Her Wanted Wolf (30 page)

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Authors: Renee Michaels

Tags: #Shifter

BOOK: Her Wanted Wolf
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“Should we be watching like this?” Sabine asked, but she didn’t drag her
eyes away from the sexual tableaux being played out below them.

Sabine reached back and took his shaft in her hand. A pervading ache
spread from the head of his straining cock down to his sac and his clenched

The pad on her thumb slid over the crown. His viscous pre-cum enabled her
fingers to slide easily over the susceptive nerve endings. She repeated the
motion several times, pulling him closer and closer to the edge of

“If they wanted privacy, they would’ve sought out their private dens. A
little voyeurism and exhibitionism can’t hurt anyone. We’ve all watched from
time to time.”

“I don’t think I’ll need that book after all,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Oh, I don’t know. So much to try out, so little time.” He reluctantly
halted fondling Sabine. He needed to be inside her.

Gripping Sabine’s hips, he lifted her to let the tip of his erect cock
separate her folds and glide over the damp tissues.

“Position me, Sabine.” His request came out as a harsh growl.

She braced one hand on his thigh, leaned forward, and placed the knob at
her sheath’s entrance.

Drew let out a whimper like an untried cub. The head slipped through the
snug muscles at Sabine’s entrance. In slow, short increments, she eased back
onto his aching shaft. Her hips trembled in his grip. He heaved up to sink
deeper into the warm haven of her pussy.

Fingers wet with their juices, Sabine caressed the base of his cock and
cradled his tight balls. Pure euphoric eroticism spread through him.

“The fragrance we make together muddles my mind. Feeling you inside me
stirs a hunger that makes me want you more,” Sabine husked out and pushed back.
She took him to the hilt, enclosing him in her moist, tight undulating core.

Christ on a stick. It could not get any better, had never been any

The muscles in his abs strained with a blissful kind of burn, which
rippled through to his groin.

Shit, he was going to lose it.

She started to ride him with a delicate greed. Did he say it couldn’t get
better? Well it had.

Man and wolf coalesced with a single thought, need, and Drew took action.

He wrapped an arm around Sabine’s waist to support her and eased her up
and down his shaft. Sabine’s channel rippled and spasmed over his cock, her
husky cries filled the air. Their blended spoor enclosed them in a cloud of
lust-driven haze.

Drew’s pelvis bucked like an untamed bronco. A fine layer of sweat coated
his body. The jackhammer pounding in his chest mixed with Sabine’s soft moans
and the slap of his pelvis against her butt.

Curling his hand around her neck, he nipped the knotty muscles on her
shoulder, inches from her neck. Not as satisfying as the spot where he would
place his mate’s mark on her, but the taste of her skin on his tongue would
have to do for now. Soon, Drew promised himself, with a dark possessive

He ran his eyes down her taut back, his attention gripped by her full
quivering butt. Drew watched his cock disappear into Sabine, then reappear when
she slid off him, the shaft glistening in the moonlight as if it were coated
with liquid silver.

Drew gritted his teeth, giving in to the bliss racking his body. He was
about to come, but he wasn’t finding his release alone.

He placed two fingers on either side of Sabine’s labia; his straining
shaft had the fleshy folds spread to the max. The rocking motion of their
bodies sent his digits sliding over the nerve-filled wings. The lush nub of her
clit notched into the vee created by his digits, each time she slid forward,
the contact sent her into a frenzied spate of shudders.

“Ohh.” Sabine ground her pussy against his fingers.

With his mouth on her skin, his manhood in her sheath, and his fingers at
the essence of his mate, they achieved total rapture, and they came together.
He found his release in one long bone-liquefying discharge.

Slumped back on the ground, their breaths intermingled. Drew removed his
sated cock from Sabine, and he stroked her back until their heartbeats

She lifted her head from his chest. “So what else have you got to show

“Greedy brat.” He pulled her head back into the crook of his neck.

“Yes, I do believe I am.” She levered herself up with her elbows, and for
the first time she put her mouth on his neck.

