Her Secret (29 page)

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Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #erotica, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #love triangle, #shifter, #sar, #devlin, #werecougar, #danial, #promise me, #sarelle, #tara fox hall, #promise me series

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“Devlin has only to sink his fangs in, and
then take them out. It will be painful for a half second, until he
withdraws. Then I’ll begin healing the bite and taking the pain

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.
“Okay. I’m ready. Do it.”

Titus got a bunch of powders from a leather
satchel, and stirred them together with his finger. The mixture
took on an ice blue color. He held his wrist to Devlin. Devlin took
it, opening a shallow cut with one fang and a shake of his head.
Titus added one drop of blood to the mixture. It began to glow, the
color changing until it was a smoky gray color, pulsating

“Devlin,” Titus intoned.

Devlin took tight hold of me, baring his
fangs and positioning himself, then tilting my neck to the side. He
looked to Titus.

Titus nodded to him. “Now.”

Devlin sank his fangs all the way in, biting
me as deeply as he could. The rush of pleasure hit me like a
freight train and I began to climax, drawing in a deep shaking
breath to cry out my joy. Intense pain suddenly hit me. I screamed,
my muscles tensing involuntarily as I jerked back, trying to get
away. A second later, Dev withdrew and Titus began smoothing some
of the glowing mixture over the bite. The pain eased immediately. I
relaxed limply back into Devlin’s arms.

“It will take some time for this to heal,”
Titus said, applying a little more mixture. “Hold still now.” He
dipped his head, his hot lips sliding over my skin as he licked my
spilled blood.

“What does she taste like to you?” Devlin
asked curiously. “Lash said he couldn’t taste the sweetness I

Titus sat back on his knees, studying me.
“She tastes of me,” he said, incredulous.

“What?” Devlin and I both said together.

Titus ran his tongue across his lips. “She
tastes of demon.”




Sar is part demon?”
Devlin said, shocked. “That can’t be. I know the taste of demon
blood. There is no taint to her.”

“There has to be,” Titus said, still savoring
the taste of my blood. “I can taste it in her.”

“I cannot, which I find odd. It must be only
a slight taint,” Devlin mused. “How and when did it happen?”

“When Terian and Danial fought years ago,
Danial cut Terian,” I supplied. “After Danial was safe, and Terian
had gone, I went to get the knife. I tried to clean it off, but the
blood seemed to stick to my hands. I had to rub really hard to get
it off.”

“You rubbed it into your skin,” Titus said,
glancing at Devlin.

“That’s what Terian said when I told him,” I
continued. “He said that my skin absorbed some of his blood,
altering me.”

“You were resistant to the vampire virus
before, and this made you more resistant,” Titus explained. “It
strengthened your natural immunity. This is probably why you were
able to carry the dhamphir to term. It’s also likely why you
survived your miscarriage.”

Devlin kissed my neck again. “Perhaps that is
why you taste of summer,” he whispered into my ear. “I never had
your blood before you were exposed. If I had, I’d guess the taste
would have been lighter and less heady, closer to spring.”

Closer to Anna’s, you mean.

Titus checked my bite, then wiped it clear of
luminous material. Taking a small mirror from my wall, he held it
up so I could see Dev’s bite. It was a twin now for the mark on the
other side of my neck. Logical; it had been made by the same pair
of fangs.

“Will this one stay?” I asked him. “Danial
marked me two years ago like this. The scars healed over the

“I can’t say,” Titus said. “Devlin?’

Devlin shrugged. “I can’t say either. I
marked Anna before she was as you are now. Her scars never faded,
as your older one from me won’t. But the new one might with time.”
He gave me a grin. “Don’t worry, Love. I’ll be around enough to
sink myself into you anytime you need me to.” He turned my head up
and back towards him, then kissed me passionately.

Maddened with sudden desire, I ran my hand
back through his hair to hold his lips on mine.

“We’d better get moving,” Titus rumbled
uncomfortably, rising from his knees to stand beside the couch.
“There is a lot to do and not much time.”

“You are going to have to kick Lash,” Devlin
said, breaking the kiss. “Or go it alone. The warmth of you and
Sar’s fire put him to sleep.”

Lash lay unmoving in the corner of the couch,
his head on his arms, facing the wall.

