Her Journey (Her Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Journey (Her Series Book 2)
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what happened.” I glared at him. Turning on my heel, I grumbled to myself the whole way back through the house to my room. I slammed my door before leaning against it. I was breathing hard, my heart racing. There was something about that man that instantly pissed me off. Since I’d put distance between us, I was cooling down. It must have something to do with the raging hormones, because I’d never yelled at someone like that. Normally, I was a much calmer person. Another side effect of pregnancy? I was going with that excuse since I couldn’t think of any other reason. The why didn’t matter. What did matter was getting myself under control. That could not happen again. I had the feeling he wasn’t a man who let women yell at him and not retaliate in some way.

Kicking off my flip flops, I climbed onto the bed just as there was a knock on my door. I knew it was Ryan just by the soft knock. Taking a deep, calming breath, I called out for her to come in.

She entered, shutting the door quietly. “So…” She rocked back on her heels as she tucked her hands into her pockets. “That was Wrench. Apparently he is more of a dick than I thought.”

I patted the bed and scooted over so she could sit next to me. She sat on the foot of the bed, facing me. “It’s okay. I feel a little embarrassed I yelled at him like that.”

“Nah, he deserved it. Although, he swears he didn’t know you were pregnant at the time and he didn’t know who you were when you ran into each other. It doesn’t excuse him from having his head so far up his ass. Don’t worry, I gave him a piece of my mind too for not being nicer to a woman he’d just knocked over.” Ryan smiled proudly for a moment before giving me a sober look. “You really have to be careful. Getting upset like that can’t be good for the babies.”

“I know. I know. I need to keep calm, but it was like the instant my eyes landed on him a switch flipped and I couldn’t help it.” I played with the ends of my hair, feeling a wave of exhaustion come over me. “I’d like to take a nap. Is he going to come kill me in my sleep?” I tried to make it a joke, but failed miserably. I didn’t think he’d
do that, but from some of the stories I’d heard from Ellis, I wouldn’t be surprised if he would either.

“I doubt it. I think he found you amusing, to be honest. He’s so used to women letting him do whatever he wants that he didn’t know what to say when you yelled at him. Plus, I think he’s thrown off by you being pregnant since he hasn’t really ever been around pregnant women from what I know.” Ryan stood and smoothed the bed where she’d been sitting. “Why don’t you lie down for a while? I’ll be across the hall or in Wrench’s office working. I’ll keep my phone on so if you need me, I’ll be just a text or phone call away.”

“Thank you. I feel a bit crazy, but they say pregnancy can make you do strange things.” Saying it didn’t make me feel better. Sure, he deserved everything I yelled at him, but I could’ve not yelled the moment my eyes had landed on him. Ryan left as I snuggled down into the bed and attempted to take a nap. Too bad my overactive imagination took over every time I closed my eyes. I wasn’t sure if I was awake or sleeping or somewhere between the two.

When I opened my eyes Wrench was sitting in his office wearing in a suit, just like the way I’d seen him the first time we met. Rising from his chair, he let his jacket drop off his shoulders to the floor. His vibrant eyes locked with mine as he slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt. Biting down on my bottom lip, I was transfixed as his bare chest was slowly exposed. His chest was covered with colorful tattoos that came into view one button at a time. I knew I was asleep when a sexy as hell smile tilted his lips and he took a step towards me. His shirt dropped to the ground behind him as his hands went to his small, expensive looking belt.

Just as he was sliding the belt out of his pants, I was startled awake. My mouth was dry, my panties were wet and I was disoriented. It had been a vivid, hot as hell dream of a man I had a distaste for. He seemed different in the dream, though. Sexy, rugged —and he wanted me, that much had been clear. The asshole vibe that smacked me in the face the two times I’d been around him was gone and was replaced with hunger…for me.

Fanning my face with my hand, I got out of bed and went to the restroom. A splash of cool water on my face helped me push the dream from my head. I looked at the mirror while I was standing there. My little tummy barely showed in the dress I had on, but it was still strange to see myself with it. I’d always been fairly thin but with curvy hips thanks to great genetics.

Speaking of being pregnant, the babies were hungry. My stomach rumbled loudly again, which must’ve been what had woken me up in the first place. I hadn’t eaten since early in the morning and I hadn’t kept most of it down. Hopefully, I could hold onto whatever I ate next. With that thought, I slipped out of my sleep-wrinkled dress and put on sweat shorts and a tank top that was tight against my belly, then went to find Ryan.

I hoped she was in her room, because I didn’t think I was ready to go back to Wrench’s office. Hell, I could go the rest of my time at the house without another run-in with him and been completely content. After knocking a few times on Ryan’s door and getting no answer, I gave up and returned to my room to find my phone. I sent her a text and sat on the bed for a few moments waiting to hear back. When my stomach growled again, I decided I’d go to the kitchen on my own.

Hopefully, I could get in, get food and get out before anyone else came in.



The bitch was fucking crazy. So what? I broke her damn camera. It’s just a fucking camera. Seriously couldn’t cost that much to replace. It’d been her fault she’d been in my way to begin with anyway. Then she thinks she can just stomp her ass in here in some frilly dress and scream at me. Women are

After Ryan had told me I was a dick and threw whatever she could grab on my desk at me, which happened to be my phone, she’d left. I sat behind my desk, pulling out my bottle of whiskey; After filling my glass, I returned it to its spot. Looking through reports for the business, I sipped — some days I hated it, some days I enjoyed the challenge of making it work.

I’d always hidden what we did from Ryan. She thought we did something with women —hookers or prostitutes. That wasn’t necessarily true. We dabbled a little bit in everything illegal that we could get our hands in. Since she’d returned home from her time in the Marines, I’d been trying to get my shit clean. I’d already had the beer company by then, but I switched my focus to it and worked to make it the main source of income for the club.

