Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     “Yes, Aunt…I’m glad that I was able to get
some time off from work.  I was hoping you wouldn’t mind if I stayed for a
short visit.”  I’m pretty sure my aunt will say yes.  Her and my Uncle Joe open
their door to many relatives, year round –except when they are out of town.  “You
know that
and I would love to have you any time, Tiressa.”  I love how my
aunt pronounces my Uncle Joe’s Italian name.  “Thanks Aunt Helena.  What can I
do to help prepare for the barbeque?”  Their annual barbeque is one of the
highlight events in our family.  They really go all out.

     “There is plenty of time for that—” My aunt
begins, but then is interrupted by her daughter, my favorite cousin.  “Ti! 
Girl, I didn’t think you were coming.  I haven’t talked to you since that night
at the club.”  I lean in to hug her and whisper, “Don’t you dare say a word.”   

     “Say a word about what?”  

     “Say a word about what?”  Her brothers ask at
the same time.

     “None of your business.”

“None of your business.”
  Her brothers
mimic in tandem.  

     “You guys are jerks.”  She rolls her eyes at
them.  “Dad, the boys are bothering us.”  Danece laughingly complains to my
Uncle Joe when he saunters into the room.

     “Leave the girls alone.”  He replies and then
without missing a beat gives me a big bear hug of welcome.  “Ti, baby girl,
when did you get here?”

     “Hi Uncle Joe.”  I smile, returning his
affection.  “Just a few minutes ago…I guess I’m the first to arrive.”

     “Who’s your favorite uncle?”  My uncle asks me
this question every time he sees me. This is our
and has been
since I was a toddler.  “You are Uncle Joe.”  I respond as I always do, giving
him a big warm smile. 

“You are Uncle Joe.”
  His sons, my
twenty-something grown ass cousins, mimic at the exact same time… as they
always do if they are around to hear our exchange.

     “Danny, Raimon, stop messing with your cousin
and go help your dad in the backyard.”  My aunt lovingly reprimands them.

     “I guess that’s our cue to start setting up.” 
My uncle says as he gives my aunt a kiss, winks at us and starts walking
towards the back of the house and on out to the backyard.

    Observing my aunt, uncle and their adult
children, it suddenly occurs to me that this is an older version of me and
Antonio.  This is how our family could look…how our children could look.  We
could have a happy life…just like this.  If only…


     Just before noon, family and friends start
showing up in droves.  The house and backyard are thick with people.  My
parents, Alice and Sam, arrive shortly after one, with my beloved grandparents,
Annie and Ellis, in tow.  Actually, they are returning my grandparents to my
aunt’s home, where they have been living for the past two years.  My mom and my
aunt had a bit of a falling out back then, because my Aunt Helena and Uncle Joe
are better financially situated to care for my grandparents.  This has been one
of their bones of contention and sometimes it comes out during family
gatherings –like this one. 

     I spend hours hugging, laughing, recalling
childhood memories, and chitchatting with just about everyone…And I’m loving
it!  I haven’t seen many of my relatives in quite a while; especially since I
started working for Mrs. Bentini; even less so once I started dating Antonio. 
Now is the perfect time to just sit back, relax and enjoy the day.  Which is
exactly what I’m doing.

     Until I notice someone who looks like…  No it
can’t be!  What in the world is
doing here of all places!   Sitting
near the big oak tree in my aunt’s small garden, I see him before he sees me. 
he doing here?  How does he even know my aunt and uncle?  I
wonder if I should go find out.  Before I can make up my mind, his eyes catches
mine and he immediately starts walking over to me.

     “Good afternoon lovely lady.  This is a nice
surprise.”  Allen Langston says, with a hesitant smile, as he sits down next to

     “Hi Allen…how are you?”  I greet him, glancing
around the yard.  “What are you doing here?  How do you know my aunt and

     “Smiling into my eyes, he replies, “I’m fine.” 
But then, his expression becomes serious.  “How are you lovely lady?”

     “I’m good Allen.  How do you know my aunt and
uncle?”  I ask again.

     “I don’t know who your aunt and uncle are.  I
was invited by a friend… perhaps you know her –Tanya Bianchi?”  He asks
doubtfully.  “Oh wow, that’s my Uncle Joe’s niece.  My Uncle Joe Bianchi… this
is his and my aunt’s home.”  I say a little surprised.

     “Well, I guess it’s a small world after all.” 
Allen says, quite amused.

