Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults (16 page)

BOOK: Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults
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has the combination in case of emergency. I’m pretty sure
there’s enough cash in there to set us both up for life. But
it’s a two man job to get it out.”

Chris smiled at her,
“There’s my girl. Why is it a two man job? Get the
combination, go to the safe, and get the stuff.”

you crazy? We do that, we have cops on our tails from here to
eternity. I need to trick the combination out of Samara and give it
to you. She doesn’t know you and I are still talking or that
you’re in town. Bjorn’s going to New York next week. All
I need to do is get Samara out of the house. You get in, get the
cash, leave everything like you found it…we split the cash and
you go underground. I continue life as normal. No one’s the

but what happens when the money runs out?”

this is the mother lode if we play our cards right. We just gotta be
smart about this.”

do I get in to the apartment?”

an employee entrance. I’ll have a key card made and get it to

Chris was smiling

much you think is in there?”

don’t know man. But last week, Bjorn took Samara out and he
gave her a jeweled necklace to wear. It had like at least a 30 carat
diamond and it also looked like the chain was pure gold. Plus he gave
her a ring and a bracelet to match. I know those aren’t the
only jewels in there and that combo alone has to be a hundred grand
at least.”

The pleased smile on
Chris’ face widened.

Set it up. I’ll get in touch with Julio the Fence so we can get
the money quick. That Fredriksen guy might suspect that I’m

Alison frowned in
feigned puzzlement, “Why?”

Chris shrugged, “Well
I mighta have confronted him in front of the lawyer building. I
figured I might as well get my order in now that they were decidin’
how much cash to pay her for the kid.”

Alison shook her head
in annoyance. “It doesn’t work like that dad,” she

I figured. Anyway, so we need to do this fast.”

I’ll be in touch.”


Alison called Chris
three days later to let him know the operation was a go and that he
should go in at exactly 3:30pm. She and Samara would be out of the
house for an hour shopping at the nearest Whole Foods. Chris was
nervous but excited. He had the leather gloves and the combination to
the safe. It was time to get paid.

He drove to the back
entrance of the building, being careful to avoid cameras. He unlocked
the service entrance and made his way up the stairs listening
carefully for any sounds of another presence in the apartment. He
followed Alison’s instructions carefully, counting steps like
she’d told him to. Pretty soon he came up to a section of blank
cream wall. He felt along the side until he felt the slight
protrusion. He pressed down on it and the wall silently parted in two
to reveal an iron safe.

He stopped for a
minute to do a celebratory dance before he dug into his pockets, to
get the slip of paper with the combination. He pressed in the
numbers, holding his breath in trepidation; not sure if it would work
or not. He pressed in the last number and waited, hardly daring to
breath. There was a sound like pressure being released and then the
door separated. Chris reached slowly for the handle, pulling the door

he saw what was inside he couldn’t help the whoop of joy that
went through him. A stack of bills at the back and various velvet
pouches in front. He opened one to observe jewels of various types
winking at him from inside. Just one of these pouches would probably
set him up for
excitedly he poked around at the other containers and fingered the
stack of cash. He would give Alison one stack, say that was all there
was. Maybe a jewel or two. The rest he would keep and trade as
necessary. He brought one of the velvet pouches to his lips and
kissed it.

Chris. We made it,” he said to himself before leaning forward
and scooping everything into his back pack. He closed the safe back
and then returned the hiding place back to its original state. He
retraced his steps, almost skipping with excitement as he made his
way out.

He opened the service
door and looked up to find the barrel of a gun in his face.



Chris Khaled was
handcuffed to the table at the station, as an officer brought him a
cup of coffee and placed it down next to him.

Khaled we’ve checked out your story with your daughters.
Neither of them have the combination to the safe you claim they sent
you to rob. I’ve had confirmation of that from the owner of the
safe, Mr. Bjorn Fredriksen. Sooo, I don’t know if you’re
ready to tell us who really sent you to rob him?”

Chris shouted,
“They’re setting me up! I’m telling you! They are
setting me up! This wasn’t my idea.”

that so? Because these people who you claim set you up have hired a
lawyer for you,” the officer said.


He’s setting up your bail hearing as we speak.”

the fuck.”


is set at 600,000 dollars,” the judge said banging his gavel.
Chris slumped in his seat. He did not have that kind of cash.

Khaled, you’re free to go,” his lawyer said and Chris
looked up at him in shock.

free…to go?”

