Read Her New Boss: A Rouge Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Adult

Her New Boss: A Rouge Erotic Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Her New Boss: A Rouge Erotic Romance
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Taking her cup with her, she went to the covered walkway next to the kitchen. Large ferns hung in the windows. Seeing a door to the backyard, she found herself walking outside, onto the stone porch. It wrapped around the side of the center section with a balustrade along the edge. Stone stairs led down into a fairy-tale garden. Manicured shrubbery, magnolia and cypress trees and flowers encased benches, statues and fountains. The ruins of a brick wall provided the perfect anchor for some vines. Walking paths wove along them, disappearing behind flowering bushes.

‘There you are.’

Zoe turned on her way down the steps, shading her eyes as she looked up at Jackson. He’d unbuttoned and untucked his shirt, letting it hang open over the white T-shirt. Even casual, he looked like a man of power and influence. ‘Business all done?’

‘For today.’ He smiled. The morning sun shone on the brown waves of his short hair. ‘Did you get breakfast?’

‘Wasn’t hungry.’ She held up the demitasse cup. ‘Found the coffee.’

‘I have bigger mugs.’

‘Was I not supposed to use these?’ She looked down at the nearly empty cup. ‘I’m sorry, the housekeepers said I could help myself to it. I didn’t think to –’

‘It’s fine,’ he interrupted, chuckling. Jackson joined her on the steps, glancing back toward his home before cupping her jaw and leaning in to give her a quick kiss. He held her face in his hand for a brief moment. ‘Good morning, Zoe.’

‘Morning,’ she said, feeling breathless.

His hand dropped away and he continued down the stairs. When he reached the end, he looked up at her expectantly. ‘Coming?’

Zoe looked down at the cup.

‘Leave it on the steps,’ he told her. Obeying, she set it down and joined him on the walking path. ‘I wanted to show you the ruins.’

‘Am I working this weekend? I mean, here? Am I working here?’ She couldn’t stop the question from coming out.

Jackson looked at her in surprise. ‘No. Why?’

‘When Marta called, it sounded like you meant for me to cook this weekend. It’s fine, if that’s why I’m here.’

Jackson again glanced back at the house before touching her face lightly. His hand dropped to her shoulder and then slid along her arm to rest near her elbow. An intensity shone from his dark gaze, piercing her in a way she had come to recognize in him. ‘A gentleman doesn’t spread rumors about the woman he’s seeing.’

‘Are you seeing me?’ she whispered, suddenly feeling very shaky and weak.

For a moment, he didn’t speak, merely searching her expression. She tried not to give too much away, scared of what he’d find. Then, almost playfully, he leant closer and said in a soft tone, ‘I’m looking at you right now.’

It wasn’t an answer. Or maybe it was.

Keep it light
, she told herself.
Light and fun. This is an affair, not a relationship. Remember the difference. Don’t get too attached. Don’t be one of those women

‘Show me the ruins.’ Zoe didn’t lean in to kiss him, as she continued to tell herself to play it cool.

Trees added shade as they strolled. Gravel crunched under her white sneakers. She’d managed to clean the shoes
the bathroom sink that morning. For the first time since meeting him, she managed to make light conversation, telling him of her family, her work, her childhood. Jackson talked of Jefferson, his engaged brother, and how they would be having the wedding right there on the plantation. Jefferson volunteered at the fire department and worked on one of the ranches. He’d met his fiancée at a horse show and it was love at first sight. His sister, Callie, worked for him so she could stay home with her sons. Zoe liked the look Jackson got on his face when he spoke of his family. It was a gentle, loving look, one she never expected him to turn on her. But knowing he was capable of it made her heart physically ache with longing.

Keep it light, Zoe, keep it light

‘And your parents?’ Zoe asked as they left the fairy-tale gardens for a tree-lined walk.

‘My pa died when I was eleven. My momma and her sisters, Aunt Sonia and Aunt Natalie, work in the diner on the weekend. They like having something to do.’

‘And it’s a way you can help them out while still letting them keep their pride,’ Zoe concluded. She could tell by his look her assumption was right. ‘What’s your mother’s name?’


‘You named the diner after her. That’s sweet. I once named something after my mom.’ Zoe chuckled. ‘I was nine and I created this awful strawberry, mandarin orange, chocolate chip, maraschino cherry cookie. I called it a Beatrice. No one could eat them.’

