Her Secret Wish (14 page)

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Authors: J.M. Madden

Tags: #Fiction, #Military, #Romance

BOOK: Her Secret Wish
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One of Rachel’s strong hands slid beneath the couch cushion to grip his ass while the other held the base of his cock for her mouth to explore.

Dean was shocked at how confidently, how completely, she held his pleasure in her hands. She took him to the very edge of climax, then moved her mouth to kiss other areas, letting him regain control. It was during one of these times that he wrested control from her.

With a strong grip beneath her shoulders he lifted her up into his arms.

“I wanted to finish you that way,” she complained.

“Another time,” he growled. “It’s my turn to explore.”

He reclined her over his lap, his erection nestled beneath her ass. When she settled and flexed one of her legs he got a flash of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs as the fabric rode high. Immediately, he was right on the edge of climax again. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

Holding her shoulders with his left arm, he used his right to explore. Tracing a finger up the length of her thigh, he ran it beneath the edge of the beautiful negligee. Yes, she was completely bare. Her outer curls were soaked with arousal and he played there for a moment, praying that he could hold off his own pleasure long enough for her to come first.

She didn’t want to just lay back and let him do everything, though. With a twist she cupped the back of his head and brought him closer until their mouths connected. Dean sank into her sweetness, wondering how the hell he’d been lucky enough to find her. Rachel moaned, her tongue gliding against his.

Dean started to caress her outer curls till his finger slipped into her moisture and into the heat of her body. Her clit pulsed beneath his thumb as he circled it, then again, and again. Rachel ripped her mouth away, gasping as he circled faster and faster. It was when he began to tap that she let out a muffled scream and came.

Dean clutched her to him, fondling her lightly to prolong her pleasure, but within just a few seconds she pushed away from him and stood. Then, before he had a chance to say anything, she spread her thighs and straddled his lap. Unerringly, his cock slid deep within her. They both cried out and stilled. Rachel’s inner muscles quivered around his length and he knew that as soon as she started to move he would be done.

As if she heard his thoughts she sat deep into his lap, her long elegant thighs spread around them, and she started to grind. Her hands were clasped on his shoulders and neck, so he was free to cup her swollen breasts in his palms. The lace was also flexible enough that he could lift her breasts free of the cups. Dean shook his head at the sultry, sexy picture they made.

Her hips started a mind-numbing swivel and all coherent thought left his mind. Three times she moved like that, her eyes closed and head lolled back, and he was a goner. The orgasm that he’d been holding at bay rocketed up through his cock unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and he let the pleasure burn through his body. At some point he gripped her hips to hold her close as she convulsed with her own orgasm. Eventually she melted against him, tucking into his chest, and they just basked in the lingering pleasure.

Dean cradled Rachel to him and was overcome with an emotion so profound he’d never felt it before. It curled in around his heart as surely as she was curled in his lap. It was humbling and heartening and he wanted it to last forever.

*     *     *

Tears burned in
Rachel’s eyes, but she refused to let them fall. What they had done was stunning but she refused to be a blubbering mess around Dean. Instead, breathing steadily to calm her heart, she stroked her hand up his neck to cup the back of his head. Then she kissed him, trying to tell him more than any words could how much she appreciated him and enjoyed being with him. He rocked her world. Period.

Her balance swam as he pushed to his feet, with her still cradled in his arms. She felt him kick his pants away, his chest muscles bulging as he balanced them. Rachel was not a small woman by any means, but Dean did not seem to even notice her weight.

Angling to the side to clear the doorway, he swept into her bedroom, then her master bath. There he set her on her feet.

Rachel glanced up into the mirror and chuckled softly. They both looked royally fucked—no lie. Dean stepped behind her, grinning, and cupped her lace-covered breasts. “You can welcome me home like that anytime, sweetheart.” Then he frowned. “Although we didn’t use anything to prevent a pregnancy.”

She smiled, loving the concern she saw in his eyes. “As long as you’re clean, it’s not an issue. I have a long-term IUD in.”

His glorious eyes flared with excitement. “I’m completely clean and you have no idea how happy that makes me. Thank you, Rachel.”

He nipped at her neck as he tweaked her nipples and Rachel’s knees went weak. Her head fell back against his shoulder and she trusted him to hold her firm.

