Read Her Lycan Lover Online

Authors: Susan Arden

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Time Travel, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Paranormal, #Witches & Wizards, #Werewolf Shifter, #Horror Occult, #Paranormal Romance, #Gothic Romance

Her Lycan Lover (22 page)

BOOK: Her Lycan Lover
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“You have a laptop?” Tristen asked, looking between her and Quinn.

“Yes. It’s on the table inside the foyer.”

Quinn held up his hand. “I’ll go get it.”

“That’s okay.” She arched a brow at his steely Lycan tone. “I’ll just be a second and then it will be all yours, Tris.”

Tristen studied her for a beat. “We’ve dealt with these types of creatures from other realms. Not just Dark Fae, there are others. Required Delta forces. They aren’t progressive beings.”

“Progress?” she asked.

Quinn ran his hand down her arm to her hand, then thread his fingers between hers. “I’ve known of the Dark Fae for a long time. Every Lycan is aware of them on a first degree basis. There’s a link. Lycan’s are tied to the Fae in their bickering between the groups or courts.” Quinn smiled ruefully. “Because we were spelled by them, we always seem to get involved in their nonsense when they cross over. In one way or another. The Light Fae are more than willing to keep the Dark down. Not out of benevolence, but greed for power. I’m surprised the Light Fae have kept silent. Something must be brewing.”

“A band of savage hunters and fighters for the Sidhe,” she said. So much for urban myths.

“Some people say cursed. Seems like our clan Lycan has finally started to breathe. Truth, Quinn?” Fin jerked his head toward Quinn.

She stiffened. Was that what shifters thought of Lycans? Cursed to be connected to a spellcaster. “Lycan are from Fae and they mandated you protect casters? Seems backwards.”

“Not as in created from the universe. Wolves. We existed here on Earth and those things required help. The Light Fae were not always greedy. It was supposed to be a mutual exchange of power.” Quinn shrugged. “In the end, Lycans refused to do their exclusive bidding. And some were forced into a solitary life. Until the light of their life showed up.” Quinn took her hand, and kissed the back of it. “And my truth...yes. My lungs began working, my heart began pumping only yesterday.”

And because of her, he might be killed. She took hold of his hand, pressing the back to her cheek. Her stomach knotted from the hiked up tension in the room. They were shifters and the Fae were obviously hated creatures. She let her gaze drift over Quinn. He was some sort of wanderer. Is that why he never seemed settled at night and spoke about this dream he had in which he kept connecting to her? She swallowed, the despair swelling in her throat.

Tristen took out another spool of wire. “Enough said that they have some severe limitations.”

Quinn pulled her close to him. “Ones you can play with. They somehow got their molecular structure really screwed up. A type of allergy to minerals and a few choice elements. Probably why they’re so gung ho on acquiring unlimited access to the Earth. Now that humans perfected stem cell and mitochondria regeneration, they’re hungry to deal with their major Achilles’ heel and are buying time, knowing they can fix this disease. The king of the Dark Court has yet to appear. So far he only sends low level Fae.”

“Besides metals, what blows their top?” she asked, fingering a slender electronic looking box that resembled a cellphone. She’d never known much about the Fae other than they were to be kept out of Earth’s plane. The High Priestess was an odd bird in how she didn’t give much up on the Fae.

“Careful,” Fin said, gingerly grasping her wrist and then sliding the contraption from her fingers. “Wouldn’t want you to detonate anything just yet.”

“What are you guys making?” Sherry asked.

Tristen continued to remove items from the backpack and jerked his chin to Quinn. “His suggestions.”

“On the phone we discussed one of Fae’s flaws. Since they have no way to effectively metabolism metals, we’ve come up with some toys. They collect in them as alloy coatings on the atoms that compose their forms, resulting in an increase in body mass. Even at subatomic levels, it’s a problem. These guys can build some crazy explosives.”

Immediately, Sherry grasped the issue. “For beings that move between realms, that flaw makes it more than difficult. From where they evolve, there are limits to mass crossing over. Any mass.”

Quinn finished, “And metal adds mass. It’s why they avoid alloys. And for them, the smaller the more deadly.”

“Wait a second.” Sherry cocked her head. “Are you planning on coating them?”

“Priceless.” Tristen chuckled sardonically as he picked up a small vial containing blue powder. “This ain’t fairy dust.” He tossed it up into the air at Quinn.

