Her One and Only (6 page)

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Authors: Penny Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Her One and Only
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‘Rosemary, my dear,’ James’s mother was beginning but the girl wasn’t paying any attention to her, instead she was concentrating wholly and completely on James, fixing him with a fulminating look of bitter hostility.

‘Oh, it’s all right, Aunt Pat,’ she announced with an angry toss of her head. ‘Far be it from me to point out that since this isn’t James’s house
doesn’t really have any right to question my presence here. Your mother has invited me to come and stay with her, James,’ she added, baring her teeth in a smile that made Samantha think of an angry and dangerous little cat.

‘Rosemary needed a break,’ James’s mother was saying palliatively. ‘She’s worked so hard for her finals and now that she’s qualified...’

‘Qualified?’ James interrupted sharply. ‘God help anyone who needs...who’s desperate enough to need
medical expertise, Rosemary. Personally I’d sooner...’

‘James,’ his mother commanded warningly.

Two brilliant coins of hot colour were now burning in the girl’s creamy pale skin and her eyes... Samantha grimaced a little as she studied their furious molten heat. Small she might be, but there was no mistaking the ferocity of her emotions.

‘Rosemary has just finished her medical training and qualified as a GP,’ James’s mother informed Samantha gently. ‘And since I’m her godmother I felt that her hard work and dedication deserved rewarding with a small treat, especially since her fiancé Tim is going to be working abroad all summer.’

As James’s mother spoke Rosemary lifted her hand, showing off the diamond ring she was wearing, the look she gave James a mixture of defiance and triumph.

‘You see, James,’ she told him, ‘not all men share your opinion of me.’

‘You’re engaged!’ It was plain to see how shocked James was. ‘What a masochist!’

‘James!’ Pat Crighton expostulated sharply.

Grimly James turned towards his father.

‘A small treat.’ James picked up on what his mother had said. ‘So you’ve invited her to stay here for a few weeks...’ His voice was full of disgust.

‘Here are the papers you asked me for,’ he said to his father, turning his back on his mother and Rosemary.

‘We must go,’ he informed them all. ‘Bobbie is expecting us and Samantha’s beginning to feel a little jet-lagged.’

‘It’s probably something to do with a lack of oxygen,’ Rosemary chipped in in mock sympathy, something about the acid sweetness of her voice causing Samantha to focus on her more closely. When she did so the outright hostility in the other girl’s eyes startled her.

‘Rosemary...’ she could hear James beginning warningly, but it was becoming clear to Samantha that the redhead had as reckless a hot temper and an emotionally driven streak as her hair colour suggested because she deliberately ignored him and continued.

‘It can’t be easy inhabiting such a rarefied atmosphere...
being so tall...’

Samantha’s eyes widened a little. The other girl’s hostility totally perplexed her but cat fights had never been her style...even so...

‘Mmm...but it does have its compensations,’ she drawled in her best and most laid-back American voice, turning from the girl to James, who was standing protectively by her side.

If she stood up on her toes they were almost exactly shoulder to shoulder, face to face, lips to lips.

Very deliberately Samantha looked into James’s eyes and then allowed her glance to slide downward to his mouth before touching her tongue tip to her own upper lip.

‘Er... I think we’d better leave,’ James announced thickly.

Samantha permitted herself a languorous look of superiority in the direction of Rosemary and then checked it as she saw not just bitter fury in the girl’s eyes but the hot glimmer of tears, as well.

Tears? For James? But she was wearing another man’s ring. Thoughtfully Samantha said goodbye to James’s parents and followed him out to the car.

‘I don’t know what on earth’s possessed my mother to invite Rosemary to stay,’ James was fuming as he started his car’s engine.

‘They obviously get on well together and since Rosemary is her goddaughter...’

‘Rosemary is a menace...a...’ James said. ‘But my mother can’t or won’t see it.’

‘She’s very pretty,’ Samantha offered, trying another tack.

‘Pretty...’ James stared at her. ‘She was a red-haired brat with freckles.’

‘Mmm...well, she’s
red-haired,’ Samantha agreed.

