Her Secrets (7 page)

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Authors: Breena Wilde,12 NAs of Christmas

BOOK: Her Secrets
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Austin put a finger under
her chin and tilted her face up to meet his. “Willow.” He kissed her softly, tenderly, his lips massaging hers. “I love her. I’m in love with you. Nothing will happen, but if something does, she’ll be taken care of.” He kissed Willow harder, pushing her mouth opened, exploring with his tongue. She clawed at his back, begging with her body that he move closer. He lifted her into his arms and walked them into his bedroom—our bedroom.

was twice the size of the one she’d wakened in a month ago. It was lush, decorated in white and gold and black. An enormous chandelier hung in the middle of the room. There was a king-sized bed and a sitting area with a fireplace directly across from it. To the right was the on suite bathroom and next to that was an enormous walk in closet.

When he’d first shown
her the closet it’d been empty, stark, and she immediately thought of Laura, his dead wife, and cried for him.

Now it had clothes hanging
in it. There were shoes, jewelry, and lingerie.

Austin laid her
on the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

watched him, her lids half closed, as he walked into the closet. She sat and quickly pulled off her shoes. Then slid her dress over her head and lay down, in only her red bra and panties. A few moments later he came back, his hands behind his back.

He took in her barely concealed
body. His eyes grew hungry, lustful. One side of his mouth quirked up, and he kneeled beside the bed. “Were you hot?” he asked, his finger teasing her skin just above the waist of her panties.

Willow blushed. “A little.” She
sat up. “Aren’t we… I wanted…”

Austin placed a finger over her
lips. “Oh, we will. I want that too. But first I want to give you this.”

From behind his back he moved his hand and held it out. In
his palm was a black box.

eyes went from the box to his face and back again. “Austin?” she asked in awe.

He flipped the velvet box open. Inside was a large oval diamond with three rubies lining each side of it. The setting was platinum. The diamonds and rubies sparkled in the light.

“It’s beautiful.” Willow cupped his hand in hers.

“Willow St. James
, you’re the woman of my heart and soul.” He pulled the ring from the box, setting the box on the floor. “The diamond represents my everlasting love for you and the rubies represent the fire in my soul.”

Willow covered her mouth with her
hands, unable to believe what he was doing. Her lips twisted and funny noises came from her throat. At any second she knew the ugly cry would happen. Tears lined her lashes.

Austin continued, “The moment I saw your beautiful face in the Bandon library I knew I wanted to date you. And then when you recommended
The Count of Monte Cristo
as a light summer read, I knew I wanted to know you.”

Willow laughed-cried at that. She
remembered the look on his face. He hadn’t been convinced when she handed him the eleven-hundred-page book.

On our first date you took me to the beach. It was windy and cold but so beautiful. The tide was out and you walked me around the giant rocks, pointing out the anemones, starfish and different sea creatures. Your hair was down and kept blowing in your face. You took a hair band from your wrist and whipped your hair in a ponytail. The sun was setting and the rays hit the red in your hair, making it shine like fire. I gasped internally at your beauty.”

She swallowed. She remembered that day,
remembered going into the bathroom when she got home and being shocked at her appearance. No makeup, her hair a tangled mess.

“At that moment I fell in love with you. I wanted to be with you, spend every waking moment with you. When we weren’t together I was thinking about you.”

Willow nodded, understanding exactly what he was talking about. She’d felt the same way.

“The eight weeks we spent together were some of the best of my life. Leaving you nearly killed me, but I had to do it, to make sure. I didn’t want to be a broken man. I wanted to be whole, complete, and able to be the kind of man you deserved.”

Tears leaked onto her cheeks. She couldn’t stop crying.

Seeing you again, the night at the beach, I knew. Knew. I loved you more than ever. And I hoped you love me to.”

nodded, unable to say anything, too filled with emotion to speak.

His eyes watered. “Will you
marry me, Willow?”

She wiped the tears
. “Austin, I want to say yes, more than anything, but are you sure? I might be dead in four days, or paralyzed. Are you sure you want that? You’ve been through so much.”