“What is it?” Sherry asked when Quinn caught the airborne vial.

“A mixture of magnesium and cobalt.” Quinn held up the vial to the light. It sparkled bright blue.

“Highly flammable,” Fin muttered. “Don’t drop it.”

“Fae fear fire,” Sherry said without thinking.

“And they succumb to metal explosives. More so than any creature. It’s the raining iron ore laced debris that does them in.” Quinn set the vial down on the table.

Tristen dropped a bag of what appeared to be buckshot on the floor. “We’ll also need a container. Plastic. Cylindrical if possible.”

“Like one for soda?” she asked.

Fin nodded. “Rinse it out. No carbonation or it’s a totally different ball of wax.”

Both Tristen and Fin had medical training. Tristen in the realm of neuropsych and Fin as a field medic. What they did while in military service was sketchy. They never would come right out and say. Seated at that table, their expressions at times were masks while they worked. Their eyes dark and glittery. Killers.

Sherry excused herself and went into the kitchen. Three wolves, and they invited her into their clan. If she weren’t here, Quinn would be lonely, but he’d be safe. Surely a Lycan could find another mate. Someone like Quinn. Gorgeous, smart, and wealthy. She sighed, unwilling to believe that he should endanger himself on her account. Maybe after realizing a mate was right under his nose, he might widen his circle of trust if she wasn’t around. Being a curse was not her idea of the perfect dream come true for him or her.

She brought out drinks and set them down. “I’ll go get the laptop,” she said, moving toward the front door.

“Hold on.” Quinn was quick. He walked alongside her, his body towering over her. “I wish there was better news. At least we’ve got these guys on our side.”

“Can we talk?” she asked. “I’m sorry to drag you all into this.” She stared into his golden eyes that had lightened into the color of honey. She reached for the laptop but Quinn stopped her.

“Wait. Take a walk with me.” He opened the door for her and let her go ahead. Outside he took hold of her, pulling her up snug to him. “Don’t ever apologize. Let’s just get beyond this.”

“I hope no one else gets hurt.” The words from that hybrid Fae echoed in her mind.

“We’ll find Sonya.” He backed her up to the outside wall of the house, his hard-on pressing into her belly. He spoke in a voice, gravelly and seductive against her lips. “God, I’ve wanted to taste you. Feels like hours… years. I know we don’t have much time, but I only need a few minutes to get us there. Let me.”

The hard hammer of her heart thudded faster under is stare. “No way to resist you.”

“Need to hear you calling out my name.” Quinn captured her face between his hands and held her while he lowered his mouth, and then drove his tongue in between her lips. There was no thought to guide her. She responded by instinct. Unguarded, powerful. This longing to submit to Quinn silenced her brain. There was a sea of warm passion surrounding her, growing stronger and stronger with each sweep of his tongue. “Love, I’m going to explode. Soon. Don’t deny me.”

His voice saturated her senses, pricked her awareness, and she couldn’t understand why his words commanded something deep within her being. She stared into his eyes, caught by the glowing intensity.

Her body chimed, the feeling of a low hum filled her. “Where?” she asked in her own overflowing hunger for him.

“There’s an alcove, a small garden area.” He tugged her toward the side of the house, slamming open the garden gate. Once inside, he began lifting her skirt. His strong hands kneaded her flesh as he guided her toward a chaise lounge. He yanked up the hem over her hips.

She rotated in his grasp as he moved his hands, slipping below her panties. He touched between her legs while rubbing himself into her bottom, and she pushed back onto him, aching for him to thrust into her. She released a moan so full of need and lust it shocked her.

He tugged her panties down her legs, lifting her ankle from one side, and nearly ripping them from her body. Quinn growled, his teeth scraped at her neck, and he whispered, “You’re so lovely. Widen your stance. Bend down for me.”

No point in arguing when his hands dipped lower in between her thighs and he swiped his hot fingers across her swollen sex. The sensation had her bucking against him. He covered the back of her body encircling her waist with his arm. He bit down on her neck. A firm hold on her skin, startling her not by pain, but his domineering authority and her potent desire that it be so. “Quinn, darling,” she moaned, ready to melt. He thrust his finger into her, biting and bending her until she was at the point of shouting his name. When he released his hold on her skin, her knees were gelatin, her thighs shaking.

