Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) (13 page)

Read Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM, #erotic romance, #Science Fiction, #space opera

BOOK: Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates)
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He made his way down two hallways, then turned down a third before finally getting to his door. Once inside, he shut the door loudly with his foot and walked quickly to the bed.

He settled on his knees at the foot of the bed; then with a grin, he fell forward. Jack landed on her back with a giggle.

Haydrien smiled at the adorable carefree sound. He liked this side of her and hoped to see it more. “See? No one saw us,” he said.

He stared at her lips. Full and red, soft and moist. He wanted to taste her, feel her lips against his own. He’d avoided doing that because it would make the sex too personal, but he had a feeling it had already gone beyond personal to something much deeper.

Dipping his head, he brushed his lips across hers. She sighed, and her lips parted in silent invitation. He didn’t want to deepen it just yet. He wanted to draw it out, take so long that when he finally did deepen it, the pleasure would be almost orgasmic.

He cupped her cheeks and swiped his mouth across hers again. She wiggled beneath him. He groaned and pressed his semihard cock deeper into her warmth. Her walls were so hot and wet, so tight he could feel her pulse against his cock.

He bit at her lower lip, then nibbled gently at her upper one. She whined and lifted one leg around his hip. He smiled and kissed the corner of her mouth.

“You’re doing this deliberately, aren’t you?” she grumbled so adorably it was all Haydrien could do to keep up the slow tease.

“Huh-uh,” he said, then chuckled when she pinched his nipple.

“Turnabout is fair play,” he murmured as he reached down and pinched hers.

She moaned, and he palmed her breast, gently massaging it. She retaliated by clenching the walls of her pussy around his shaft. Haydrien hissed against her mouth.


She grinned and licked her lower lip, giving tit for tat. “I think we just did that,” she whispered. “And you’re still hard. Do you ever get soft?”

He snickered. “Apparently not when it comes to you.”

He pressed farther into her and ground his hips against her groin. She felt so good, so tight and warm, so perfect for him. He could do this all night.

“God, you feel good,” he whispered and rotated a little faster.

This time when he kissed her, he thrust his tongue past her lips. Jacquelyn moaned deep in her throat, and her arms snaked around his neck, holding him closer. The kiss felt like it went on forever, but it was actually one kiss that melded into another and then another.

With every passing second, their hips moved faster, grinding against each other more frantically. Haydrien’s heart raced, and his body hummed with the rising tide of yet another orgasm.

Damn, he’d never come this fast a second time. He quickly rolled to his back, pulling her with him. She straddled his hips and sat up, taking all of him. She dropped her head back, and the ends of her hair brushed against his thighs.

He pushed his hips up just as she pressed down. His eyes briefly closed as a pleasure he’d only felt with her tingled through his shaft. God, he was close. One more delectable shift of her hips, and he’d lose it.

She stilled and smiled down at him devilishly. Haydrien scowled and gripped her waist. With a loud growl of pure sexual hunger, he rolled her to her back and immediately began to pound into her.

Over and over he showed neither of them mercy as he relentlessly drove them both over the edge.

Chapter Sixteen

Jonah Marcone strolled into his cousin Christian Marcone’s apartment high atop the Rhinari council building. It was where all the senators resided during voting sessions, and Christian was no different. He wanted to be close so he could catch all the news or argue whatever points he needed to.

A squeal caught him by surprise, and Jonah looked up just in time to catch Miya as she launched herself into his arms.

He laughed. “Hey, little bit.”

Miya was Christian’s baby sister. She was the sweet, delicate flower of the family, but if the truth were known, Miya was far from delicate. She was just as strong as her mother, Mikayla, and according to her father, just as stubborn.

As a singer for the Rhinari opera, she’d made quite a name for herself on the Federation’s capital planet. Jonah had always been amazed that such a booming voice could come from someone so damn little and soft-spoken.

“I heard from Chris that you were coming over,” she said as she pulled away and smiled up him.

Miya looked just like a younger version of her mother with dark, almost black hair and eyes so deep green they rivaled summer grass. But it was her sweet, soft-hearted nature that made all the men in the family want to take care of her.

