Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     Officer Bennett stays by my side even when we
get inside the B&S building.  “I’m sure you’re busy Officer Bennett, I can
find my way there on my own.”

     “I’m sorry mam; I was given specific orders to
escort you directly to Mr. Bentini himself.”

     “I understand.”  I say no more as I continue
walking quietly by his side.  I thought he was taking me to the fifth floor
where Antonio has an office, but instead we get off on the second floor.  In
all the time I’ve worked at B&S, I’ve never been to the second floor
before.  This area of the building is totally different from any other.  It’s
very masculine –overflowing with security personnel, both uniformed and plain
clothes, tons of equipment and everything else needed to run a top notch
security firm.  Officer Bennett walks me to the reception desk.  “Ms. Fuller,
Ms. Hawkins is here to see Mr. Bentini.”   I greet Antonio’s secretary.  I’ve
never met her before, and I like that she’s a middle-aged woman wearing a
wedding ring.  “Please go right in.  Mr. Bentini is expecting you.”  Officer Bennett
walks me down a short, carpeted hallway to an office with two huge doors. 
After receiving a terse “Enter”, he opens one of the doors and ushers me

     “Ms. Hawkins, as requested, Sir.”  Officer Bennett
announces behind me, from just inside the doorway.  Without turning from the
large window he’s looking out of, Antonio thanks the officer.  “Thank you
Bennett.”  I guess that’s Officer Bennett’s cue to leave, because without
another word, he turns and exits.  Not sure how to approach
–the detached all powerful executive- I remain standing just beyond the doorway.
  As I’m waiting for him to speak to me, my eyes roam all over his brightly lit,
understated, masculine office.  After about two or three long minutes, Antonio
finally addresses me.  “It seems that part of my duties as your current lover,
is warning off your old boyfriends.  Why were you with Allen Langston?”

     He knows about Allen! 
.  I was
hoping to get that situation all wrapped up and taken care of without him
finding out.  Antonio still hasn’t turned around and his voice is low and
controlled; which tells me that he is absolutely furious. 
Damn and Double

     “It wasn’t a tryst.  We had some unresolved
matters to clear up and that’s what we were doing.”

     “What kind of unresolved matters, Tiressa?”  I
try to explain, even though I have no choice but to speak to Antonio’s back.  “Well. 
Before you and I started dating, Allen and I were contemplating a relationship…we
were in the ‘getting to know each other’ stage.  Then Derrick told me that he
was married—”

     “Have I misjudged you, Tiressa?  Do you get
involved with married men?”  

     “Have I misjudged you, Antonio?  Do you get
involved with making nasty, asinine assumptions?”  Having his words turned back
on him clearly irks him.  I watch his wide shoulders expand as he takes a deep
breath in an attempt to collect himself, before finally continuing.  “So, I ask
you again.  Why were you meeting with him?”

     “Allen wanted to show me proof that he has
been legally divorced for the last couple of weeks.  But I told him that it
doesn’t matter, since I’m now seeing someone.”  Antonio turns around and walks
over to his desk.  Although it’s obvious that he’s still mad, looking at him
with his jacket off and sleeves rolled up, I can’t help thinking about how much
I’ve missed him…missed talking to him, touching him.   After pressing some
unseen button just under his desk, I hear an almost silent click coming from
the door behind me.   “Why the hell do you keep referring to our relationship
seeing someone
?”  Antonio says in a dangerous growl as he straightens
and slowly approaches me.

     “Antonio, you know we’re more than that.  I
know we’re more than that.  But I didn’t have time to tell Allen
because my jealous lover sent one of his toy soldiers to fetch me.”  If I
hadn’t been watching Antonio’s face so closely, I would have missed the quirk
of his lips –there and gone all too soon.  Antonio keeps walking until he has me
up against the door.  I want to hold my ground, but there is no chance of that
really happening. 