‘Flattering,’ Jackson drawled, laughing.

‘I was nine. She had just grounded me because I said her tea leaves were stupid and she was even stupider for believing in them.’ Zoe shrugged. ‘It’s something that’s been
down from generation to generation. I think sometimes she’s hurt because none of us girls ever took it up.’

‘People around here believe in all sorts of things – spirits, tarot cards, palmistry, folk remedies and psychics. I’ve never seen anything I’d call paranormal, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something to it. I don’t think science and modern reason can explain everything.’

‘So, Mr Levy, are you telling me you believe in ghosts?’ They had neared a small private graveyard. The weathered tombstones had dates etched into them from the late 1800s. Unlike the gardens, the grasses had been allowed to grow longer within the fenced area. An old cypress, with long hanging branches, created the ideal supernatural backdrop.

‘I told you to call me Jackson.’

‘Do you believe in ghosts, Jackson?’ She leant against the wrought-iron gate surrounding the graveyard.

He looked over her shoulder and stiffened. His mouth opened and no sound came out. Startled, she quickly turned, backing away from the tombstones at the same time. The second she did, hands grabbed her arms and Jackson growled. She screamed in fright, jerking away from his hands. Jackson laughed, a deep, hearty sound.

‘I should have known.’ She hit at his arm. ‘You warned me about liking to bring girls out here to scare them.’

‘Yeah, I forgot how much fun that was.’ His handsome grin widened.

‘Oh, yeah, fun.’ Zoe tried to keep a straight face. ‘You just watch your back. I owe you one.’

Jackson led the way down a narrow path to a fallen brick structure. ‘When the house was first built, this was the kitchen. They made them separate in case there was a fire. Being a chef, I thought you might be interested.’

Zoe passed under the arched door. Time had eaten away at the old frame and dust had settled within. A small tree grew in the corner and much of the roof had long since blown away. The remains of a fireplace, some broken pottery and what looked to be a partially buried kettle were all that was left. Diffused light came through the broken roof, dancing like reflected crystals over the entire area.

‘I don’t think I’ll be cooking you dinner here anytime soon.’ She ran her finger along the old fireplace.

‘Hey, come here.’

The hoarse words made her look at him. This time when he cupped her cheek and kissed her, it wasn’t quick and polite. His tongue delved into her mouth, instantly deepening with passion. He moaned, tugging her close to his body. Their heads moved, angling one way and then the other. Zoe ran her hands into his hair, wishing she could touch him everywhere at once.

Inside, her heart beat a frantic rhythm. It always did when he was near. Outside, the world faded away. Nothing mattered but this moment, his lips on hers, his body pressed tight. All of this seemed like a fairy tale – the wondrous house, the handsome man.

He pulled back, his mouth open as he breathed hard. Tiny specks of light moved over his features as the overhead leaves moved in the breeze. ‘I’ve wanted to do that all morning. I can’t seem to resist you. Stay the weekend with me.’

Zoe nodded. Birds sang, adding music to their hideaway. Her hard nipples rubbed against his chest, sending small jolts to her stomach. Cream gathered between her thighs, eager to welcome him once again. His smoldering expression said he felt it too. She begged herself not to fall for him, but it was too late. Zoe could no more resist him than she could
cooking. The knowledge washed over her in bittersweet agony. What she wanted could never be and she knew she should run away, leave his home, his town, his restaurant. She couldn’t. All her dreams, all her hopes were right here, in her arms, wrapped up in Jackson Levy.

‘You’re very beautiful.’ Jackson made a weak noise of pleasure, his gaze hot with passion as he moved to kiss the tip of her nose. ‘What are you thinking about when you look at me like that?’

Zoe swallowed, knowing that answering,
Falling in love with you
wasn’t an option. So, instead, she answered, ‘Cooking.’ It wasn’t a lie, just not the greater truth.

He pulled back slightly, but didn’t let go. ‘Cooking?’

She wanted to slap herself for the answer. It sounded conceited and stupid and she wished she could swallow it back.

‘At least you’re honest,’ he said. His expression became guarded. ‘I can respect that.’

Now she felt worse. ‘I don’t always think about cooking.’

Jackson laughed. His fingers trailed over her neck, slipping over the rapid pulse that beat there. ‘I should hope not. If you do, I need to work harder.’ His fingers slipped down over her chest, through the valley between her breasts. They drew a haphazard pattern over her stomach before landing on her rolled waistband.