Drew quaked under her intimate caress. A primitive growl resonated up
from deep in his chest, and he pressed the taut tendons against her open mouth.

Sabine licked the salty skin and nipped him.

Ripping his neck away, Drew rolled her under him.

Sabine really had no idea what she did to him. They’d taken the were
mating-vow, discarded the extraneous necessity for a courtship. She was his
mate. He wanted her on every level.

The visceral urge to sink his teeth into the side of her neck and place
his mark on her was becoming an obsession. She’d opened a door for him he’d
thought was closed forever, and maybe she was his second chance, his road to

He wondered if she realized how much of herself she gave when they made
love. Sabine’s innocent caresses inflamed him, made ever more poignant because
of the war he knew that was going on inside her. It was a hell of a thing to
want a woman this much when you knew it was always in the back of her mind to

More and more the wolf in him railed at the thought of separation. It
bathed her in his spoor every chance he got. It was instinctive. Shit, the
human side wasn’t taking it sitting down either. He was doing his damnedest to
bind her to him too. She would thrive as his mate, his pack needed her
leadership, and he’d seen the yearning in her eyes when she had Ava in her

The time would come when she would have to choose between him and the
duty she assumed on her family’s behalf, but not yet, and certainly not now.

Drew brushed her hair back from her face. She looked like a moonbeam,
with her pale hair spread out around her, and her skin dappled by the pearly
light flickering through the canopy of pine needles above them.

“You’ve marked me as yours.” He almost preened at the idea, Sabine
Lunedare’s marked mate.

“That wouldn’t be recognized as binding. A she-wolf does not brand her

He ran his fingertips over the spot her mouth had dampened and then
trailed a finger over her lips. “Maybe we’ll start a new tradition, and you’ll
refer to me as your marked mate. I think I like it.”

Sabine snorted. “You alphas would never relinquish the right to

“It has nothing to do with an alpha’s prerogative, Sabine. You put your
mouth on my neck. I am yours and you are mine in ways you won’t acknowledge to
yourself. There’ll be no mistaking whom we belong to.”


“Shhh.” He cut off her words by claiming her lips. She tasted of apples
and cream, tangy wine mingling with both.

She parted her lips and Drew deepened the kiss. Drawing her tongue into
his mouth, he suckled greedily on it. She wrapped her arms around him and
pulled him closer. Her night-cooled skin was a balm to his overheated senses.

Loving Sabine ought to be savored, like a good hunt.

Yet the were in him fought to put her on all fours, hike up her hips, and
with their combined juices flowing from her pretty pussy, bury his muzzle in
her crotch. He’d lap up the glistening ichor from her pale thighs and cleft
until he sated his appetite for the taste of her.

“Smell me, Sabine. Smell how much I want you.”

“Then take me again, Drew. Have me here, with the wind against our skin,
the ground beneath my back, for we are creatures of nature.” She opened her
arms and he lowered his body on hers. And Drew knew that it was where he wanted
to be, where he belonged. In Sabine’s arms.




Chapter Twenty-two



Sabine rolled over on the moss and pine pallet, missing the heat of
Drew’s body. The night before he’d hauled her on top of his body, tucked her
head into the crook of his neck, and promptly fell asleep. That was, after he’d
showed her that their private bits and pieces fit together in a variety of
various ways.

She drew in a deep breath, his spoor markings assured her he wasn’t far
away, but the abstraction in his scent surprised her.

Sitting up, she saw him standing on the far end of the cliff. The bright
morning sun bathed his long frame in pure, unfiltered light, delineating his
honed musculature and the width of his shoulders. With a background of the pale
blue sky behind him, he seemed suspended in mid air. Sabine’s heart did a jerky
skip in her chest. The man had no fear of heights, consideration for his
safety, or her peace of mind.

Rising, Sabine walked over to join him and he turned to face her. The
brooding expression was back on his face. He’d seemed more at peace of late.
She’d begun to hope she’d alleviated some of his grief, but it seemed she was

Would she ever be on a sure footing with him?

Stopping a few feet in front
the slippery cliff, she
asked softly, “Has something happened?”