‘She used to come and stay with us during the school holidays. Her parents worked abroad and she was at boarding school.’

‘You didn’t get on with her?’ Samantha guessed.

‘...and the rest,’ James agreed. ‘She really was the most loathsome little pest. “I’ll tell Aunt Pat...”’ he mimicked and then shook his head. ‘I know you must think I’m overreacting but she really used to get under my skin.’

He wasn’t drawing a very attractive picture of the other girl and given her unwarranted and unprovoked malicious comment to herself, Samantha might have agreed with him but for those unexpected tears. Rosemary’s feelings for James were no concern of hers, Samantha reminded herself, and since she had her own plans for James’s future...and since Rosemary herself was engaged... Even so she couldn’t help wishing that she hadn’t seen those tears, that she hadn’t for that brief pulse of time felt the other girl’s distress.

* * *

give me all the news about the family,’ Bobbie urged her twin.

They were sitting in Bobbie’s comfortable kitchen, James having just left, whilst Francesca played busily around them.

‘There isn’t that much
tell that you don’t already know,’ Samantha protested. ‘Mom and Dad can’t wait to get over here to see you all...’

‘Mmm...I’m hoping to persuade them to spend more time over here when Dad retires. How’s Liam’s campaign going, by the way?’

‘Dad’s convinced he’ll walk it but there has been concern expressed over Liam not being married. He drove me to the airport. He was picking up a PR woman they’ve hired from Washington to project his image.’

‘Liam married, how will
feel about that?’ Bobbie teased her.

Samantha shot her an indignant look.

‘Why should
care. Just because I once had a teenage crush on him...’

‘Okay, okay...I was just joking,’ Bobbie reassured her, but she still studied her twin a little thoughtfully.

Samantha had lost some weight and she looked strained...stressed...

‘You know, Bobbie, I do envy you,’ Samantha admitted abruptly.

Instinctively Bobbie looked to where Francesca was playing, knowing without it having to be put into words just what it was about her life that her twin envied.

‘You’re a born mother, Sam,’ she told her gently, her expression suddenly changing to one of acute alarm as she demanded, ‘You’re not thinking of going through with that fool idea you once had of becoming pregnant via a fertilization programme...’

Samantha laughed.

‘No,’ she reassured her, her face sobering as she admitted, ‘I don’t want my kids growing up envying yours because yours have a real live daddy and mine don’t.’

‘So there isn’t a prospective daddy anywhere on the horizon?’ Bobbie probed.

Samantha looked away from her.

‘Samantha!’ Bobbie pounced excitedly. ‘There
someone...tell me... Who is it? Do I know him...? Sam...’

‘Oh, no... I’m not saying anything,’ Samantha told her, vehemently shaking her head.

‘I’m going to phone home,’ Bobbie threatened determinedly.

‘There isn’t any point, the folks don’t know any more than you do...’

‘So there
something to know then...’

‘No!’ Samantha denied.

There was no way she intended to let Bobbie in on her plan to marry James until she was a lot more certain of her own ground. Sure she and James got on well together but... She
love him, Samantha was convinced of it, and he, she was equally sure, could love her.

He would be a
father. She could see it all now. She closed her eyes blissfully, mentally imagining her own cosy homely kitchen and her own adorable children filling it. She wanted boys, she knew that already, boys with thick dark hair and solemn grey eyes... Grey eyes... Her own flew open. Now where, oh, where, had
idea come from? Firmly she recorrected her imagination. Her children, her
would have eyes the same colour as their father’s of course. They would have James’s

Having finished her game, Francesca stood up and stalked imperiously towards her.

‘Did you bring me a present from my grandma in America?’ she asked her.

‘Francesca,’ Bobbie protested warningly.

But Samantha only grinned and asked her twin dryly, ‘Wonder where she gets

‘Not from me,’ Bobbie denied, but her face was pink and she knew as clearly as though she had read Samantha’s mind that her twin was remembering an incident from their own childhood when she, Bobbie, had shamingly asked much the same question of their own grandfather.

