Her Tender Tyrant (8 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Her Tender Tyrant
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She felt as well as heard the deep chuckle that emanated from this amazing man. “I’m not taking the risk that you might argue with me about which room to go into.”

Juliette felt the bubble of laughter well up inside of her at his words. What he didn’t know, and what she wasn’t going to tell him, was that he was completely in charge right now. She loved the way he shouldered his way into the house and she felt precious and cared for, wanted, as he raced up the stairs. When he finally reached his room he lowered her legs to the floor. Juliette’s hands drifted from his shoulders down to his chest, her fingers eagerly exploring the muscles she’d been viewing for what seemed like an eternity.

Marcus held her delicate fingers and almost had to push them way because the stimulation was nearly too much. But it felt so amazingly good to finally have her soft hands on his body. So he clenched his teeth as she tentatively explored.

He could only take a few minutes of that before he took her hands and pinned them to her sides. “My turn,” he grumbled. A moment later, her sweater was lifted over her head and dumped unceremoniously on the floor behind her. As Marcus looked down at Juliet’s soft, full breasts he thought he might have died and gone to heaven. Cupping one of her glorious breasts in his hand, he let his thumb rub over the pretty pink nipple that he could almost see through the fine lace of her bra. When he heard the sharp intake of breath at that touch his other hand came up and gave the other breast equal treatment.

“I have been wondering what these would look like without clothes on for forever.” A split second later, her bra fell away as his magic hands opened the clasp at the back and dumped the piece of lace on top of her red sweater. “You’re even more beautiful than what I pictured in my mind.”

Juliette was shivering in reaction and she desperately wanted to cover her breasts, not sure how to deal with his heated gaze where no man had ever looked before. But something stopped her. Perhaps it was the look in his eyes that told her he liked what he saw or maybe it was the way his hands moved against her skin, pushing away her shyness and giving her a power she’d never known was in her. Suddenly, she wanted so much more and she wasn’t exactly sure how to get it. When his thumbs moved back to her breasts, her knees almost gave out on her. She grabbed his arms, one hand reaching up to his shoulders so she wouldn’t make a fool of herself by falling at his feet.

While her fingers trembled, she worked the buttons on his shirt, desperate to see up close what she’d been viewing from far away. Her fingers tingled with anticipation as they pushed the button through the hole. But apparently she wasn’t fast enough for him. His strong hands took his shirt into his hands and ripped, buttons scattering everywhere. A split second later, his large hands held hers against his chest.

Juliette shivered as she stared at the tanned skin in front of her. Slowly, but with gaining confidence, she started to explore. Fascinated, she let her fingertips glide over his chest, reveling in the texture of his skin with a light coating of dark hair. She felt his large body shudder when her fingers accidentally, or on purpose, glided over his flat male nipples. But when she realized his reaction, she did it again, smiling when he shattered underneath her light touch. “So the big, indomitable Marcus has a few weak spots,” she said and bent her head, kissing the middle of his chest. She had no idea where this bravery had come from but she really liked it.

“You’re killing me, Juliette,” he groaned and took her hands away.

“Why can’t I…?” she started to ask but he swooped down and captured her mouth again, distracting her while he pushed her jeans down her legs. Lifting her up and placing her on the bed, he took his time sliding her boots off.

“Because I have wanted you for too long. And you’re wearing these boots which just about blew my mind tonight.”

Juliette laughed until he nibbled on the arch of her foot. That caused more gasps because she’d had no idea that there were erogenous zones in her feet!

“Still want to argue with me?” he asked, leaning over her to kiss her stomach.

Juliette shook her head, writhing now as the heat of his mouth covered her overly sensitive stomach.

He laughed softly. “I didn’t think so,” he said and worked on her other boot. “Is this one just as sensitive?” he asked and held tight to her foot when she tried to tug it away. “Oh, no, dear girl. You’ve been walking around this house with that luscious body of yours, sleeping soundly in the next room while I’ve been taking cold showers two or three times a day. You’re going to pay for the torture you’ve put me through,” he told her with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“So this is all about retribution?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper because he was nibbling his way up her leg.

He shook his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. There’s no retribution, only justice. And I plan on having the last word so stop trying to do it yourself.”

She realized his goal and pulled her legs closed, scooting back on the mattress. But when she looked up into his eyes, he knew exactly what she’d tried to do and grinned. “Think you’re getting out of that?” he asked, looming over her.