Your daughter paid your bail.”


Chris stood up and
walked slowly out of the court room. His head was ringing with the
conversations he’d had with his lawyer.

to twenty years….parole not guaranteed…”

He’d managed to
avoid jail for thirty years. The last time he’d seen the inside
of a jail cell was juvie. He couldn’t go back. He

Chris Khaled took the
next bus out of town. He disappeared without a trace.


think we’ll ever see him again?” Samara asked Alison as
she walked her up and down, rubbing her back gently.

don’t know. I doubt it,” Alison replied. “Anyway,
that’s not what’s important.”

that,” Amy said from her seat on Samara’s hospital bed.
“We gotta get this baby out safe.”

made a pained noise in the corner. He was the palest in the room and
not just because his skin was the whitest. He’d already thrown
up twice. Amy got down from the bed and went to rub

be okay,” she soothed. “This baby is gonna be just fine.”

Bjorn nodded tightly
as Dr. Lee stepped in the room with a smile.

people, I think we’re ready to get this show on the road. Let’s
get little Thomas out into the world where he belongs.” He

to that,” Samara said and went to put her feet in the stirrups.

Bjorn fainted.


and Samara spent their first night in their new home on the floor,
Jan's crib tucked into the corner of the living room with the fire at
their head, crickle crackling and snapping.
romantic," Samara commented, clinking her first glass of wine in
months with Bjorn's, then taking a long sip. They were sitting on a
square of three blankets in front of the fireplace, pillows scattered
around the edges of their "bed", bare, cold hardwood
flooring around them. "In a Benjamin Button kinda way, when they
had no furniture."
"We'll get some. The Joneses LA
is delivering everything tomorrow and I got you a magnificent
California king. You still have to pick and choose the rest of the
stuff that suits your taste."
"Don't remind me. I
still have baby brain; I don’t think I can think."
have Inga do it then," Bjorn said sensibly, grinning at the
incredulous look Samara sent him. "Or Alison."

rolled her eyes. "You know, it's your house too;
could do it."
She drank some more before she set her glass down and smirked at
Bjorn, inching her legs out wider and settling back on the flats of
her palms. "You ever heard the superstitions about christening a
new place?"

regarded her, took another sip of beer. "All the doors are
locked, nothing and nobody is getting in here."

shifted forward, walking on her knees until she was up in Bjorn's
face. "Wouldn't be so sure, Bjorn." Samara kissed him,
hardest kiss in weeks. Bjorn set his glass behind him and cradled
Samara's face in his hands, pushing into the kiss with a hungry
sound. When Samara moved closer, Bjorn rubbed his palms down her
sides, her hips, then brought Samara into his lap. Warm, solid weight
settled against him, the smell of sweet arousal in the air. Samara
broke the kiss to look over at the crib, but Bjorn brought her face

is okay. He's
Samara. He's perfect. Let me, God, please let me," Bjorn buried
his face in Samara's neck, hands mapping her back, the curve of her
ass. "Need you. Need to show you."

knocked her cheek into Bjorn's hair and sighed. "I’m
not... haven't been taking the pill."

looked at her, and though it burned his lips, Bjorn said, "I can
pull out. Or, or, probably a condom in my wallet, I can go get one."

looked back at him, expression tilting between even and... sad? Bjorn
swallowed and frowned. "What's wrong?"

kept the eye contact a bit longer, then sighed and looked away, teeth
catching her lip.

Bjorn asked again, soft as the fire's glow over their skin. "Samara?"

closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I was hopin' that...
maybe you'd want to uh, maybe you'd want." Samara stopped and
shook her head with a frustrated sound. "I don't know why, but
since Jan I've been feeling kinda like, I'm empty? Maybe it's 'cause
of postpartum or something but I've been thinking that, you said that
you wanted more kids, so—goddamit, Bjorn, I can't

moved to extract herself from Bjorn's lap but Bjorn banded his arms
around her and kept her right there. "Don't you dare," he
whispered harshly. "Don't you dare fuckin' move."


Bjorn leaned them down, put Samara on the blankets and covered her
hot, consuming
blooming with
sharp petals. Bjorn's frantic hands snap Samara's shirt buttons and
them. Samara groaned and bent her legs, thighs drawing in around
Bjorn's body. "Bjorn, I want another baby," she whispered.

but first you have to marry me.” He replied.

The end.

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