‘Poor Mom was
mortified,’ Samantha teased her.

‘Not half so mortified as I was when she banished me upstairs to my room
I haven’t forgotten that
were the one who told me to ask,’ Bobbie said with heartfelt ruefulness.

After they had finished, still laughing, Samantha confided to her twin, ‘I’ve bought her the cutest outfits.’

‘Mmm... Well, I may as well warn you that if it isn’t Barbie doll pink then Francesca won’t even
at it.’

‘No... How can you doubt me?’ Samantha responded, grinning at her. ‘She’ll

‘Samantha...’ Bobbie warned warily. ‘What...’

‘I’ve even got her the matching sparkling pink shoes and...strictly for dressing up, of course,’ she assured her stern-faced twin.

‘...and for you I made a special trip to Boston. I’ve got you the sexiest Donna Karan number you’ve
seen. It dips right down at the back so that... Not that you’ll be able to wear it until after the new baby arrives—but still that won’t be long now!’

‘You have...where...
show me...
’ Bobbie demanded excitedly.

The pair of them were still giggling over the clothes-strewn spare room when Luke arrived home over an hour later.

‘Auntie Sam brought me pink shoes,’ Francesca informed him proudly.

Laughing Samantha shook her head as she kissed her brother-in-law.

‘Guess what I’ve brought you...’

‘I don’t think I dare,’ Luke drawled, looking past her to where his wife, all pink-cheeked and bright-eyed, was holding up in front of her a dress that Luke could immediately see would cause a total uproar if she ever wore it in public. Bobbie looked like a little girl clutching on to a much-wanted toy and he already knew there was no way anyone was going to prise it away from her.

‘So what have you brought for Luke?’ Bobbie asked her twin absently an hour later as they all sat down together for their meal.

Grinning at her brother-in-law, Samantha told him, ‘It’s a golf club, a new one, I don’t believe you can get it over here yet.’

‘Not an “iron overlord,”’ Luke breathed hopefully.

‘The very same,’ Samantha confirmed, laughing as he got up and came round the table to hug her and then demand, ‘Where is it? I...’

‘Not until after you have finished your meal, Luke.’ Bobbie mock frowned at him.

By nine o’clock Samantha was ready to concede that her long flight had caught up with her.

‘If you’re really sure you don’t mind if I go to bed...?’

‘Of course we don’t mind,’ Bobbie reassured her.

* * *


?’ L
asked Bobbie an hour later as he handed her the mug of chocolate he had just made her.

‘I don’t know...it’s just...Sam’s up to something...’

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know and there’s no point in my asking, she’d just clam up on me, but
going on...’

‘Twin telepathy?’ Luke teased.

‘Something’s bothering her, Luke, she’s put her guard up to prevent me finding out about it but I
it’s there... I wish she could find her special someone... She so desperately wants children...’

‘Mmm...now that I did notice.’

‘Well, at least I’ve got lots of things planned to entertain her whilst she’s here...’

‘Mmm...I’m afraid there’s a slight problem on that score,’ Luke told his wife quietly.

Bobbie looked questioningly at him.

‘Luke...’ she began.

‘Yes, I know we agreed that I would take time off to look after Francesca so that you would be free to spend time with Sam, but...’


‘The Dillinger case comes up for trial next week and I’m going to be in court.’

‘Oh, Luke, no...’ Bobbie wailed.

‘Bobbie, I’m sorry, but you know the way things are.’

She did, of course she did, Luke was a barrister and if one of his cases came to court then he had to be there.

‘Sam’s here for several weeks and with any luck the case should be over in two,’ Luke comforted her.

‘Well, I just hope that
understands,’ Bobbie told him.


,’ Bobbie apologised to her sister, ‘but there’s nothing that Luke can do.’

They had just finished eating breakfast and Bobbie had explained to her twin that she wasn’t going to be as free to devote her time to her as she had hoped.

To her relief Samantha seemed completely unfazed by her news.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ she told her sunnily. ‘Besides,’ she added, her voice and eyes softening, ‘you and the coming baby mean far more to me than socialising and treats. As a matter of fact, James has actually offered his services as an escort should I need one.’