     “What did I tell you that night I first took you
and marked you as mine?”   His very nearness makes it almost impossible for me
to think coherently.  Looking up into his possessive eyes, I admit to myself
that I like that he’s jealous of other men.  His claim of marking me as his, as
he presses his erection against my belly sends a quivering reaction spiraling
through my body.

     “What did I tell you Tiressa?”  He breathes
into my uplifted face a scant second before he gently assaults my mouth with firm
lips and velvet tongue.  I’m absorbed in his passion, so much so, that I barely
notice the hand at my hip, unzipping my slacks.  He breaks the kiss to remind
me.  “I told you that
is mine.”  His big hand slides into my
panties and past the light sprinkling of curly hair on my mons.  “Antonio.”  I
moan his name as I clutch at his strong arms.  “This is mine Tiressa, no other
man will have it.  No other man will have you!”  Antonio reaffirms his claim,
his nostrils flaring.  Suddenly he steps back and issues an order –low but
grating with intensity.  “Step out of your pants.”  I’m not exactly sure when Antonio
slipped my pants down over my hips, and his as well.  “No Tony.  We can’t!  Not

     “Yes we can and will.  Right here and right
now!”  When I try to pull my pants back up, Antonio grabs my around the waist
and lifts me clear off the floor, causing my heels to fall off my feet and my pants
to slip further down my legs.  It takes very little effort for my pants to be snatched
the rest of the way off and tossed to the floor.  He presses me flat against
the door using his chest to hold me in place as he holds my ass in his big
hands and forces my legs open wider.  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”  He
demands in a harsh whisper.  “No Tony!  Let me down!”  He may not give a damn,
but I’m very aware of his secretary just down the hall.  Ignoring my protests,
he continues to hold me against the door as he rips my panties off and quickly press
his massive erection against the opening of my body.  “Damnit Antonio, don’t!” 
I whisper, frightened and furious…any one of his brothers, even his parents,
can come through this very door at any time.  “Don’t worry Ti, this office is
fully insulated, no one is going to hear us.”  He says
as if it’s
supposed to make
alright.  “But, I must warn you sweetheart, if you
scream you’ll cause a scandal because I’m not going to stop no matter how many
people come running.”  He breathes into my ear as he begins slowly pushing into
my body.  “Tony, please don’t…not like this!”  I can’t believe he’s doing this…in
his office…up against the damn door, like some ten dollar hooker!  Although I’m
furious, I won’t scream rape because that’s not what this is…this is Antonio
being an angry barbarian.  I can’t stop him and if I resist, he’ll just be
rougher with me.  He may be getting his way, but I won’t give him the
satisfaction of seeing me climax on his shaft like some bitch in heat. 

     He makes love to me against the door until he
spins out of control and releases into me.  As Antonio slowly pulls out, I
can’t suppress a small groan.  He starts kissing me passionately, but I quickly
break the kiss, turning my head away.  Stepping back from the door, Antonio
lowers my feet to the floor, but keeps me in the circle of his arms, looking at
me closely, scrutinizing my every expression.    

     “Antonio, I need to get dressed.”  I say softly,
avoiding his penetrating stare as I try to move away from him to pick up my
slacks and panties off the floor.

     “Not until you look at me.”  My eyes glance
off his for an instant before I turn my head away.   “Please… I need to get
dressed.”  For whatever reason, he finally relents and I step away from him as
I slide my slacks and heels back on.  “Do you have a private restroom in
here?”  I ask quietly.  Hoping against hope that I don’t have to use another
public restroom to refresh myself.

     “Yes.” He points to the middle door along the
far right wall.  “Help yourself.”  I quickly make my way to his restroom and
lock the door.  Leaning my forehead against the cool wood, I don’t know how to
feel about what just happened, other than to be angry and hurt.  Unwilling to analyze
my confusing emotions, I decide to not think about it at all…at least not now. 
When I turn to look at the room, I’m surprised to see that it’s not a restroom,
but more like a fully-loaded bathroom with a luxurious tub and small changing
room.  Curious, I go into the changing room to find a variety of men’s shoes
and clothing and various accessories, indicating that Antonio either spends a
lot of time at work or that he likes being well-prepared.