Jonah pitied the man who would eventually marry her.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “I haven’t seen you since the street party on Daego.”

She frowned. “Has it been that long?” She slapped at his chest playfully. “You need to come home more often. Kim is still begging me to set you up with her,” she added with a knowing smile.

Jonah cringed. As much as he liked Kim, she just wasn’t his type. He started to say something, but Miya waved her hand. “I know, I know. She’s not your type.” She put her hand on her hips. “Just what is your type?”

“A blonde who’s willing to get on her knees and call him Master,” Christian teased as he walked into the living room from his office.

“Ha-ha,” Jonah said. Christian, whom everyone called Chris, was the spitting image of his father, Sidious. But then all Marcone men were. The men always took after their fathers, with white hair and gunmetal-gray eyes. Jonah kept his military short. Christian’s was long, just past his shoulders. Christian’s brother, Hayden, also wore his long. When the two stood next to each other, they looked like twins. In actuality there was about two years’ difference in their ages.

Jonah and Christian exchanged a quick hug, then moved to sit on the sofa. On the way there, Jonah swung by the wet bar. “What have you got to drink in this place?”

“The same thing I always have,” Christian replied.

“Basically everything,” they both said in unison, making Miya giggle.

“I’ll take a margarita,” Miya said.

“Bring me a scotch,” Christian said.

“When did I become the waiter?” Jonah asked as he fixed the drinks.

“The second you stepped behind the bar,” Christian replied drily.

Miya slapped him on the arm, and Christian smile dotingly at her. “Where’s Dad and Uncle Stefan?” Christian asked.

“On their way to the newly formed Mars colony, I believe,” Jonah replied as he walked over to the couch, the three drinks balanced in his hands.

He set them down and dropped onto the couch facing Christian and Miya. “How’s things in the senate?” Jonah asked.

Christian rolled his eyes and reached for his scotch. “Same shit, different day. Now I know why Uncle Stefan left when he did.”

“Chris is thinking about leaving also,” Miya said.

Jonah frowned. “Why?” He took a sip and waited for Christian to explain.

Christian’s gray eyes filled with frustration. “It’s a damn circus now. No one can agree. Issues are kicked down the road like a discarded can. I’m tired of running in circles and getting nothing done.”

“But you at least try,” Miya argued.

“What’s the point anymore? I’m thinking more and more about investing in the business I told you about.”

Jonah raised an eyebrow. “The one on Palivan?”

“What’s the one on Palivan?” Miya asked.

“Nothing,” he and Christian said in unison.

Miya’s lips twisted in frustration. “Really? Come on, guys. What do you think I’m going to do? Run and tattle?” She picked up her glass and took a large sip.

Jonah chuckled. “Well, you have in the past.”

“I did not,” she exclaimed. “Besides, like you two never tattled.”

Jonah shared a wince with Christian, then turned back to Miya. They’d only told on her once, and it had taken months for her to forgive them. They swore from then on, they would handle Miya themselves and not involve the sometimes overly protective parents.

“Palivan is actually a moon. The only thing on it is a BDSM club,” he said, feeling just a twinge of guilt for leaving her out because they thought she was too innocent to know about such things.

Her wide gaze moved from Jonah to Christian, then back to Jonah. “Really? I can see you two as Doms.”

“Since when do you know what a Dom is?” Christian asked.

“Since about the same time I found out what a sub is,” she replied, then smiled mischievously.

Christian looked shocked, then about ready to hit the roof. Jonah just grinned. Despite how sweet she was, how innocent she seemed, Jonah had always had a sinking suspicion Miya knew more about the world than they gave her credit for.

A knock sounded at the door before Christian could fly off with the fifty questions, demanding an explanation.

“It’s open,” Christian called, probably expecting another senator or senator’s aid.

Instead, Jonah’s assistant, Terance, walked into the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but your father said to retrieve you right away.”

Jonah stood. Something must be up if he sent Terance to get him. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“Apparently Jack has been taken hostage by Haydrien Victis. He’s demanding to see Jack Marcone and using her as bait.”