With a shaky smile Bobbie reached out to cover her twin’s hand with her own. ‘I
feeling more tired with this baby, and both my doctor and Luke have insisted that I ought to rest,’ she admitted, her face brightening as she added, ‘But at least you’ll have James to take you about.’

James and Samantha had always got on well together.

‘Well, hopefully Luke’s case should be over in a fortnight and...’

‘Mmm...well, that should be long enough.’

Samantha bit her lip as she realised she had spoken her thoughts out loud.

‘For what?’ Bobbie asked her curiously. ‘I...’

‘Oh, nothing... I just meant that a fortnight should be long enough for the case to be concluded,’ Samantha fibbed airily, quickly redirecting Bobbie’s attention by asking her, ‘How’s Fran doing at school now? You were concerned that she wasn’t being stretched enough.’

‘Mmm... I was, but Luke says that she is only four and he doesn’t want her being pushed too hard and that he’d rather she exercised her own curiosity naturally.’

‘Well, he does have a point. Look at the way the pair of us ran wild whenever we went to Gramps, and it certainly didn’t do us any harm.’

‘No, I suppose not.

‘Olivia’s invited us over for lunch today.’

‘Has she? How are she and Caspar?’ Samantha asked affectionately and within several minutes the sisters were deeply immersed in a detailed update of what was happening within the Haslewich and Chester branches of the Crighton family.

‘It’s a pity that Grandma Ruth can’t be here right now,’ Bobbie commented.

‘Mmm... I was looking forward to seeing her and Gramps,’ Samantha admitted. ‘But I can understand why she felt she had to go to Pembrokeshire. How is Ann?’

Ann Crighton, Hugh Crighton’s wife, had been involved in an accident which had resulted in her being hospitalised for several weeks.

‘Well, she’s at home now and the doctors have confirmed that she will make a full recovery, but Hugh’s terrified that she’s going to try to do too much. She’s been forbidden to climb any stairs or to do anything more than walk very slowly and gently until the damage to her back heals properly.’

‘It’s frightening to realise just how much damage even the slightest car accident can cause.’ Samantha gave a small shiver. ‘According to what Gran has told Mom, it was just a simple shunt and the car which hit Ann’s was hardly moving at all.’

‘Yes, I know,’ Bobbie agreed soberly. ‘It certainly made me feel very wary about taking Francesca out anywhere in the car for weeks afterwards and I can understand, too, why Hugh asked Grandma Ruth for her help in keeping Ann occupied whilst she’s recovering.’

‘They’re such a lovely couple and although Gran never says so, I suspect that she secretly prefers Hugh to Ben, even though Ben’s her full blood brother and Hugh only a half.’

‘Mmm...but then just because there’s a full blood relationship between siblings, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to like one another.’

This was said so gravely that Samantha gave her twin a quick look before teasing, ‘And what conclusions am I supposed to draw from that, sister dear?’

Bobbie looked at her, her face relaxing into a smile.

‘Don’t worry, I’m not trying to say I don’t like
hate you sometimes, maybe...’ she teased back and then, shaking her head, she confided, ‘No...it’s not us...but...’

‘But what?’ Samantha encouraged when she fell silent.

‘Well, you know how it can be with families sometimes...brothers and sisters, siblings...just don’t always get on...’

‘Sibling rivalry... Well, we’ve certainly had our fair share of that in the Crighton family. I mean, if you want a classic example just look at Jon and Jenny’s family. Louise and Katie positively loathed Max at one time, and...’

‘Yes, yes, I know what you’re saying but it isn’t...’ Bobbie stopped again and then started to trace an abstract pattern on the wooden kitchen table with her fingertip.

‘It’s Fran and the new baby,’ she admitted huskily after several seconds. ‘I think she’s starting to get a little bit jealous—even before he or she is born.’

She looked so upset.