“Follow my lead.” He moved, repositioned himself until he was kneeling in back of her. She swallowed tightly at the touch of his strong fingers at her bottom, grazing her, stroking her intimately from front to back. She was completely vulnerable. Exposed if someone came outside.

He evoked torrent, decadent sensations deep within her belly. An uncontrollable tidal wave of lust overtook her. “Please,” she whimpered, uncaring. “More.”

Quinn dug his fingers into her flesh, pulling her legs open, and then his hot breath and the rough stubble of his beard scraped against her bottom, moving lower between her legs. His hands pulled her legs wider apart. He hooked her thigh, placing her foot on the cushion, while the other caressed her intimately. Starbursts began to explode. Her release rocketed, flooding her senses, and when he tasted her with one long languid swipe from his tongue, she cried out his name. The force he unleased was fire in her veins. A loud groan vaulted from her throat and would have been another scream of delight had she not clamped down on her lips, biting herself in the process. The pain shattered the pleasure into rays, bursting through her body.

Quinn licked her, sucking on her aching sensitive flesh, groaning her name. The rumble of his chest made her arch. “No, give yourself to me. Come for me, love.”

Her body tightened, making breathing utterly impossible. His mouth and tongue incited her to burst into a wild flame. An inferno that threatened to wipe her out. He plunged his tongue farther into her, commanding her pleasure higher with each stroke. Shimmering ecstasy rained down, threatening to carry her away. Her eyes rolled back in her head when there was no pulling away from Quinn. Her walls shattered and she gave in to him. Completely.

This was what it was like to be dominated by a Lycan. Alpha. Virile. And he took what he desired. Each lick, suck, and kiss were marks upon her body. Deeper than soul depth.

Quinn’s mouth ravaged her with a possessive intensity. She trembled, her lust full-blown, and unhinged. “Please. Let me touch you.”

“You’re driving me crazy. I’ve got to get inside you,” he snarled.

The sound of his zipper was followed by his fingers separating her folds. A loud whimper tore from her mouth, cut short when he pushed into her. Stretching her, he thrust without stopping. The stinging pain gave way to insane pleasure as he surged into her and out. Quinn encircled her waist with his arm, a ring of rock-hard muscle, and slammed into her body, lifting her hips higher, grinding into her harder. He pulled out of her so rapidly, she gasped about to cry out her frustration, but then he plunged back into her farther than before. He repeated his ability to ram himself into her with the force of raging bull.

He continued to surge into her, taking her higher, again and again, and the carnal sensations made her body burn, a glow billowing under her skin. The feel of his teeth sinking into her shoulder heightened the sensation, and she couldn’t help arching upward. The heat of his chest seared her body.

Sherry pressed back into a wall of muscle, and he pulled her close against him, whispering erotic sounds against her ear.

“Come on, love. Give it to me. One more time.” He licked her neck, bit, and sucked where he knew the point existed that unleashed her wild side. He was imbedded in her, owning her, and pressed his body down with hers unwilling to let go.

So hard he drove himself into her, going deeper that she’d imagined possible, and she silently screamed from the place he’d reached. The echo filled her and she fought the splintering climax, standing at the tip of a cliff. In another second, she’d swan dive into a sea of lustrous bliss. She dug her nails into his arms and melted, while he moved hard and fast. In that moment, she had no barriers. Only sensation and a wolf possessing her soul.

He twisted his body, moving swiftly, and came down to rest upon on the chaise longue as he pulled her over his lap. “I want to see you. The light that enters your eyes when I make you come.”

She straddled him, spent, and a smoldering mess. Her bones were liquid. His strong hands guided her as he ground her over him. His movements had him driving into her with a power that had yet to be played out. Quinn’s face tightened with his thrusts. He pushed into her faster and faster. In one final movement, he shuddered and yelled her name.

The sound of his voice struck her deeply. A howl emanated from her vocal cords as though a wolf possessed her being. This wasn’t a human utterance, but an eternal one that tore from her lips.

“We’re nearly bonded. Not much longer.”

“How? I feel like we’re joined.”

“I don’t want to stop. But you’re so tight and swollen,” he murmured, and he brought her to rest over his chest. “I’ll make love to you during the full moon and then we’ll be as one almost.”

They lay together for several moments, until the sensation broke through her carnal haze. She glanced down at her hands. There were long nails, nearly claws, in place of her French manicured finger nails.

BOOK: Her Lycan Lover
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