Drew shook his head. “No new crises to report, thank God.”

“Still worried about sending the women out on their own?”

He shrugged. “Yep, I always worry, but I won’t change my mind about
allowing them to go down into the city. Besides, I couldn’t tell them they
can’t visit the city now. Hanni would rip a chunk out of my hide.”

Sabine bit her lip. She couldn’t believe she’d been bold enough to stand
before the multitude of Lunedares and voice her opinion. “Maybe I shouldn’t
have interfered last night.”

“You didn’t. It was your right and duty as my mate to speak up. You’re
right. I’ve allowed my fears to cripple me.” Drew turned and looked down into
the valley below. “I’ve always had a soft spot for the women in my pack. Many
of them stepped up to fill the void left by my mother’s death. I had more
mothering than any cub I knew. The multiple dinners and endless supply of
cookies were a sweet side benefit.” He flashed her a boyish grin. “My father
said I should always cherish them, and that was one edict I found easy to keep
because of my mother. Everybody loved Sophie. She practically civilized my
father with her proper English manner. She tried to do the same with her son,
but she didn’t get enough time to finish the job.”

“You never said how you lost them.”

“They traveled to Europe during the Second World War to bring over some
dispossessed weres, but a U-boat torpedoed their ship. Losing my parents was
hard, but with Gustav’s care, Aimee and I pulled through. I mated with Christa
because I’d loved her since I was a boy and wanted to recreate the family I
lost.” A smile rife with memories softened Drew’s mouth. A painful pang settled
in the center of Sabine’s chest.

“I gave her the bike that she tore down the mountain on, breaking her
neck.” He drew in a ragged breath. “Christa took chances, but I never cautioned
her, not once. I encouraged her, feeding off the adrenaline rush as much as she
did. Her death and Aimee’s kidnapping compounded the feeling I didn’t protect
my women. I’d failed them, failed my parents.”

“Would your family lay such a burden on your shoulders? If they were any
kind of weres, they’d want you to live your life to the fullest. I believe your
parents would be proud of you. From what I’ve observed, the Lunedares have
thrived, so you’ve succeeded brilliantly as the pack’s alpha.” She paused to
gather her thoughts. “We are weres, Drew. The packs might have donned the garb
of civilization, the players and the methods may be more sophisticated but,
under the surface, our werekin characteristics haven’t changed. We still live
for the rush of a hunt. The struggles are still the same for territory and
dominance in the hierarchy. She-wolves have been taken throughout our history,
as hostages or for forced matings. Your sister was taken and you’ve set in
motion a plan to retrieve her, as a conscientious alpha would. What are your
instructions, my mate and my alpha?”

He grinned at Sabine. To her relief his smile was free of any lingering
despair. The smug smirk and the gleefully diabolical gleam in his eyes had her
more than a little wary.

What was he up to this time? The man’s moods were mercurial. She had to
be on her toes to keep up with them.

“Finally acknowledging that I’m your alpha, and the fact that I’m your

Sabine snorted scornfully. “Don’t let my show of respect go to your head.
I’m just being dutiful. You need the comfort of the truth.”

Drew crossed the short space separating them and slung his arm around her
shoulders. “Speaking of duties, you know the thing I found the hardest as alpha
was? Dealing with the women.”

Sabine jabbed her elbow into his belly. “That’s a fallacy if I ever heard
one. You adore those women and the affection is reciprocated, a little too much
if you ask me.”

“I have a problem denying them anything; the ban on travel to the city
was a first. I even sent word down through Rafe.”

“Coward. I never thought you’d avoid your responsibilities.” She wondered
where this conversation was going.

“It’s called delegating. The women see you as their champion now. They’ll
come directly to you, and you can deal with them from now on. I must say, the
benefits of our mating are getting clearer and clearer by the minute.”

Sabine groaned. This was a good time as any to utter a few epithets.
came to mind. She had a feeling she’d need to expand her repertoire. If things
continued the way they were, she’d need a compendium to cover every occasion.
Learning to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself was the next thing
she’d have to master.

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