Her Teacher's Temptation (14 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Vos

BOOK: Her Teacher's Temptation
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Chapter Twenty


Now that it had
come around, I was actually looking forward to this party far more than I'd
thought I would. Having spent the first half of my holidays struggling through
coursework and working as many extra shifts as I could get my hands on, this
was a welcome break.


Hannah, Meg and
I stood awkwardly outside the door, debating whether we should knock or not.
We'd decided to come a bit later since we didn't know anyone, but that had
caused this problem. "I know, I'll call Rob and get him to come and let us


Hannah rolled
her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous," She dismissed. "We're just
going in. If this party's as wild as you've made out no one will notice anyway.


I opened my
mouth to argue that they might, but Hannah had already opened the door and so
we followed reluctantly. It would be fine when I was out of it, but at the
beginning of parties I always had a bit of anxiety. Especially when I didn't
know anyone.


We filtered our
way through the rooms looking for Rob, but all of our eyes widened when we
noticed a different familiar face. "Oh my God, it's Mr. Wright,"
Hannah acknowledged with shock.


"Oh my
God, he has
," I breathed, completely enjoying the fact that
he was even sexier than before.


Meg and Hannah
both laughed at me and that was when he noticed, his face falling slightly as
he moved away from the guy he was speaking to come and talk to us. "Erm,
hey," he greeted awkwardly.


Meg beamed at him. I became acutely aware of Hannah's presence, though. She had
no idea about Ollie and I. "What are you doing here?"


"My friend
was invited and I was dragged along," he explained, eyes sweeping my body


Hannah and I chorused.


I frowned and
studied his face. "Have you done anything?" I asked him. This was
supposedly a massive drugfest party and I knew Ollie wasn't opposed to it.


"I did
some research chemical that Jake gave me," he explained. "It hasn't
hit me yet though, I only got here about ten minutes ago."


I rolled my
eyes. "It's a good job you're not a chemistry teacher." Research
chemicals weren't exactly known for being the safest things. "And did Jake
bring it, or is it just what the drug of the evening is?"


brought it." He explained, then frowned. "You want some?"


I allowed. I turned back to my friends. Hannah still looked completely gob
smacked. If the fact we’d just had a civil conversation about drugs wasn’t
suspicious enough, I wasn’t sure what it would take to give the game away. Meg
just looked amused. "You guys want some?"


Hannah shook
her head. "We're going camping tomorrow so I don't want to be really
depressed. I'm just going to drink."


"Rob got
me some E," Meg informed me.


well, I'm going to go and get some of this stuff. Lead the way," I told
Ollie, deciding it was best to get away from Hannah as quickly as possible.


pretty sure I should report you for this, or something," Ollie complained
as we walked off. I wondered if he was secretly glad that I was here. His
expression didn't give much away, though.


pretty sure I would be the one reporting you."


Ollie murmured. "She has no idea, does she?"


I popped the p. "And I don't want her to, so you're going to have to try
and restrain yourself," I teased. "And you really must be desperate
to go out if you've resorted to a teenager's house party."


Ollie laughed.
"Actually, this is definitely an adult house party. I'm pretty sure you're
the only teenagers here."


I didn't even realise adults had house parties. "So what does this thing
you're giving me do?"


He shrugged.
"Jake says it's like a mix between Mandy and LSD."


pretty fun," I agreed. "Sorry if being here has made this


I'm kind of glad you are, since I don't know anyone apart from Jake and Harry.
And we always have fun, too."


I beamed as I
spotted Jake sat on the sofa with some girl. He raised an eyebrow when he
recognised me. "Maddie," he greeted with a grin. "Nice to see
you again."


I chuckled. He
was loving this and Ollie's pleasant expression turned to a grimace. He was
apparently the equivalent of a Meg. "You too," I replied, amused by
Ollie's discomfort.


"She wants
drugs," Ollie told him bluntly.


Jake smirked.
"Don't worry, I didn't think I had a chance. Does this mean more of your
students are here?"


"Only two.
One of them knows what happened between Ollie and I and one doesn't. So please
don't say anything stupid." I pleaded.


Jake had a
wicked look on his face. "That means I can flirt with you all night and
Ollie won't be able to say anything, right?"


I found myself sharing
his grin. "I suppose it does."


Ollie groaned.


the stuff," he passed me a small pill and then his beer to swig it down
with. "It's on me. I got loads for free so I don't want any money."


"Oh cool,


Ollie and I
left after that, since Jake was happy occupying himself with the girl's company
for the time being. "I'm fairly sure we're not allowed to hang out without
it looking weird until we're at least a little bit fucked." I teased as we
meandered back down the stairs towards the kitchen.


"Yes, I
know. I just gave you drugs, don’t you think that’s suspicious enough?"
Ollie and I both knew Hannah had to be thinking there was something weird about
that. "I'm going to find Harry anyway. He's bound to be around here somewhere."


We entered the
living room together and I was surprised to see Harry on the sofa with Hannah,
Meg and another guy I presumed to be Rob. Harry's eyes widened when he saw me.
"Hi, Maddie," he greeted in surprise. "I wasn't expecting to see
you here. I bet Ollie wasn't either."


Both of our
expressions warned him not to say anything more. "Oh, yeah, me neither. I
came with Meg and Hannah."


he acknowledged, realisation setting in. "They seem cool, anyway."


I chuckled. He
looked so tempted to say something incriminating. There was no room left on the
couch so Ollie and I were forced to take the one on the other side of the room
which was unoccupied.




“This is too
weird.” Hannah had drank far too much by now, but apparently still hadn't quite
gotten over the fact that Ollie was here. Because of that, it meant we hadn't
really spoken much tonight, despite the glances we gave each other that I was
sure hadn't been too subtle. “Maybe I'm actually kind of glad that he's not my
teacher now I've seen him like this.”