“I’ll take you however I can get you, for as long as I can have you.”

“Then, yes. Yes. Yes. Of course I’ll marry you.”

slid the ring on her finger and kissed the palm of her hand. He got off his knees and kissed her lips, hard and full of passion. He put one knee between her legs and laid her back on the bed. Her tears immediately halted as hunger bloomed in her belly. His hands caressed her breasts over her bra. He teased her nipples until they were hard, pressing against the lace.

“Wait, wait,” she gasped, putting her
hands over his.

Austin growled. “I thought this is what you wanted.” He smirked and leaned down, kissing each breast
, the tip of his tongue swirling around the areola.

God, his mouth was incredible. “I know. It is. But not right now.”

Austin stopped and gazed into her eyes. “Why?”

“We’re going to be married in three days. I have a bajillion plans to make and you are going to have to resist my womanly charms until our wedding night.”

In response he moved his hand down, pushed aside her panties and slid a finger inside. “I don’t think I can.” He moved his finger in and out, then placed another inside.

Willow closed her
eyes, moaning at his touch. “You aren’t playing fair. How can I think when you’re doing that?”

Austin chuck
led, kissing her neck. His tongue trailed down between her breasts. She put her hands in his hair, moving her hips against his fingers. Delectable warmth built and tensed. She spread her legs wider, giving him easier access. He slid another finger inside. She moaned and writhed, squeezing her nipples. “I’m going to come, Austin. Fuck.”

With his other hand he rubbed her clit softly. That pushed her over the edge and she
screamed at the intensity of the orgasm.

Austin pulled his fingers out and brought them to his mouth. “You taste so good.”

She gave Austin a sultry smile. “I want you inside me.”

Austin shook his head in mock distain as he unbuttoned his pants and slid them off as well as his underwear. Then he climbed on the bed and
gave her what she wanted. She was so wet and he felt so good.

Austin moved in and out, slowly at fir
st. He leaned down and kissed her, sticking his tongue in her mouth. She kissed him back with all the love she felt. It was so strong it was overwhelming. Their bodies moved together and, as their kiss intensified, so did their movements.

“Will, I love you,” he said
, and thrust deep inside as his orgasm racked through him. He fell on top of her and wrapped his arms around her body.

They continued to kiss until she felt like they
were one.









After Austin and Willow cleaned up, they went downstairs. Willow’s mom and sisters were in the large Tuscan-styled kitchen. They were speaking quietly and putting cookies on baking sheets.

When the two of them came in, they turned to them

“We heard,” Willow’s
mom said, indicating the baby monitor.

“I’m so glad you’re go
ing to have the surgery,” Liz clarified, which Willow was grateful for. She had a momentary surge of humiliation when she thought her mom meant she heard them having sex.

and Sara came over and hugged Willow tightly. “Us too,” Sara said. Heather nodded as she fought not to cry.

After we hugged
, they went over and hugged Austin. Willow noticed her sisters lingered with their hugs. She laughed. It was understandable. The man was so good looking it was almost a crime.

“Thanks,” Willow said, placing her
left hand on the counter.

mom noticed first and screamed, scaring the crap out of her.

Heather, Sara and Liv flanked them. Willow’s mom held up her
hand for them to see.

“When did this happen?” Willow’s
mom asked.

“Just now,” Willow replied. Her sisters took turns holding her
hand and exclaiming how beautiful the ring was.

When they were finished, Austin said
, “We’re getting married here in three days. We’re going to need your help.”

sisters clapped their hands and squealed with glee. Her mom sat on one of the chairs and started to cry.

“Mom?” Willow wrapped her
arms around her mom’s shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

Austin handed her a tissue.
She wiped her eyes and kissed Willow’s cheek. “It’s just I’m so happy. So happy for both of you. For Emma. You deserve it. You both do. This is what I hoped would happen.”

squeezed her tighter. “Me too, mom.”

She patted Willow
on the shoulder.

“What am
I going to do about a dress?” Willow asked, kissing her on the cheek.

Austin cleared his throat. We all looked at him.