“You kick him,” Titus grumbled. “You know how
he gets in winter, especially when he gets this comfortable.”

“He must be exhausted,” I said
sympathetically. “Why not just nudge him or put your hand on his
shoulder and shake him?”

Dev nibbled my shoulder gently. “He’ll bite,”
he stated. “It’s instinct.”

I moved back from Lash,
crowding close to Dev.

“He hates winter and cold,” Devlin
elaborated. “Right now, he’s warm and content, probably wishing we
were back in Rio. He’s not going to like being woken up, especially
to have to go back out in the cold.”

“Can’t you say his name to wake him,

“He’ll strike then possibly, too,” Titus
rumbled. “Either with his knife or his whip.”

We all stayed where we were, unmoving, for
several minutes. Lash kept sleeping.

“Grab the poker from the wood stove,” Devlin
said finally. “I’ll grab him, when he strikes. Sar, move over
behind me. I want you out of striking distance.”

Titus got the poker as Devlin maneuvered his
body between mine and Lash’s. Then Devlin nodded at Titus. From a
safe distance, Titus gave Lash a sharp jab in the back. Utterly
silent, Lash erupted, eyes shut and fangs spread wide, striking in
the direction of Titus. Devlin darted forward and grabbed him
gently at the neck, holding him back.

“Lash!” Devlin said loudly.

Lash blinked his eyes, then shoved Devlin’s
arm away. He shrugged his clothes back into place, more from
irritation then that he was disheveled. His forked tongue came out
vibrating madly as he hissed, baring his fangs. Angrily, he turned
to Devlin.

“Fuck, Dev, couldn’t you have gone and had
sex with Sar again and let me sleep?”

I blushed, not knowing what to say. Lash
continued bitching a blue streak.

“I’ve been up all day and all last night and
the day before, since we got back! Hayden’s a shitpile—”

Dev cast a worried look at Titus.

“There’s a lot still to do, and most of it is
inside work,” he rumbled. “We have trees to clear from that massive
storm that hit in early November.”

That storm had flattened one of my trees too,
causing a power outage. Theo and I had lit candles. We had...I shut
down the memory, then buried it beneath a sea of images of myself
and Devlin.

Lash was still bitching. “Don’t fucking say
‘trees to clear’ like it’s a pile of twigs, Demon. We have at least
three large trees blocking the back supply road. They need to be
sawn up and moved out before any supplies are delivered from the

“Leave them,” Devlin said firmly, putting his
hand on Lash’s shoulder. “We’ve all got more important things to
do. Titus can teleport any lumber directly from the truck inside
the house, if it comes to that. I need you en route as soon as

Lash looked at him, then nodded once. Without
a word, he got up, and headed for the door, Titus and Devlin
following. Curious, I followed.

Titus went out first, after a small smile of
farewell. Lash stood at the door, as if waiting for something.

Make an effort to be a good hostess. “Do you
want an extra blanket?” I offered.

Lash looked at me, his flat eyes concealing
if he was amused or irritated. “Titus will keep the Hummer warm
enough. At least I’m not in Europe. Russian winters are the worst.”
He turned to Devlin. “Why can’t you ask me for simple shit?”

“Thanks again for doing this, Lash,” Devlin
said, clasping Lash on the arm.

Surprisingly, Lash did the same to Devlin.
“It’s about time that you’re finally doing something to regain your
power, Dev,” he replied, grinning widely. “I was getting tired of
being a second-class citizen.” His grin faded. “South America was
nice and warm, but it’s not home.”

He stepped back as Devlin released him, then
faced me. For a moment he stared, then he moved his jaws, the lower
one unhinging as he bared one fang at me in a wide lopsided smile.
“Thanks for the blood.”

“What exactly are you doing for Dev?” I
asked, repressing a shiver.

Lash’s eyes flicked to Devlin, then he turned
to leave.

I reached out and touched his back. “Wait,

He turned so fast I jumped backwards. Devlin
caught me.

“Don’t ever touch me, Sar,” Lash hissed at
me. “Not ever.”

He came toward me, moving his head and
shoulders from side to side, his tongue flicking until I was backed
up against Devlin’s chest and couldn’t go any farther.