Who knew a bunch of rough and rowdy bikers could actually do a decent job of making beer? Granted, it wasn’t actually my men in the brewery and bars were the ones that sold it, it was still us behind it. I had a handful of men who went around helping find new places that might be willing to sample and sell our products. It was why I got to wear the monkey suit. I hated it. It wasn’t my thing, but I also knew at some point I had to do the right thing. Ryan would never accept what we were doing and if I wanted to keep what little blood family I had left near me, I would do what I had to. Especially if there were going to be little ones around. I didn’t care about children, but I know if anything were to happen to Ryan and Dirty’s brats because of me or the club, I’d lose her forever.

Before I knew it, hours had passed, as had a couple glasses of whiskey. I pushed back from the computer and rubbed my sore eyes. Time to get food or I’d be passing out long before I was ready to. Always more work to do.

Leaving my office, I went to the kitchen. Thankfully, it was empty. I grabbed a bottle of water and a piece of pizza out of the box in the fridge. Shoving the pizza into my mouth so I could twist off the top of the water, I turned just as Melia entered the kitchen.

She was no longer in the girly dress from before. The shorts and a skin-tight tank she wore emphasized her swollen belly. When she’d walked in she didn’t see me right away. I knew the instant she did though because her back straightened and a soft groan left her lips. I set my water down and chewed my bit of pizza, watching her.

“What are you doing in here?” Melia said, glaring at me as she crossed her arms under her perky little tits. The movement only pushed them up and together, showing me more cleavage, which wasn’t half bad if you could get past her attitude.

“I live here. Maybe I should ask what the fuck you are doing here. I thought you were too afraid of everyone in the house to go out of your room without an escort.” I tried not to laugh at how ridiculous that was. Then again, I’d never been a pregnant female in a house filled with unknown men.

“I’m hungry. I was hoping I could sneak down here and get food without running into anyone. Instead, I get to deal with you.” I could hear her stomach growl from across the room and she shifted her feet restlessly.

“Get food. You are entirely too skinny anyway.” I motioned towards the fridge. I might be a dick, but I wasn’t going to let the poor girl starve.

“I’m not
skinny. Plus, it hasn’t helped that I can’t keep anything down because of this wonderful pregnancy.” She groaned as she looked in the fridge. I expected her to grab arm fulls of food. To my surprise, she grabbed a bottle of water and shut the door.

“That’s not food,” I observed out loud, leaning back against the counter. Taking another bite of my pizza, I saw what appeared to be envy cross her face while I chewed.

“Yeah, well, these kids don’t like for me to eat. Did you not just hear what I said?” She rolled her eyes and walked to the other side of the kitchen again. I got her message loud and clear; she didn’t want me near her.

“I did, but I heard your stomach as well.”

“You got any chicken broth in this place? That’s the only thing I can keep down.” She looked around. I’d guess for a pantry; which we didn’t have.

“Yeah, here.” I moved to show her the cabinets we used as a make-shift pantry since for some stupid reason the house hadn’t come with one. I pulled out a can of chicken broth and handed it to her. “Will that work?”

“Yes, thank you.” I swear I almost saw the corner of her mouth lift up, but it was gone in a flash.

“Oh, you can smile and have manners. I was beginning to think you didn’t know what those were.” I couldn’t stop the smart-ass comment before it came out of my lips.

“And I thought you had lost the asshole personality. Oh wait, can’t change the way someone is.” Melia moved away again.

“Whatever, bitch. Take your chicken broth and go back to your hidey-hole.” I flipped her off and walked out of the room. I had been trying to be nice. Maybe it was because I had a couple drinks in my system, maybe it was because seeing the bulge of her pregnant belly had made me feel sorry for her, but she’d quickly helped me remember why I needed to stay far away from her for the next few weeks until she finally got the hell out of the house. No one calls me an asshole and gets away with it. I didn’t care for the face she made to go with how she said it, either.

I flopped down onto the couch in the game room. There were a few guys playing pool and of course as soon as I was sitting, the whores that were around came to me. I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with them, but I wasn’t completely against a distraction either.

“How are you doing, sweetie?” a blonde asked, slipping onto the couch next to me. Her large fake tits were barely covered by her top. Her ass hung out of the back of her tiny skirt. I doubted she even had on panties under it. It’s how they got to stick around. If they weren’t easy, they didn’t stay. If my men wanted a woman they had to work to get in, they’d go look for it elsewhere. Why did the women stay around if they were used for sex? Who the fuck knew. Maybe they were hoping to get knocked up and become an old lady, although that rarely happened on either account.

“Hey, baby.” On my other side, a little redhead appeared wearing attire that wasn’t much different from the blonde’s. Both of them were instantly rubbing and touching me. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the couch.

“Don’t talk.” I growled. I didn’t want to hear them. Their mindless jabbering only annoyed me anyway. I didn’t actually think either of them was sexy, but they could suck me off if they needed something to do and I wouldn’t complain. I grabbed a fistful of the redhead’s hair and pulled her to me. As I slammed her mouth to mine, I motioned from the blonde to my crotch to show her what I expected from her.

My tongue assaulted the tiny redhead’s mouth. She tried to keep up, her moans getting caught in our kiss.The blonde moved quickly to my jeans, unbuttoning them to release my hard cock. As soon as it was free, she had her mouth on it, sucking it deep. Keeping my hand wrapped in the redhead’s hair, I moved my other hand over to pull up the back of the blonde’s skirt. She moved to help me have access to her pussy. Just as I expected, it was wet and I slipped a finger into her.

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