“I may have a connection or two. Let me make some calls.”

Sara fan
ned herself. Liv whispered in Willow’s ear, “You better hold on to this one because if you don’t, I’m going after him.”

laughed. “I’ll remember that.”

Austin came over and
kissed Willow on the forehead. “I’ll be down the hall in my office. Will you be alright without me?”

“I’ll manage,” she
said hugging him.

He kissed
her full on the mouth, tongue and everything, then left.

mom and sisters started talking at once. Sara grabbed a pen and paper from a drawer near a computer in the kitchen. She wrote across the top:
Willow’s Wedding Plans.

“Where should we have it?” Heather asked.

“That’s easy,” her mom said. “We’ll have it outside. The ceremony will happen on the gazebo.”

“I’d like that,” Willow said, wishing she could have her
wedding on the beach. That was her favorite place and that was where she’d always dreamed of having her wedding. But she was getting her dream guy; she could be okay without having her dream wedding.

“We need a priest, chairs, flowers, food, a cake.” Sara put her hands on her head and pulled at her hair. “There’s so much to do.”

They all laughed.

Willow took Sara’s hand
. “I have all I need. I can get married in this as long as you guys are there as well as Emma and, of course, Austin.”

“Pish posh,” her
mom tutted. “We can get something together in three days.”

“Right,” Liv agreed. “There are wedding shops that have dresses we can just go in and buy.”

“Absolutely, and if it needs to be altered, I can do it,” Heather said.

“I can make a cake,” Sara said. “It’s what I’m good at. Baking.”

Heather rolled her eyes and they laughed.

Austin came back in. “I’ve a friend who’ll be over in an hour to show you some designs for your wedding dress.”

“Really?” Willow asked, worried.

I also have someone coming with cake samples as well as a party planner.”

mouth fell open. “On such short notice?”

“I’ve never used my position for anything ever. It’s about time I started calling in favors.”

Willow walked around the granite countertop and jumped into his arms. “You’re amazing.”

“I know.” He winked. “I’ve got a tux and the priest. I told him we wanted an
evening wedding on Thursday. That’ll work, right?”

nodded, unable to speak.

, hey, hey,” he said, kissing her cheek.

Willow wrapped her
body around him, clinging to him. “I love you, Austin.”

“Love you too, Will.









Willow dreamed about the surgery. She
was on the table, lying on her stomach. She could feel the blade go into her back, feel the doctor cutting away the tumors, and she was screaming.

“Will. Wil
low. Wake up.”

She opened her
eyes afraid she’d find herself on the table.

Austin touched her face. “Get dressed.”

“Why? What’s wrong? Did something happen to Emma?”

He smiled sweetly. “No, Emma’s fine. I’ve got a surprise. Wear something warm.”

“Okay.” She tossed back the covers and went to the closet. She
put on jeans, a thick cable-knit sweater, and a pair of cowboy boots Austin bought her. Then she went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and pulled her hair into a messy bun. When she finished she came out of the bathroom. Austin was sitting on the edge of the bed, one knee bouncing up and down. “Is there something you want to tell me?” she asked walking toward him.

He stood and grabbed her hand, dragging her
down the stairs. “It’s a surprise. Remember?”


When he opened the front door, she pulled them to a stop. “Are we leaving? What about Emma?”

mom came around the corner. She had on a silk bathrobe and pink, fluffy slippers. “Me and your sisters will take care of Emma. Go.” Willow realized her mom was crying.

“Mom?” she
asked, a nervous wave washing over her.

‘I’m fine. Happy. Just go.”

“Come on,” Austin tugged her through the door and into a waiting limousine. He was bubbling over with excitement.

“What time is it?” she

He shrugged. “Like seven-thirty
in the morning.” He helped her in and climbed in after. The limousine started moving. “Can you give me a hint about where we’re going?”

He shook his head. “It’s a surprise, Will.”

She started to ask another question and he stopped her with a kiss. When it was over he said, “We’re flying somewhere.”

