes to find Asmodeus above her, his gaze near-black with arousal.

“You taste divine.” He rested all of his weight on one arm and stroked her cheek, the light caress tickling her in her sensitized state. “I want to do that again.”

“Let me catch my breath.” She smiled when he looked disappointed and wiped that expression from his face by curling her fingers around the rigid length of his cock. His eyes turned hooded again, lips parting on a sigh as his nostrils flared. “How about I steal your breath like you did mine?”

He frowned and growled, and she pressed her other hand against his chest, forcing him back as she sat up. He kneeled before her, completely nude and beautiful, his long shaft straining for her attention.

Liora leaned in and licked from root to crown, eliciting a husky moan from him. He was going to be doing a lot more than moaning quietly before long. She swirled her tongue around the thick head and ran her tongue over the slit, tasting his essence. His hands leaped to her shoulders and he clutched them. They were trembling. She smiled at that. He would be shaking all over when she was done with him. She was going to rock his world.

She closed her mouth over the crown and he jerked forwards, thrusting further inside, grunting darkly.

Liora wrapped one hand around his impressive length and let the other drift over his stomach and thighs as she sucked him gently, giving him a moment to get accustomed to the feel of her mouth on his flesh. She eased off him and fluttered her tongue around the dark head, tearing another groan from him, sharply followed by another. He clutched her more tightly, his big body tensing, and she couldn’t resist gazing up the height of him.

The sight of his face twisted in pleasure, his eyes screwed shut and fangs sinking into his lower lip, made her quiver inside and reignited her desire. She flexed her pelvic muscles and took him back into her mouth, moaning at the brief aftershock of pleasure. She moved her hand on his length in time with her mouth and he rocked into her, short thrusts that she knew he couldn’t help, just as she hadn’t been able to stop herself from riding his fingers. He was lost.

Her other hand skimmed downwards, ready to join in the fun now that she had him close to the edge, skirting ecstasy.

She cupped his sac and rolled it gently in her fingers, and he bucked forwards, a harsh moan leaving his lips. That moan turned fierce and guttural when she gave his balls a gentle squeeze and tug, and he thrust through her fingers, rocking his cock into her mouth. His right hand moved to her head, guiding her on him, controlling her movements.

Liora alternated between sucking him and swirling her tongue around the crown, driving him wild, until he had his fingers tangled in her hair and was grunting with each thrust into her mouth and each squeeze of his sac.

He uttered something in the demon tongue and she hoped it was complimentary.

His thrusts hardened, his breathing quickened and his balls tightened. Liora sucked him harder and moved her hand quicker on his flesh, stroking it as he had shown her he liked it, combining it with her hot wet mouth to propel him firmly over the edge.

He growled what might have been her name, every inch of him went as taut as a bowstring, and she looked up the length of him, wanting to see his first climax with her as it claimed him body and soul.

He tossed his head back and roared in a vicious yet sexy way as he shot his hot seed into her mouth and she swallowed around him. His fangs extended, his claws pressed into her skin, and his wings erupted from his back.


She sucked him softly, drawing out his climax, feeling him throb and jerk, continuing to spill himself in short bursts. He breathed hard, body straining and muscles covered in a fine sheen. Liora released him and ran her hands over his trembling hips.

His eyes slowly opened and dropped to her, blazing red and filled with an explosive combination of satisfaction and need, hunger for more.

She liked that look in them. The one that left her feeling that he would never get enough of her. The one that backed up his earlier words.

Because you are mine.

She believed in equality, and if she were a little braver, she might have voiced the words that echoed in her heart. Because you are mine.

His gaze narrowed on hers and he captured her jaw with his right hand, lifted her chin, leaned down and kissed her. It was soft and sweet, tender, and it melted her inside. She savoured it and this side of him, the one that he showed only to her.

He broke the kiss, stood and pulled her up onto her feet, wrapping his wings around her. Shielding her from any prying eyes.

He didn’t want anyone else to see her like this. She didn’t want any demon bitches getting a good look at her man all naked and sated either.

Liora snapped her fingers, using a fraction of her returning power to get his damp loincloth back in place. He raised an eyebrow at her, his red eyes silently questioning her.

She found her voice.

“Because you are mine.”