Jonah frowned. “But he has Jack.”

“According to Agnus, he doesn’t know that.”

“Oh my God,” Miya said.

Jonah barely heard her through the anger and worry that now gripped his heart in a vise. Jack was his twin, his other half. “When was she taken?” he asked.

“About two weeks ago.”

That was about when he’d developed an odd feeling of confinement he couldn’t shake. The feeling had lessened somewhat over the last few days but had never left him entirely. It must’ve had to do with Jack.

“Your father said you’re to meet him at the Vorgan station.”

Jonah turned to Christian. “We’ll talk later.”

Christian nodded. “Keep me updated, and if you need my help—”

“I know where you are,” Jonah said as he turned to leave with Terance.

“Wait,” Miya called. “I’m coming too.”

“No,” Jonah snapped. “Absolutely not.”

“She may need me.”

“I don’t want any more Marcone women in harm’s way. You stay here.” Jonah cupped her cheeks and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything, I promise.”

* * * *

Jack stood back and shielded her eyes to better see Haydrien as he called to her from the top of the ladder. They’d spent the morning working on the shops that ran through the center of town. Haydrien was definitely a hands-on leader, which was something she could admit she admired about him. He didn’t just stand back and bark orders. He got his hands dirty.

“Jacquelyn, sweetheart? Could you hand me that welder on the box behind you?”

Jack nodded and turned to find the welder. Her stomach fluttered for several seconds at the way he’d called her sweetheart. She tried to tamp down her excitement and her growing admiration of who he was as a leader and a man.

She had to keep reminding herself that she was his bait. Once he found out who she was, all this would be over. He would either try to kill her or hate her forever for pulling the wool over his eyes. Either way, he would never forgive her.

And how would she feel about that?

He’d been so good to her while she was sick. Gora said he’d never left her bedside. She didn’t remember any of that, but she certainly remembered the way he’d taken care of her that first morning. He’d been so sweet, so attentive.

And the days while she recovered had been even better. Talking and laughing during the day and cuddling at night. During those four days, he’d not once tried to have sex with her. He’d let her rest and had been so supportive, he’d melted her heart.

“Hey, Jacquelyn,” Haydrien called, amusement dripping from his voice. “Today would be good.”

“Keep your pants on,” she called over her shoulder.

The laughter coming from the men on the roof made her smile, especially when she caught Haydrien’s familiar deep rumble.

Sighing, she grabbed the welder and a bottle of cold water from the ice-filled tub under the makeshift table. She started climbing the ladder, and Haydrien moved to the roof, allowing her room to get to the top.

“Be careful coming up that thing,” he called down.

“I’m fine,” she replied as she reached up and handed him the welder.

Once he had it in hand, she climbed one more rung and handed him the bottle of water. He smiled, and she said, “Don’t read too much into that.”

His smile widened. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Maybe later I’ll thank you properly.”

“A thank-you and not a punishment? I’m not sure I would know what to do with that.”

He chucked her under the chin. “Be careful going down, sweetheart.”

Jack swallowed and gazed at the rungs on the ladder as she made her way down. She needed to look at something other than his eyes—those beautiful whiskey-colored eyes. She reached the bottom and went over to help some of the women paint the outside wall.

Things were coming along well. Slow but well.

Chapter Seventeen

Jack awoke late the next morning and snuggled closer to the warm body next to her. His arms tightened around her shoulders, and she looked up to see if he was awake.

He smiled softly at her through sleepy eyes. “Morning.”

She smiled hesitantly back at him. “Good morning.”

He cupped the back of her neck and brought her face to his for a quick kiss on her lips. She laid her head back on his chest and sighed. His thank-you last night had been incredible. He’d brought her to orgasm three times before finally sliding his cock inside her. She’d been so aroused from all the wicked foreplay, she’d come twice more before he found his own release.

“So what’s the plan for today?” she asked.

“I’m helping some men work on the far end of town. We’re clearing out the rubble and repairing more buildings.”

He drew soft circles on the back of her shoulder that sent goose bumps down her arm.

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