Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You feel it, Fabia?” he asked, panting from his exertions. “You feel my cock fucking your ass?”

“Yes, it’s wonderful, but I need it harder.”

“You’ll get everything I’ve got, sugar.”

The harder he thrust, the more enthusiastically she seemed to move with him, encouraging him with throaty groans. Her eagerness tugged at him on a level he couldn’t control, and as pulsating passion swamped his reason, he gave up trying. His groin responded to her flirtatious challenge, and he swelled to huge proportions deep inside her. Something unfamiliar tugged at his heart as he continued to fuck her and she gave herself to him without reservation. A welling of tender affection consumed him as he glanced down at the beautiful woman whose body drove him wild and caused him sleepless nights.

“I’m coming, babe,” he said breathlessly. “Take it all. I’m coming for you big time.”

He shot his load into her ass, aware of her screaming as she, too, climaxed, pushing back to ensure he got every last ounce of pleasure.

I’m in love with her.

The thought astounded Clyde. Love wasn’t on his agenda and never had been. Now the sneaky devil had crept up on him quite without his being aware of it, and there didn’t seem to be a damned thing he could do about it. The prospect of loving just one woman from now on didn’t scare him nearly as much as he’d always imagined it would. Presumably, that was because he’d found the right one.

But what of Peyton? How would this discovery affect their relationship? They’d done everything together, shared everything, for as long as he could remember. He wanted to spend his life with Fabia, but he absolutely didn’t want to lose Peyton’s close friendship. They were like brothers, except closer.

He withdrew from Fabia, still pondering the problem as he held her close and kissed her with tenderness and passion. Peyton leaned against the stall door, arms folded across his chest, one brow raised in cynical amusement as he watched them. Clyde caught his eye, and his worries evaporated.

He knows how I feel. He knows because he feels it, too.

Nothing would change other than there would now be three of them, rather than just two. Provided, of course, that Fabia felt the same way, and as soon as they’d found her sister, it was the first question they’d ask her.

“I think Peyton has something for you,” Clyde said, dropping a final kiss on her lips and reaching for a towel. “I’ll see you guys shortly.”


* * * *


Fabia glanced at Peyton—handsome, virile, and clearly ready for more action. His stance conveyed power, strength, and natural leadership, even in situations such as this when he was stark naked and sporting a massive erection. It was just the way he was. Fabia loved powerful men. Peyton and Clyde both qualified, but Peyton was the definitive alpha male. She lowered her eyes, excitement coursing through her as she waited for him to tell her what to do. Her pussy was leaking again, for goodness’ sake. What was it about these two that kept her in a constant state of readiness?

“Clean it for me,” he said, indicating his erection.

“It would be my pleasure.”

Fabia took a leaf out of Clyde’s book and didn’t head straight for the goods. Instead, she soaped a sponge and started on his broad, muscled chest. She circled his nipples, watching as they hardened and Peyton’s expression of rigorous control slipped a little. She leaned forward and lapped gently at one nipple, circling it with her tongue and nipping as hard as she dared. Peyton groaned and dug his fingers into her wet scalp.

“Do that some more, babe.”

Fabia bit harder, at the same time working the sponge across his gut. His dick was now so rigid that its tip bashed against her hand. His glorious weapon sprang from his pubic hair, pulsating, raised veins clearly visible down its length. A drop of pre-cum seeped from its head.

“Suck it,” he said, pushing her head down. “I wanna come in your sweet mouth.”

Fabia knelt before him, more than willing to do what he wanted. She grasped his huge cock by its base and teased its head with her lips, running her tongue down the slit until he groaned. He spread his legs wider so she could massage his balls, pressing the back of her head with one large hand so that she took more of him into her mouth.

“That’s it, babe. Feed on it. Feel how big it is? That’s your fault. That’s what you do to me.”

Fabia replicated the sex act with her mouth, sliding it as far down the length of his prick as she could manage, then allowing it to slip almost all the way out again. Her fingers sank gently into his swollen balls, exerting what she figured to be just the right amount of pressure. If his muttered oaths and strained expression were anything to go by, she’d got it exactly right. Her master of control was now anything but in control, and she had him at her complete mercy. Power surged through her. It was no small feat to reduce this Adonis to such a state of dependency, and she revelled in the heady euphoria she gained from that achievement.

“You’re good at this, sweetheart,” he said breathlessly. “So damned good I’m about ready to explode.”

She sucked him deeper, spurred on by his praise. Earning his gratitude was ridiculously important to her. He pumped himself into her mouth, and she gamely swallowed his huge cock so far down her throat that she almost choked.

“That’s it, babe, keep eating me. I’m gonna come for you, Fabia. Christ, keep doing it like that and I’ll cream the back of your throat.” He knocked her hand away from the base of his cock, placed his own there, and pumped. “Here is comes, darlin’,” he said on a guttural moan. “Swallow it for me. I need you to swallow deep. There’s gonna be a damned stream of it.”

He was right. She swallowed as quickly as she could, but a little sperm still slipped past her lips. It tasted salty and masculine and…Hell, doing this for him had turned her on. She wanted to be fucked again, and it was all Peyton’s fault. He’d got her all steamed up with the look of admiration in his eye as he watched her go down on him. A guy had no right to look at her that way. It made her think about things that could never be.

She needed to be careful and not let him see how she felt about him—about them both. It wasn’t just that they seemed to think highly of her, nor was it the novelty of being fucked by two dominant men at the same time. Her feelings went a hell of a lot deeper than that, which was just plain dumb. She was here to find Sonia, nothing else. Linking up with these two was an added bonus, but it was also a distraction, a habit that would be damned difficult to kick. Being distracted could mean the difference between life and death for Sonia.

“Come on, babe,” Peyton said, switching off the shower. “Let’s get you out of here before you turn into a mermaid.”