Asmodeus sat on his throne, dressed in his armour again, watching Liora drying her beautiful chestnut hair using the fire he had built for her as she sat on the rug between the fireplace and the table. Romulus lay beside him on the floor, curled up. Remus had chosen to settle close to Liora and was sleeping on his side, a contented air around him. The hellhound had blocked Asmodeus’s way to Liora when she had sat by the fire, stealing her from him, demanding her attention. She had petted the foolish irritating creature for twenty minutes straight before he had fallen asleep.

Liora ran her fingers through the unruly strands of her hair, her head tilted towards the flames, her body wrapped in the finest black silk robe he had been able to materialise for her to wear.

His female deserved the finest things.

“What are you thinking while you stare at me like that?” She opened her hazel eyes and locked them on him, a playful smile tugging at her rosy lips.

Lips he had kissed and tasted at his leisure. She allowed him to sample them whenever he desired. Because she was his now.

Her words drifted around his head, bringing out his smile, making him feel strangely light inside. Warm.

She viewed him as hers too.

She had placed a claim on him.

She had allowed him to do intimate things with her, and he wanted more. He couldn’t stop thinking about every lick, kiss and caress that had happened at the bathing pool.

“I am thinking wicked things,” he murmured in a low voice and ran his eyes over her, taking in every inch, recalling how she had looked when she had stood before him in the water, her body partially bared for his gaze and his touch.

She smiled. “Very wicked things?”

“The wickedest.” He ground his teeth as his loincloth pinched, too tight against his straining length. He wanted her again and wanted more this time. He wanted to claim her fully and sheathe himself in her hot body, taking her as his fingers had.

The feel of her quivering around him, her juices flowing hot and fast, and the sound of her cries of pleasure ringing around the hills, had driven him mad with a need to take her. He had wanted to part her milky thighs and thrust to the hilt, ripping another cry of bliss from her sweet lips.

“Very wicked indeed, judging by how dark your eyes have gone.” Her smile teased him, her hazel eyes twinkling with it. She liked that he couldn’t hide his desire from her or how fiercely he wanted her at all times.

Asmodeus leaned back in his throne and watched her dry her hair. Her eyes remained on him, pupils growing larger, desire affecting them just as it had affected his.

“You think wicked things too,” he said with a smile.

“The wickedest,” she parroted and then tilted her head the other way and let her hands fall into her lap. “I like it when you smile like that.”

“Many do not like it when I smile.” He turned his gaze away from her, disliking the abrupt change that came over him, washing away the warmth and leaving cold behind.

“It’s not the same smile.” Her voice softened, soothing him and battling the rising tide of darkness in his veins.

“It is born of the same lips belonging to the same male.” He silently cursed her for ruining the moment, or had he been the one to do it? She had only mentioned that she liked the smile he had given her. In truth, it was not the same smile that he wore when carrying out the Devil’s orders, enjoying bloodying his hands and hearing the tormented screams of his prey.

He wasn’t sure he could take any joy from that sort of act now that the softer emotions he had long denied had gained ground within him, pushing back the darkness and beginning to form a sort of balance with it.

“It’s not the same smile,” she said in a firmer tone and he looked at her, seeing the belief in her eyes.

He didn’t want to argue with her. He had been enjoying their time together.

Asmodeus searched for a different topic of conversation. His gaze fell on the pendant she wore, a silver pentagram, intricate in design.

“It is very beautiful.” He lifted his eyes to hers and they turned cold before she cast them down at her knees.

“It was my mother’s.” A sore subject judging by how frosty she had become. Was he destined to ruin their time together?

He decided to leave that topic alone and search for another one. If she wanted to tell him why speaking of her mother upset her, then she would in her own time. He wouldn’t force it from her.

Asmodeus paused.

Just how much had she changed him already?

In the past, he would have demanded an answer, not giving the person a choice, forcing it out of them if that was what it took. She was softening him. Weakening him.

Good was a weakness. A sin. A fault.

A death sentence.

“Asmodeus?” she whispered and he focused on her, frowning at the trace of fear in her eyes. “You went cold again… I don’t like it when you look at me like that.”

He shook his head, hoping to shake away his black thoughts with it, and then dragged his right hand down his face and sighed.

BOOK: Her Wicked Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 6)
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