     “Yeah, I guess it is.”  I agree quietly.

     “Look, Tiressa, I don’t like the way we ended
things…there was no real closure…you left the park so abruptly.  You know, I
thought that prick, Derrick Matthews was the one moving in on me.  Imagine my surprise
when I started hearing rumors about you and my boss, Antonio Bentini.”  Looking
at him steadily, I refuse confirm or deny what he is obviously asking me.

     “I heard what happened at the club…you know,
between Matthews and Bentini.  Did you know that Bentini had a few words with
me about you?”  Allen stops speaking, waiting for me to say something.  “No. I
didn’t know that.”  I hesitate briefly before continuing.  “I don’t want to
know what was said.”  I say sincerely, but Allen ignores my wishes.  “Apparently,
Mr. Bentini is a very possessive man.  He made it perfectly clear that he would
come after me if I didn’t stay away from you.”

     “I don’t know what to tell you Allen…I think
it was over between us before it ever really began.”

     “Yeah, I guess so.  I wish that it wasn’t over
between us…you know that I still care for you.”


     “I know, I get it.  So, how’s
working out for you?”

     This time, I don’t bother being evasive.  “It’s
kinda complicated.”  I reply, desperately wanting to change the topic.  “How
long have you and Tanya been dating?”  He smiles, knowing that I want to change
the topic.  “Actually, I met her last weekend at a house party.”  We laugh
together, then his expression becomes solemn.  “I can’t tell you how much I
regret screwing things up with you.  If only I had told you about my divorce
before Matthews did.  I’m sorry Tiressa—”       

     “Allen…what happened, happened.  I’m not mad
about it anymore—”

     “It’s just that sometimes I think…if I had it
to do over again, I would come clean, from the start…just like you said I
should have.  If I had done things differently, then maybe you wouldn’t be with
Bentini…maybe you and I would have had a chance to work things out.”


     “I guess we live and learn, right…”

     “Right…we learn from our mistakes, if we’re

     “So…do you think we could be friends?”    

     “Allen…I would like to say yes, but I don’t
think that would be good for either of us.”

     “You’re right…you have a possessive boyfriend,
and I want to keep my job…and my legs.”

     “What do you mean keep your legs?  Did Antonio
threaten to harm you?”  I demand, a little shaken by that.

     “Let’s just say that he made himself perfectly




     “Hi, I’m Tiressa Hawkin’s boyfriend,
Antonio…she’s expecting me.”

     “Oh hey man, I’m her cousin, Ray…”  They shake

     “Nice to meet you, Ray.  Ti’s told me a lot about
your parents’ annual family barbeque.  I’m glad to be invited.”  Antonio says
at his most charming.”

     “Come on, follow me; she’s out back.”  Ray
says as they walk across the lawn to the side of the house.  “Damn man, you got
some size on you, are you a baller?”  Ray asks, eyeing Antonio’s impressive

     “Nope, just a regular business man.”  Antonio
replies chuckling.

     “Do you play ball at all?”

     “Yeah, but mostly with my brothers.”

     “Good enough.  If you think you can hang, we
could use you later when we get out on the court.”

     Laughing, Antonio takes him up on the invite.  “Yeah,
I’m up for a little exercise.”  He thinks to himself, “
I have more than a
little pent up energy I need to work off.”
  As soon as they come around the
corner of the house and enter the back yard, Antonio face turns to stone.  “There’s
Ti right over there.”  Ray says pointing to where she is sitting in his mom’s

     “What the hell is he doing here?!”  Antonio
bites out as he walks faster.  Seeing Antonio approaching her and Derrick,
Tiressa stands up, quickly stepping away from Allen. 

     “Hey Ti, look who I found out front.”

     “Thanks, Ray.”  Then turning my attention to
the irate man next to him.  “Antonio.”  I say nervously.  “It’s not what it
looks like.”

     “Not so sure I believe you, Tiressa, because
it seems that every time I turn around some man is in your face.”  Eyeing
Derrick, he grates out, “It looks like I didn’t make myself clear enough for

     “Antonio, please—”

     “There is no room in our relationship for
three.  Unless you count my baby growing in her belly.”

“Ohh shit!”
  Ray mutters under his
breath, surprised and awed by dude’s cajones in confronting another man over his
woman.  Now that he knows dude won’t hesitate to throw down, he’s even more alert
for the first sign that things may get physical.