“Oh?” Willow
thought it was sweet he wanted to surprise her, but she didn’t want to be away from Emma or her mom and sisters. There were only two days left. She’d spent all day yesterday trying on dresses until she found one that was perfect. It was a simple white dress. The bodice was sleeveless and had folds of material that went in a diagonal. At the waist was a “belt” made of real diamond flowers. The bottom half was straight and puddled around her feet. The designer had clapped her hands and exclaimed loudly that she’d made the dress for Willow, that she looked divine and had to have it. Willow had asked her how much it was. The designed pressed her lips together in a tight line. “Not to worry. Mr. Merrick is handling the expense.”

wanted to argue, but the look on the designer’s owlish face discouraged her.

Then there’d been the woman who was makin
g the wedding cake. She and Austin tasted them together and decided on a vanilla with strawberry cream. The cake would be white with flowers that matched her diamond “belt.”

After that she and Austin
spoke to the party planner. It would be a small affair, with some friends and family. They discussed flowers, food, an open bar, and dancing. The night sounded like one to remember and by the end of the day Willow was tired, but contently happy.

t’ll be a quick trip. I promise,” Austin said, brining her out of her thoughts.

“Alright.” Willow leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Austin squeezed her

arrived at the airport and climbed aboard his jet. Austin pulled a black scarf from his jacket pocket. “This is so you don’t get any ideas.”

laughed. “Uh-huh. Right. Tell the truth, you’ve got kinky plans for me.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “May
be.” He placed the scarf over her eyes and the pilot took off. While they were in the air Austin fed her grapes, strawberries that smelled freshly picked and a delicious almond flavored pastry. To wash it down they had champagne.

“It’s a lit
tle early for that, isn’t it?” Willow asked giggling. The bubbles tickled her nose.

“It’s never too early for champagne.”

After they ate, he read to her from The Count of Monte Cristo. She loved listening to his voice. The deep timbre, the way his voice caressed the words. If she hadn’t been in love with him before, she would’ve been now. There was something extremely sexy about a man reading out loud.

More than once
Willow tried to attack him. They hadn’t made love last night since she’d said they needed to wait until their wedding night. She was seriously regretting that crazy decision.

Austin laughed. “Oh, no. You don’t get any of me until after we’re married, young lady.”

Willow whined playfully, rubbing the front of his pants. “Come on, just a little make out, that’s all I want.” There was something freeing about the blindfold. She felt bolder and dove for where she thought his pants were and ended up smacking her forehead into his knee.

“You need to
relax,” he said, laughing.

She sat up, rubbing her
forehead. “Fine.”

He pulled her
into his arms and kissed her forehead, then her eyes, and the tip of her nose, each of her cheeks, her chin, and her neck near her ear. She reveled in the feeling, enjoying the warm scent of his aftershave and the way his lips caressed her skin.

Chills ran the length of her body. “You are evil,” she said, her
voice breathy.

He turned her so she
was fully on his lap and kissed between her breasts.

o evil,” she said again, panting.

He tucked her
head against his shoulder. “Sleep if you want, love.”

She closed her eyes. “Impossible,” she pouted, sure she
was too turned on to sleep, but it seemed like minutes later he was helping her to get buckled for the descent.


“Can I take off the blindfold?” Willow asked, touching the soft material still around her eyes.

Austin pushed them away. “Not yet.” He helped her off the plane and into another limousine. The brief moments outside told her nothing about their whereabouts.

He fed her
some dry wine, cheese, and green apples during the drive. She couldn’t see, but she could taste the flavors. The combination was delicious.

When they stopped, Austin helped her
out of the car. She immediately knew where they were. It was the sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean that gave it away. She knew she was home. Willow yanked the blindfold off and threw herself into Austin’s arms.

“What did you do?” she
whispered into his neck.

You’ll see,” he said, hugging her tightly.

walked hand in hand down the wooden steps. Wild flowers and thistles grew on either side. She ran her hand along the tops. The wind whipped at her hair and she leaned into it, enjoying the heat from the setting sun. When they rounded the bend next to their rock she noticed a man in black. He had a book in his hands and a white collar around his neck.

stopped, focusing her gaze on him. “Austin, you didn’t.”