Then it hit her. She
trust him. Implicitly. He’d been there for her every time she’d needed him for the past two weeks. But the more devastating revelation was that she
him in her life. Not just as an every two days’ fuck. She wanted to be with him and talk about his days—both good and bad. And she wanted to talk about her days with him. She didn’t really have anyone she could do that with.

One of Dean’s hands cupped her pubic area, a single finger sliding into the wetness there. She hadn’t cleaned up yet and she had to be soaked. But he certainly didn’t seem to mind as he explored her with his long finger. Rachel thought she was done and satisfied, but just that easily he reignited that fire.

When he pulled away without doing more, she growled in frustration. Though she’d come not even ten minutes ago she now wanted more.

Dean chuckled at her expression, dropping a kiss to her pursed lips. “I’m cold. Let’s warm up.”

Rachel hadn’t realized that
let’s warm up
meant screw against the shower wall hard enough to create their own steam. Next time, she would read that glint in his heavenly eyes better.

*     *     *

But the more
they made love, it seemed like the more they wanted and the more they needed each other. Sensual dreams woke her in the predawn light. When she reached for Dean, he seemed to be waiting for her, mouth smiling and dick hard. Rachel had never been so wrapped up in a man’s scent and feel. The sensation of him moving strongly within her, bringing them both immeasurable pleasure, became a drug to her.

It took him a few moments to recover but Rachel enjoyed the time, cradling him to her. When he finally lifted himself off and to the side, he propped his head on his hand to grin at her. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“I can’t get enough of you,” she admitted to him as they separated.

He shrugged and gave her a smile that was chagrined and cheeky. “What can I say? I’m addicting. But believe me, it goes both ways. I had incredible sex with a beautiful woman last night, several times, and slept in her bed, wrapped in her scent. How could I not be hard when I woke up?”

Rachel grinned. Good. If she was going to be plagued by these needs, she was glad he was, too.

They got ready for work together and said goodbye in the driveway, lingering over kisses. Rachel didn’t want to let him go, but the emotion seemed mutual.

“Text me later and let’s try to get together.”

She nodded, more than happy to do that. “Definitely.”

“I’ll see you later, babe.” He paused as if he wanted to say something else, then thought better of it, waved and ducked into the cab of his truck.

Rachel shoved her helmet on her head and swung her leg over the bike seat. The motorcycle roared beneath her as she started it, but it wasn’t as satisfying today for some reason. She thought about their goodbye. It seemed incomplete somehow.

I love you
from each of them to the other would have finished the conversation. The only thing was that she didn’t know if either one of them were ready for that yet.

Chapter Thirteen

heir reconnection didn’t
happen that night. Or the next. An emergency contract came down the pipeline and Duncan tapped her to be one of the investigators assigned to it. In Nevada.

As Rachel checked the contents of her emergency go bag, she wondered if she had time to call Dean before she boarded the plane.

Shannon stuck her head in the doorway. “Duncan’s looking for you.”

Sighing, Rachel flung the bag over her shoulder. She’d have to call him from the airport.

*     *     *

Dean checked his
phone when he finally had a minute to spare. It had been wall-to-wall crazies today for some reason. Without even looking at a calendar, he could just tell that it was almost a full moon. The crazies always crawled out of the woodwork when the gravitational pull of the earth was lightest.

Damn. He’d missed a call from Rachel. As he pressed the button for voicemail, he grinned, wondering what she would be wearing tonight.

“Hey, Dean, something’s come up and I have to go to Nevada for a case.” She sighed over the line. “Not sure how long I’ll be but I will try to call you at some point. Not even sure what kind of op I’ll be on, exactly. Guess we’ll have to have our date when I come back. Don’t worry. I bought other things at Victoria’s Secret.” She paused. “I wish I didn’t have to leave. Seems like we’re just getting to the good part. I’ll talk to you as soon as I can. Love you. Bye.”

Wait, what?

His heart stuttered in his chest then started to race – 0 to 60 in 2.0 words.

Dean fumbled his phone, trying to remember which button to hit to replay the message. No way. She hadn’t said it. He’d just imagined hearing it. Right?

The message started again and he put it on speaker phone. “…talk to you as soon as I can. Love you. Bye.”

For the second time in two days she rocked him to his very core.
Love you
. She’d said it. He had absolutely heard it.

Did she even realize she’d said it?

She was so hard to read sometimes. As he was leaving this morning he’d almost told her the same thing. Laughing, he punched the steering wheel of the cruiser, then again. Then he gripped the wheel and yelled into the dash.

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