‘Jackson,’ she hesitated. ‘I’m … We …’

‘I know.’ He put his hand to her mouth. ‘You don’t have to tell me.’

Zoe wasn’t sure what he thought he knew. She’d been going to say she was no good at this sort of thing. Maybe it was better if he stopped her from speaking until she had a chance to plan what she would say.

‘Kiss me,’ she whispered, offering her mouth up to him. ‘I like it when you kiss me.’

Jackson didn’t want to hear her say that there was nothing between them but sex, so he stopped her from speaking. There was so much he wanted to say to her, but when he tried, when he tested her responses to his admissions, her look stopped him. He’d asked her what she was thinking when her wide eyes looked up at him, searching his face. He’d wished for some deep answer, hoped for a hint of more, and would gladly have settled for the tiniest bit of encouragement to explore a commitment between them.

But did she think of him? No. She thought of her career. Never in his life had he thought he’d have to compete with food. Sadly, food was winning hands down.

Her eyes lifted to meet his, her soft words still between them.
Kiss me. I like it when you kiss me

His heart hammered in his chest. He’d never felt like this with a woman before. Desire and longing had distracted him in his conference and driven him to end his meeting early so he could run to find her.

His choppy breath echoed all around him, shutting out all other sounds. Her eyes captured him. Why couldn’t he read her? Why couldn’t he figure her out? Why couldn’t he walk away? From that first night, drinking in her bar, he hadn’t been able to walk away. He’d even convinced himself that he was punishing her by bringing her here, but really he was punishing himself.

Jackson opened his mouth to speak, but he still couldn’t find the right words. Smiling slightly, he tugged at her T-shirt, lifting it so he could feel her smooth stomach with the backs of his fingers. He didn’t grab her, didn’t force her
stay against him. A breeze drifted through the kitchen ruins, kicking up dust.

‘Let me take you somewhere else.’ Jackson wished they were back in his room, but the housekeepers had full run of the house. He didn’t want anyone thinking they knew something. Rumors spread fast in Dabery, especially about him. He didn’t want the entire town pushing and questioning a relationship he was trying to have.

The erotic feel of his closeness made Zoe’s flesh itch to be free of her clothes. Instead of allowing him to take her from the ruins, she lifted herself up on tiptoes and kissed him. ‘Here is good.’ Her mouth captured his and a wave of potent desire shot from her mouth to her breasts and pussy. Heat flooded her sex, hot and moist. His firm mouth worked against hers, his tongue dancing and twirling in her mouth. He’d worked his fingers into her shirt and groaned as he found her breasts. The erect nipples were waiting for him, already puckered and sensitive. As if he knew their torment, he pinched them between his fingers, rolling the delicate buds. Her hips jerked in response.

She pushed his long-sleeved shirt off his shoulders. The tight movement of his muscular chest took her breath away. Everything about him was perfect, even the little flaws.

Moaning, she sucked on his tongue, the way she suddenly wanted to suck on his cock. The taste of him was like a potent sex drug that made her want more. Zoe pulled at his shirt, wanting to look at him. He lifted his arms and she trapped them over his head, holding the shirt so he couldn’t get it off. She kissed his chest, licking at his small nipples. Jackson groaned as she explored every inch of him with her mouth.

Letting go of his shirt, she ran her hands over his strong
to his hips. Already she could see the bulge protruding from between his thighs. Jackson tossed his undershirt aside while she unzipped his pants. Zoe didn’t consider herself particularly skilled at giving blowjobs, but suddenly she wanted to try and give him such pleasure.

She kissed his stomach, slowly going to her knees. Jackson let loose a long breath. Her hands shook slightly as she pulled the pants from his hips, taking his boxers down with them. She brushed her lips along the trail of hair leading down to his thick erection. An animalistic lust took over and she became more aggressive. Her mouth watered as she lightly kissed the blunt tip of his shaft.

Zoe’s breath caught in the back of her throat. She didn’t stop to think as she flicked her tongue out to taste him. Her gaze raked over his chiselled body before looking into his eyes. He watched her intently, somehow begging and commanding in the same expression. Entranced by her nearness, she sucked the tip of his cock between her teeth.

BOOK: Her New Boss: A Rouge Erotic Romance
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