‘But surely, Bobbie, that’s only natural,’ Samantha defended her niece immediately. ‘She’s bound to feel a little bit jealous,’ Samantha told her twin robustly. ‘Everything will be all right, though.’

‘Yes, I know you’re right,’ she agreed, adding gently, ‘You will make such a wonderful mother, Sam.’

Although Samantha laughed, a little later on whilst her twin was on the telephone to Olivia confirming the arrangements for their visit, she couldn’t help feeling a small stab of envy. Here was her sister, her twin, talking about having her second baby whilst she didn’t even have the means of having her first yet. But, with a bit of luck, she soon would have, she comforted herself.

Everything she had heard and seen of James during the drive back from the airport yesterday had confirmed the decision she had already made. There was no doubt about it. He was
father material. Add to that the fact that she genuinely liked him and enjoyed his company, the way she could so easily see the two of them meshing together and becoming a very happy and contented couple, and suddenly Samantha was very impatient to see him again and to put her plan fully into motion. Okay, so she hadn’t fallen
love with him but love, after all, came in very many disguises.

There was nothing
wrong in what she was planning and if she had not been able to see in James’s eyes how very easily he could be encouraged to fall in love with her she would not in any way have contemplated going ahead with her plans.

She had made up her mind—it was time to put to one side her dreams of meeting her perfect other half. She might not be headily in love with James in the same way that her twin had been, still was, with his brother Luke, but she liked him and enjoyed his company, he was just so relaxing and pleasant to be with she just couldn’t imagine anyone
finding him so, other than Rosemary. Heavens, but she had never seen anyone cause such an intense and explosive reaction in him. He really did dislike the girl. Poor Rosemary.

‘We’d better make a move,’ Bobbie warned Samantha when she had finished her telephone call.

‘It’s gone ten now and we’ll have to be back by two so that I can pick Francesca up on time.’

‘Will Olivia and Caspar have any more children, do you think?’ Samantha asked Bobbie conversationally half an hour later as Bobbie drove towards Haslewich.

‘I don’t know. She works full-time now as you know and she and Uncle Jon keep on talking about taking on a new partner, but although neither of them will admit it, the main thing that’s holding them both back from doing so is the fact that since its inception the partnership has always only been family members. There’s a good crop of young Crightons growing up now who might one day want to qualify as solicitors and join the business, but right now...Tullah, Saul’s wife, works part-time with them two days.’

‘Can’t they take someone on as an assistant rather than a full partner?’ Samantha queried.

‘Well, they could and that’s exactly what Max has been urging his father to do. It’s looking increasingly as though Jack will opt to train as a solicitor and join the business but that’s still several years away and at the moment they are so busy that Jenny’s complaining that she hardly ever sees Jon.’

‘What about Joss, has he any plans for his future?’ Samantha asked her twin.

Joss, Jon and Jenny’s younger son, was hotly tipped in the family to become their leading light in the legal world and Samantha knew that Bobbie had a very soft spot for the teenager, who had been the first member of the Crighton family she had met on her first visit to Haslewich.

‘At least a dozen.’ Bobbie grinned. ‘He’s gorgeous, Sam...such a very special person, so special in fact that it’s hard sometimes to remember not to overlook Jack.’

‘Mmm... I wonder what happened to Jack’s father David. Does Jack ever talk about him?’

David Crighton, Jon’s twin brother, was Jack and Olivia’s father and whilst recuperating from a heart attack he had simply walked out of the lives of his family and made little attempt to get in touch with them since.

Olivia, Samantha knew, had no real wish for her father to make a reappearance in their lives. Before his disappearance she and Jon had discovered that he had been fraudulently helping himself to money from one of their client’s accounts. It was only thanks to Ruth’s intervention that the whole unpleasant matter had been resolved without a scandal and Samantha knew from Olivia’s own comments that she had never really forgiven her father for what he had done.

Her mother, who had divorced David in his absence, was now remarried and living in the south of England. Olivia had never been close to either of her parents and Jack had, of his own free will, chosen to live with his aunt and uncle rather than with his mother.

‘So, you don’t think that Olivia will have any more children, then,’ Samantha repeated.