I giggled.
Ollie was also completely out of it. In fact, we all were, apart from Hannah,
who was the only person who'd only drank. “I guess,” I agreed, having to
constantly remind myself that he was just 'Mr. Wright' whilst I spoke to Hannah
and not 'Ollie'. “It’s not so bad.”


Hannah snorted.
“That’s only because you’re ridiculously high. Just wait until we’re going back
to school, then you’ll have changed your mind. You were already a bit weird
with him when we first arrived. You really crush on him more than I thought,


My cheeks
burned. “I can’t help it.”  


“And you know
all his friends,” she fixed me with a suspicious glance and it took everything
not to quiver under her scrutiny.


“Meg and I saw
him in town once and that’s when I met his friends,” I explained. “She went off
with some guy and I was hanging with them and then it turned out Mr. Wright was
with them. Luckily I saw Connor pretty soon after that.”


“That must have
been awkward. At least Meg and I are around this time.”


I grinned as
Ollie collapsed onto the sofa beside me. “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” I
teased him automatically, knowing I could blame any natural talking on the
drugs, as long as I wasn’t too over the top.


“Yeah.” He
agreed, staring a bit too long before shaking himself out of it. “This stuff is
fun.” Which it was. I could see things, but it wasn’t enough that it made me
antisocial. Instead, I was extremely active and chatty. It was like the perfect
combination. Jake apparently had good taste. “You look happy, also.”


I smirked. “I
am,” I replied, barely resisting the urge I had to snuggle into his side, or
allow him to wrap his arms around me like his eyes told me he definitely wanted
to. “Please tell me that this stubble isn’t a ‘have in the holidays but shave
off before school because it’s not professional’ thing.”


He raised an
eyebrow. “It might be.”


“Why?” I
drawled out in a whine. “It’s nice. You should keep it.”


Ollie smirked
widely at that. “It looks scruffy.”


“It looks s-” I
bit my lip on the sexy he’d baited me into saying. I was sure Hannah was
rolling her eyes behind me. “It looks good,” I settled on.


“I might keep
it,” he compromised, with a smirk that let me know that he was definitely going
to keep it now I’d voiced my appreciation.


That was when
Jake shoved his way into the non-existent seat between Ollie and I. “Why hello
there beautiful woman,” he drawled. “How are you finding the party?”


I couldn’t help
but chuckle, especially at Ollie’s irritated face. “It’s good. And you?”


“Much better
now I’m sat here beside you,” he winked shamelessly and I bit the inside of my
cheek on a snort. I couldn’t stop my face heating up, though.


“Right,” I


“So, where are
you staying tonight? I’m fairly sure there’s plenty of room in my bed-”


“Oh my God,
please,” Ollie complained. “You’re not sleeping with any of my students.”


“Oh, don’t
worry, it’s only the simply gorgeous Maddie that I’m interested in. You
wouldn’t mind that, right, Ollie?” He goaded, wrapping an arm around my
shoulder and grinning at Ollie.


“Yes, I mind,”
he hissed, looking like he very much wanted to wrench me away from Jake. I
couldn’t help but think his possessive side was incredibly sexy.


“What if I were
to steal a kiss?” He moved his lips towards mine but I skilfully dodged.


“Too far,” I
assured him with a chuckle.


Jake pouted.
“But it would really annoy him. Look at his angry little face.”


“As much as
that would amuse me, I’m definitely not going to kiss you,” I informed him with
a chuckle.


“Hey, have you
got any cigarettes?” Ollie questioned suddenly, bouncing his leg up and down.


“Why?” I


 “To smoke,


“No way,” I
denied. “You’ve quit. I refuse to be the reason you have some kind of
unprofessional relapse. Just stick with the beard and that’ll be rebellious


Ollie snorted.
“I just like smoking at parties. I’m not going to smoke in real life.”


“I don’t want
to ruin your good role model-ness,” I teased.


Jake made an
incredulous noise at that. “We both know I’m far from a good role model,” he
retorted. “Now come on and let’s go smoke.”


“Fine.” I
conceded. “Are you coming?” I directed this at Hannah, who was just sipping on
a drink and didn’t look like she was particularly paying attention and Jake,
who was apparently still disappointed about my unwillingness to kiss him.


“Hm? Nah, it’s
too cold,” she dismissed. “And I’m super comfy. Just don’t be too long.”


“Yeah, I guess
I’ll just stay here and chat to Hannah,” Jake decided, a now devious look
returning to his face.


“Sure,” I
grinned at Ollie and sent Jake a warning look before filtering through the
people in the room and out of the back door. I was filled with the sudden
realisation that we were completely alone.


Looking around
the back garden, I decided to perch myself on a wall at the side of the house
which wasn’t at all visible from the windows, but was still lit up by the
outside lights enough to see. Retrieving the box of cigarettes from the
annoying handbag I didn’t enjoy carrying around, I passed one to Ollie and kept
one for myself, taking out my lighter and passing it to him.


“It’s been
surprisingly difficult to stay away from you all night,” Ollie commented
nonchalantly after taking a long drag. “Is Hannah going home soon?”


I grinned and
lit my own. “Hopefully,” I replied, eyeing him up and down eagerly. I had
almost presumed just from that statement that I would be going home with Ollie
tonight. I hoped I wasn’t going to be disappointed.


“You know, we
are rather alone right now…” he trailed off, tilting his head to the side


I didn’t even
hesitate before grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward, so that he was
stood in between my legs. “What exactly are you implying?” I questioned
innocently, my finger tracing a pattern on his chest.

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