     In less than ten minutes, I emerge from the private
bath refreshed, but feeling no less like some kind of cheap call girl.  The
first thing I notice is that the faint smell of sex is gone from the air,
replaced by a pleasant lavender potpourri scent and a fresh breeze coming in
from one of the windows that has been left ajar.  Choosing to ignore what
happened in here earlier, I take a seat at the conference table and pull one of
the note pads and ink pens close to me.

     Sitting on the corner of his desk, with
sleeves still rolled up and long legs stretched out in front of him, Antonio
appears completely composed –as if nothing untoward had just taken place only a
short time ago.  “What are you doing Tiressa…why are you sitting over there?”

     “Mrs. Bentini expects me to be able to tell
her what the security plans are for the twins’ party at the club.  You may not
care that she will be disappointed if I don’t have this information, but being
that she’s my boss, I do care.  I would appreciate your taking time out of your
busy schedule to give me the information I require.”  It doesn’t take much
intelligence to see that I am clearly pissed off.  After taking in my stiff
demeanor, Antonio exhales deeply and for the next fifteen minutes gives me an
outline of the security plans he’s in charge of providing.  Collecting my notes
and cell phone, I stand up to leave.  Antonio quickly moves to block me,
placing restraining hands on my shoulders.  “We need to talk about this.”

I need
to get back to my office.  I
have a long list of things to do, and I’ve been here far too long.”  Although
it feels like I’ve spent hours in Antonio’s office, it’s only been about forty

     He exhales another loud sigh.  “Okay.  We both
could use a little time apart right now.  I’ll come by your office before you
leave tonight.”  Bending down he gives my stiff lips a quick peck.  Suddenly a
thought strikes me and I freeze up even more –I’m going to have to take another
morning after pill. 
Damn, not again


     “Kathy, I’m finished for the day.  My brain is
fried and I’m going to head out a little early, if it’s okay with you.”  I have
no intentions of waiting around for Antonio to show up later.  As a matter of
fact, I’d rather not see him at all.  “Sure, as a matter of fact, I’ll walk out
with you.  I can be ready to leave in about five minutes.  Can you wait?”

     “Yep.  See you in five.”



     The constant ringing of my cell phone wakes me
out of a troubled sleep.  Prying my eyes open, I look over at the clock on my
bedroom wall before finally picking up the phone.  “It’s two o’clock in the
morning.  Can it wa—”

     “I know exactly what time it is.  I’m right
outside your door, let me in.”  Antonio’s voice is terse with impatience.

     “Please, Antonio, I don’t want to fight with
you.”  I plead in a strained voice.  I’m tired and sick.  Although this time
the side effects from the morning after pill are not as awful, I did throw up after
taking it.  I was too afraid to take a third pill—in less than two weeks—I
didn’t want to take the risk of something truly horrible happening to me.

     “Tiressa, come open the door.”

     “No Antonio, I don’t want to argue.  Please

     “We’re not going to argue.  I just want to
hold you.”

     “You should have
me when I was in
your office, instead of banging me against the door.”  I can’t keep the anger
out of my voice.

     “Look Tiressa, I’m not going to apologize for
what happened in my office.  You had no business with another man.”

     “I told you why I was seeing him.  I wasn’t
doing anything wrong!  But you screwing me in your office was dead-ass wrong,
Antonio!  Don’t ever do that to me again!”  I yell into the phone.

     “Don’t ever challenge my manhood again!  Which
is exactly what you do when you have secret rendezvous with other men!”

     “Antonio, do you understand that you made me
feel like a cheap trick?  Mrs. Bentini isn’t paying me to have sex with her son
in his office against the damn door or anywhere else on the premises.”

     “I’ll take you wherever and whenever I damn
well please!”

     “Leave Antonio!  I don’t want to talk to you anymore
and I sure as hell don’t want to see you!”


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