‘I think she’d like to and I know that Caspar would—his work allows him to have more time to spend with them than Livvy’s does but, to be honest, I suspect it’s rather a sensitive issue between them at the moment. They were due to go on holiday this year to visit Caspar’s family in the States, but it had to be cancelled because Livvy is just so busy.

‘Haslewich has become rather a mini boom town. The extended motorway system has meant that several international industries have moved into the area and, of course, that means extra jobs, which means increased property development. Property prices have risen and on the outskirts of the town they’re currently just about to open one of these specialised shopping villages, all designer outlets and very, very smart.

‘Not that that was without problems—you ask James. He’s just won a very involved case for one of his clients against one of the contractors on the development.’

‘I can’t imagine James prosecuting. He always seems so gentle and compassionate. Although...’

‘Although what?’ Bobbie questioned interestedly as she slowed down for the motorway exit to Haslewich.

‘Well, we called on his parents on the way back from the airport and there was a girl there—Rosemary. I’ve never seen James react so antagonistically to anyone...mind you, her attitude towards
was extremely...’

‘...provocative?’ Bobbie suggested.

Samantha looked at her. ‘Aggressive,
was about to say... Do you know her, Bobbie?’

‘I’ve met her. She was visiting Luke and James’s parents last Christmas and I had gone to see them with Francesca. Francesca wasn’t very well and Rosemary was absolutely sweet with her. She’s just recently qualified as a doctor, you know, and Pat was telling me that she is hoping to specialise in the area of paediatrics within the surgery complex. She certainly has a wonderful way with children.’

‘You liked her, then,’ Samantha stated.

‘Well...yes, I did, but I know what you mean about her and James, they certainly strike sparks off one another. Apparently she spent several months living with Henry and Pat whilst she was a teenager. Her parents were working abroad at the time, Luke wasn’t living at home then, but James was, and the two of them just didn’t hit it off together.’

‘Mmm... Oh, isn’t this the most beautiful scenery,’ Samantha enthused as she glanced out of the car window to look appreciatively at the gently rolling Cheshire countryside.

‘Very,’ Bobbie agreed.

‘It’s so peaceful,’ Samantha stressed.

Bobbie laughed. ‘It might be now, wait until you get to Livvy’s!’

Olivia and Caspar’s home was outside the town of Haslewich, a pretty, long low collection of buildings surrounded by a large garden and fields.

As Bobbie brought the car to a halt on the driveway, Olivia was opening the front door and coming hurrying to meet them.

Slim and energetic, her bobbed hair gleamed in the sunshine and a swift smile curled her mouth as she welcomed them.

‘Bobbie... Sam...’ She hugged each of them in turn and then gestured towards the house.

‘I thought we’d have lunch in the garden, it’s such a lovely day. I nearly had to cancel,’ Olivia confessed as she led the way through the house to the doors which opened out onto the pretty brick patio.

‘I was due in court with one of my clients last week and the case was put back originally until today, but the case currently being heard is still ongoing—fortunately.’

‘Do you do much court work?’ Samantha asked Olivia as they settled themselves in comfortable chairs and Olivia poured them all some coffee.

‘An awful lot. I didn’t used to but increasingly these days, yes. I’m afraid that it’s becoming rather a bone of contention between me and Caspar, primarily because it means I can’t always structure my working life to fit in with his.’

‘Mmm...and I guess you daren’t hire another live-in nanny just in case she runs off with another of your sexy cousins,’ Bobbie said teasingly.

All three of them laughed, remembering that Bobbie had worked for a time for Olivia and Caspar when she had first arrived in Haslewich.

‘Mmm...well, there is always that, but although I’ve had help from time to time, Caspar and I both feel that we want to bring the children up ourselves. The trouble is that, right now, Caspar is doing rather more of the parenting than I am and that leads to problems between us. I get jealous,’ she admitted ruefully. ‘I know it sounds silly and it’s certainly very unmodern of me, but I could cry when the children run to Caspar with their scraped knees and their tears instead of to me.’

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