Peyton dried her off, kissing each part of her as he did so, which aroused her all over again. She threw her arms round his neck and plastered her body against his.

“Oh no you don’t!” He pushed her off and shook a finger at her. “Later. The night’s still young.”

She pouted until he kissed that pout right off her lips and tapped her butt hard with the flat of his hand. They then wandered naked back to the living room and out onto the terrace. Clyde was still naked, too, like it was no big deal. He had a bottle of wine open and waiting for them.

“It’s come back to life,” he said, waving Sonia’s phone beneath her nose once she’d settled down and made inroads into her drink. “Do you wanna take a look?”

Fabia reached for the phone with shaking hands. She ran through the list of contacts but didn’t find any names she didn’t recognize.

“No help there,” she said to the guys.

“Listen to her voice mail.”

“Okay.” She did so, playing the messages through twice. The guys waited her out in silence. “There’s a whole load from me,” she said, “and several from Anton when she didn’t turn up for work. One from an old boyfriend of hers in the UK and two brief ones from someone called Sergio.” Fabia frowned. “I have no idea who he is, but his English is heavily accented, and that’s a Russian name, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, let me hear that.”

Peyton reached for the phone and put it on speaker. He and Clyde looked at one another as they listened closely.

“She did mention to us that she’d met one of the Russian guards from the Kremlin. That could well be him.”

“What does he mean by saying he’d see her in the usual place, I wonder?” Fabia mused.

“Let’s see if we can find out.” Peyton dialled the number Sergio had called from. “It’s ringing,” he said, although since the phone was still on speaker, Fabia and Clyde could hear that for themselves.



A long pause. “Who is this?”

Peyton gestured to Fabia. “It’s Sonia’s sister.” Hope spiralled through her as she finally spoke to someone who might actually know where her sibling was. “Is she there?”


She gasped. “You know who I am? Where’s Sonia?”

“I can’t talk now. Meet me outside the tennis centre in an hour. Come alone.”

He cut the connection before she could ask any questions. Fabia glanced at her two guys, full of renewed hope and determination.

“You’re not going,” they said in unison.



“Just a damned minute.” Fabia jumped to her feet, placed her hands on her hips, and treated them both to a belligerent glare. “If you think I’m gonna miss out on the only chance I’ve had to find out more about Sonia then you’re sadly deluded.”

“Hear me out.” Peyton raised a placating hand as he stood to face her. “Of course you must go, but you’re not doing it alone.”

He was so calmly authoritative, damn him, when all she wanted to do was fight. But it was hard to fight with someone who was being so reasonable and who appeared to be thinking only of her best interests. It was harder still to fight with someone who looked as good as he did. Every time she locked gazes with him, sexy as hell and completely comfortable with his nakedness, she forgot why she was angry with him. Instead, she was reminded how the two of them had just made her body sing and her emotions soar, sending her mind on a sensual detour that had nothing to do with her sister.

This wasn’t good. She absolutely refused to cede power to anyone else—even these two overprotective autocrats—when it came to finding Sonia.

“I have to go alone,” she said in a more reasonable tone, refusing to meet his eye. Her gaze dropped lower, which only made matters worse. She hastily turned away from him, distractedly plucking a jasmine flower between her fingers. “He sounded nervous, and if he sees anyone else around, he probably won’t show.”

“We’ll make sure he doesn’t see us,” Clyde said. “We’re good at blending in. But we’re not risking losing you, and that’s final.”

“You don’t get to decide what I do.”

“Yeah, we do,” Peyton said, finality in his tone. “If you don’t agree to let us be there where we can see and hear what’s going down, then we’ll show up anyway and spook him.”

“He might be genuine—”

genuine. He knew my name. Sonia wouldn’t have told him that unless she trusted him.”

“Then why hasn’t Sonia been in touch with you?”

Fabia swiped her brow with the back of her hand and turned to face them both, angry again. “Damn it, I don’t know!”

“Exactly.” Peyton glowered at her. “There are any number of ways they could have found your name without Sonia telling them. If they know who she is, they could easily find out about her nearest and dearest.”

Fabia felt all the fight drain out of her. “I suppose.”

Peyton’s expression changed from fiercely implacable to recklessly sensual, causing Fabia’s gut to roil. His eyes softened as he reached for her and pulled her against him. She went willingly, even though she was still madder than hell at their dictatorial attitudes. Her breasts collided with the solidity of his chest, and to her shame, she felt the first stirrings of desire.


What the hell was wrong with her? She shook her head, disgusted with her lack of self-control, and tried to pull away. He didn’t seem ready to let her go, tightening his arms round her until they felt like bands of steel restricting her movement, her breathing, even her ability to think rationally. The deeply emotional expression in his eyes caused her heart to stutter and her pulse to race. He was too strong for her to escape from his arms, so she used that excuse to lean against him again, taking momentary comfort from the power and potency of his fierce protectiveness.

“If anything should happen to you,” he said, dropping a light kiss on the top of her head, “I don’t think I’d ever get over it.”

“Same goes for me. Move aside, buddy.” Clyde tapped Peyton’s bicep, and he immediately released her. Clyde then took his turn to hold her close. “We both love you, babe. There’s no getting round that, so you’d best get used to the idea.”

Fabia shook her head. They couldn’t possibly be serious. They were just saying it to make her do what they wanted and to keep their operation on track. They didn’t really care about her, or Sonia. She and her sister were expendable in the greater scheme of things.

They remained silent, sending her scorching gazes of such deep intensity as to make her ashamed of the hasty conclusion she’d drawn. No one could fake that degree of sincerity. Could they? She’d fallen headlong for the pair of them. Did they, by some miracle, really return her feelings? Fabia shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to get fanciful.

BOOK: Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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