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Authors: Grace Callaway

Tags: #Romance

Her Protector's Pleasure (44 page)

BOOK: Her Protector's Pleasure
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"By the by," Marianne said, "I have something for you."

"I thought we agreed on no gifts for our anniversary," he said with faint alarm.

'Twas one of the few sticking points between them. Marianne enjoyed showering him with ...
While he appreciated the thought, he felt wholly inadequate at returning the favor. When it came to trinkets, his wife had expensive tastes, and since he refused to touch her money, he was left with few options. He'd stuck with poesies and the like and though Marianne always had stars in her eyes when he bought her anything, privately he wished he might give her more.

Thank God for his mother's ring. 'Twas one thing he'd given Marianne that he knew she adored, for she never took it off. The emerald winked at him now as she handed him a box the size of a pack of cards.

"It's not a gift for our anniversary," she said. "Open it."

Resigned, he untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. An elegant silver calling card case gleamed in a nest of tissue. He took the case out, his thumb brushing over his engraved initials.

"It's very fine," he said. "Thank you."

"Look inside," she said.

The case contained thick ivory calling cards, with his name, the direction to his new office, and the words "Enquiries Welcome" embossed in black.

"I hope I had enough made. You're going to be such a smashing success," she said confidently.

Emotion tightened his chest. He didn't know what he'd done in his life to deserve such a woman. Putting the box down, he leaned over and kissed her with everything he had been, was, and hoped to become.

"You're very welcome," she said breathlessly, moments later.

He caressed her cheek. "You've given me so much, Marianne. It shames me to say that I haven't anything to offer in return."

"As a matter of fact, that is untrue."

"I mean any material thing," he clarified. "You must know that my heart and my soul are yours."

"That's comforting to know, of course," his wife replied, "but in addition you have recently given me a rather substantial and undoubtedly material gift."

He gave her a puzzled look. "My mother's ring? I gave that to you months ago."

"Guess again, darling."

"That volume of poetry I gave you last week was hardly substantial," he muttered.

She peered at him from beneath her lashes. "Do you need a hint, Mr. Kent?"

Perplexed, he nodded.

"Now this gift has not yet arrived, but I believe you made an initial deposit during our stay with the Hartefords. In the solarium?"

His mind raced back two months. They'd spent Christmas at the Hartefords' country estate, where Marianne had orchestrated the wedding of Black's daughter. And alone in the solarium one midnight, beneath the twinkling stars, they'd—

His jaw dropped. "You're …

"Bull's-eye, Mr. Kent." Her eyes lit with laughter. "On all accounts."

With hands that shook slightly, he framed her face. "How are you feeling, love? Is there anything you need? Anything I should do—"

"Just love me, Ambrose," she said simply. "Love our family. That's all I need."

"To the end of my days," he said.

To seal his vow, he kissed her. She kissed him back. The wealth of their love flowed through him, and he knew that whatever their future held, it would be rich indeed.



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Cheers and happy reading!

XOXO Grace

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Grace Callaway pens steamy historical romances set in the Regency and Victorian eras. Her debut manuscript, Her Husband's Harlot, was a Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® Finalist and a #1 National Regency Bestseller and International Bestseller.

Outside of writing, she holds a doctorate from the University of Michigan and practices clinical psychology in the San Francisco Bay Area. When she isn't busy juggling the delightful chaos of family, work, and writing, she loves to escape outdoors. Her other favorite obsessions include coffee, orchids, and all things BBC.

For more about Grace:

Twitter: @Grace_Callaway




To my readers and fans: a huge THANK YOU for all your support! I'm so grateful to be able to share the world in my head with you. Like that first cup of coffee in the morning, your lovely emails and reviews get me up and going at my keyboard.

My appreciation also goes out to Rob Jeffries and Joz Joslin at the Thames River Police Museum. Thank you both for taking the time to share your extensive knowledge with me. Any historical inaccuracies in the work are entirely mine.

My creative duo, Jenn Le Blanc and Carrie Divine: you gals are a dream team! Books are definitely judged by their covers, so thank you for making mine absolutely gorgeous.

To my writing posse: Tina Folsom, you're an endless fount of energy, wisdom, and inspiration. Thanks for being there through thick and thin. Love you, girl. Virna De Paul, thank you for your insights on my work and for being a companion on this wild ride. And Diane Pershing: you always find the weaknesses and know exactly how to fix them. Bravo!

To my family, who puts up with a scribbling maniac: hugs and kisses to you all. To my husband, Brian: thank you for providing the real-life inspiration for my romances. And for copyediting until the wee hours of the night. And for cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry ... the list goes on. Smooches! And to our l'il buddy: you are our guiding star. Love you forever.

Last, but not least, this book is dedicated to my sister, who recognized the potential between Marianne and Kent before I did. Thanks, C., for being the best sibling anyone could ask for. Love you!




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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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BOOK: Her Protector's Pleasure
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