She laughed, amazed at this teasing side of Marcus. He always seemed so stern and powerful. And when they argued, she’d thought that the sexual tension was only on her side. So finding out that he’d been feeling it as well made her more than a little giddy. “I think…”

He took her ankles and pulled her back towards him. “You are not allowed to think tonight. Only feel.” He kissed her again, an urgent, intense kiss that curled her toes and made her ache in secret spots. “And I intend to make you feel a whole lot tonight.”

With that promise, he stood up and pulled off his own jeans and boxers, revealing his magnificent self to her and Juliette was in awe. Never had she seen anything so amazing. Even the buffed up actors in the movies couldn’t compare to the reality of Marcus. He was shockingly male. And all of that maleness was coming towards her.

Once more, she scooted back, shaking her head. “Marcus…” she whispered, her eyes wide with worry now.

Marcus instantly knew what was going through her head and he stopped teasing, holding her close while he kissed her gently. The urgency was still there, but he gave her tenderness while his hands brought back to mind what he intended. “Let me just take care of you, okay?” he asked, moving to her neck before she could answer.

Juliette didn’t think she really had a choice. She needed him, had wanted this for so long and even though she was nervous, the excitement welling up inside of her was pushing that fear away.

So when he moved his mouth down lower, capturing a nipple in his mouth and teasing it, all the worries vanished replaced by a scorching need to know this man intimately. She trusted him. She didn’t understand how it would work but she trusted him to show her how.

This time when he moved lower, he was prepared for her resistance and moved between her legs before she knew what he was planning. And the reward for his stealth was the sweet taste of her and her soft body arching up into his hands. All too soon, she was splintering apart and he watched and tasted as she fell back down to the earth.

“Marcus,” she whispered when the tremors finally subsided.

She heard the foil tear and opened her eyes to watch as Marcus sheathed himself in protection. When she looked up at him, the nervousness was back and Marcus saw it in her eyes. “Don’t,” he warned her, moving back to her and settling right where he wanted to be. “Just trust me,” he coaxed.

He moved inside of her slowly, then back out. When he saw her eyes widen with amazement, he almost lost his control but he started counting backwards from one hundred and was able to pull himself back from the brink. But she was so tight, so hot and ready for him. As he pushed in deeper, he felt her pain as it jerked her body and felt bad for that, but not bad enough to stop. Nothing could make him stop now. He did wait for her to adjust to his size. When he finally felt her body relax slightly, saw her eyes close and her sweet lips curl with pleasure, he moved again, shifting inside of her.

Amazingly, she was right there with him, her hands clasping his shoulders while her teeth mauled her lip, her back arching against him and he was almost angry that she was so close already. He wanted this to last. He wanted to stay inside of her forever. But at the same time, he was so close himself. Too close, he thought and shook his head, furious with himself for his lack of control, his lack of finesse. It was all because of those sighs of pleasure coming from Juliette, he thought, watching as her body shifted underneath his. She probably had no idea how sexy she looked as she pushed closer, shifted her hips against his as he thrust into her. She was almost demanding in her shy, innocent way, her soft hands sliding along his arms and she even lifted her knees, taking him deeper.

Marcus felt her close around him and had to start the backwards count all over again. He moved in and out, shifting to give her maximum pleasure and knew the moment when she was going to come apart again. Holding her close, he pressed into her one more time and felt her whole body climax around him. The erotic feeling was too much for him and, even though he wanted to prolong the feeling and make her climax last longer, he couldn’t hold back his own orgasm.

As they slowly came back down to earth, Marcus tried to make sense of this moment, tried to understand why this meant so much and why it was so much more powerful. But in the end, all he could do was hold her tight and try to catch his breath.

Chapter 8

Juliette woke up slowly, her mind starting to grasp exactly what she’d done the previous night. It wasn’t hard to remember since she was practically wrapped around Marcus. His leg was pressing between hers and one hand was resting against her bottom while her cheek used his hard chest as a pillow.

She looked around, amazed at the chaos in the room. The blankets and pillows were gone and the sheet was barely covering the lower half of their bodies. It had been a pretty wild night, she thought. And morning. Looking out the window, she realized that the sun was well up over the horizon. She had no idea what time it was, but since they hadn’t fallen asleep until the early morning hours she figured it was pretty late in the day. Possibly even the afternoon.

This couldn’t be good, she thought, not wanting to move, but knowing she should before he woke up and things became awkward. Maybe if she just….

“Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured in her ear, his arms tightening as he pulled her closer to him.

Juliette gasped as his strong arms wrapped around her and her head fell back against his shoulder. “I was going to head out and take a shower.”

She felt his lips kiss her shoulder, then her back, finding that ticklish spot right between her shoulder blades.

“You were trying to sneak away from me,” he argued. “You’re afraid of the morning after.”

She hid her face in the pillow to hide her blush.

“Don’t even try it,” he told her, tossing the pillow across the room. His hand then slid down her back while he enjoyed her gasps at his touch. “You didn’t really want to leave my bed, did you?” he asked, nibbling on her rib cage and causing her to giggle.

“No,” she laughed. “You have to stop that though.”

He chuckled, his laughter deeper but still just as intoxicated with the pleasure of being with her. “I don’t think I have to do anything you tell me to do, now do I?” he asked and tickled her again. But he pinned her down with her arms over her head and his leg on hers, keeping her right where he wanted her.

“You’re a horrible lover, Marcus,” she mumbled but a moment later, she threw her head back as his hand slid down over her bottom. “Don’t do it,” she begged. “I can’t take any more.”

His eyes were watching her, seeing the way her hips pushed back against his hand. “Oh, I think you can take a whole lot more,” he countered as his fingers moved between her thighs, teasing that secret place inside of her that he loved so much. Gone was the laughter and the teasing now. It was all business and urgency. “Do you want me to prove it to you?” he asked, and his fingers slipped out. “Or did you really want that shower?”

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, so turned on she could barely lift her head. “Oh, please don’t stop!”

His fingers moved back, sliding into her sensitive folds as he pressed one, then two fingers inside of her. “You’re so beautiful,” he growled, looking down at her sexy back and the curve of her bottom that had driven him crazy as she walked around the house, taunting him with her perfect figure and luscious curves. “You’ve been tormenting me for so long, I don’t think I’m going to let you up for a while. As punishment, you know.”

She rolled over slightly, looking back at him so that her eyes could beg him for release because she couldn’t seem to form the words with her mouth. When she tried to speak, his knowledgeable fingers would shift ever so slightly, causing her more pleasure than she’d thought possible.

Juliette heard the foil package tear and a moment later, Marcus’ fingers were replaced with something much more substantial. She tried to shift but his hands held her in place. “Don’t move,” he urged and pushed her leg forward. Marcus entered her from that angle and Juliette thought she might just climax right then and there. As he moved inside of her, her hands fisted on the sheets, or what was left of the sheets after the previous night. Most of the bed clothes were on the floor.

“Marcus!” she moaned, feeling him deep inside of her and loving every moment of it. He could drive her crazy while he did this to her and she shifted, begging him to end their torture. He anticipated her move and shifted away, continuing to slide in and out of her body, enjoying the pleasure of her tight heat. When he reached around to the front of her, teasing that sensitive bud, she screamed out as her body climaxed hard. She felt him moments later as he reached his own orgasm but her body wasn’t finished. The pulsating pleasure kept going and she was shivering with reaction when his fingers finally soothed her.

When her body slowed down to just ragged gasps of breath, she felt Marcus leave, then come right back to her. When he laid a hand on her bare skin again, she inhaled sharply, still so sensitive after that last bout with his magic touch.

“How about that shower you were talking about?” he asked, a sexy half-smile coming onto his handsome features.

She saw the gleam in his eyes as he took her hand and pulled her up. “I can’t,” she assured him, shaking her head and trying to use the sheet to cover herself.

He bent down and kissed her gently. “You said that before.”

Juliette laughed softly but followed him into the bathroom. Oh my, she thought as he led her under the warm water, his large, expert hands taking the soap, then moving over her body. He lathered her up skillfully, finding all those sensitive places that he’d discovered throughout the long, passionate night, and a few that she didn’t know about. He was slow and meticulous, bringing her body higher and higher, making her whimper and groan, almost screaming with the need for release. This was the Marcus she hadn’t seen before yesterday. He was tender and sweet, teasing and passionate. And she felt something strange happening to her as he kissed her gently, making her body convulse around his as he shifted deeply inside of her. She was screaming out as she climaxed yet again, clinging to him because her legs weren’t capable of holding her upright any longer. And when she finally opened her eyes once again, her body still shivering at the way he could make her sing, she sighed and laid her head back against his chest, not sure what to say. She didn’t want to look at those feelings too closely, afraid of what it might reveal.

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