     “Antonio!  That’s uncalled for.”  Tiressa
admonishes, stepping closer to his side.

     “Mr. Bentini, you’re mistaken.  We weren’t
doing anything but talking.  Tiressa and I are just friends.”  Allen tries to
explain the situation…keeping in mind that this is his boss and he doesn’t want
to lose his job –not when he’s got no chance of getting Tiressa.

     “Langston.  I’m speaking to you, not as your
employer, but man-to-man.  You and my lady are not now, nor will you ever be
friends.  I told you to stay away from her.”  Antonio says advancing on Allen. 
“Antonio, please… This isn’t some nightclub, this is my family’s home and you
will not embarrass me!”

     “Tiressa, stay out of this.”  He commands, keeping
his full attention on Allen.  “Mr. Langston, do we understand each other?”  Gauntlet
tossed down, Antonio waits to see if Allen is foolish enough to challenge him. 
Sending me a resigned glance, Allen concedes.  “We understand each other.” 
Then looking at a quietly staring Ray, he asks, “Do you think you can help me
find Tanya?”  Snapping out of his gawking, Ray quickly agrees, “Sure man.  I
think I saw her by the pool.”

     “Antonio, I’m telling the truth, nothing was
going on between us.”

     “I believe you.”  He says finally looking down
at me.

     “How did you find me?” 

     “Never mind that, you knew I would find you.” 
He says without one bit of doubt.  “I’ve missed you Baby.”  He whispers as he
brings me fully into his embrace.  Looking deeply into my eyes, his lips
descend to capture mine in a hungry kiss.

     “Grandma wants to know how long you’re going
to keep
here, all to yourself.”  Jerking out of Antonio’s arm, I
face a group of cousins –I’m a little embarrassed at being caught kissing in
front of everyone.  Looking around the yard, I see a hundred pair of eyes
looking back at me with varying degrees of curiosity.  Oh well, no point in
trying to avoid it…this is what you do when you have an unknown boyfriend drop
by…make the rounds and introductions.

     “Antonio, these are my cousins…Tammi, Cheryl,
and Danny… you already know Danece and Ray.  Ray, Danny and Danece are
siblings…their parents own this gorgeous house, and they are hosting this
shindig.”  My cousins converge on Antonio and eagerly welcome him to the family
gathering.  I’m guessing that Ray couldn’t wait to tell people what happened
between Antonio and Allen.  Taking Antonio’s hand we walk in the direction of
the banquet tables—there are at least a dozen of them set on the lawn about
twenty feet off from the patio.  But I notice my grandfather and dad sitting companionably
on the screened-in part of the patio.  So, we go inside for a quick visit.  Coming
to a stop in front of them, I bend low and plant a noisy kiss on my granddad’s
leathery cheek, and then move over to hug and kiss my dad.  “Ti, my girl, you
are a sight for these old eyes.  It’s been too long since I seen you last.”  I’ve
never brought a guy friend to a family event –well, not since my ex-husband.  My
granddad is the most upstanding man I know, followed closely by my dad. I’m
honored to introduce Antonio to them, but I’m not sure how to present him, so I
just say what I feel.  “Antonio, it gives me pleasure to introduce you to Mr.
Ellis Johnson, my granddad and the greatest man I know, and my father, Mr.
Samuel Hawkins, the greatest dad a girl could ever wish for.  Grandpa, Dad…this
is Antonio Bentini…he’s my
special guy
.”  They all shake hands and Antonio
is invited to take a seat.  We spend the first five or so minutes listening to
my dad and granddad talk about the bible and living a right and purposeful
life.  Then my granddad asks, “
How did you and my granddaughter
meet?”  The bible talk didn’t fool me for a minute.  I knew it wouldn’t take
them long to start asking questions.  Antonio glances down at me and then looks
at both my granddad and my dad as he answers.  “She worked as my mother’s
personal assistant.  I was attracted to her the first time I laid eyes on her
and fell in love with her two seconds after that.”  Before Antonio can say
anything more, my dad asks a question of his own.  “Love.  Now that’s a loaded
word.  It could mean several things.  This is the first time, in a very long
time, that my daughter has brought a young man home to meet the family.  Are we
to assume that this
is of a permanent nature?”  Antonio doesn’t
hesitate in his answer.  “Yes sir, my intentions are honorable, Tiressa knows full
well how I feel about her.  I want to marry her.”

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