He turned to her and touched her cheek. “Your mom told me you
always dreamed of getting married at the beach. I had to make that happen.”

“Serious?” Willow
said. Tears of happiness streamed down her face. “That is… You are the kindest man I’ve ever known.”

He took her hand and they
walked toward the priest.

When they
were close, the priest smiled and closed the distance. “You must be Austin and Willow?” he asked, sticking out his hand.

Austin shook it
. “That’s us,” he said.

The priest smiled. “I’m Reverend Smythe. It’s goo
d to meet you both.” He shook Willow’s hand, giving her a small wink.

“You too,” Willow said.

“Well, if we want to do this while the sun is setting we’d better get a move on.” Reverend Smythe turned and walked back to where he’d been standing.

Willow was still crying as they walked toward their
rock. It was a beautiful day. A tender peace filled her heart.

This is a good sign, right
she thought. 

Smythe stood with his back facing the ocean and the sunset. Willow and Austin stood on either side of him.

“Please take each other’s hands.”

They did. There was always a crowd on the beach at sunset. Several stopped to watch.

“Do you
, Austin Merrick, take Willow St. James to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, honor her, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?”

listened to the Reverend, but inside all she kept thinking was,
it’s happening. This is really happening. I can’t believe this is happening.

Austin said, “I do.”

The priest turned to Willow. “Do you, Willow St. James, take Austin Merrick to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?” At the reverend’s words, she got choked up. She hoped it would be for a long, long time, but it might be only two more days.

shook her hands. “Will?”

swallowed. “I do. Of course I do.”

Reverand Smythe smiled. “Then by the power vested in
me by the state of Oregon, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Austin pulled her
to him, lifted her into his arms and kissed her. Cheers came from the random crowd behind them. When he set her down, they shook the Reverend’s hand again.

“Thank you, sir,” Willow

“Thanks,” Austin said.

“You’re welcome. My work here is done.” While the priest walked away, the random people went over to Willow and Austin and congratulated them.

It was the best moment of her
life aside from the birth of Emma.

“I love you, Austin. Thank y
ou so much for doing this. It was perfect.”




After the wedding and a lovely dinner overlooking the coastline, they went to Willow’s house. It was stuffy. She and Austin went around opening windows.

“Well, Mrs. Merrick, what do you intend to do with this house now that you’re going to be living with me?”

She beamed internally at the way he called her Mrs. Merrick. “I’m not sure. My mom and sisters already have their own.” She shrugged. “I guess I’ll put it up for sale.” The thought of leaving the house made her sad. She had so many fond memories there, but she couldn’t expect her mom and sisters to keep it up. Plus, she still had a mortgage.

Austin came up behind her
and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You want to keep it, don’t you?”

Willow’s body tingled at his touch. She did want to keep it, but if she
had to choose between Austin and the house, there was no contest. Of course she’d choose Austin.

“Not as much as I want to be with you. But we should probably put it on the market quickly. I have a little savings, but the next mortg
age payment is coming up soon.” She turned and put her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

His face was serious. “You love it here, don’t you?” he asked after a kiss that was too short.

She nodded. “I always imagined taking Emma to the same beach I grew up on, but it’s okay. We’ll make new memories at your house, which is so small we’ll be cramped, but I’ll manage.” Willow was being sarcastic and Austin knew it. His house was a mansion with over ten thousand square feet. She wasn’t even sure she’d seen the whole thing yet. There were also two guesthouses, a pool house, and a barn. His shack sat on twenty-five acres. She knew for a fact she hadn’t seen the entire expanse of his land.

“Yes, it is tiny.” He smirked. “And we will make new memories at
house, but the beach is a part of you. How about we buy a house overlooking the beach?”

gasped. “Are you serious?” That’d been her dream; something she figured would never happen on the small salary she received at the library.

After your surgery, we’ll come back and look. I saw a little piece of land that would be the perfect spot to build a beach house.

hugged him. “That would be beyond fantastic.” It was yet another hope contingent upon her surviving the surgery.

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