“You were anyone else, I’d backhand you,” he

. “I gave you my blood,” I said
angrily. “Answer the question. We’re on the same side.”

“Are we?” Lash hissed menacingly.

“Past is past,” Devlin interjected. “She is
Oathing to me, Lash. That puts her on our team. Answer her.”

I expected an apology. Instead, Lash’s flat
eyes bored into mine, until I was the one who looked away. “We’re
trying to protect you from those who’d like to make you little more
than a brood mare,” he hissed. “That is all you need to know.” He
grasped my chin. “Anything else you want to say?”

“Good luck,” I said quietly. “Godspeed.”

“Demon speed, you mean,” he said
sarcastically. “God has no place in this.” He turned from me and
walked outside.

Devlin gently moved me aside, and went after
him. I stayed in the doorway, waiting.

Together, they walked to the SUV, then Lash
got in the Hummer. A few seconds later, he handed something to
Devlin through the SUV window, and then the window went back up
quickly. Dev hit the side of the vehicle lightly once as it left,
its headlights disappearing around the turn of the driveway.

Relieved the visit was over, I reached up and
touched the newer scar.

“It looks as it should,” Devlin commented,
coming back inside, a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. “Very
nicely done, if I do say so myself.” He handed me two dozen
beautifully wrapped fire and ice roses.

I took them with a smile. “Thank you. You
didn’t have to, you know.”

“I enjoyed sending you flowers from afar, but
I prefer to give them to you myself, Love,” Dev said casually,
walking to the basement door. “Come below when you’ve seen to the

“I’ll be a while,” I answered haltingly. “I’d
like to shower first.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Devlin purred
temptingly. “I’ll be back shortly.” He gave me a smoky look, then
descended the stairs.

Though my loins had me longing to follow, I
shook off my desire and quickly tidied up the kitchen and living
room. Although three beings had fed on me here, there were no blood
spatters visible. Relieved, I settled the pets for the night,
including giving the dogs a couple bribery Cheweez each for
patience and understanding, then quickly stuck the flowers into two
vases, leaving them on the bedroom dresser.

Devlin hadn’t returned. Instead of starting
the shower, I decided to make the most of his absence. He’d marked
me tonight and I wanted to celebrate it.

I went to the linen closet and got the satin
sheets that Theo had hated. Vindictively, I put them on the bed
upstairs, then pushed open the closet door to survey my lingerie
choices. My eyes went first to the matching slip.

No, I’d worn that for Theo
. I yanked
it off the hanger and stuffed it into the garbage.

As the minutes stretched, it became apparent
that Theo aside, I didn’t have anything that hadn’t either come
from Danial, or that I hadn’t worn for him in the time we’d been
together. This wasn’t a night for recycling outfits. I wanted
something that was Devlin’s alone, something he didn’t have to

I went to the spare closet, cursing as I
shoved boxes of books out of the way. Opening the door, I pushed my
old prom gown and my wedding dress aside, and pulled out a
protective bag way at the back. Quickly, I brought it into the
bedroom and unwrapped it.

I’d worn this long ivory slip gown only once:
on my wedding night for Brennan, years ago. The top of the bodice
was silk with satin and lace inlay, beads and sequins all down the
front in a V-pattern. The lightly gathered sheer skirt scalloped on
both sides like an upside down tulip. I’d felt beautiful once
wearing this. It would be perfect if it still fit.

“Sar,” Devlin called from downstairs. “Come
down, please.”

Curious, I hung the gown on the back of the
door, grabbed one vase of roses, and went downstairs. Dev had just
finished making up the large bed with new sumptuous sheets. Instead
of the expected black, they were a silvery gray color. I put the
vase of flowers on the nightstand, and helped him finish putting
the comforter in position.

“These are beautiful. I’ll take the old ones
upstairs and wash them. Do you have any clothes you want me to

Devlin looked at me in surprise. “No. They
weren’t really dirty; I just prefer my own.”

He hadn’t commented on my odd need to plow; I
wouldn’t comment on him needing his “security” sheets. I nodded

“Are you hungry?” he asked.


“Aren’t you hungry?” he repeated, concerned.
“I’d expect you would be.”

“Yes, but I really want a shower first.”

“Shall we go take one then, Love?” He offered
me his hand.

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